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I) A letter of application

ey success factors Co3pas% nauamennn K e a d the first dratt of an email written in response to the

conveying a positive intage of yourself without advertisement. What information does Kurt give in the
appearing armgant cdg, Kinocuzubety Geueoko.three main paragraphs?

using appropriate professional-sounding language To:

avoiding basic mistakes which will make you
look careles AUEhereand From Kurt Fischer

ESubject: Applicatlon
Dear Miss Richards,
a You see the following advertisement on a UK
world music festival website. Would you be My-name is-Kurt Fischer. I am writingto apply for the post of
steward advertised'in)the Festival UKwebsite,
interested in applying for the job? Why (not)?
l am a final year student at the University of Berlin and I am doing a
degree in physical education. I have a high level of spoken English
CI on the CEFR). lived In the United States during six months
and a
as part of an between my school
exchange programm High
school in Utah. Ihad an merican girlfrisend during this peciod but C1)
we broke up when Icame home
As you will see from my CV, I have some relevant experience
because I have worked for the last three summers helping to
I was
, organize aoftennis tournament in my town, Chemnitz.l am
tickets at the entrance used
in charge selling gate, so
to handing money and, on ocasion, having to refuse people
entry. The tournament organizer would be happy to providea ,c2)
reference. He is in fact distantly related
to my mother.ciulAy
am very enthusiasticO world music, and would welcome the TR
to be part of this event, I believe I for the
advertised of
I am a
be suitable
cheerful and
|job as, apart my experience, very
extrovert person and get on well with people. Friends describe me
Stewards required to work at Festival UK, a well
lknown world music festival event in the west of asbeing calmand pacient, and IthinkI would be able to.copeif Crbne
hadto deal with angry or difficult members of the public. I would
England from August 3rd to 7th definitely know how to look after myself if I got into a fight
attach a full CV and if you require any further information, I would
Responsibis, be happy to provide it. l would also be grateful if you could send
To ensure ihe satety and comfortof the public and to
me an information regarding acommodation during the festival.
assi_t in the running of a successful festival look forward to hearing from you.
To feduce any cowd-related problems, incduding
maintaininga state of calm to minimize any injury Yours sincerely,
To prevent unauthorized access to the ste by members Kurt Fischer
of the public

You must be aged 18 or oer on the date of the festival Improving your first draft
and be elgibie to work in the UK Check your piece of writing for correct paragraphing, mistakes
irrelevant information, over-long sentences, and language which
You must be ft andhealthy and able work
to in a
demanding atmosphere Thesobanutcuw a I H e i s in an inappropriate register.

You stould have a high level of English, and some

expenienye of dealing with the public Read the draft again and try to inmprove it.
How to apphy 1 Cross out three sentences (not including the example) which
are irrelevant or inappropriate.
Email your CV to Emma Richards Try to find and correct 12 mistakes in spelling (including
( capital letters), grainniar, and vocabulary.

wouid have given him an

d)Do you think the festival organizers
interview if he had sent his first draft?

16 Study Link MultiROM

a were in Uk nol wa lookrey fora pat-tum
o6,7 wauloi gudiy ayra to qty torths o6 2
raoluwtfes sdheel anol 7lese ma
from mune

Clyo have experene in organiing events.

thunt the's s a reat ehunee met coel mus eibrs
anel go to a cneerd nithot pyiny & eont
l l o , the weather ia hupas is tomtortable, thi'eh

ill allon me to cnyoy thu expCkCnec even mere.

6 AC Jae tha fomalcn abou hi edecation,
(the layt ével praiele at the Vnuvetig eh Berlin,
aned lhs tevet g
elopree n phuprcal edueat co) eigleik
the CEFR). l o he gave the enfoemation
(ct on

abcut hei preiouy epenel ( tennis townamepl

selleng tickets) anal ufpenences. Jn aditic he telel
bot hei y c n a l guallie
ura hs Nays ef
oLving Conteet 9rtuatars.

tir that aeesn T @i

A lot e urnieesiay intoma
lo the pesrtiat
.heel an Ameran lfteend lvuie
Penc but we brcke yp henS came
He isin fuet disfcntly teletel b my
artol pucient,
Fcends alescreke me aj bcinp edm
had b deul
Tnnk ticld ic cibe b. egpe
S ncuelet
vi1h angry cr difeeull minmlers f the puble.
tno a
eftnately kncw hctw o
lovk idter myielf if/pt

2.the Festiral vk (ebsle

Cbaericcrn flfrcand
am ene enthtinaitiC weelol muic,
wculd le suitable tor ithe j b aelveztsesl as, epurt
iral extrovert perren
am a ery checrpul
Cyeu hnll) rec rom my
a m (deng adesree

prapra m m
an) exehunge
rem ya
iolookotforhard to hearp
that festiual ogunasets halldn have
d m purl
the friut elual
gien hem an deren i he hasl jent
he cove ittor ii
abeldey illitrate and prefeuenal
hee aru elear
elear anmers to he ugu'temenh efhe
employer, tn parh tuleer for a w e petmut Cn the e .
Cllso there ho uuhul informtion abaut hew the
i t h the neaenary duties
Cmjlayee ii ghg to eepe
the cttev wont n0rk


e Look at 1-10 below. Without looking Brainstorm the content
back at the draft, can you remember a Read the job adyertjsement below and underline the information you
how Kurt expressed these ideas in a less will need to respond t6. Then make notes about
informal way? Use the bold word(s) to what personal information you think you need to include.
help you. Then look at the text again to any relevant experience or qualifications you have.
check your answers. what aspects of your personality you think would make you suitable for
the job, and how you could illustrate them.
This letter is to ask you to give me
the job as a steward. APPLY
Do you want to work for us?
Lamwriting to apply for the post Are you the right person for the job?
ofsteward. We are looking for fun, energetic, experienced people of any age to work as
2 Im in my last year at uni and l'm camp monitors at our day and residential summer camps in July and / or August.
Children are aged between 7 and 15, and take part In a wide range of sports
dojng PE. FINAL YEAR/DEGREE and activities from swimming and water sports to survival skills and cooking

erLinand}imdouny a deprex in_phiial eduaopo you enjoy working withchidren? Areyougood at working in ateam
Do you have any relevant experience or qualifications? Do you speak English
either as a first language or fluently?
3 I can speak English very well. HIGH You can earn between £200 and £300 per week (food and accommodation
hat ahuGh liit et ipoker provided). inimum contract: one month.
Enptish Interested? Send an emal, brief CV, and photo to Richard Cunningham
4 I've done this sort of job before. at

Lhcwe FOme tetcvant b Compare notes with a partner, and discuss how relevant you think each
other's information is, what you think you should leave out, and what
else you might want to include.
5 My job was to sell tickets. CHARGE
TIPS for writing a covering letter/ email to apply for a job, grant, etc.
Znls u harge sellnpp Make sure you use appropriate sentences to open the letter.
bickets Organize the main body of the letter into clear paragraphs.
Make sure you use a suitable style:
6 Td love to work at the festival.
Don't use contractions or very informal expressions.
WELCOME Use formal vocabulary where appropriate. e.g. require instead of need,
1, wuld uileane thethaine s instead of because.
The use of a conditional can often make a request sound more polite,
7 I think I'l be good at this job. eg.I would be grateful if.., I would welcome the chance to...
When you say why you think you are suitable for the job, dont over-sell
Inculd fe seuiabe forbhe yourself. Be factual and positive, but not arrogant. bbleckorliejmiAu
Make s. "e you use the appropriate phrases to close the letter.
8 If you need to know anything
r'l tell you. REQUIRE/ PROVIDDE
i egu'n angfudhur,yndo, You have decided to apply for the job advertised above. Write a covering
letter It should be approximately 250 words. npilpaO
9 Let me have some information about DRAFT your letter.
Write an introductory sentence to explain why you are wriling.
accommodatjon. GRATEFUL information.
Paragraph l:give relevant personal
2: talk about relevant experience and qualiticatiuns
suitable tor oh.
why you think you would be
Paragraph 3: explain
10 Hope to hear from you soon! Write a closing sentence.
FORWARD letter, cutting any irrekvant intormation,
and inaking sune it is the right length.
TLoa folird to fudnng EDIT the

spelling, punctuation and regisier.

rom y CHECK the letter for mistakes in grammar,
14Pa peenal infonahOin
aQc, UUca T1O, Npeuee vOYknp vilh ohelelun,

to S m , hukin ktl, coekiry shl

health statur, abikly
elevant expen enee or allf coton
Zndernshup in kunclereente in Romane aj a embier
ef AIESEC shulenb onganusatin
ikaw'eisnse- Efrc manay sin CingLIh lanyuaje
Heaclenay Ptudly UA arrd hoenpecayl jeheel bendérdard
where had eypenen ce to nenk ath ehearen arra
ther p l n A
aspeets cyan Rnala
bove theelerr -
hwte a chila aned thals ihy haii

Ypernenit in communicati n ivth é.ce

tay Jln9, SOeuüble , Cnergede

cecal peewr, mature anal toyal
2 VOCABULARY & SPEAKING describing books 3 GRAMMAR adding emphasis (1): inversion
Complete some readers' comments about books with an adjective a Match the halves to make sentences from novels
from the list.
gaxbolubuake, 1His voice waslow,but I able tu hear what was
depressing entertaining fast-moving gripping he said, though only later did I understand..
V say-going imlausible intriguing moving thought-provoking 2Never had he been so unnatural and
artificial, even with an outsider or when
A wonderful book. So mo it brought tears to my eyes! making a formal call.

3 N o t only was Venus Maria an adored and

controversial superstar,.
2 Athaght rovpliap
novel that raised many interesting questions. s 4Not until now have I been ready to confess..
5 No s0oner had one campaign come to an end..
3 Rather Eay Phad to make a real effort to finish it.

AGnmngstory. I was hooked from the very fist page. A as he was that day
(Anna Korenina by Leo Tolstoy, translated by
Constance Garnett)

5A light but Implaunbhovel, perfet for beach reading! w B what he meant.

(Girl with o Pearl Earing by Tracy Chevalier)
6 The plot was 1Nriguinpit was impossible to predict howit C that I ama writer.
would end. * (Tough Guys Don't Dance by Norman Maile

7 The characters were totally enttriaiibuldn't take any of D she was also Lucky's best girlfriend.
(Dangerous Kis by Jackie Colins)
them seriously.
E than the candidates began anticipating the next.
8 A TMO story which jumps from past to present and back (mperium by Robert Harris)
again at breakneck speed. *
b Look at the verbs after the bold adverbial
9 A well-written novel, but so pTUHIOit made me feel expressions. What is unusual about the word
almost suicidal! * order? What is the effect of putting the adverbial
expression at the beginning of the sentence?
10 A haUdigtale which stayed with me long after l'd finished
cp.143 Grammar Bank 38. Read the rules and
readingit do the exercise.

(b)Take with a partner to choose an adjective from the list and

turns d Imagine you are a novelist. Complete the
say a book or a film that you could use the adjective to deseribe. sentences in your own words using inversion
to make them as dramatic as possible
(c 34 Listen to a man talking to a friend about a book he couldn't
1 Not until the last
put down. Write down four positive adjectives he uses to moment..
describe the book. 2 Never in my life...
3 Not only... but..
(d Now talk to a partner about your reading tastes. Try to use 4 Only after the wedding..
a variety of adjectives to describe the books. 5 No sooner.. than I realized. Paulo latlo
Tell youspartner about a book.
Cle ksanaonusty , Tarns therthtnko.he thancs f- that you think would make

a good film. un Chares

that you were made to read at school and hated.
copa that you couldn't put down. essonby
ou feel yau should have reod, but you Qrer
thatyou started but couldr't finish. a e
that you have read but that you can't
remember anythin8 about. that you have bought but have never opened. Jhe guet
hdt you decided to read after seeing he i t
e vineh
Frenss Seett itzaheala
breat etsky
>luyu Buuumeeui. 1giucLnolenes Cn th neb
tp:a 6)
hill the
3he frln .Seven pcunds Slarmng Smith is

mones thaY hat eer seen Ln my 4e.

mo Irprestrve

he plot ef the Alm is very intre9Lung_ and

ehouraeten is tatther
Lupredeeotable. he maun
iti is rormal for pemon who ÁrOrCkK
6lep reyesng, but
the tnr aeitlent in nheh peple lacd. he plot
olenvnement (pesbesuA enenalnaS heavy -4gong, decarue
1s gor to enate rus crgany
the main ehareeter
ef he nmovre is rery
te other peaple hes pert
to nateh uslhat
movng anol t is dnypO1lible
1s thoccght-Pr/oke rq anol mukes
eryung. his AUm
you thenk about hot we car help other peaple
nal ho many peple Teuny neea help.
c) tast- movnp, ek eting , uemate Jeat dhwra eteos
4 PRONUNCIATION Words with 'silent' syllables
a 3 You are going to hear ten sentences. For each one, L0sTNAATEON
Write down the last wond you hear.

b Read the information box below. 1hen cross out the vowels HE IMPORTANCE Of
theloiyuanslator to obeu
ngo toreign iteroture
that are not pronounced in the words you wrote down in a.
Hagreshdefestimated. Like ghosts hovering ower the text,
Some comnon multi-syllable words in English have vowels which are these rarely mentioned linguists canround) tulytLa
otten not pronounced, eg. the midlle e in regeteble and the second o 5 e t e rthe tone and style of a book. The ddterene u
in chavnlate. When this happens the wond loses an unstresed sylable. o latgr can make to the style and tfhi ta nve
If ou pronounce these vowels, you will still be understood, but leaving e t a r fBera5D Here are two interpretations of the
them out will make your speech sound more natural, and being aware buip Upening lines to The Wind-up Bird Chronicle (1997)
of them will help you to understand these words in rapid speech.
the Japanese novelist Haruki Murakami.
30 Listen and check. Practise saying the words. Extract 1
When the phone rang I was in the kitchen,
5 READING boiling a potfal of spaghetti and whistling along
with an FM broadcast of the overture to Rossini's
a/lf you read an English novel, would you prefer to read it in the The Thining Magpie, which has to be the perfect
original version or translated into your language? Why?
music for cooking pasta
b)You are going to read an article about translation. Before you
read the article, look at the two extracts, which are different
Extract 2
translations from the Japanese of the first lines of a novel by
I'm in the kitchen cooking spaghetti when
Haruki Murakami. Answer the questions with a partner.
the woman calls. Another moment until the
1 What details do you find out in the first translation that you don't
spaghetti is done; there I am, whistling the
in the second, and
viceversa? oo0Go preludeto Rossini's La Gacca Ladra along with
2 What differences do you notice the FM radio. Perfect spaghetti cooking music
a) in tenses and vocabulary b) in the length of sentences?
3 Which translation do you prefer? Why?
The first is written by Murakami'officialy
s sanctioned
(c) Now read the whole article and answer the questions. translator, Jay Rubin, and flows eatlyand deanly.
What is the author's attitude towards translators? aeeypaLO
2 Whose translation made many readers fall in love with Murakami? Why?
3 In what way were Constance Crarnett's translations controversial?
4 What metaphor does Kornei Chukovsky use to describe her
translations? What do you think he means by it?
translate War ard
5 Why do you think Andrew Bromfield chose to

Peuce in such a different way?

at the highlighted adjectives and adverbs, and guess
the meaning of the ones you don't know, Then match them
to meanings 1-12.

1 a t , adv hardly
2 proaunilltgd deeply
arguuhy 3ni du. it could be argued
4 Vst adj. enormous
Smoodh 5 a adi, with little colour or excitement
Ovknds h. difficult to deal with
7 u t y adj. original, strange
8C adj. humble,low in status Heuks Murakami
9 oC adj. with short sharp sounds
The second, written by Atred Bimbaum, is much
10 adv. tidily neaty,
even neurotic. The fomer gained
11 ye adj lat and even Eland moretkcat)
12 autyul adj, true and accurate Murakami a wider Englishspeaking audience
however countless fans are besoted with

translation of War and Peace do you think you would

Bimbaum'suirlpstyle to them he has become
((e )Which
381hhs preferto read? Why nculel prek the tranulato m Arme a
lansta bchAhenty . kecuse thcur ttanua'ves/oL il h mat fai~hfol.
a tiaa he exait ranslathen hlhaut chaupr theplet, and iortouip
th hovu2 hentL vy veaahr hil to mehe theit on Soeneon F egeuzk
Lt'f ead u to uuapcoo, tvansiatiot, hhich flens ncu4 Ana ckanly.
5a) / wad an tngish rovel, Iprpr to vad
2tunslatal in
my it u
tanguap, a lates
cenet cna
wn time u t jok und hort aetels in entene
prubl'cations i prefes to uad n the oruganai aryua
hpe , whin haue mou Pu timi n a dlistt dll
my uiawees to Cngluh, l holl e e l
tnguh rovei
wethuut transta ticn

n the st extraet we dernf knu nho cllel. but

woman tallpd. Jhe ehttae tes g
honthu 2d we kn CW that a
auf#eunt n j e l compeyitony
the cxtra el luittrtol
Atn the Jst- the stety of the pest. don9 xnizaces
In the 2d - t ut peron narat1ve n preynt tenu. Shot
3preper the trandatotn n the s extraet I l

mee pla644 fotrng (nuutnui). ural t i t ecwer to

5. e he autho thinks that trantluttt an touly ard
have to buy tunderestoratea
Kewhe they den
ihents tleat trarsu lirs wmel menti cnrua heverer

the ei
alter the tone anol the 1tyle f
they ean

he trantabon tf kfreid biznbam madi manu

incers, t e a u n
ñe und q tly sy
3. lorstanee buchet eyplutd Vieteziar ferisibklekies
to werkh éy
the the tkes pt Toltey and Dotoyviky She meule plant setpt .
4 e eldh wtete W:ih tarstære burnett it beeme a tae, blard
seript not a votano, but, a smwth lan mcvea the chglsk munner-
vhth s o 3ay u complete detrotion the ouqirat
5. He wantecd ther beok to bt ehaper and hth g#, Ay
Cnd, becavs tielers ke that moe
I. My dlutd you daudle to k a transla tor
ave ar tie thche akaut he profeioh fthe hteypreter,
Hoy nibn anaiaOU O URnow,

You are going to listen to an interview with Beverley Johnson,
a protessional translator working in Spain. Before you listen,
think of three questions you might ask her about translating.

(b Listen to the interview. Did she answer any of the

questions you or other students came up with?

(c)Listen again.
Choose a, b, or c.

I was of reasons why Bererley decided to become a translator

a she thought teaching English was boring.
b she really enjayed the postgraduate course that she did.
she wanted to be self-employed.
2 Most people who translate novels into English..
a don't do any other kind of translation work.
b prefer translating authors who are no longer alive.
often only ever translate one particular writer.
3 She mentions the advertising slogan for Coke" as an example of..
a how difticult it is to convey humour in another language.
how you cannot always translate something word for word.
c how ditferent cultures may not have the same atitude to advertising
4 The Sound of Music was translated into German a .
a 'All dreaming together
b Tears and dreams

Constance Garnett with:lolstov and Dostovevsky 'My songs. my dreams

5 Which of these is not mentioned as a problem when translating
can also be a
RANSLATING ohföversial business. film scripts?
Constance Gamett (1861-1946) was guablSOACiaa Having enough room on the screen.
the first to brins hs,RuUSsiS, literanY giants to British DConveying.the personality of the speaker.
readers, and chùrned'6u 70 English transiations of
c Misunderstanding the actors words.
major works throughout her fifetime. She worked
ASTdby quidky, making mistakes and skipping 6 The problem with translating swear words in a ilm script is that.
Gametts they may. not have the same strength in both languages.
wwdpassaRes and phrases. Yet one of bthey may not be translatable
that she
cninmes,according tovE22 crics, to
was C you cant use taboo words in some countries.
applied Victonian semsibrlitkes works
by the likes of Tolstoy and Dostoyevsky. Komei
7 Which of these is mentioncd as one of the downsides of being
Chukovslky, commenting on Dostoyevsky's Notes a freelance translator?
fromUnderground., yyp8Mth not
Senstance camet
a tokano, but aa
a A low salary
ho o a e eancsapt: b No paid holidays.
OOplawn mowed jnn g manner which
is to say a complete distorion of the original Russian- OTime pressure
bom 8 Beverley's advice to would-be translators is to..
American poet Joseph Brodsky repaedThe
English speaking readerscan
ytell the Ospecialize
b study abroad.
diference between Tolstoy and Dostoyevsky 5 that
they aren't reading the prose of either one. Theyre do a translation course.
reading Constance Gamett

A a Does beinga transtator appeal to you as a career? Why (oot?

fordecada ihtilthe
Larissa Volokhonsky set oul to finaly piodukëathutyo WRITING
versions of the Russian masterworks in the ninedes. Yet
Choose a famous novel in your own language. preferably one
in October 2007British trenslator,Andrew Bromfields that has a dramatic beginning or ending. Transtate either the
edirion of War and Peace bieike debate wide open. first few sentences or the last lew into English.
Shortening the novel from 1267 pages to just 886, and
giving it a heppy ending his pubirsher Ecco boastedcae )Read some other students translations and see it you can
Ethat the Bromield edibon was wce as short IOUr identify the novels.
times as interesting..More peace and less war
6 he car ce ef translatr2 cin-t Afrackas me heuu
vather monoontts ans
boring norl. ho i7
lot eb tmt anol albnout all he ime ii t2
ut a j t'nteresteol in the tnteep toter COre, nd tven
hal sOrne elyc2uenee in it vte a an chtoprun
Cn Eeheational exeibh ns viihe
tiprtscntatt ves if
nonatiCnal undreruibies.

22 Which names for types of books or other reading material from B opposite would best fit
these statements?
It's by General Rogers, who led the allied forces during the recent war.
2 It's so badly written Il don't know how anyone could learn how to use the machine by reading it.
3 Irecommend it. If you want to read a typical selection of modern poets, it's excellent.
e 4 The latest issue contains a paper by Professor Susan Frith, in which she presents a new theory of
the human mind.

22 Rewrite these sentences using words or phrases from the opposite page to describe the
1 of reading.particular bopks the stor4 col stpred wadlnp it
8 he booé H a I
justeould not seem to become involved inthe story. soSopP
prooduuet ti ti 2 It's not very serious, and it's easy to read. 7"s nar
I g ane itis vather eyhtepht.
to 0 *eaa 20
9.T4Q 0oneeling 3 It's denseand very difficultto read. s Aav A akicuule
talo a b a t a b a . a k e it to bed with you, it's just right when you're settling down at night. All the time I was reading
t, just couldn't wait to get to the next page. 1t's g 0 betime retakng, nowerer 1T'S
0. 5 You find yourself wanting to read more, it's so fascinating. p u P g L a n g .
6 The book is full of useful information.
.TAR boo
THer second novel did not attract a large number of readersa eintor
very matiee)
r sesond doln t attra
novel oo a

8 This book contains some great moments of true understanding of how things are. h l o tonDe
9 It is a pleasantly interesting tale about a boy who nurses an injured bird.
10 Mena Harap's self-help book was a-eflection ofthe timeitwas written, but what was true in the
1980s doesn't necessarily apply nowadays. aheoa ob ets time

22/3 Fill the gaps in these sentences with appropriate adjectives from the opposite page,
based on the meaning in brackets.
1 The story takes place against a rather uubiousbackground in 18th-century London.
(mournful and gloomy)
2 It's full of..Wy Comedy and satire. (humour despite a bad situation)
3 The book is a S.hiAA documentation of abuse in a prison. (frightening) e
4The novel is full of .esetivS. passages dep icting life in Australia at the turn of the 19th century.
(arousing memories or images)
5 Itsa very.2 enenovel; you never really know what is happening until right at the end.
(mysterious, pùzzling)
6 The novel is a R. portrayal of life in a coal-mining community during the last economic
recession.(moving and very sad)
John Farr's latest novel is a
(very impressive, great)
8 House of the Dead is a MAc0ME story of torture and death in a medieval castle. (cruel and
9 The novel's R2RMY.LHeroine, Maria Selune, leaves home at the age of 18 and travels through
Asia. (who has the same
name as the book's title) 9
no Laisha and Asoka are the t.atogoasjn this unusual tale of rural famil life. (main characters)
224 Match the things you might find in particular kinds of boolks with an appropriate type of book.
1 a section on 'troubleshooting'/ problem-solving a encyclopedia
2 an article about waterfalls, with pictures
3 a record of a recent examination or test of a lorry c manual
4 a day-to-day record of life during a war in 1776 d logbook

22.5 Over to you

Think of a book you read and enjoyed recently. Which words from this unit describe it best?

English vocabulory in Use Advonced 51

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