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Dear Students and Parents,

Welcome to start Espoon Tanssiopisto's season 2022/2023!

Autumn term lessons will start according to the time table (lukujärjestys) on Monday 15.8.2022.

Autumn term: 15.8. - 18.12.2022

Spring term: 9.1. - 28.5.2023

Nihtisilta - Liikuntatalo, Kutojantie 2 E, 02630 Espoo

Studio and the dressing rooms are in the same building as the Kilon Uimahalli (Kilo Swimming pool). Take a turn
from Kutojantie to Kutojankulma (ysi5 -petrol station). On that corner you can see the info board of Kutojantie 2 E.
Turn right at the info board and then to the left. Follow the instruction signs for Kilon Uimahalli and Liikuntatalo 2E.
Keep driving around a parking lot (180° curve) to the top. Parking lot for Kutojantie 2 E is in front of the Liikuntatalo.
From the corner of the Kilon Uimahalli entrance, there are stairs to the Liikuntatalo dressing rooms . There will be
someone from Espoon Tanssiopisto at the door helping you to find the dressing rooms and the studio.

Espoon Tanssiopisto's office is situated at Piispanportti 12 B, 02200 Espoo. Please use the B-entrance and you will
find the studios 1 - 4 on the 2nd floor. The studio 5 is situated on the first floor. There are limited parking possibilities
at Piispanportti 12. There is customer parking available on the ground level. The first 15 minutes are free of charge
for the customers of Espoon Tanssiopisto. After the 15 minutes a payment for parking is required. On the 2nd floor
parking is only allowed for ELIXIA members. In the car park there are private and very active traffic wardens, so it
pays to choose the parking place carefully. In addition you can find parking facilities in the shops and malls nearby

In August the autumn term dance lessons in basic education in arts at Espoon Tanssiopisto will start as contact
teaching. However, please note that in case needed due to the changes in the pandemic situation the teaching may
have to be arranged in alternative ways to replace the contact teaching. Espoon Tanssiopisto will follow the
guidelines of the authorities' and the Finnish National Agency for Education and will inform the families about
possible changes. You can also find updated instructions on the practices of dance lessons during the pandemic on

To attend the dance lessons in Espoon Tanssiopisto the students must be completely healthy and symptom-free.

Hands are to be washed when you arrive to Espoon Tanssiopisto's dance lessons and after the lesson as well. In
addition as usual hand-washing is needed when eating and using the lavatories.

All visits at Piispanportti and other dance premises are still to be kept as short as possible to minimize close
contacts. Students are to arrive only 10 minutes before the lessons. After the dance lessons students are to the
leave the premises without any delay. Whenever possible the dance suits should be dressed at home for example
under the outerwear which will be removed in the dressing room before the start of the dance lesson. In addition the
hair should be tied already at home.

To avoid crowds the guardians cannot stay at the premises during the dance lesson. The children will be escorted to
the lessons and picked up immediately after the lesson. At Piispanportti and other premises there are unfortunately
not large enough waiting areas available.

Starting from September, after the first lessons of the autumn term, we recommend that only children under school
age will be escorted to the indoor premises of the dance lessons.

It is very important that the families will follow actively the updated and current guidelines of Finnish Institute for
health and welfare (THL):

Time tables

The time tables for our groups can be found from the following
Registrations to all of our groups can be made on our website

Student Guide (opinto-opas)

Student guide is published only in Finnish. The student guide will be sent by e-mail to the students at the beginning
of the autumn term. In this booklet there is information of the season schedules, prices, general information of the
lessons and a description of the curriculum. Please do not hesitate to ask your teacher of the contents.

Holidays (no lessons)

Autumn vacation 17. - 23.10.2022

All Saints' Day 5.11.2022
Independence Day 6.12.2022
Christmas vacation 19.12.2022 - 8.1.2023
Winter vacation 20. - 26.2.2023
Easter 7. - 10.4.2023
May Day 1.5.2023
Ascension Day 18.5.2023


Christmas performances 27.11.2022 and 18.12.2022

Students' own choreographies 29.1.2023
March performances 1, 12.3.2023
March performances 2, 19.3.2023
Spring performances 25. - 28.5.2023

How to dress at lessons

On the first lessons you can wear a dress/suit free of choice which is suitable for dancing and exercise.

L/A 1 - 3:

Outfit suitable for dancing and exercise with no special dress code.

LT 3 - 4, LT 4 - 5 and LT 5 - 6:

Pastel coloured training suit with or without a skirt. Bare feet (no socks or shoes to avoid slipping and to learn how to
use the foot anatomically correct).

EB 6 - 7:

Pink micromeryl-leotard and white elastic band for the waist, of which there will be a joint ordering organized by the
teacher. Soft ballet shoes (not leather), colour ”powder” (puuteri) and also matching ankle socks. These are bought
according to the instructions given by the teacher.


Last season's pink micromeryl-leotard and white elastic band for the waist. For the new students, there will be a joint
ordering organized by the teacher. Soft ballet shoes (not leather), colour ”powder” (puuteri) and also matching ankle
socks. These are bought according to the instructions given by the teacher.


Turquoise leotard, of which there will be a joint ordering organized by the teacher. In addition the white elastic band
for the waist can be obtained from the teacher. Soft ballet shoes (not leather), colour ”powder” (puuteri) and also
matching ankle socks. These are bought according the instructions given by the teacher.


Last season's turquoise leotard. For the new students, there will be a joint ordering organized by the teacher. In
addition the white elastic band for the waist can be obtained from the teacher. Soft ballet shoes (not leather), colour
”powder” (puuteri) and also matching ankle socks. These are bought according the instruction given by the teacher.
On B1-classes the cotton ribbons same coloured as the ballet shoes will be sewn to the shoes according to the
teacher's instructions.

Nyky 1:

Last season's turquoise leotard. For the new students, there will be a joint ordering organized by the teacher. Black
leggings, bare feet and socks, which are to be bought according to the teachers instructions.

Pojat/Boys 4-6:

Long, well-fitting and stretching pants, white t-shirt, bare feet.

Pojat/Boys 6-9:

Black bike shorts, t-shirt to be decided with the teacher, bare feet.

Avoin opetus/Adults:

Outfit suitable for dancing with no special dress code. Further instructions from the teacher.

Jatkoluokat/Continuing classes:

For the continuing classes there will be a joint ordering for each group for their leotards, skirts, tops or t-shirts. Other
accessories will be bought according to the teacher's instructions. In addition the elastic band for the waist and
cotton ribbons for the ballet shoes can be purchased from the teacher.

In ballet soft ballet shoes (not leather), colour ”powder” (puuteri), and cotton ribbons are used starting from level 1,
elastic waist band, powder coloured ankle socks until level 2 and powder coloured ballet tights starting from level 3.
Pointe shoes are used from the Ballet level 2 (B2). We will send further information on purchasing the pointe shoes.

Black leggings will be used in contemporary dance. In jazz dance Bloch Slipstream jazz dance shoes are bought
according to the instructions of the teachers. In case the student has narrow feet Merlet Gary jazz shoes with laces
can be purchased from Piruetti or Capezio U458 Suede Sole jazz dance shoes from Footlight.

Tap dance and character shoes are bought according to the instructions of the teachers.

In all groups the student's hair is to be tied. In ballet classes the students wear their hair in a bun.

You will receive further information on how to dress at lessons from your teacher on the first lessons.

You can show your Espoon Tanssiopisto student card when shopping for the new outfit. You will get a 10 %
discount when shopping in Piruetti (Helsinki, Forum) and Footlight stores (Helsinki, Yrjönkatu 25 or Leppävaara,
Galleria). The card is valid until 31.8.2022. New student cards will be handed out in September.

Please remember to mark your child's name on all clothes and shoes!

Please note that between the lessons there is unfortunately a limited time for the teachers to answer your questions,
but you can contact your teacher by e-mail


We will send all our bulletins by e-mail to the e-mail addresses given with the registrations. Please also check
regularly your junk mail and advertisement folders in your e-mail as some of the email services may automatically
direct our e-mails into these folders. Please add our sending
addresses and to your email's
address book and so-called safe senders list.

Our web-site address is Some of the most important student bulletins can also be
found on our web-site's extranet section. Please log into extranet site at to read the
published bulletins. The user name (käyttäjätunnus): oppilas. Password (salasana): tanssi.

You have registered for the whole year 2022/2023. A new registration for the spring term is not needed. Please
make the payment for the autumn term invoice by the due date. The invoices for the autumn term will be sent when
the autumn term starts. After the first payment reminder the collection will be handled by Suomen Laatuperintä Oy.
We will send you another invoice for the spring term by e-mail in January.

Pro Bono students

The Pro Bono student status can be applied from Espoon Tanssiopisto if the family's annual incomes are less than
34 000 euros. The status can be applied once per year by the annual due date and is only available for the basic
education students in the arts. Other applications during the rest of the year will not be considered. The Pro Bono
students will be chosen in the board's meeting in September. Please note that there can only be a limited number of
Pro Bono students per year.

The Pro Bono status application forms 2022/2023 can be ordered from the e-mail
address The applications must be at Espoon Tanssiopisto's office by 5.9.2022 at

For further information please contact

Cancellation and cancellation terms

If you decide after all not to participate in your lesson, please inform us by e-mail to the
address as soon as possible. According to our cancellation terms you can cancel your
registration by 29.8.2022 without a charge if you have registered before the autumn term starts. Please study
carefully our cancellation terms on the confirmation email of your registration or


Please make sure that your child has an own insurance that covers dancing as a hobby. Espoon Tanssiopisto's
insurances do not cover any student injuries etc.

Flea market

The flea market shelf in Piispanportti for the students' used leotards and shoes will not be in use during the season

Espoon Tanssiopiston kannatusyhdistys ry

Espoon Tanssiopiston kannatusyhdistys ry is an association with a purpose of maintaining and promoting dance as
an art in our city of Espoo. Annual membership fee is 10 e (year 2022). If you are interested in supporting our goals
and you are an adult (e.g. parent or any other close relative/friend for our student), please apply for a membership
by sending an e-mail to the address

Welcome to dance and enjoy your classes!

Taina Huovila-Währn

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