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Growth and Learning Sector COMPREHENSIVE SCHOOL

Finnish Basic Education Unit School year 2023-2024

Enrolling in the 1st grade of comprehensive school takes place between 10th and 20th January, 2023.

Familiarize yourself with the instructions and principles of pupil admission at before filling in this form.

Submit this form by 20 January 2023 at the latest to the following address: the Finnish Basic Education Unit, Secretary of Student Affairs
Sara Raitala, P.O. Box 31, FI-02070 CITY OF ESPOO or by email ( Ensure that separate attachments or statements are
submitted by the deadline (dates specified later in this form and at Applications, attachments or statements
delivered after the deadline will not be considered!

In addition to this form, fill in the form ‘Information about the new pupil’ ( by 20 January 2023 at the latest. The
information provided on the form in question will not affect your child's local school assignment or pupil admission.

1 Last name First names Personal identity code

Home address Postcode and city/town
2 Last name First names Telephone (daytime)
Home address (if not shared with the child) Postcode and city/town
E-mail address
Last name First names Telephone (daytime)
Home address (if not shared with the child) Postcode and city/town
E-mail address
3 Please check one of the following enrolment types (a, b or c):
ENROLMENT a) The child is enrolling for basic education organised by the City of Espoo (Finnish Basic Education Unit).
INFORMATION Choose one or more of the following options:
The child is applying to a local school. Fill in section 4 of the form.
The child is applying for inclusive preparatory education. Fill in section 4 of the form.
The child is applying for bilingual education (Finnish-English), Swedish-language immersion
education, English-language education or Montessori education. Fill in section 5 of the form.
The child is applying for a special support decision. Fill in section 4 of the form.
The child is applying for a permission to start basic education one year before the statutory age (one
year earlier than normal). Fill in section 4, 5 or 6 of the form.
The child is applying for a permission to start basic education one year after the statutory age (one
year later than normal). Fill in section 4 of the form in case the permission is not granted.
The child is applying for education with another education provider (e.g. a private school or school in
another municipality). Fill in section 6 of the form.

b) The child is enrolling for Swedish-language basic education organised by the City of Espoo (Swedish Education
and Cultural Services Unit). The City of Espoo will assign a local school for the child. Please contact

c) The child is not enrolling for basic education organised by the City of Espoo (Finnish Basic Education Unit). The
City of Espoo will not assign a local school for the child. Please indicate a reason below.
The child is moving to another municipality.
The child will be homeschooled. Submit a written notification to:

Growth and Learning Sector COMPREHENSIVE SCHOOL
Finnish Basic Education Unit School year 2023-2024

4 A local school will be assigned according to the catchment area in which the child lives. The catchment areas are as follows:
ENROLLING IN A Espoonlahti, Central and Northern Espoo, Eastern Leppävaara, Western Leppävaara, Matinkylä-Olari and Tapiola.
(Basic Education,
Section 6) If a health-related or other significant reason or a sibling basis is to be taken into consideration in assigning a local school to the
child, please specify them below. If desired, also state your local school preference. If your child will be moving before the
Local school
beginning of the 2023-2024 school year, please provide the new address and exact date of moving in section 7.
principles and 4.1. Health reason or other significant reason
catchment areas,
visit The child has a health reason or other significant reason that must be considered in local school assignment.
> Local and
secondary school Submit a psychological/medical report or other statement indicating the reason by 10 February 2023 at the latest to the
following address: the Finnish Basic Education Unit, Administrative Services, school admission statements, P.O. Box 31,
FI-02070 CITY OF ESPOO. Statements delivered after the deadline will not be considered!

4.2. Sibling basis

At the time when the decision is made, the child’s older sister/brother who lives in the same address, attends a local
school assigned by Espoo City and the desire is that the child can attend the same school.

Personal identity code of the sister/brother:      

The sibling basis stated on the form will be reviewed by the Finnish Basic Education Unit.

The sibling basis is not applied if, at the time of the decision, the older sister or brother
- attends thehighest grade in a local school
- has been admitted to a secondary school, Weighted-curriculumeducation, English-language education, Bilingual
education (Finnish-English), Swedish-languageimmersion education
- studies in a preparatory education group/temporary education group for immigrants
- studies in a special education class.

The sibling basis is also not applied if it results in extra school transport costs for Espoo city or the sibling in question is
living in different address.

4.3. Local school preference

Name of the school:      

The school indicated above must be located in the catchment area based on the child’s home address. It is possible to
state only one school preference. Stating a local school preference does not mean applying to that school. Local school
preference will be considered where possible.

Growth and Learning Sector COMPREHENSIVE SCHOOL
Finnish Basic Education Unit School year 2023-2024

5 Instead of applying to a local school, the child may apply for Bilingual education (Finnish-English), Swedish-language immersion
APPLYING FOR education, English-language education or Montessori education. If a child applies for these forms of education, a local school is
WEIHGTED- assigned only if the child is not admitted to the education he/she applied. Section 4 of this form is advised to be filled for this
purpose. The information in section 4 will be valid only if the child is assigned to a local school.
(Basic Education,
Section 28) 5.1. Application preferences

examination dates,
Please select the form of education/schools in order of priority (1=primary preference, 2=secondary preference, etc.) and fill
application in any other necessary sections for additional information when applicable. Applicants may only apply for a maximum of four forms
instructions and of education or schools. The indicated application order is binding. Applicants submitting their applications by the given deadline
principles of pupil (10-20 Jan, 2023) will receive a personal invitation for entrance examinations at the email address provided by the guardian in
admission, visit section 2 of this form.
> Weighted- Swedish language immersion education
education    Päivänkehrä School    Soukka School    Westendinpuisto School

Bilingual education (Finnish-English)

   Jalavapuisto School    Kilonpuisto School    Kuitinmäki School    Niittykumpu School
The child’s older sister/brother is admitted as a pupil in bilingual education other than in the highest grade at the moment
a decision is issued.

English-language education
   Espoo International School, Opinmäki Campus    Espoo International School, Kivimies
The child takes the test of linguistic capabilities in English in Finnish
NOTE! If the child also applies for Bilingual education (Finnish-English) or Swedish-language immersion education, the
test must be taken in Finnish.

Montessori education (no entrance examination)

   Niittykumpu School    Ruusutorppa School
The child has participated in Montessori education at a day care centre.
Name of the day care centre:      
The child’s older sister/brother is a pupil in a Montessori class at the moment a decision is issued.

Children admitted to English-language education, Bilingual education (Finnish-English), Swedish-language immersion education or
Montessori education are not entitled to school transport subsidy, and the younger sisters or brothers of the child are not entitled to
be admitted to the same school when applying to a local school.
6 A child residing in Espoo may apply for a private school or school in another municipality as non-resident applicants. In order to
APPLYING FOR A apply for these schools, it is required to complete a separate application form for the other school/municipality.
EDUCATION Indicate below if your child is applying for a private school or a school in another municipality. If he/she is admitted to the school
PROVIDER he/she applies, you are responsible for arranging the school transport and covering any travel costs incurred.
(Basic education
Act, Section 28)
The child is applying to a private school or a school in another municipality.
School’s name and municipality:      

Espoo city will assign a local school for the child in case he/she is not admitted to the school. It is advised to fill in the section 4 on
the form for this purpose.

Please contact the school or municipality in question for more detailed application instructions.

Growth and Learning Sector COMPREHENSIVE SCHOOL
Finnish Basic Education Unit School year 2023-2024

7 A local school will be assigned for the child on 26 April, 2023. However, it possible to assign a local school based on the new
MOVING address if the pupil moves by 1 August, 2023 at the latest and the new address is visible in the Digital and Population Data
CHILDREN Services Agency at that time. The decision will be made conditional and will be revoked if the move has not taken place by 1
August 2023. If the pupil moves on 2 August, 2023 or later, the local school will be assigned after the move. For additional
information, see > When a pupil moves.

If a pupil living in another municipality intends to move to Espoo, a conditional decision will be issued which will enter into
force only if the pupil in question moves to Espoo by 1 August, 2023 and the new address is visible in the Digital and Population
Data Services Agency at that time.

The Finnish Basic Education Unit will check the address informed on this form from the Digital and Population Data Services

New home address New postal code and city

New address valid from (dd/mm/yyyy)
8 Please state how you would like the decision to be delivered. You may choose one way or another, but not both. The choice is
MEANS OF binding! All decisions regarding pupils requiring special support will only be delivered by post.
The decision will be published in Wilma on 26 April, 2023. The decision will not be delivered by post.
The decision will be posted on 26 April, 2023 (delivery in week 18). The decision will not be published in Wilma.
9 This form must be signed by the official guardian(s). If a child has two guardians, signature is needed from both of them. In case
SIGNATURE AND the guardians are in a dissagreement with their child’s education, the Finnish Basic Education Unit will offer guardians a possibility
DATE to give their written opinion separately.

The information in this form is given by the both guardians. / I have the right to decide alone on matters related to my
child’s education on the grounds of a court decision or an agreement confirmed bya child welfare officer.

The information in this form is not given by the both guardians. / The guardians are in a dissagreement with their
child’s education.

Signature and name in block letters Date

Signature and name in block letters Date
The information on the form will be saved in the City of Espoo’s school register program Primus. The basic education provider has the right to
receive information on early childhood education and pre-school education that is necessary for the organization of teaching. Information on data
processing can be found at

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