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Name: Cristian Puebla

Date: 13/09/2022
Homework #5
a. Write a review of an album (or a song) you’d recommend. Use the questions and the
model to help you.
Epic Hybrid | Nightcall feat. Dreamhour - Dead V - Vocal Version
Nightcall is the name of a new kind of music called epic hybrid. It was released on 20th July
2018. All words of the song are a combination of a great poem that tells the audience the big
problem of a loneliness and how you are when you face the problems and It song do a great job
describing that feeling. And in personal that song transmit me stamina and wishes of follow to
Al that song to me is and art, maybe is a bit depressing but it has de correct reasons because like
I said before, the artist try to manifest all feelings that we could not to say in normal words and
for me is awesome. Also, I like this song, because it teleports you to any place that you can
think about everything.

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