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Solfege Scale: Do Re Mi Fa So La Ti Do

Musical alphabet:

● Please draw out the following notes (don’t forget the treble clef):


● Please identify the following notes:

● Please identify the following notes and rhythms:

There are two different ways to think about the solfege. You can think about it the same way you
think about note names (are they going up? How far are they moving? If “do” is here, then one
note up is “re,” etc.). You can also write out your notes in musical alphabetical order, starting
and ending on the same note, then compare the letter names you see to the solfege you wrote.
Example: A B C D E F G A
Do Re Mi Fa So La Ti Do

● Please construct a scale starting on “C.”

Do Re Mi Fa So La Ti Do

● Please construct a scale starting on “F.”

Do Re Mi Fa So La Ti Do

● Please construct a scale starting on “G.”

Do Re Mi Fa So La Ti Do

● Please write in the solfege, note names, and rhythm for the following:

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