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Hornbill - Chapter 5 - The Ailing Planet: The Green Movements Role

Notice these expressions in the text. Infer their meaning from the context:

Question 1. a holistic and ecological view

Answer: a complete and comprehensive view of ecology that takes into account all species

Question 2. sustainable development

Answer: development that takes care of the present needs and ensures at the same time that there are enough
resources for the future generation

Question 3. languish
Answer: remain unnoticed

Question 4. ignominious darkness

Answer: to remain in the dark in a humiliating manner

Question 5. inter alia

Answer: among other things

Question 6. decimated
Answer: reduced drastically

Question 7. catastrophic depletion

Answer: disastrous reduction in number

Question 8. transcending concern

Answer: main anxiety or worry

The Ailing Planet: The Green Movements Role - Understanding The Text
Question 1. Locate the lines in the text that support the title ‘The Ailing Planet’.
Answer: The following lines in the text support the title, ‘The Ailing Planet’.
(a) “The earth’s vital signs reveal a patient in declining health.”
(b) “Are we to leave our successors a scorched planet of advancing deserts, impoverished landscapes,
and ailing environment”?
(c) “Severed species of life face extinction as a result of its destruction.”
(d) “the environment has deteriorated badly that it is ‘critical’ in many of the eighty-eight countries

Question 2. What does the notice ‘The world’s most dangerous animal’ at a cage in the zoo at Lusaka,
Zambia, signify?
Answer: The notice signifies that man is responsible for the depletion of resources and deterioration of the
environment on earth. This is so serious that even man’s survival is threatened.

Question 3. How are the Earth’s principal biological systems being depleted?
Answer: The Earth’s principal biological systems are being depleted by excessive use. According to Lester R
Brown, there Eire four principal biological systems of the global economic system. They are fisheries,
forests, grasslands, and croplands. They are the foundation of the global economic system. They
supply us with food and provide raw materials for industry, except minerals.
But man’s demands on these systems are reaching an unsustainable level. Over-fishing is common
because of the protein-hungry world. The tropical forests face extinction due to the demand of
firewood for cooking. Grasslands are being converted into wastelands and deserts due to over-grazing.
The pressure of the population on croplands has affected their productivity.

Question 4. Why does the author aver that the growth of the world population is one of the strongest factors
distorting the future of human society?
Answer: The growth of the world population is one of the strongest factors ‘distorting’ the future of human
society. Nani Palkhivala avers that the population explosion will pose a great threat to the future of
human society.
Overpopulation upsets all plans of development and puts a severe strain on the Earth’s principal
biological systems. This leads to poverty and unemployment, due to which development is hampered.

The Ailing Planet: The Green Movements Role Short Questions and Answers (2
Question 1. What is the significance of the Green Movement in the modern world?
Answer: The Green Movement has brought a great awareness among people. It has taught us that we are just
partners on the earth sharing this planet with other living organisms.
Having learned this, human beings worldwide have reduced the large amount of destruction being
caused on Earth. People have realized that the earth’s existence has been threatened and have begun to
do whatever was possible individually.

Question 2. What do you understand by the Green Movement?

Answer: The Green Movement was founded in 1972 in New Zealand and brought great awareness to humanity
about preserving our planet for the future. It taught us that we are only partners, having equal rights as
any other organism to live on Earth. The Green Movement has made people realize that Earth’s
existence was threatened and so they started to do whatever was possible to save it through the efforts
of each individual and each nation. They reduced a large amount of destruction that was caused to the
various economic systems on Earth.

Question 3. What shift in human perception has been seen as a result of the Green Movement?
Answer: Man’s view about the earth was earlier a mechanistic view. But now it has moved towards a holistic
and ecological view of the world. This shift in perception is revolutionary.
For the first time in human history, there is a growing worldwide consciousness that Earth itself is a
living organism, an enormous being of which we are parts. It has its own metabolic needs and vital
processes which need to be respected and preserved.

Question 4. What are the changes that have come in the perception of man? What is his holistic and
ecological view of the world?
Answer: A great transformation has come in the perception of man. Initially, man’s view was only mechanistic
in nature.
But fortunately, he has changed his outlook. He doesn’t consider this world to be a machine. There is a
growing worldwide consciousness that Earth itself is a living organism. It has its own metabolic needs.
It has some vital processes, and they need to be preserved. This holistic and ecological view is a
comprehensive view of the world with all its natural resources and species.
Question 5. Define the concept of sustainable development. How do the earth’s vital signs reveal a patient in
declining health?
Answer: Sustainable development is the development that meets the needs of the present without harming the
needs of future generations.
Earth’s vital signs give dangerous signals that it is not in good health. In most parts of the world,
fisheries have been ruined. Forests are disappearing. Grasslands and croplands are being converted into
deserts and wastelands.
Earth and its environment show all-round degradation and deterioration. Hence, these are definite signs
that Earth is like a patient in declining health.

Question 6. Why is Earth said to be an ailing planet?

Answer: Due to the insensitive exploitation of Earth’s resources by humans for their survival and development,
Earth has lost almost all its vital resources. With drying rivers, depleted and polluted environment and
deteriorated forests and greenery, Earth is having a difficult time to its survival and thus it is said to be
an ailing planet.

Question 7. What question did the First Brandt Report raise?

Answer: One of the early international commissions which dealt with the question of ecology and environment
was the Brandt Commission. The First Brandt Report raised the question, “Are we to leave our
successors a Scorched planet of advancing deserts, impoverished landscapes, and an ailing

Question 8. How are Earth’s principal biological systems important?

Answer: Mr. Lester R Brown in his thoughtful book, The Global Economic Prospect, points out that earth’s
principal biological systems are four – fisheries, forests, grasslands, and croplands. They form the
foundation of the global economic system. They supply our entire needs of food, besides providing
virtually all the raw materials for industry except minerals and petroleum-derived synthetics.

Question 9. How do fisheries, forests, grasslands, and croplands form the foundation of the global economic
Answer: Mr. Lester R Brown has pointed out that the earth’s principal biological systems, fisheries, forests,
grasslands, and croplands, form the foundation of the global economic system. In addition to supplying
our food, these four systems provide virtually all the raw materials for industry except minerals and
petroleum-derived synthetics.
Fish are a major source of proteins required for growth. In developing countries, local forests are being
cut to provide firewood for cooking. Croplands are required for growing crops that are essential for
nutrition. Grasslands provide fodder for various domesticated animals, which provide many items
consumed or used by mankind. Thus, these four form the foundation for the global economic system.

Question 10. What is the cause of the collapse of fisheries?

Answer: Fisheries have collapsed due to over-fishing. Fish are an important source of protein which is essential
for growth. With the spread of education, people all over the world have become conscious about
consuming proteins. This has led to fishermen trying to meet the demand for fish by over-fishing,
leading to the collapse of fisheries.

Question 11. What happens when the productivity of the principal biological systems gets impaired?
Answer: In large areas of the world, human claims on the principal biological systems are reaching such an
unsustainable level that their productivity is being impaired.
When this happens, fisheries collapse, forests disappear, grasslands are converted into barren
wastelands and croplands deteriorate. Thus, for example, in some places, firewood has become more
expensive than the food which is cooked by burning the firewood.

Question 12. Why and how are our grasslands being converted into barren wastelands, and croplands
Answer: One of the greatest reasons for the deterioration of these grasslands, and croplands is the growth of
population. The population has been increasing drastically. As a result, the pressure on land is
Over-grazing of animals has caused havoc to our grasslands. Due to this, grasslands are being
converted into barren wastelands. In the same way, the pressure of the population on croplands is
affecting their productivity. More mouths mean more food and hence, more pressure on croplands.

Question 13. “What goes under the pot now costs more than what goes inside it.” Explain.
Answer: This statement means that with a growing population and rapid global development, the cost of food
has touched new heights. Amazingly, the cost of cooking fuel has overtaken that of food grains, fish,
meat, and vegetables. As a result, the fuel required to cook, such as gas, firewood, and electricity, now
costs more than raw food.

Question 14. Why are tropical forests called the powerhouse of evolution?
Answer: Tropical forests are called the powerhouse of evolution because it is in the heart of tropical forests
where newer plants and animals evolve to more adaptable forms. If they are drastically reduced, as at
present, it will affect evolution as a whole and many species of plants and animals will be rendered
extinct in this process.

Question 15. What do you understand by the statement, “Forests precede mankind; deserts follow?”
Answer: Forests are one of the principal biological systems of Earth. They form the foundation of the global
economic system. It is true that if forests disappear, deserts will replace them.
Forests were in existence much before the coming of man on this planet. Local forests are disappearing
to provide firewood and timber. The world is losing 40 to 50 million acres of forests a year. If this
process continues, nothing will be left except deserts and wastelands.

Question 16. The world’s forest cover is in a pathetic state. Comment with reference to the chapter.
Answer: The world’s ancient inheritance of tropical forests is now eroding at the rate of 40 to 50 million acres a
year. The World Bank estimates that a five-fold increase in the rate of forest plantation is needed to
cope with the expected fuelwood demand after six years. James Speth, President of the World
Resources Institute, said that we are actually losing forests close to an acre-and-a-half every second.

Question 17. Explain the unusually alarming statistics about the population that the author mentions.
Answer: The author mentions that the population explosion has distorted the future of human society. Mankind
took a million years to reach the first billion. The second billion was added in just another 100 years
and the twentieth century has added 3.7 billion more. The population in 1994 was over 5.7 billion.
Every four days the population increased by one million at that time.

Question 18. What does more children mean to the poor section of people of India?
Answer: Poverty is directly caused by lack of education, as an illiterate person is unable to meet the needs of the
family properly, causing it to become poor. Having more children means having more mouths to feed
as well as more unemployment when the children grow up. It also leads to inadequate healthcare,
leading to illnesses and further poverty.

Question 19. How can the growth of the population be checked or controlled?
Answer: The growth of the population can be checked by spreading education and awareness among the
masses. The people, especially the ones below the poverty line, think that if they have more children
they will have more earning members, which is not true.
In order to stop people from thinking in this manner, development by means of education is the only
solution. This will lead to a better life among the masses and will indirectly contribute to curbing the
population explosion.

Question 20. What do you mean by the Era of Responsibility?

Answer: The author points out that this time is an ‘Era of Responsibility’ that calls for ‘seeing the world as an
integrated whole rather than a dissociated collection of parts.’ Industry plays an important role in this
responsibility. Excellence in environmental performance is required for the manufacturers to continue
their existence. Our earth belongs as much to the future generations as to us. We should soon realize
our responsibility towards our planet and should not treat it solely as our property.
The Green Movement, a part of this Era of Responsibility, has recognized the critical state in which
planet Earth is at present.

Question 21. What does Mr Edgar S Woolard mean by assuming the post of his company’s Chief
Environment Officer?
Answer: Mr. Edgar S Woolard, Chairman of Du Pont, an international manufacturer, by co-assuming the post of
the company’s Chief Environmental Officer (CEO), has become a model for the owners and
chairpersons of all industries worldwide. He implies that the chief motive of an industry is to preserve
the stability and life of Earth and profit comes afterward.
Question 22. What do you understand by this statement of Margaret Thatcher, “No generation has a freehold
on this earth? All we have is a life tenancy-with a full repairing lease.”
Answer: We understand from her statement that man has been the victim of many false illusions. In his view, he
is the lord of this world. This attitude and misdeeds of man have caused untold havoc and destruction.
He has always indulged himself in plundering natural resources.
However, man should remember that he has to hand over this planet to the coming generations. He
should not forget that he is only a trustee and not the master. It is his foremost duty to leave this earth
in good health and good shape for future generations.

Question 23. What did Mr Lester R Brown mean when he said, “We have not inherited this, Earth from our
forefathers; we have borrowed it from our children?”
Answer: Mr Lester R Brown believes that the present generation of people has no right to think that the Earth is
their property. In fact, everyone should believe that they are responsible to leave Earth for future
generations in the same condition as they found it. Mr Lester R Brown further says that human beings
have no right to misuse Earth because we are accountable to future generations.

Question 24. Justify the title of the article by Nani Palkhivala.

Answer: The title of the article by Nani Palkhivala, ‘The Ailing Planet: The Green Movement’s Role’, is totally
justified and appropriate. The earth’s vital signs are that of a patient in declining health. We have
overexploited its resources.
But the Green Movement has changed our thinking. We have started to understand that earth is also a
living organism, and we have to respect its needs.

The Ailing Planet: The Green Movements Role Long Questions and Answers (6 Marks)
Question 1. The author in his article has brought out a very important fact that we need to preserve the
planet Earth for our future generations. Do you feel that Earth is our legacy? Why/why not?
Answer: Earth is not our ancestral property. We cannot make undue claims on it. In our foolishness, we have
depleted the natural resources without realizing how it is going to affect our future generations. The
fruits that we eat today are the products of a tree that was not planted by us. We have to base our
thought process on similar lines. What we sow today, our next generation will reap in the future.
Our earth is not our legacy. In the words of Margaret Thatcher; “No generation has a freehold on this
earth. All we have is a life tenancy—with a full repairing lease.”
We should take care of the earth’s resources as borrowed wealth. We can neither overuse them nor
neglect them. We have to return them for the next generation to use without any damage and, if
possible, with further additions.
Mr. Lester R Brown has rightly said, “We have not inherited this Earth from our forefathers; we have
borrowed it from our children.”

Question 2. In spite of knowing the deplorable condition of the environment, human beings only make a
show of doing something about it. Elaborate.
Answer: The issue of indiscriminate exploitation of nature has become an essential feature of human existence.
Although sustainable development of resources is a goal for most nations, the reality is hardly so.
This uncaring behavior is manifested in practices such as deforestation, destruction of wetlands,
excessive mining for oil and mineral supplies, over-fishing, and so on. The root causes for such
practices are overpopulation, inefficiency in resource utilization, over-consumption, poverty, and
ineffective structures such as human institutions, regulatory bodies, and attitudes.

Moreover, the funds meant to help in the conservation of critically endangered species are being
siphoned off for other causes and the concerned authorities are not taking this matter seriously.

Question 3. Overpopulation not only leads to underdevelopment but also to unemployment and poverty,
which are related to one another. Support your answer with suitable arguments.
Answer: The world population is on the rise at an increasing rate. With this ever-increasing population, the
development of human civilization and the well-being of the planet seems almost next to impossible. It
is rightly said that overpopulation not only leads to underdevelopment but also to unemployment and
poverty, which are related to one another.

In fact, it is the rise in population that has posed numerous environmental problems because of the
ever-increasing demands. More and more grasslands are converted into wastelands; croplands have
lost their fertility due to over-utilization; fisheries are in a poor condition due to over-fishing; the
number of trees in forests is dwindling because of the excess need for fuelwood and other products for
human consumption. All these are in a poor state only because of the rise in population. Another
adverse effect of population rise on the environment is global warming, which also needs to be

Question 4. Why does the author call Earth ‘The Ailing Planet’? Who is responsible for its condition? In
your opinion, how can the ailing planet survive?
Answer: According to the author, the planet Earth is going through a difficult phase. Human beings are solely
responsible for the deteriorating condition of the environment, and the depletion of natural resources
leading to an imbalance in the ecology of the earth, which in turn is bound to affect our flourishing
civilization and us.

Earth’s main biological systems are adversely affected by such developments. With the rise in human
population and the ever-increasing human needs, these demands are reaching an unsustainable level.
Fisheries are being overexploited, forests are disappearing, grasslands are being converted into
wasteland and croplands are insufficient and lacking in fertility. These are referred to as ailments of
planet Earth.

The ailing planet can survive only with human intervention. A holistic approach toward the
environment and its related ecological issues is the need of the hour. In fact, it is essential to examine
the world as an integrated whole rather than a collection of parts. This, according to the author, is an
Era of Responsibility where the world is to be viewed as a complete system, which needs to be cured
of its environmental and ecological ailments.

Question 5. To protect our ailing planet there have been, from time to time, a number of movements going
on in different parts of this planet. What are some of the ways in which you can contribute
towards the conservation of our environment?
Answer: We have been aware for quite some time of remedies to protect Earth-like planting trees, using public
transportation, saving electricity, etc., which actually are sometimes practical and sometimes not.
However, there can be more innovative, better, and other small ways by which we as the youth of the
world can contribute to reducing our as well as the nation’s carbon footprint and help our planet

In today’s world, when technology is in everybody’s power, we can use it to help reduce our carbon
footprint, which will help save energy and thus help the environment. We should use either solar
cookers or heaters, which are cheap and easy to construct. We can use reusable containers for food
storage instead of wrapping food in foil or plastic wrap. We can use latex paint instead of oil-based
paint, as oil-based paint is highly toxic. Using cloth bags instead of plastic and paper bags can be of
great help. These are a few steps that can help save our ailing planet.

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