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Naderi, N., & Tian, Y. (2022).

Leveraging Blockchain Technology and Tokenizing Green

Assets to Fill the Green Finance Gap. Energy RESEARCH LETTERS, 3(3).

Special Issue - Role of Green Finance in Achieving Sustainability

Leveraging Blockchain Technology and Tokenizing Green Assets to

Fill the Green Finance Gap
Niki Naderi 1 , Yifeng Tian 2
1College of Economics and Management, Azad University of Tehran-North, Iran, 2 College of Design, Construction and Planning, University of Florida,
Keywords: green finance, blockchain technology, sustainability, crowdfunding, tokenization, green bonds, JEL: O13 O33 O38 Q01 Q55 Q56 Q58


Vol. 3, Issue 3, 2022

Clean energy projects have difficulties accessing finance. The transition to clean energy
and accelerating investments in green projects require a game-changing approach,
groundbreaking infrastructure, and pioneering green financing strategies. This article
discusses the potential of blockchain technology in filling the green investment gap. Use
cases related to the application of blockchain in green projects are analyzed. Blockchain
technology can provide security, transparency, auditability, and traceability and help fill
the green finance gap.

I. Introduction can mobilize and scale private capital and facilitate crowd
collaboration and retail investments in green projects by
Since the emergence of distributed ledger technologies increasing security, transparency, auditability, and trace-
(DLTs), including blockchain technology, the financial in- ability (Yoshino et al., 2021). It is imperative to understand
dustry has witnessed a revolution as they promise innov- that these investment circumstances should not be ham-
ative decentralized solutions that could improve efficiency pered by conventional financial challenges such as ineffi-
and transparency in many aspects (Centobelli et al., 2021; ciency, lack of transparency, and complex procedures.
Naderi, 2021; Zhou et al., 2022). Blockchain technology has The G20 countries are expected to provide $97 trillion
shown the potential to digitize the entire financial ecosys- by 2040 for green infrastructure improvements and sus-
tem. Integrating blockchain-enabled tokenization and fi- tainable developments (UNOPS, 2019). Even before the
nance could lead to a more green and sustainable future. To COVID-19 pandemic, sustainable investments were insuffi-
accomplish the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) set cient and much lower than the required amount. Since the
by the United Nations, new sources of finance and a broad pandemic, in the case of developing countries, the $2.5 tril-
spectrum of investors are required. Strategies on green fi- lion annual SDG financing gap is predicted to increase due
nancing must be changed, and the capability of new tech- to global economic uncertainty (OECD, 2020).
nologies needs to be taken seriously. The energy sector has severe challenges in the current
Green finance includes many financial products and ser- expedition to power the globe in the post-COVID-19 era.
vices, such as green bonds, green investment funds, carbon The main challenges include high greenhouse gas emis-
market, and energy trading, alongside initiative financial sions due to dependence on fossil fuels, difficulties in ac-
institutions, including green banks and green funds cessing finance due to the various risks associated with
(Taghizadeh-Hesary & Yoshino, 2019). Since public bud- green projects, and the lower rate of return in green energy
gets in green finance are insufficient, the market must projects compared to fossil fuel projects. The practical
change its approach to accelerate the flow of capital and adaptation of blockchain technology can address the diffi-
investments to green projects. Therefore, finance flows to culties in accessing finance, the most significant disruptor
green and sustainable investment should seize the atten- since the emergence of the Internet (Dorfleitner et al.,
tion of policymakers. Innovative financial instruments and 2021; Kowalski et al., 2021; Wang et al., 2021). Potential use
new capital sources are needed to enable green finance to cases of blockchain in green finance with an emphasis on
achieve global green targets. The importance of green fi- tokenizing green bonds will lead the market to greater ef-
nance is highlighted in the wake of the COVID-19 pan- ficiency and transparency in green investments. Tokenizing
demic, since the world is experiencing a drastic drop in new green assets and crowdfunding will involve retail investors
investments in green projects. Blockchain-based solutions

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Leveraging Blockchain Technology and Tokenizing Green Assets to Fill the Green Finance Gap

or donors in climate adaptation and sustainable finance. tive of end-to-end processes in the sector. DLTs al-
This paper aims to fill the literature gap on these issues. low entities to share high-speed, productive, tamper-
The remainder of the paper is structured as follows. Sec- proof, and transparent information on an open plat-
tion II answers the question of how blockchain can power form without the anxiety of having their confidential
green finance. Section III explains how blockchain-based and business-crucial information compromised.
firms nurture green finance. Section IV illustrates the to-
kenization of green assets and green bonds. Section V an- III. Blockchain-Based Firms Nurturing Green
alyzes the challenges of the new approaches to green fi- Finance
nance. The last section concludes the paper and provides
policy recommendations. The financial sector is quickly evolving. Many firms and
initiatives are emerging and influencing green finance and
II. How Blockchain Powers Green Finance sustainable growth, mainly providing innovative fintech so-
lutions, tokenized green bond issuance, peer-to-peer re-
Blockchain technology, as fintech, provides various so- newable energy trading, carbon credit trading, and climate
lutions for green finance and sustainable development finance through crowdfunding (Cao et al., 2021). The fol-
(Schulz & Feist, 2021). Blockchain ensures the better track- lowing are some of the prime blockchain-based initiatives
ing of green finance flows in real time. It takes sustainable analyzed in the literature that accelerate green finance and
finance to a new level through fund distribution. It also sustainable investments.
expands microfinancing and provides a matchmaking plat- Stockholm Green Fintech is a non-profit organization
form for investors and green project developers, helping conceived to strengthen green finance and investments
green investment projects become a huge success. through groundbreaking fintech solutions. High ambitions
In addition, blockchain can improve the carbon asset in green finance and sustainable investments support inno-
transaction system and provide global investors with a vations and emphasize solutions within the green fintech
seamless and frictionless transaction solution. It can also community. This independent platform stimulates, con-
make trading schemes more efficient through new ap- ceives, and promotes solutions for the green transforma-
proaches to price carbon credits and connect distributed tion of the fintech industry.
carbon markets, besides decentralizing the trade of renew- Climate Chain Coalition is an accredited observer orga-
able energies and carbon credits. The efficient use of smart nization whose commitment is to advance collaboration.
contracts in the process will also facilitate automation, It engages a multi-stakeholder group to mobilize climate
high-speed execution, traceability, and transparency. finance; facilitate networking, research, governance, and
demonstrations; and support the DLT applications and re-
A. Blockchain Solutions in Green Digital Finance lated fintech solutions to address climate change.
Project Genesis is a green bond issuance prototype
a) Reliable transaction recording: One of the first
launched by the Bank of International Settlements Inno-
reasons to incorporate blockchain technology into
vation Hub and the Hong Kong Monetary Authority. It is
the financial sector is that it bestows an efficient and
a digital platform combining DLT to tokenize assets infra-
reliable platform to carry out and record transactions
structure focused specifically on governments green bonds.
in the most authentic way possible. It enables asset
It is based on a private blockchain that offers a transparent
ownership tracking. To be precise, blockchain makes
secondary market for retail investors, so that anybody can
energy trading less complex and highly credible.
download an app and easily access safe government bonds
b) Elimination of intermediaries: The smart con-
that will develop a green project.
tract in a blockchain automatically validates transac-
Green Asset Wallet is the first blockchain platform for
tions that occur in renewable energy finance. This
validating and reporting financial impact. The platform is
avoids the need for third parties in the process. It
exclusively designed to provide transparency, efficiency,
streamlines the shared trading platform for physical
and trust in the green debt market. It bridges sustainable
and financial trading with an assorted range of re-
investors with green investment privileges through
newable energy commodities.
blockchain. By scaling the green debt supply, Green Asset
c) Regulatory reporting and compliance: At pre-
Wallet makes sustainable investments accessible for poten-
sent, regulators in the sector demand renewable en-
tial investors.
ergy trading entities to submit comprehensive data
WePower is a platform that establishes robust connec-
to identify noncompliance and other regulatory defi-
tions among energy suppliers, corporate buyers, and energy
ciencies. With the available tools and methods, gath-
producers by providing effortless green energy transac-
ering and cleaning the data are an arduous task, and
tions. With the power of blockchain, it makes energy sourc-
there is also substantial risk that the data could fall
ing as simple as online shopping. The platform provides a
into the wrong hands. To eliminate all the troubles
high degree of flexibility in signing direct energy contracts.
mentioned above, blockchain comes into play. It pro-
WePower sees blockchain and renewable energy as the next
vides the utmost transparency, immutable data, and
mighty couple of the energy market.
ideal ownership rights.
Green Digital Finance Alliance is a combined effort of
d) Global supply network: Under the current sys-
Ant Financial Services and the United Nations Environment
tem, it is impossible to have an all-inclusive perspec-
Programme to unleash the potential of the fintech sector


Leveraging Blockchain Technology and Tokenizing Green Assets to Fill the Green Finance Gap

by streamlining the requirements for sustainable develop- high-priced payments, priority access to electricity grids,
ment. The allies of pioneering financial and sustainable essential infrastructure investments, and the guaranteed
development institutions collaborate to provide timely ac- purchase of the outputs are critical reasons why the pro-
tions with scaled opportunities. jects depend on the regulatory frameworks to proceed.
Governments must develop and enact regulatory frame-
IV. Tokenizing Green Assets and Green Bonds works to make sustainable finance more efficient and trans-
parent, since this is one of the significant challenges in
Notwithstanding the significant growth in the green developing green digital finance, particularly in tokenizing
bond market, lack of transparency is one of investors’ main green assets. In addition, excessive risk taking, overseeing
concerns. Utilizing blockchain technology as a financial in- the operation of markets, fraudulent activities, and tech-
strument will streamline the process of green finance with nology-related risks are other crucial grounds for the un-
the utmost trust, transparency, cost reduction, mobiliza- certainties. The prevailing frameworks were designed with
tion, and immutable traits. Banks can list tokenized green conventional securities, and brand-new classes of renew-
assets in the primary or secondary market and make them able energies and their trading applications therefore re-
accessible to small/retail investors through a public main unclear.
blockchain exchange or a stock exchange that supports se-
curity token trading. There will be no difference in the costs VI. Conclusion and policy recommendations
for bonds on the blockchain between a $10 and a $10 mil-
lion investment, which will open up the green bond market Blockchain technology provides viable solutions to en-
to a broader investor base (HSBC & Green Digital Finance hance and stimulate sustainable investments. Though one
Alliance, 2019). part of the world likes the taste of cryptocurrencies, the
Tokenizing green assets and bonds will engage a wide tech community, on the flip side, is exceptionally motivated
range of investors in the market and make it possible to to take part in a more sustainable world that ensures trans-
involve more individuals interested in sustainable invest- parency, accountability, and a high sense of emergency.
ment. A couple of related solutions in green finance are an- Green digital finance is quickly evolving as many initiatives
alyzed in this paper, as follows. emerge and influence green finance and sustainable
Bonds as a service: Many platforms provide do-it-your- growth. However, most of them are at the early stages of de-
self (DIY) bonds, which permit the issuers to build their velopment. Still, if they are supported by appropriate regu-
own blockchain-based green bonds at reduced cost. DIY lation, they can effectively facilitate and improve green in-
bonds allow investors to build and manage their portfolios vestments, especially in the areas mentioned in this paper,
without intervention or guidance from a professional finan- such as mobilizing private green finance, tokenizing green
cial advisor (HDFC Bank, 2022). The new platforms can of- bonds, expanding the coverage of microfinancing, directing
fer these bonds via the issuance of security tokens. They private capital to the best-matched green investment pro-
help small or medium-sized enterprises or communities to jects, bringing transparency to the system and reducing un-
issue green bonds without a bank’s traditional costly ser- certainties, improving the carbon asset transaction system,
vices. supporting the tracking and reporting of carbon emissions,
Fractional asset ownership: One of the greatest use facilitating the trade of renewable energies, and enhancing
cases of tokenizing green assets is it provision of fractional financial flows.
asset ownership. Green bonds and other assets can be con- Policymakers and financial regulators should establish
verted into smaller units and owned by the investors. Amal- an international framework for applying blockchain in sus-
gamating fractional asset ownership with automated re- tainable finance, such as tokenizing green assets and issu-
porting, small investors will be able to supervise the ing green bonds, trading carbon credits and renewable en-
real-time progress of their investments. ergies in a decentralized and transparent ecosystem, and
decentralizing crowdfunding for green projects. Blockchain
V. Challenges of the new approaches to green can pave the way for initiatives in this field and bring about
finance greater certainty and acceptability for investors.
The recommendation for future studies is to run an em-
One of the main challenges in the renewable energy pirical analysis using real data to assess the effectiveness of
sector is the lack of accurate regulatory frameworks. The blockchain technology in reducing finance costs and risk in
lack of competitiveness pushes these projects to be highly the green sector.
dependent on regulations. For instance, commitments to

This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
(CCBY-SA-4.0). View this license’s legal deed at and legal code at https://cre- for more information.


Leveraging Blockchain Technology and Tokenizing Green Assets to Fill the Green Finance Gap


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