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During the history of humanity, we can see people with amazing knowledge and
brilliant minds, but not all the people that have
an exceptional mind apply their knowledge and
audacity to contribute to creating new things,
new changes in human life, or built a big
business because of having other purposes in
minds. People with an exceptional mind have
been their knowledge to realize big feats that
have marked the history of humanity because
big consequences for humans, that ranging from economic losses, destructions, until to
arrive at causing fear to people at the moment they speak, repression to the freedom of
expression, having to look them as a God, following their rules and orders to the letters,
your life depended on your obedience and your life for them not worth nothing, the only
thing important for them is themselves. So I'm talking about the most feared and deadly
dictators in human history who only had one goal to have power at any price they were
Adolf Hitler, Rafael Leonidas Trujillo, and Iósif Stalin.

They were ubicated in a different part of the world, but joined for one objective: to
have the power and be the supreme head of his nation. Both Hitler, Trujillo, and Starlin
come from a family with a few resources and where interfamily abuse and contempt were
very present in their lives when they are children. Trujillo was born in the Dominican
Republic and his parents were poor, so he has to leather-riding, check forgery, and postal
theft to get money. Unlike Trujillo; both Starlin and Hitler has a hard childhood; Hitler was
often beaten by his father, and Stalin was mistreated by his father, for that reason Starlin
left his house together with his mother when he was a child.

Due to their difficult childhood, they created an inferiority personality and d a big
desire for power and control. They chose to enter Military school because it was the only
way to arrive at their objectives. Trujillo entry into armed forces in 1918, and due to his big
development of him he was ascended to the first lieutenant and from that moment Trujillo
started his plan for getting power. Like Trujillo, both Starlin and Hitler entry to armed
forces; Starlin while he was military he joined the Communist Party of the Soviet Union
where he realized criminals activities like robberies, looting, to work his extortion
campaign and those actions he started the way to get the power. Also, Hitler was military
and he uses his amazing talent in combat during the first war world, due to his great
participation, he was ascended to squad leader with that position he started the way to get

After having the power that being the military offered them and putting their plan
into motion, they only had one thing to do, take control of the country and take the
presidency. To achieve this objective they engaged in criminal activities and even coups;
but once in power, they would do everything to maintain it and this is where the story
begins. Both Trujillo and Stalin came to power through elections marked by criminal acts.
Trujillo used his military position to bribe, intimidate and threaten his opponents in the
elections of May 1930, in this way he managed to win the elections. while Starlin used his
military position to gain more fame and power, which allowed him to seize power in the
Soviet Union in 1924 after Lenin's death. However, Hitler with enormous power in his
hands and a gigantic fame decides to take power from Germany in 1933 through a coup.

But it was not only enough to have power, they had to inflict obedience, fear and
worship on their people. Trujillo, like the others, created his own party, the Dominican
party, and eliminated the opposition parties through persecution, assassinations,
kidnappings, torture, exiles, and threats, but not only against the opposition parties but
against anyone who was in his against. However, Trujillo longed for absolute control and
worship of his person as the most important man in the country, so he created a gang called
42 which was in charge of investigating, kidnapping, murdering, and torturing opponents of
the regime; On the other side, he promulgated laws and decrees so that all people would
worship his person, reaching the extreme that everyone had to have a photo of him in their
homes and everyone knew the famous motto, God commands in heaven and Trujillo on
earth. However, Trujillo longed for absolute control and worship of his person as the most
important man in the country, so he created a gang called 42 which was in charge of
investigating, kidnapping, murdering, and torturing opponents of the regime. On the other
side, he promulgated laws and decrees so that all people would worship his person,
reaching the extreme that everyone had to have a photo of him in their homes and everyone
knew the famous motto, God commands in heaven and Trujillo on earth. Adolf Hitler, upon
assuming power with narcissistic desires and seeing Germany again as a power, decides to
eliminate his enemies with the creation of the band Los Rojos Pardas; the same
achievement that the Germans were afraid of doing anything against him.

Another characteristic that unites them is that they were racist at an extreme level,
and it was this same racism that caused one of the most fatal misfortunes of humanity,
where the screams, panic, and pain of thousands and millions of people who lost their lives
live where it did not matter if they were children, women or the elderly, everyone paid the
price of death for their race. Trujillo carried out a huge massacre of Haitians in 1937 where
drunken soldiers took up their revolver and knives and killed around 30,000 Haitians,
leaving the sheet full of blood and lifeless bodies. Stalin did the same with the so-called
"Great flea" where they murdered around 50,000 people among Polish, German, and
Jewish nationalities. However, none of them was as racist as Hitler who carried out the
largest and unforgettable racial murder in the world that was called the Jewish Holocaust,
where around 7,000,000 people died, most of them Jews and Gypsies, regardless of
whether they were women, children or the elderly, all they were taken to their deaths,
however, the murder was so great that many Germans helped Jews to hide and in this way
save their lives.

But they also contributed to the development of their nations such as the
industrialization of their countries to the payment of the foreign debt. Trujillo wanted the
Dominican Republic to stand out from the other Caribbean countries, so he built many
companies, roads, created factories, and built buildings that are currently used as a national
palace, and thanks to his business skills he managed to be the only president of the nation to
pay the country's foreign debt. Starlin led the Soviet Union from being an agricultural
nation to being an industrialized nation with immense economic power, managed to
establish the economic and also achieved that the Soviet Union became a world power by
winning the Second World War, despite Hitler managed to take Germany from a weak
Germany destroyed by the First World War to a strong and self-confident Germany, where
the Germans realized the power they possessed and although Hitler lost the Second World
War, an impulse that today in day Germany is the economic engine of Europe due to its
great economy and also achievement ........ For something is that Angela Merkel the
German Chancellor is the most powerful woman in the world and the fifth of all people

Three people, three countries, Adolfo Hitler, Rafael Trujillo, and Iosif Starlin, three
dictators who, although they spoke very different languages, are very similar. The three
were brilliant minds with enormous intelligence and the ability for business and strategies,
that allowed each one to achieve great advances in their nation, but even more importantly
it allowed them to achieve their most desired dream to have the power and absolute control
of their However, just as they were brilliant, they were also psychopaths obsessed with
power and it was this obsession that they met for the first and last time in their lives in the
Second World War where two of them participated in a very direct way, such as Adolfo.
Hitler and Iosif Starlin and indirectly Rafael Trujillo. Furthermore, they were so similar that
even in the way they died, they had similarities like Trujillo, who was murdered; Iosif
Starlin who was left to die while suffering a stroke and Adolf Hitler who committed
suicide, three people, three tragic endings.

Today his legacy lives in the hearts of each of the people who were touched by their
governments, the mere fact of mentioning their names causes a fear and sadness that none
of the inhabitants of those nations will forget over the years. How to say Trujillo in the
Dominican Republic, Iosif Starlin in Russia or Adolfo Hitler in Germany, Europe and
America. However, their names will never be forgotten by people, since they have marked
the history of humanity with a before and after.

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