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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region X- Northern Mindanao
Iligan City Division
Iligan City National High School

Name: ___________________________________Grade/Section: ____________________Date: __________Score: ___

Grade 9-English Quarter 2 -Week 4 – Day 1

Learning Objectives:
1. Differentiate linear and nonlinear texts;
2. Interpret nonlinear text

Texts can either be linear or nonlinear.

Linear text is the most common type of reading. Linear text refers to traditional text that
needs to be read from beginning to the end. Generally, texts printed on paper are considered
as linear texts. Novels, poems, short stories, letters, educational texts, and all those texts we
read from the beginning to the end.
Nonlinear text is the opposite of linear text. As its name suggests, it is nonlinear and
non-sequential. In other words, the readers do not have to go through the text in a sequential
manner in order to make sense of the text.

Five basic examples of Nonlinear Texts.

1. CONCEPT DIAGRAM A diagram that shows suggested

relationships between concepts. “Typically represents ideas
and information as boxes and circle and uses lines to show the
relationship between them.”
When you draw a concept map you’re actually creating a visual
image of that subject.

2. LINE GRAPHS “A common type

of chart which displays the English
information as a series of data
points connected by line
segments to show trends”.

3. BAR GRAPH “May run horizontally or vertically. The important thing to know is that
the longer the bar, the greater its value. Bar graphs are better for comparing larger
changes or differences in data among groups”

Category 4
Category 3
Category 2
Category 1
0 1 2 3 4 5 6

Sales 4. PIE GRAPH “A circular chart which is divided into

slices or portions to illustrate proportion. A pie chart is
1st Qtr
a graphic that shows the breakdown of items in a set
2nd Qtr
23% 58% as percentages by presenting them as slices of a pie.
3rd Qtr
The key to a pie chart is that all of the slices must equal
4th Qtr

5. VENN DIAGRAM “A Venn diagram is a visual

depiction of the similarities and differences between two or more different items. It consists of
a series of shapes - usually circles - whose edges overlap”.

Activity 1: Interpret the information found in the table by answering the following questions.


3 2.4
Smoke from Smoke from Cigarette Smoking Burning Garbage
Vehicles Factories

2. What does the table present?

3. How many factors were presented?
4. What factor has the lowest number of report?
5. Among the reported factors, which has the highest number of reports?

Activity 2: Below is a sample of linear text, read and analyze linear text and construct an
appropriate nonlinear text based on the data given.
The percentage of passing rate in English through all the groups. The percentage data
are: Group 1- 89.1%, Group 2-73.9%, Group 3- 71.9%, Group 4 -68.7%, Group 5-64.3%,
Group 6-61.2% and Group 7- 65.7%.

Activity 3: Evaluate the following statements whether they are TRUE or FALSE based on
the Covid19 infographic on wearing face masks.

1. A person who is Covid19+ can still go out and

about for as long as he is wearing a face mask.
2. If a healthy individual maintains a 6 feet distance
from a Covid+ person, he will not get infected.
3. We can be safe from getting infected from Covid+
if we stay at home.
4. There is a very low chance of infection if we
maintain at least 6 feet distance from people most
especially in public places.
5. Wearing face masks protects us from the virus
even if we do not practice physical distancing.

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