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Year 9 Drama Exam Script

Lexi:  Oluwatishefunmi Ogunmoye
Mr Will (Lexi’s Lawyer): Jude Adeleke
Lexi’s Mother: Kume Atas

Act 1 Scene 1

Lexi: (Cooks in the kitchen)

         I wonder when Jeremy will be home?  I have spent all day
preparing this food.  If he doesn’t make it home, I don’t think I can
take it anymore.  Let me give him a ring to see where he is now.
         (brings out phone and dials a number)
         Hello love, when are you going to be home?
         (Lexi stays silent)
         What?  You haven’t been home for two weeks now!  Every
day I prepare food for you and you don’t show up!  At this point I
don’t know whether I’m shocked or not. I’m done with your excuses.
         (Lexi stays silent)
      Guess what. You won’t find me here the day you  finally show
up. That’s if you ever show up. I want a divorce.
         (Packs bag and leaves house in tears)

Act 1 Scene 2

(Lexi’s Mother sits down and watches tv)

Lexi’s Mother: I wonder how my daughter is doing. I haven't spoken

to her for quite some time now. I hope she’s well and that Jeremy is
treating her well.

(Lexi knocks on Mother’s door)

Lexi’s Mother: I think I just heard someone knocking on the door.
That’s rare nowadays.

(Mother gets up to open the door)

Lexi:  Mum I just ended things with Jeremy.

          (Lexi sobs)
Lexi’s Mother: My dear, please sit down
(Lexi sits down next to Lexi’s Mother)

Lexi: I-I-I-I’m getting a divorce

Lexi’s Mother: Don’t tell me he hit you if not-

Lexi: No Mum, he didn’t hit me. I just feel like he doesn't care about
me anymore and doesn’t value our marriage one bit. In fact, I
haven’t seen him for two weeks now but he says - He just tells me
something urgent occurred. 

Lexi’s Mother: (Rubs Lexi’s back)

          It’s okay my dear. Maybe he wasn’t the right one for you.
Follow what your heart tells you. Everything happens for a reason. 
Remember that you are worth more than diamonds so never settle
to be treated as anything less than you are. If I should ever see that
Jeremy again! He will suffer.

Lexi: Thank you Mum.  You always find a way to make me feel

Lexi’s mother: Of course my dear, I want you to be happy.  If you

have any problems, remember I’m always here.

Lexi:  Also Mum, can I move back in with you for some time?

Lexi’s Mother:  Yes, Of course honey!  We have so much catching

up to do! Let’s go set up your room.
(Leave sitting room together)


Act 2 Scene 1

Lexi: (walks into lawyers office)

         Good morning Will, how have you been? It's been a while!
(hugs will)
Mr Will: Yes indeed! It's been a while. Hope you’ve been keeping
up?... How about your husband, Jere-

Lexi: That brings me to why I’m here; I want to file a divorce

Mr Will: Things didn’t work out between you and Jeremy?

Lexi: No, Will… I just can’t stand him never being there for me.  I
take my time to do things that will make him happy but what does
he do for me except give me flimsy excuses for why he’s not
        (Lexi tears up)

Mr Will: I always knew that guy was bad news. t’s not you,
remember that.  Sometimes we fall in love with the wrong people.
Some mistakes get made, it's okay. In the end it's better for you,
that’s the moral of the story.

Lexi: Thank you Will.  I’m so lucky to have a friend like you, who’s
also my lawyer.

Mr Will: Anytime Lexi… Anytime…

             (Organises documents)
             I will need some more information about you and Jeremy’s
relationship to properly file your case.

Lexi: Oh yes! Of course!

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