Indefinite Pronouns Practice

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Choose the correct answer.

1. I would like ………………… to eat. a)anything b)something
2. He knows ……………. about it. a)something b)nothing
3. She hasn’t got ………. to do. a)something b)anything
4. They sold out………….. in the shop. a) everything b)anything
5. The boy didn’t say ………….. a)nothing b)anything
6. Is there …………amusing on TV? a)something b)anything
7. Our cat must be ……………… around here.
a)somewhere b)anywhere
8. There wasn’t occidental food ……….in China.
a)anywhere b)somewhere
9. I would like to buy …….. for my dad’s birthday.
a)anything b)something
10. The doctor did ……… to save her. a)everything b)somebody
11. You know …….. who can repaint our kitchen?
a)anybody b)somebody
12. Do you know …… who lives there? a)anyone b)someone
13. She heard …………. that scared her. a)something b)anything
14. I don’t remember ……… about that day. a)something b)anything

Fill in with an indefinite pronoun.

1. Victor is really brave! NOBODY/NOTHING scares him.
2. My family is spending their vacation SOMEWHERE in the south of
3. You did EVERYTHING you could to help me yesterday. Thanks!
4. Did she buy ANYTHING good?
5. I’m sorry but I couldn’t find the book ANYWHERE.
6. You’re mistaken! It’s NOTHING like that.
7. I’ll do EVERYTHING to pass my exams this year.
8. Neil gave me SOMETHING beautiful for my birthday.
9. OK. I’m glad that EVERYTHING is arranged for the party.
10. An awful tsunami happened SOMEWHERE in Asia.
11. There’s NOTHING you can do about it.
12. Are they living ANYWHERE in Spain right now?
13. The earthquake happened SOMEWHERE in Turkey.
14. He met SOMEONE who introduced him to the producer of the film.
15. I don’t know ANYONE who can lend the money I need.
16. Robert forgot/remember SOMETHING sad.
17. It was a bargain! The woman sold her car for NOTHING.
18. Kate showed me SOMETHING Interesting yesterday.
19.-The police can’t find the thieves ANYWHERE
20.-Roger didn’t know ANYTHING about it.

Read the story and choose the most suitable indefinite pronoun.

A strange night
That was a cold and stormy night. Everybody / anybody went to
bed earlier than usual, but I decided to stay in the living room reading my
new novel about mystery. Suddenly, something / nothing happened in
the kitchen. I heard a strange noise so I stood up and went rapidly to see
what was happening. I couldn’t see anything / nothing out of the
ordinary. Everything / something was calm and quiet. I came back to the
living room and kept on reading my book. When I opened the second
page, I heard a noise coming from the front window and saw a shadow
disappearing in the night. I looked through the window but I saw nobody /
anybody. It was really weird. Every time I tried to read my book
something / nothing inexplicable happened. Was the mysterious novel
becoming true? I examined everywhere / nowhere in the living room,
trying to find the odd thing that was producing the strange noises but I
couldn’t find anything/ nothing. Finally, I started to feel sleepy. I closed
my book and decided to go to bed and forget everything / something
about that odd night.
Use the given indefinite pronouns to complete the following

nobody – anyone – everybody - everyone – anybody

someone – everyone – no one - sometimes - everything

Almost (1) __everyone__ has heard about

Leonardo da Vinci, the painter; but
practically (2) ___nobody___ knows he was
also an Italian Renaissance polymath:
painter, sculptor, architect, musician,
mathematician, engineer, inventor,
anatomist, geologist, cartographer, botanist,
and writer. He __sometimes__(3) worked for
the Pope and the Catholic Church. I don’t
think there’s (4) ___anybody__ who hasn’t seen a da Vinci picture.
Did (5) __anyone__ know a lost painting by Leonardo da Vinci may have
been found in a Scottish farmhouse? (6) __Everything_ in the McLaren
family and the family heirloom was valuable until they had financial
difficulties and tried to sell the picture. (7)__Someone__ agreed with Fionna
McLaren and took the paining to Harry Robertson, an expert at Sotheby's;
to be studied. “(8)__Everybody__ knows a fleur-de-lys hidden within the
portrait is another typical detail of da Vinci’s work” Said one of experts who
saw it in the painting. “(9) __Anyone_ in the da Vinci school may have been
the author” commented another expert. The painting's authenticity has yet
to be solidified, but maybe the 500-year-old portrait of Madonna and child
will turn out to be a gift for (10) __everybody__ to enjoy.

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