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Article (Complete First p.

88 activity or form of exercise)

You see this notice on your college noticeboard.
The editors of the college magazine would like contributions to the magazine on the
following subject.
A great way to keep fit.
Describe a sporting activity or form of exercise you enjoy, how you started and why you
would recommend it to other people.
The writer of the best article will receive ten tickets to the local cinema.
Write your article.

Basketball, the best team sport

Basketball has been present in my life for so many years now. My journey started when I
was fifteen years old. I had just finished doing my swimming course and didn´t know what to
do next. Thanks to a family member, I ended up in a basketball team and I´m so grateful that
I did! Even though I didn´t have any expectations, it ended up being a game changer for me.
Basketball is a team sport where each team has five players on the floor, plus six resting on
the bench. The game lasts around forty minutes and there is no possible way of ending up in
a draw, so both teams are competing right up until the last second. When I started playing I
was just a teenager who wasn´t really extrovert, but after a year of playing basketball my
personality changed and I was transformed into a more confident person. I also learned the
importance of being surrounded by people who support you and amazed by the amount of
new friendships that came out of it.
Basketball has done so many positive things for me. It meant a new chapter in my life and
provided me with so many life skills. I would definitely recommend it to anyone looking for a
fun team sport, but particularly to shy teenagers because it will help them come out of their
shell, like I did.

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