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Project Melody Playtest 1

Welcome to the open playtest of Project Melody. This game

represents the next step for Heart and Fur, and our company’s first ma-
jor setting supplement. The playtest you now hold is the first of three
planned playtest documents, each testing a different aspect of the game.
This playtest contains a complete magic system for use in your
games. This system is designed to be versatile and freeform, allowing a
lot of creativity on the part of those using it. This system is designed to
be tested, however, and feedback is more than welcome. Feel free to send
feedback on any of the following channels.

Discord Server:

Otherwise, have fun playing. And expect big things in the fu-
ture. Very big things.
Happy hunting,

Magic In order to know a Phrase, a magic user must learn the quintes-
sential nature of a thing. This is done in two ways. First, the caster must
Magic in Lunria is very different from magic in most fanta- study the phenomena they are learning the Phrase for. They must know
sy worlds. While most systems of magic rely on esoteric knowledge and what it is, how it works, and what unique properties it possesses. For ex-
mystical energies, the system of magic presented here is the opposite. This ample, a magic user wishing to learn the Flame Phrase must study all that
system of magic, called the Heartphrase system, is rooted entirely in the is known about fire. They must learn how it burns things, that chemicals
physical and emotional aspects of a person. It is an intimate form of mag- it consumes and creates, how hot various materials burn, and so on.
ic, drawing upon one’s own life force for raw power and one’s emotions for Second, the caster must experience the phenomena in a unique
finesse and guidance. way. This experience is inevitably specific to the caster, and no other magic
Where most systems of magic have the practitioner looking user can tell the individual what kind of experience is necessary in order
outside of themselves for power, like a witch’s familiar or a spiritual bar- to learn a Phrase. Most magic users go on journeys into the world when
gain, the Heartphrase system has its users looking into the inner depths they have need of a new experience, looking to the lands outside of their
of their own hearts and bodies. All magic in Lunria flows from the heart academy or monastery to provide them with understanding.
of its user, regardless of the specific spell being cast. Power is drawn from For example, a magic user seeking to learn the Flame Phrase
the core of one’s own being, one’s Heart, and is fuelled by one’s own life may try to visit a town or forest destroyed by a fire. They may trek to an
force. active volcano and watch its lava flows. They may seek out and make love
The Heartphrase with a dragon or elemental of flame. They may even engage in flame-play,
burning themselves with a torch or hot wax in order to truly feel what
Magic in Lunria revolves around something called the Heart- flame is. All of these experiences could suffice for a magic user to learn
phrase. A Heartphrase can be thought of as both a key that unlocks some- the Flame Phrase, but they would not all work for the same magic user.
one’s magical power and as a feeling that defines and encompasses who a Once these two steps are completed, the magic user meditates
person is. Someone who ‘knows’ their own Heartphrase is able command on what they have learned and seen, turning inward and focusing on their
their own Potency, their life energy, into new shapes and configurations. Heart. Only when the knowledge of a thing is combined with intimate
This wielding of one’s own life energy is known as magic. experience of it can the true feeling of it be understood. At some point,
The Heartphrase itself is difficult to describe. It is a concept the magic user reached an epiphany about the phenomena they are study-
and feeling that is unique to each magic user. It can never be communi- ing, and they will come into conscious awareness of the Phrase they have
cated in writing or speech, but it can be felt. When someone casts a spell, been studying for the first time. The few magical academies the world
the first thing they do is call up their Heartphrase, and in doing so make has design their programs around these requirements, often using creative
themselves consciously aware of their own life force. Then, they can direct ways to allow their students to experience parts of the world.
and control their Potency, which takes the form of spells.
A person cannot be taught their Heartphrase. They either dis- Casting
cover it innately, usually around puberty, and can use magic, or they do The act of casting a spell involves first calling up one’s Heart-
not discover it and cannot. Discovering one’s Hearphrase causes one’s life phrase, which brings one’s Potency into conscious awareness. Then, the
force to become more active, resulting in what magic users call an Awak- magic user strings together a set of Phrases, each one functioning as a step
ened Potency. Sometimes, a person will discover their Heartphrase later towards their end result. Every Phrase causes raw life force to move, shift
in life, although this is rare. It normally happens under times of extreme or transform in some way, and as all things in the world have a life force,
stress or personal challenge. Mechanically, Awakened Potency is a Trait, manipulating or altering life energy can cause virtually any effect desired.
and can be gained normally like any other Trait. Doing so grants them This process of calling up Phrases is called articulation.
Potency 1, two ranks in Core Phrases and three in Key Phrases. When someone is articulating a spell, their own Potency fluc-
Phrases tuates and shifts. Any magic user who is aware of these fluctuations can
make a Knowledge + Sense roll to guess the effects of their spell. This
All spells in the Heartphrase system can be reduced down to is most likely to occur if the two are having sex or otherwise in physical
a string of Phrases. Each magical Phrase is an instruction given to one’s contact, as this puts magic users into direct contact with each other’s life
life force, and by stringing them together more and more complex effects force. Targeting another with certain kinds of spells required this kind of
can be created. There are no limits to how many Phrases can be strung intimate awareness, necessitating that the caster touch their target.
together at one time, making the number of possible spells infinite. There are no specific rules on how a spell must be phrased to
Rather than being Phrases in some ancient or mystical language, gain its desired effect. So long as all necessary Phrases are present, and the
these Phrases are spoken in the language of the Heart: feeling. Each Phrase spell makes sense the way it is phrased, the magic will work. The Heart-
is a unique feeling that a caster can call upon to instruct their Potency to phrase system is intentionally freeform in this regard, functioning more
take on a new form or nature. Each time a magic user calls upon a Phrase, like a language than a set of premade spells.
they are bringing up into conscious awareness the raw nature of a thing, There is also no singular way for a character to perform a spell
and this causes their own life energy to take on properties of the energy casting. Some people chant the Phrases as they build a spell, some use
they call up. dance or ritual motions, some draw elaborate glowing runes in the air
For example, a user of flame magic can call upon the Fire with their fingers or other body parts, and some people perform the en-
Phrase. This Phrase is a passionate feeling, full of movement and energy. tire casting in their mind or imagination. How a character chooses to cast
By bringing this feeling to their conscious awareness, they are calling upon their spells says a lot about them as a person, so give some thought to
the fundamental nature of fire, and in doing so, they can change their own your character’s preferred method and how it fits, or does not fit, their
life energy into that energy, creating fire.
personality. Casting a spell is a personal, internal activity. As such, it can Characters with Awakened Potencies can regulate their own in-
be performed while the wizard is grappled or otherwise immobilized. ternal Vita flows, and can store large amounts of Vita within their own
bodies. A Potency user can store up to four times their Potency in Vita at
Potency one time.
Magic users make use of a unique attribute called Potency. This Vita is naturally generated within the body, and can he gained
stat measures the strength of an individual’s life force and vital energy. through a variety of activities.
For most people, it measured from one to five, and having a high Potency
allows a character to do things other people can’t. The benefits a character • Resting for a night restores the caster’s Potency in Vita.
gains from their life force depend on their Potency rating. It can be pur- • Eating a full meal restores the user’s Potency in Vita. Potency
chased like an Asset. users are known for having large appetites. This can be done three times
At rank one, the character can sense other people with and a day.
Awakened Potency. By coming into physical contact with another person, • Having sex restores one Potency per other person in the sex
the character can automatically feel the subtle aura or energy that comes scene. This can be done once per day.
with knowing one’s Heartphrase. They can automatically detect a magic
user through physical contact alone. Additionally, Vita can be spend for a variety of effects other
At rank two, the character can will themselves to have an or- than spellcasting.
gasm, without ever touching themselves. They can make pleasuring and
arousing rolls against themselves using (Potency) alone as a roll. The char- • Eight points of Vita can allow the wizard to forgo eating and
acter can make such rolls once per round, like with any other sexual action. drinking for a day.
People who bring themselves to orgasm like this are said to have a Potency • Four points of Vita allow the wizard to go without air for five
orgasm. minutes.
At rank three, the character gains the ability to alter their own • One point of Vita can add +2 to a single pleasuring roll. This
fertility. The character can choose whether intercourse has a chance of can be done up to three times per roll, for a total of +6.
producing a pregnancy. If the character is male, they can decide whether
their seed is capable of impregnating someone in the moments leading up
to climax. If the character is female, they can decide whether they will let Components of a Spell
another’s semen impregnate them in the moments following intercourse. While there are nearly infinite options for spells available to
This technique is entirely internal; the character decides wheth- a magic user, they can all be reduced down to a few key components.
er they will allow their Potency to meld with that of their partner. Should These are the Heartphrase, the Core Phrase, the Key Phrase and addition-
both male and female decide they will allow impregnation, the roll to al Phrases.
determine pregnancy proceeds as normal. Should either side choose to The Heartphrase
prevent pregnancy, no pregnancy roll can be made. This ability has no The Heartphrase is always the first phrase in any spell, but it
effect on pregnancies already in progress. does not determine any of the spell’s effects. In a articulation, the Heart-
At rank four, the character’s Potency makes them a supremely phrase is represented by the word “I.”
capable lover. Their life energy bleeds over into their partner and causes
immense pleasure. The character can roll their Potency and add the results The Key Phrase
to any thrust action taken by them or involving them. The Key Phrase is usually the second or third Phrase in a spell,
At rank five, the character’s body is charged with magical po- and it determines the kind of effect the spell will have. A sample Key
tential. Select one of the character’s bodily fluids, choosing from sali- Phrase is Conjure, which makes the user’s Potency take on a physical form.
va, semen, milk and vaginal secretions. This fluid gains the effects of a Another is Transform, which enacts a physical transformation on the tar-
moderate quality potion of the character’s choosing. The character cannot get.
choose mutagenic effects. Key Phrases are bought and behave like Skills, and have the same
Some powerful beings have a Potency above five. At ranks six range of possible ratings. A character cannot use a Key Phrase they lack a
and above, the character’s Potency is so great that it can transform others rating in. More than one Key Phrase can be used in a spell to create more
through sheer contact. Select one Trait per Potency rank above five. Each complex or nuanced effects, although it often requires creativity to find
time the character has an orgasm while in physical contact with another a way to use more than one. In this case, the rating of the lowest rated
person, their partner automatically gains these Traits, if they don’t already Phrase is the one used in the spell’s roll. The spell’s cost is the costs of
have them. The character can turn this effect on and off at will. each Key Phrase added together. The spell has the effects of every Key
Phrase contained in it. A Key Phrase can only be used once per spell.
Vita The Core Phrase
Casting magic is not without its expenses. A wizard must ex- The Core Phrase is usually the second or third Phrase in a spell.
pend energy to fuel their spells. Like with the rest of the Heartphrase It determines what kind of magic is being used and what substance, en-
system, this energy is drawn from the caster’s own body. This body-energy ergy or material the spell will effect. Every Core Phrase attunes to user’s
is known to wizards as Vita, and represents a form of life-force. Vita is the Potency to the specific substance or energy, allowing it to create, alter or
energy that exists within nature and is responsible for all forms of growth become that substance. A spell must always contain a Core Phrase.
and fertility. Living beings naturally generate a small amount of Vita with- For example, “I Conjure Water” uses the Core Phrase of Wa-
in themselves; those with Awakened Potencies generate far more. ter, meaning that it is a spell affecting the material of water. Every Core
Phrase acts as an Asset and has the same range or possible ratings. More Step 5: Apply Results
than one Core Phrase can be used in the same spell, and unlike with Key Apply the spell’s effects to all relevant characters.
Phrases, the highest rated one is used.
Step 6: Spend Vita
Other Phrases Tally up the Vita cost of all the Phrases used in the spell and
There are many other Phrases available to Potency users, includ- record the loss in Vita on your character sheet. This is done even if the
ing Shape Phrases, the Massive Phrase and the Permanent Phrase. spell roll fails.
While not a core component of most spells, Shape Phrases
are a useful addition to a wizard’s repertoire. Shape Phrases add physical Range and Duration
shapes to a spell, modifying how it looks and in some cases how it behaves The entries for Key Phrases have listings of a spell’s Range and
mechanically. Some spells, notably Transform spells, often require Shape Duration. These indicate how far away the target of the spell can be and
spells to function how long it lasts for. For spells with more than one Key Phrase, use the
For example, the spell “I as Water am Conjured” would Conjure lowest listed Range. Each Key Phrase retains its own Duration when they
water from the user’s body. The spell “I Conjure a Penis made of Water” are combined together.
uses the Shape Phrase Penis and would conjure a penis made of water. For example, the spell “I Shoot and Bind with Fire” would af-
Alternatively, the spell “I Transform my Penis to Water,” would change the fect a target up to 30 yards away. The damage done by the Shoot Phrase
caster’s penis to be made of magically-formed water. would take place instantly, while the grapple attempt creates by the Bind
The Massive Phrase makes a spell larger, normally causing it to Phrase would last for an hour, or until it is overcome and the target breaks
affect more targets. The Permanent Phrase causes a spell’s effects to last free.
indefinitely. These Phrases are gone into more detail later in this chapter.
Combining Key Phrases
The Casting Process A spell can use multiple Key Phrases and therefore have more
Mechanically, all spells are treated and resolved the same way. than one effect. Besides the need to articulate and pay for all the effects a
When casting a spell, follow these steps: spell contains, there is no limit to the number of different Key Phrases a
Step 1: Envision Effect wizard can use in one spell. A given Phrase (Key, Core or other) can only
Decide and announce what you would like your spell to do, then be used once per spell. It’s also worth noting that a spell affects all of its
select the Core and Key Phrases necessary to reach this desired result. You targets the same way. A wizard can’t cast a spell that both heals and does
may want to outline the entire spell at the stage, or make it up as you begin damage and apply part of its effect to their ally and the rest to an enemy.
to articulate it in Step 2. All of the spell’s effects are applied in full to the spell’s target or targets.

Step 2: Articulate the Spell Pre-Cast Spells

The Character spends a number of turns articulating the Phras- To save on valuable casting time in a combat situation, a charac-
es necessary for their spell. A character can articulate twice their Potency ter can purchase an entire spell to have in a permanent ready-to-cast state.
in Phrases each turn or sex roind, although the Heartphrase is always free. Doing to requires that a character articulate the spell in full, then spend
A spell must be articulated on consecutive turns. The wizard cannot take one Experience point to lock the spell into their Heart for easy access lat-
a break and then resume the spell later (barring use of the Break Phrase). er. From then on, the pre-cast spell takes one turn to articulate, regardless
Once the spell is fully articulated, complete the rest of the steps on that of its length. Some people like to name their pre-cast spells, and there is
turn. space on the character sheet should your character be one of them.
Step 3: Roll Example: Kinara, a Potency one wizard, frequently uses the spell
Should the spell require a roll, roll the lowest rated Key Phrase “I Shoot and Bind with Stone.” This spell involves three Phrases other
and highest rated Core Phrase, along with any other relevant bonuses or than the Heartphrase, and takes two turns to cast. Since she uses the spell
penalties. A spell only gets one roll, regardless of how many individual often, she decides to buy it as a pre-cast spell. The articulates the spell and
effects it has as a result of its Key Phrases. This roll determines how well binds it to her Heart, while her player deducts one Experience. Kinara can
the spell as a whole works, including all of its individual effects. Rolling a now cast the spell in one turn.
spell is only necessary if the spell is resisted somehow. If you’re attacking
or grappling someone with a spell, a roll is necessary as they will resist the
Anything Goes
This system is designed to be both freeform and open-ended.
spell with a roll of their own. If the spell simply conjures something into
Any effect you can articulate using the Phrases your character knows you
being, or causes a transformation in a willing subject, no roll is necessary.
can do using magic. The GM is free to declare some game-breaking effects
Step 4: Contested Roll or combinations out of bounds, but other than that, anything goes.
If the spell attacks or otherwise inconveniences another char-
acter, they can roll a contest. The kind of roll the opponent can make
depends on the Key Phrases used, and is explained in each one’s write up.
Should a spell use multiple Key Phrases that allow contests, the spell’s
target can make a separate contest against each one of them. These effects
each succeed or fail individually. Note that, no matter how many contest
rolls the spell’s target gets, the caster only makes a single casting roll. This
determines the number each contest roll must beat.
Key Phrases can reshape this material into any form the desire and can move it teleki-
netically using their action for their turn, moving it up to five yards per
Bind round. Forming this material into a useful object requires a roll of the
Cost: 2 Vita, Range: 5 yards, Duration: Hour spell roll against a difficulty. Any other complex task the caster wants the
Binding spells wrap the caster’s magic around their target, bind- controlled substance to perform requires another spell roll with a difficul-
ing them in place. Binding spells function as a standard grapple attempt, ty set by the GM. Once the spell ends, the material begins acting normal-
except that they can be incorporated into a spell that also contains a con- ly; water flows back to form a level surface, but stone retains the shape it
ventional attack or other effect. The grapple attempt is made using the is put into.
caster’s regular spell pool opposed by the target’s Athletics + Muscle. If Should a control spell be used with the Massive Phrase, the
the caster wins the roll, the target is grappled by their magic. Should the caster can control ten cubic yards of material per rank of Potency. Should
grappled character attempt to break free, they roll a contest between their it be cast with the Permanent Phrase, the material retains its new shape
Athletics + Muscle and the caster’s spell pool for this spell. Successfully indefinitely, even if it’s an unnatural one.
breaking free ends the spell. The caster is free to act as normal while their
magic is binding another person. Once someone is bound, a second use of
Cost: 0 Vita, Range: 5 Yards, Duration: Instant
the Bind Phrase can strip or disarm them with a successful spell vs Ath-
All magic ultimately springs from the Heart. Because of this,
letics + Muscle roll. During sex, these bindings can mimic any common
all magic can influence the Heart of another. Using the Charm Phrase, a
form of bondage gear and satisfy bondage Preferences.
wizard can send their Potency directly into the Heart of another, instilling
Should a Bind spell be combined with the Massive Phrase, it
within them strong emotions and feelings. The specific feelings created
can affect up to three individuals within range. The caster chooses who the
vary depending on the Core Phrase used, but the mechanical effects are
spell targets. Combining it with the Permanent Phrase causes the bindings
the same. The caster makes a social attack with their spell roll, opposed
to last until the caster chooses to remove them, which they can do with a
normally for a social attack. Ths Charm Phrase has additional uses. In
moment’s concentration, or the target breaks free.
sexual encounters, it can function as an Arousing action. Simply roll the
Bind + Shoot spell roll and apply the results as Arousal. In addition, Charm can be used
Pairing these Phrases allows the caster to make an attack and to generate Shifts in social situations. The effects of the Shift must be in
also bind their target. The caster makes one roll, which acts as both an line with the emotion created by the Core Phrase used. With the Massive
attack and a grapple attempt. The target resists each individually. Phrase, this spell can be made to affect a up to three individuals. The spell
cannot be made Permanent.
Cost: 1 Vita, Range: Touch, Duration: Hour Name Emotion
The Conjure Phrase causes the caster’s Potency to take on phys- • Fire Passion
ical form, becoming manifest in the world around them. By default, the • Water Compassion
Conjure Phrase calls forth one cubic foot of material determined by the • Earth Patience
Core Phrase used. • Wind Curiosity
The Conjure Phrase is most useful when combined with Shape • Ice Serenity
Phrases. By adding a Shape Phrase to a Conjure spell, useful objects can • Wood Instinct
be created. For example, “I Conjure a Flame Sword” would make a sword • Energy Excitement
of solid flame, which the caster can then wield in battle. Any form of • Flesh Arousal
mundane equipment can be created, but magical items cannot. Each spell • Light Reverence
containing the Conjure Phrase calls into being one object. • Shadow Ennui
The wizard has no special control over objects they conjure. A
conjured arm cannot be made to move without using the a Control spell.
A conjured shape will retain its form for the duration of the spell, even Mend
if it’s made of material (like water or fire) that naturally does not take on Cost: 3 Vita, Range: Touch, Duration: Instant
shapes. After that, the object will revert back to a lump of its component The caster infuses an object or person with vial, healing energy.
material. Combining a Conjure spell with the Massive phrase allows three For a moment, objects are granted the ability to heal like living things,
objects to be conjured, and the Permanent Phrase makes the objects last while the already living heal at a rapid rate. This spell repairs all damage
forever. done to an object no larger than one cubic yard per Potency, or up to that
Conjure + Control volume of a larger structure or vehicle. On living targets, the spell has a
Combining these Phrases allows the caster to manipulate the difficulty of 4, and heals one Wound. Each additional +4 gained on the
object they conjure for the duration of their Control spell. They can make casting roll heals an additional Wound. The Core Phrase used in the spell
a sword fight on their behalf or a conjured penis pleasure someone. must match the material the target is made of (Plant for wood, Earth for
stone and metals, Flesh for materials taken from animals). On living tar-
Control gets, the Flesh Phrase normally works, unless the target is an elemental or
Cost: 0 Vita, Range: 5 yards, Duration: Hour plant creature, in which case the Phrase most appropriate to them must be
A caster can control one cubic yard of material per rank of used. Mend cannot be combined with the Massive or Permanent Phrases.
Potency. The material controlled depends on the Core Phrases used. They
Enhance Using a Transform spell on someone requires touching them.
Combining a Transform spell with the Massive Phrase allows up to three
Cost: 2 Vita, Range: 5 Yards, Duration: 1 Hour
people to be affected by it, provided they are all touching the caster. Using
The caster infuses another object or trait with their vital energy,
it with the Permanent Phrase makes the Trait or material change perma-
bolstering their abilities. The Enhance Phrase improves one Asset that
the target possesses, or one piece of equipment within range. The Asset
or Tool gains a +2 bonus to all rolls involving it for the spell’s Duration.
This bonus does not stack with itself. It also becomes larger or more pro-
Cost: 0 Vita, Range: 5 Yards, Duration: Instant
nounced. Eyes grow brighter, muscles larger and breasts bigger. Using this The caster condenses their Potency into a bolt and fires it at an
spell also has some side effects. Enhancing Muscle increases how much opponent. This is the quintessential magical attack. It creates a magical
the target can lift by three times. Enhancing Speed increases the target’s bolt that flies at a single target and deals damage. This is resolved as a
running speed and jumping ability by three times. Enhancing Breasts, normal attack. The attacker rolls Shoot + Core Phrase, defended against
Penis or Vagina increases the amount of fluid they generate. Enhancing as normal. Combining this spell with the Massive Phrase allows the caster
Senses increases the distance the target can see things at by three times. to target a up to three individuals. This spell cannot be used with the
What Asset or Tool the caster can affect depends on the Core Phrase Permanent Phrase.
This spell requires no roll. Casting this spell with the Massive Please
Phrase allows it to target three individuals or objects. It cannot be cast Cost: 0 Vita, Range: Touch, Duration: Instant
with the Permanent Phrase. By infusing another with vital energy, the caster can bring them
to heights of ecstasy previously unknown. The Please Phrase magically
• Flesh Muscle, Paws, Tongue, Ass, Penis, Vagina pleasures the target. Roll the spell’s roll as normal and apply the results
• Wind Speed, Sense as Pleasure. It can be used on any person the caster is in physical contact
• Water Breasts with. This spell does not use up any of the caster or target’s sexual regions,
• Earth Stamina as the touch need only be for a moment and the hands are free thereafter.
• Ice Intellect It does, however, use an action.
• Fire Charm
• Earth Stone and Metal
Please + Charm
This combination of Phrases can make anyone the master of
• Wood Cloth and Wood
the bedroom. The spell’s roll acts as both a Pleasure and Arousal inducing
action, providing its result in both at the same time.
Conjure + Enhance
Pairing these Phrases allows the caster to conjure a massive ver- Other Phrases
sion of the Shape Phrase they are conjuring. All actions involving that The following Phrases can add additional effects to a spell, but
object gain a +2 bonus. are not Key or Core Phrases. These Phrases are single purchases of four
Experience each, except for Shape Phrases, which cost two.
Feel Massive
Cost: 1 Vita, Range: 5 Yards, Duration: Hour
Cost: 4 Vita
The Feel Phrase attunes the caster’s senses to a specific material
The Massive Phrase causes a spell to expand exponentially in
or phenomenon. For the spell’s Duration, the caster can detect all of that
scope or magnitude. Each Key Phrase has a different effect when com-
material within the spell’s Range. For example, the spell “I Feel Fire”
bined with the Massive Phrase, which are outlined under each Phrase’s
would detect all flame within the spell’s Range. The spell “I Feel Energy”
description. It normally allows the spell to affect more targets, and is
would allow the caster to detect magical energy within range.
particularly useful when combined with attacks. The Massive Phrase can
This spell cannot be combined with the Massive or Permanent
only be used once in a given spell.
Conjure + Feel Permanent
Cost: 7 Vita
Adding the Feel Phrase to a conjuration spell allows the caster
The Permanent Phrase makes the effects of a spell last indef-
to sense the conjured object as though it were a part of their own body.
initely. This Phrase cannot be used with spells that have a Duration of
They could conjure a penis that pleasures them when stimulated or hands
Instant, as the effects of the spell cannot be made to last any longer than
that they can use to feel things.
they already do.
Transform Lengthen
Cost: 2 Vita, Range: Touch, Duration: Hour Cost: 2 Vita
The Transform Phrase instructs the user’s Potency to reform The Lengthen Phrase increases the Duration of a spell by three
flesh in new ways. A Transform spell alters the body of its target some- times. With this Phrase, a spell with a Duration of an hour increases to
how, adding or removing Traits or changing its material. Transform can be three hours. Spells with a Duration of Instant cannot be improved by this
paired with a Shape Phrase, and grant the target an appropriate Trait for Phrase.
the spell’s Duration. The Trait is made of whatever material is appropriate
to the Core Phrase used, be it flesh or solid light.
Break Core Phrases
Cost: None Core Phrases represent the raw power that drives a spell. They
The Break Phrase breaks a spell up into pieces and allows the are the energy, materials and forces that a spell is composed of or works
wizard to take a break while casting. Once the Break Phrase is articulated, with. When a wizard calls up a Core Phrase, they instruct their Potency
the caster can stop casting the spell and spend their next turn doing what- to transform into a new material or energy. They internally speak the true
ever they like. They wizard can resume the casting on any subsequent turn, feeling of another part of the world and their life force transmutes itself
although once resumed they must cast the spell in full as normal, unless into that substance. These Phrases form the heart of a spell, and radically
they use the Break Phrase again. Like all Phrases, the Break Phrase counts alter the way that spell looks and feels. Each Core Phrase acts as an Asset.
toward how many Phrases a wizard can articulate each turn. The Break Should a spell contain multiple Core Phrases, it uses the highest rated
Phrase cannot be included in a pre-cast spell. Core Phrase of the ones used in the spell.
Cost: -2 Vita Fire
The caster pauses during the articulation of their spell, drawing The Fire Phrase is a thing of passion. It is anger and lust and
energy in from their surroundings to aid their casting. The Rest Phrase desire and unthinking heat. It is an inner inferno that burns and consumes
causes a spell to take one turn longer to cast, but reduces the spell’s Vita all else. The Fire Phrase is among the most physical of Phrases, mani-
cost by two points. If the Rest Phrase is incorporated into a pre-cast spell, festing as an internal heat within the bones of its user. Users of the Fire
it causes the spell to take two turns to cast, even though a pre-cast spell Phrase often find their emotions heightened and their lusts more power-
normally only takes one. Using a Rest Phrase cannot decrease a spell’s cost ful.
to less than zero, and only one Rest Phrase can be used per spell. Magically, fire is one of the cardinal elements, the energies that
compose all the world. Fire is the element of change and energy, driving
Trigger the world to transform and be made anew. It is associated with both de-
Cost: 1 Vita struction and renewal, like the cleansing wildfire that creates space for new
The Trigger Phrase allows a wizard to cast a spell that will only life to grow.
take effect later. When the spell is cast, the wizard specifies some trigger
that will set the spell into motion. This can be an action the spell’s target Flame Bolt
takes, a specific word or phrase that needs to be spoken aloud, a time of “I Shoot Fire.”
day, or any other action or event. The Vita used in the spell will remain This spell creates a magical bolt of fire that arcs toward the
tied to it until the spell is released, and cannot be regained until after the wizard’s enemy like an arrow.
spell takes effect. A useful variant of this spell is to place a healing spell Touch of Passion
on another person, to be activated the first time they take damage. It can “I Charm with Fire.”
also be used to make magical traps, that trigger when someone other than This spell fills the target with burning passion.
the caster or their allies enters a specific location.
Anyone with an Awakened Potency who comes into contact
Oedal’s Flaming Sword
“I Conjure a Fire Sword.”
with the target of a dormant spell can sense that there is magic hovering
This spell makes a sword of fire for the user to fight with.
in the air around them. Attempting to determine the nature of the spell
requires a Perception + Senses roll. Water
Reach Water is smooth and flowing. It gets into every gap and fills any
Cost: 1 Vita space. It is soothing but also deep, with many mysteries held in its inner
This Phrase extends a spell’s range by a factor of three. For depths. To use water magic is to become submerged in the ocean of life
example, if a spell can normally target someone in 30 yards, the enhanced itself; to flow and adapt to the shape of the world around oneself.
version of the spell can target someone in 90 yards. Water is one of the cardinal elements. It defines the ever-chang-
ing aspects of life, and is also linked to fertility and growth. It is connect-
Shape Phrases ed to emotion, to sensuality and to the unity of all living things. It is not,
Cost: 1 Vita
however, opposed to taking action, as the raging tidal wave shows.
Shape Phrases are specific shapes that a wizard can make their
Potency take on. Some spells (particular Transform and Conjure spells) Fountain of Life
have additional usefulness when combined with a Shape Phrase. “I Conjure Massive Water.”
There are two kinds of Shape Phrases: those based on body This spell creates three cubic feet of water, enough for several
parts and those based on objects. Those based on body parts can represent people for a day.
any naturally occurring organ or bodily form. Anything represented by an Ocean’s Embrace
External Trait is fair to use as a Shape Phrase. Those representing objects “I Conjure and Control Water Tentacles.”
can represent any object smaller than five feet cubed, even specific Tools A favourite parlour trick of water wizards, this spell makes a set
or Outfits, but not magical items. of tentacles out of water.

• Body: Penis, Vagina, Tentacles, Hands, Wings, Tail

• Object: Sword, Wall, Platform, Leash, Ball Gag, Shield
Earth Ice Bolt
The Earth Phrase is solid, resolute and immovable. It is the “I Shoot with Ice.”
feeling of absolute stability, of being rooted in something both timeless This spell creates a missile of ice to shoot at an enemy.
and ancient. It is perhaps one of the harder Phrases to learn, as earth is Winter’s Quiet
both common everywhere and active nowhere. To understand earth, one “I Charm with Ice.”
must be patient display great endurance. This spell creates a feeling of calm in the target, soothing strong
Earth is one of the cardinal elements, and grants the world its emotions and bringing peacefulness.
stability. Earth changes slowly, if at all, and provides the foundations for
all things. Without earth, the world would not exist, but with too much
Freezing Blast
“I Shoot and Bind with Ice.”
of it nothing would ever change.
This spell, in addition to being an attack, also binds the target
Sculpt Stone in a cage of ice.
“I Control the Earth.”
This spell allows the wizard to reshape stone to their liking, Energy
making useful objects, barriers or platforms. The Energy Phrase deals with raw life energy. It is an abstract
feeling, rooted in distant contemplation and analysis. It rarely engages
Wall of Earth with the world, preferring to watch from afar.
“I Conjure an Earth Wall.”
Learning it requires understanding the flow of energy that gov-
With this spell, the caster can make a small wall out of stone at
erns and connects all things. This is both easy and difficult. As life energy
a moment’s notice.
connects all things, any thing can be examined for its connection to that
Stone Body energy, but at the same time, no one thing or experience can teach a person
“I Transform into Earth.” all there is to know about energy. Only by seeing the larger pattern that
This spell transforms the caster or someone they touch into life makes can a person master this Phrase.
living stone for its duration.
Wizard’s Sight
Wind “I Sense Energy.”
Fast and free, wind is motion embodied. Its feeling is hard to This spell allows the wizard to detect all wizards, active spells
learn, as it never stops changing. Grasping the Wind Phrase requires that and triggered spells in its range.
the wizard become as adaptable and ever-changing as the winds. Wind Teneben’s Fabulous Friend
hates confinement and will do anything in its power to break free when it “I Conjure and Control a Penis of Energy.”
feels it is trapped. Wind wizards similarly are full of restless energy and This spell makes a floating penis of pure magical energy that
always seem to be on the go. the wizard can control and move as they see fit.
Wind is one of the cardinal elements, and gives the world
motion and dynamism. Without it nothing would ever change or move, Wood
but with too much of it everything would be chaos. It is the element of The Wood Phrase is tied to nature and plant life. It is an outlier
change, but also of calm. It adapts and alters itself constantly, but the one compared to the other Core Phrases. Most people who use it never set
thing it cannot do is stand still. out to learn it. Rather, the found an innate connection to nature that had
always been there. Drawing upon this inner source of natural power, they
Tempest Wings eventually awaken to the true nature of plant life and learn this Phrase.
“I Transform to have Wings of Wind.”
The Wood Phrase feels primal, instinctual, and brings the mind
This spell makes wings of ever-flowing clouds on the caster or
and heart back to a more basic state. Those who practice wood magic reg-
other target’s back, allowing flight.
ularly are often considered wild and uncouth compared to other wizards,
Incite Curiosity but they are certainly no less powerful.
“I Charm with Wind.”
This spell causes the target to feel unbridled curiosity, be it
Vine Binding
“I Bind with Wood.”
about a subject or the caster’s body.
This spell creates bindings of living vines and wood, and can
Ice also create bondage gear made of the same materials.
The Ice Phrase is, appropriately enough, cold. It is an expanse Thorn Blast
of coldest night, of the winter air that stings the lungs and face. It does “I Massively Shoot with Wood.”
not move, does not act, has no drives, yet affects the world all the same. To This spell creates an explosion of sharp thorns from the caster’s
learn ice magic requires becoming as still and quiet as ice itself. Potency.
Ice is, in many ways, an anomaly. It has no place in the cycle of
elements, and seems to serve only to prevent the other forces of the world
from their normal functioning. Water freezes, earth is covered in frost
and yields no crops, fire goes out, and wind becomes still. But yet, ice is a
viable form of magic, and perhaps draws strength from being outside the
normal forces of the world.
Flesh Cloth of Shadow
The flesh Phrase is the feeling of physicality, of sensuality, of “I Conjure Robes of Shadow.”
touch and shape. It is perhaps the most grounded of all the Phrases, root- This spell makes flowing garments out of solid darkness. The
ed in the same bodily energies that produce Vita and magic itself. It is Shape Phrase used can be altered to produce different garments.
therefore an easy Phrase to approach, as its secrets lie within all users of Sculpt Shadow
magic. But while its easy to begin the process of learning to master Flesh, “I Control the Shadow.”
it is hard to complete it. Discerning the Flesh Phrase requires delving into This spell allows the wizard to manipulate darkness as though
the innermost nature of one’s own being; it necessitates turning having it were a physical substance. They can form it into useful shapes of use it
one’s own heart observe its own workings. to hide things.
Most people delving into the mysteries of Flesh do so through
physical experiences. Orgasm, taste, heat, cold, exercise, these all become
Shadow’s Grasp
“I Bind and Please with Darkness.”
tools through which the mysteries of the body can be glimpsed. Or, so
This spell causes shadows to hold fast the target while also plea-
the students of flesh magic claim. Most other people assume they’re just
suring them.
Lover’s Blessing
“I Enhance the Flesh.”
This spell adds a bonus to one of the target’s physical Assets.
Given the name, its most commonly used on the genitals.
Gift of Flight
“I Transform to have Flesh Wings.”
This spell grants the caster or another they touch the Wings
Trait, allowing true flight.
Blessed Touch
“I Mend the Flesh.”
This spell heals its result in Wounds on a target made of flesh.

Widely viewed as one of the two hardest Phrases to learn, the
Light Phrase is the feeling of religious awe, of blind reverence, of compas-
sion mingled with righteousness. It is the opposite, and some would say
enemy, of shadow, and both are rarely mastered by the same person.
Light magic tends to draw out certain qualities in its user. They
become more caring, more inclined to laughter and mirth. However, if
taken too far, light magic often brings feelings of superiority and au-
thority, leading many to conclude that all light wizards are pompous and
Worshipful Light
“I Charm with Light.”
This spell, which can be used as both a social attack and an
arousing action, fills the target with religious devotion and awe.
Light of Bliss
“I Please Massively with Light.”
This spell uses its roll as a pleasing action targeting three indi-
viduals touching the caster.

The Shadow Phrase, considered the opposite to the Light
Phrase, is one of the hardest to master. Shadow willingly divulges its na-
ture to no one, and thus mastering the Phrase requires seeking out knowl-
edge that does not want to be found.
Those who master shadow magic often become darkened for
it. Their negative emotions, anger, envy, melancholy, become stronger,
and some even begin to become sinister. Many other wizards give shadow
magic users a wide berth, but the truth is most are not mean spirited, only
more aware of the darkness that exists within all hearts.

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