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Amazon Tactics Explained in Fewer than 140

The secret Amazon tactics to success are finally revealed!

Can Amazon Tactics be explained in Fewer than

140 Characters?
Many people prefer to buy online for convenience, budget-friendly, time efficient, and safer than
going outside. Many business owners also sell online, especially if they do not have a physical
shop. It costs them less than renting a space, easier to find, and sometimes less hard work
when partnered with FBA Amazon.

Amazon is a well-known company for buying and selling retail items online. As of 2021, there
are 5 million active businesses registered to the Amazon Business, which includes sectors like
hospitals, big private companies, and even local governments. Today, these businesses will not
be successful if the Amazon tactics do not work.

Table of contents
 How did Amazon start?
 What is Amazon?
 What are Amazon Tactics?
 What do you need to know about Amazon FBA sellers' tax?
 Conclusion
 FAQs

How did Amazon start?

Almost everyone around the world knows what Amazon is. The company was built by Jeff
Bezos, who worked at Wall Street as a hedge fund executive. Initially, it was called Cadabra as
short for Abracadabra, but his lawyers advised him to change the name as people misheard it
as 'cadaver.'

He was reading at the directory, looking for inspiration, and found Amazon. The place is exotic
and different, which he wants his company to become. He also wants the name to start with the
letter A to appear instantly in an alphabetical list.

What is Amazon?
Amazon claims to be the largest online retailer website in the world. Before they got huge, they
started as an online bookstore and continued selling electronic books while also having other
merchandise to sell on the market. They make the advancement of technology to their benefit,
which makes them more successful.

Because of the Amazon tactics, they had more than 350,000 sites in just 3 years with a
booming revenue of $610 million, named Jeff Bezos as Person of the Year by Time magazine.
And so, they had expanded their market from different states of America to global. And can now
export in many places around the world.

What are Amazon Tactics?

Even though many people were skeptical of the online bookshop at first, the company was
proven wrong. As of the year 2020, the revenue of Amazon hits $386 billion. And so far, with the
3 quarters of 2021, the company's revenue is already above $332 billion. The revenue for 2021
is expected to exceed $450 billion with the added 4th quarter.

This revenue and success make people wonder what Amazon tactics made them who they are
right now?

Cost Leadership Strategy

This kind of Amazon tactic focuses not only on the costs of the company but also on
their valued customers. They want to give the lowest price possible, which may get
these customers' loyalty and buy more. They follow the Ansoff matrix to help them
understand the resulting costs.

The matrix comprises Competitive Advantage (low and high cost) on the x-axis and
Competitive Scope (Broad and Narrow) on the y-axis. They aim to have Overall Cost
Leadership, which needs to have low cost and broad scope.

Competitive Advantage
One of Amazon's tactics is to take advantage of the developing technologies. Some of
their well-known technologies are drones and robots used for fulfillment and delivery.
This strategy includes not only the machinery but also the software they are using, such
as the Big Data Analytics tool.

Big Data helps Amazon to determine the behavior of their customers. This analytical tool
is why every time a customer goes to Amazon, the website shows recommended
products that they might like based on their previous searches and purchase. However,
this is used by many online shopping apps as well.
This tactic is a common strategy for online shopping apps. One of Amazon's tactics is to
provide convenience to the customers, meaning that when they go to Amazon,
everything they need is already there. Of course, one of the convenient parts of buying
online is bringing the item to your doorstep.

They started as an online bookstore but grew into an online retail shop, which gave more
success to the company. This strategy shows that having it all in a shop can make the
business more extensive and flourishing instead of focusing on one product.

Loyal customers
If a business provides good deals and quality to their customers, they will come back
more and might even consider using a loyalty card. According to a survey conducted by
Consumer Intelligence Research Partners of CIRP, approximately 100 million people
around America availed themselves of Amazon Prime account.

Furthermore, 58% of these Amazon Prime Members pay the yearly fee of $199, 36%
pay the membership fee per month, and only 6% use it on a free trial. Interestingly,
these Prime Members also spend around $1,400 on Amazon. It is twice the amount of
those who did not avail of the membership.

Open for small and big businesses

The Amazon products are not just their products but also merchandise of other
businesses, whether big or small. Many people sell their products on this online platform
to reach more customers. With the help of FBA or Fulfillment by Amazon, it gained more
businesses who want to sell their products through Amazon.

The FBA program is beneficial since it provides storage, packing, and shipment orders
for the business owner. The owners only have to send the products they want to sell on
an Amazon warehouse, and the company will do the rest. However, this comes with fees
that the businesses are willing to pay.

Everything starts small, even Amazon. The company started as an online bookstore in 1994 but
later opened for other products, which made them successful in just 3 years and just getting
more successful until today. If you plan to have your own business or company, the Amazon
tactics that made the top of the retail world will guide you.

What Amazon tactics is the company focusing on more?
Amazon's primary focus is the satisfaction of its customers. If you will read the Amazon
tactics, it mainly talks about how to give the best experience to their customers, such as
having the lowest price and being a one-stop shop.

How much does Amazon earn?

As of the report for 2022, Amazon earns around $638 million every day, around $4.4
billion a week, and $17.6 billion per month. Their last yearly report dated 2020 shows
that they earned $386 billion.

What is Amazon FBA?

Fulfillment by Amazon or FBA is a membership program for online sellers that helps with
their program's storage, packing, and shipment. This program is open for small and large


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