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A Thesis

Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Bachelor Degree in

English Language Education Program






A Paper



1. Heriyanti. S.Pd., M.Pd ………………..

2. Dian Saputra S.Pd., M.Pd ………………...

Sorong, ……………..… 2020

Head of English Language Education Department
Sorong Muhammadiyah University

Muhaiminah Akib S.Pd., M.Pd

NIDN. 1428058402


The Roots of Education Is Bitter,

But The Fruit Is Sweet.
“Zuhri Wael”


After finishing this thesis in Universitas Muhammadiyah Sorong.

This thesis is especially dedicated to:
1. Allah SWT who always blesses me and gives me guidance and fluency in
finishing yhis thesis.
2. For my beloved father and mother ( Mustafa Wael and Naidi Wael ) whe
always give me support and also always give motivation to me.
3. Big thanks for my brother and sisther who always help me when I need your
4. Special thanks to my friends Class H and G Academic Year 2016. That
always with me from first semester until I finish my thesis. You all the best
thank you so much all.
5. And thanks for my crazy friends ( Rahmat, Aburizal, Asrul, Ismi H, Kristina,
Yudi, Fahri and Yunus ) who always make me feel like one of the person that
lucky in the world, and I love you all. I hope all of you can be the success
persons in the future.


ZUHRI WAEL. Language Learning Strategies Used By University Students in

Mastering English Academic Vocabulary (Supervised by Heriyanti and Dian Saputra)

This research aimed to find out language learning strategies used by university
students in mastering English academic vocabulary at third semester of English
Language Education Department in Universitas Muhammadiyah Sorong.

This research used qualitative research in the form of descriptive qualitative.

The participants of this research were taken from the third semester of the English
teaching Department in Universitas Muhammadiyah Sorong with a total of 10
students. The participants were the students who gained score A in the subject of
academic vocaulary

According to the results, the researcher found that the dominant strategy used
by students was the memory strategy which was ranked first, namely with a
percentage of 9,12%, followed by metacognitive strategy as the second rank with a
percentage of 7,68%, and the third ranking followed by affective strategy with a
percentage of 7,44%, and the fourth rank is followed by social strategies and
compesation strategies with the same percentage, namely 7,32%, and the last is
cognnitive strategies with a percentage of 6,96%. This assumes that successful
students have the ability to plan clear goals, control, review, and evaluate their

Keyword: Learning Strategies, Acdemic vocabulary


ZUHRI WAEL. Language Learning Strategies Used By University Students in

Mastering English Academic Vocabulary (Supervised by Heriyanti and Dian Saputra)

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui strategi pembelajaran bahasa yang

digunakan oleh mahasiswa dalam penguasaan kotsakata akademik bahasa inggris
semester tiga jurusan pendidikan bahasa inggris Universitas Muhammadiyah Sorong

Penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian kualitatif dalam bentuk deskriptif

kualitatif. peserta penelitian ini diambil dari semester tiga Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa
Inggris di Universitas Muhammadiyah Sorong dengan jumlah 10 siswa. Peserta
adalah siswa yang memperoleh skor A di mta kuliah kosakata akademisi.

Menurut hasil peneliti menemukan strategi dominan yang digunakan oleh siswa
adalah strategi memori yang menjadi peringkat pertama yaitu dengan presentase
9,12%, diikuti oleh strategi metakoknitif sebagai peringkat kedua dengan presentase
7,68%, dan peringat ketiga diikuti oleh strategi afektif dengan presentase 7,68%, dan
peringkat keempat diikuti oleh strategi sosial dan kompensasi strategi dengan
presentase yang sama yaitu 7,44%, dan yang terakhir adalah strategi kognitif dengan
presentase 6,96%. Ini membuat asumsi bahwa siswa yang sukses memilki
kemampuan untuk merencanakan tujuan yang jelas, mengendalikan, meninjau, dan
mengevaluasi pembelajaran mereka.

Kata kunci: Strategi pembelajaran, kosakata akademis


In the name of Allah, the beneficent, and the Merciful. Praise and gratitude be

to Allah for giving the strength and guidance for the writer, so that this thesis can be

finished accordingly. Peace and blessing be upon Prophet Muhammad SAW, his

family, his relatives, and all this followers.

The written of this thesis entitled “Language Learning Strategies Use by

Students University in Mastering English Academic Vocabulary”. This thesis is

written to fulfill one requirement to obtain the sarjana degree at Department English

Teaching Faculty of Teacher and Training Education Universitas Muhammadiyah


Finishing of writing this thesis is actually a miracle for me since it was firstly

regarded as a task would be very hard to do. However, it has now been denied since

this thesis has finally been written. Then, I would like to thank Allah SWT for the

Blessing given to me so that the writing of this thesis has been finished without any

meaningful problem. Additionally, the writer is grateful to the following for their

supports and helps.

1. Dr. H. Muhammad Ali, M.M., MH. The Rector of Universitas Muhammadiyah

Sorong for this advice during the researcher studied in the university.

2. Heriyanti. S.Pd,. M.Pd. The Dean of Faculty of Teacher Training and Education

Universitas Muhammadiyah Sorong.

3. Muhaiminah Akib S.Pd,. M.Pd The Head of English Language Education

Program of Faculty of Teacher Training and Education Universitas

Muhammadiyah Sorong (UMS), who have helped, guided, and supported the


4. The researcher thanks for the guidance and correction to his writing; deeply

thanks are expressed to some people, especially to

Heriyanti S.Pd,. M.Pd and Dian Saputra S.Pd,. M.Pd as the first and the second

consultants who always give advice and guidance.

5. Thank you to Students of semester trhee at the Universitas Muhammadiyah

Sorong. Thank you for helping me to research in your generation


ADVISOR APPROVA L.........................................................................................................ii

LIST OF CONTENT..............................................................................................................ix
LIST OF FIGURES................................................................................................................xi
LIST OF TABLES.................................................................................................................xii
LIST OF APPENDICES.......................................................................................................xiii
A. Background of the Study......................................................................................1
B. Research Question................................................................................................4
C. Objective of the Research.....................................................................................4
D. Significance of the Research................................................................................5
E. Scope of the Research..........................................................................................5
CHAPTER II............................................................................................................................6
REVIEW OF LITERATURE...................................................................................................6
A. Some previous studies..........................................................................................6
B. Some Pertinent Ideas............................................................................................9
1. Definition of Learning Strategy................................................................................9
2. Kinds of Learning Strategies..................................................................................11
3. The Importance of Learning Strategies..................................................................17
4. Definition of Academic Vocabulary.......................................................................18
5. Types of Academic Vocabulary.............................................................................19
6. Academic words and words list..............................................................................20
C. Conceptual framework.......................................................................................23
FIGURE 2.1 Conceptual Framework.....................................................................................23
CHAPTER III........................................................................................................................24
RESEARCH METHODOLOGY...........................................................................................24

A. Research Method and Design.............................................................................24
1. Method...................................................................................................................24
2. Design....................................................................................................................24
B. Setting of the Research.......................................................................................25
C. Participant of the Research.................................................................................26
D. Instrument of the Research.................................................................................27
E. Technique of Data Collection.............................................................................28
F. Data Analysis.....................................................................................................30

Figure 2.1 Conceptual Framework ………………………………………………..…………24
Fifure 3.1 Planing Activities …………………………….…………………………………..27


Table 3.2 Description of the Questionnaire …………………………………………………31

Table 4.1 Result of Sosial Strategies ………………………………………………………...34
Table 4.2 Result of Metaognitive Strategies ………..……………………………………….34
Table 4.3 Result of Affective Strategies …………………………………………………….36
Table 4.4 Result of Memory Strategies ……………..……………………………………….37
Table 4.5 Result of Cognitive Strategies …………………………………………………….39
Table 4.6 Result of Compesation Strategies …………………………….…………………..40
Table 4.7 Classification of Questionnaire Result ……………………………………………42


Appendix 1 Research Instrument

Appendix 2 Research Data ……………..……………………………………………………
Appendix 3 Documentation

This chapter consists of Background of the research, Problem of the

research, the Objective of the research, and Significant of the research

(theoretically and practically), Scope of the research.

A. Background of the Study

Vocabulary is one of the essential language components in studying

English. Without a proportional amount of vocabulary anyonewill get trouble

in speaking, reading, listening and writing. In other words, the first that to be

master for language learner in learning language especially English is

vocabulary. It means that learning vocabulary is very important, especially for

student who learn at university. They must master English vocabulary and its

grammatical rules to make communicate to another people.

Vocabulary in not easy to master, because student still gets difficulties

to master vocabulary because vocabulary is base of language skill, the general

problem when the students confuses what the strategy applied to master in

vocabulary, because the students who lack of vocabulary the students find it

difficult to applied the other English skills.

Vocabulary is needed to improve the four language skill, namely

listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Without grammar, very little can be

conveyed, without vocabulary nothing can be conveyed. When we just learn

about grammar without learning vocabulary, we cannot express anything. It

shows that English has a special place in the teaching of the foreign language

at university.

Academic vocabulary is used across all academic disciplines to teach

about the content of the discipline; e.g, students who study chemistry are

required to know the chemistry concepts. According to Marzano (2005, as

cited in Adger, 2002) academic vocabulary includes general academic terms

such as analyze, infer and conclusion. It enables students to understand the

concept and content; it is critical for students who have a deep understanding

of the content vocabulary in order to understand the concept expected

throughout the concept standards (Schidt, 2005, as cited in Zwiers, 2008

Students’ reading comprehension skill are strongly related to ability

mastery of the student’s vocabulary itself. Tarigan (2009:58) adds reading

understanding is a kind of reading that aims to understand standard or literary

norm, critical reviews, drama writing, and fictional pattern. So, readers don’t

just understand the contents reading, but also able to examine the contents of

reading give an assessment by connecting with experience and knowledge it

has so that it creates a deeper understanding. Tarigan (2015:2) adds that the

quality of a persons’s ln,anguage depends on the quantity and quality of the

vocabulary they have. The richer the vocabulary, the more likely we are to be

skilled in language. This means that mastery of a person’s vocabulary

determines the language quality of that person. Without having adequate

vocabulary mastery, it is very difficult for the person to have a good

interaction. Nurgiyantoro (2014:338) explained vocabulary can be divided

into receptive and productive mastery, namely the ability to understand and

use vocabulary. When reading and listening activities are needed

understanding skill, while in writing and speaking activities required the

ability to use vocabulary.

This phenomenon of massive mass of people who want to learn

English happens almost in all countries in the world actually in Indonesia.

Indonesian people have big interest in learning English. Consequently,

English becomes the foreign language that is learned in the school. Learning a

foreign language is not easy for students because they learn about something

that they never know before. The students not only study about reading and

memorizing some vocabularies but also study about grammatical competence,

culturaldifferences and socio linguistic features. Therefore, the students need a

particular strategy in learning to help them gain the knowledge and skills.

Bjorklund (2010) stated that “strategy is goal-directed and deliberately

implemented mental operations used to facilitate task performance.” From

that statement, it is clear that strategy is specific method used by students to

solve a problem or task when they are learning. The students use different

strategies to learn foreign language. It depends on the students themselves and

their characteristic. They can choose the appropriate learning strategy that is

suitable for them to help them understand what they have learn. So, learning

strategy is needed to make learning easier, faster, more enjoyable and more

effective. Brown (2007) has stated that the strategy is divided into direct

strategies and indirect strategies. The direct strategies consist of memory

strategies, cognitive strategies, and compensation strategies. While indirect

strategies consist of meta-cognitive strategies, affective strategies and social

strategies. These strategies used by the students during learning second


Based on the explanation above, it shows that some students’ actually

successful students have their own learning strategies to learn academiv

vocabulary. The researcher is interested in conducting a research on this field

especially on the finding of the learning strategies that are used by successful

students. The researcher conduct the research in third eemester at Universitas

of Muhammadiyah Sorong.

B. Research Question

Based on the background of the problems is ”What are language

learning strategies used by high level students in mastering English academic

vocabulary at English Department of Sorong Muhammadiyah University ?”

C. Objective of the Research

The objective of the research are to find out language learning

strategies used by high level students in mastering English academic

vocabulary at English Department of Sorong Muhammadiyah University.

D. Significance of the Research

This research is expected to give contribution theoretically.

Theoretically, it are expected to give contribution to foster the theory about

language learning strategy especially in English academic vocabulary at

English Department of Sorong Muhammadiyah Universicty, and also what

strategies do students use in memorizing vocabulary

E. Scope of the Research

To make the researcher are not too wider. The researcher limited the

research on language learning strategies used by high level students in English

academic vocabulary in three semester of English language education

department of Sorong Muhammadiyah University.



On this chapter the researcher would like to discuss about some

previous studies and some pertinent ideas

A. Some previous studies

There are some researchers who had conducted the study related to the

researcher’s topic some of researcher as follow:

First, Rachmawati (2012) did a research about language learning strategies

used by learners in learning speaking. This study is a descriptive study

investigating learners’ language learning strategies (LLS) in learning speaking

and the different strategies used by the high and low achievers of the class.

The study used a descriptive method. Since the data for the study are both in

the form of words and numbers, a mixed method design has been employed.

To collect the data, a modified questionnaire of SILL, score recording, and

interviews are used. The findings show that compensation strategies (M=3,48)

are the most frequently used strategies employed by all learners. Meanwhile

differences in the strategies used by thehigh and low achievers in speaking are

found in terms of the frequency of use, strategy category, and varieties of


Second, Yunus, et al (2013) on their study. The main objective of the

study was to investigate language learning strategies use among gifted

students enrolled in special program called PERMATApintar Education

Program.Data was gathered using a survey questionnaire with 140 students.

The instrument used in their study was Strategy Inventory Language Learning

(SILL) questionnaire by Oxford (1990). Data was analyzed using descriptive

analysis. The findings revealed that gifted students use more indirect

strategies particularly metacognitive strategies than direct strategies than

direct strategies. There was variation in responses with regard to the use of

language learning strategies among Malaysian gifted students. Language

learning strategies have many potential benefits to educators, teachers and

students. Implications and suggestions for future research are further


Third, Sadeghi & Khonbi (2013) on their study “learners’ starting age of

learning ELF and use of language learning strategies”. Their study was a

qualitative comparative study. The result of their study indicated that the

individual language learner different in terms of their starting age of second

language learning did influence students’ choices of LLS. Students who began

learning English at different ages used different LLS because of their different

goals on learning English. Those who began learning English at a younger age

learnt English to communicate with foreigners but those who began learning

English at an older age learnt English to get in to the universities. They

suggested for further research might be that besides structured interviews,

other possible methods could be introspective interviews, stimulated recalls,

and think-aloud protocols and also it was necessary y to investigate if strategy

training could be designed to cater for the needs and interests of students with

different starting ages in learning English. Then, further research might

include the role of other variables such as motivation, interest, and attitudes

toward second language learning.

Fourth, Suwanarak (2015). This research aims to understand language

learning strategies of Thai adult learners and factors affecting their strategy

use. His study obtain data through two data collection method: a questionnaire

and a semi-structured interview. The questioner was based on the Strategy

Inventory for Language Learning or SILL model (Oxford, 1990). The findings

of quantitative data and could be valuable resources for considering

appropriate ways in which English proficiency of Thai adult learners could be

developed. Implications are drawn regarding the language learning strategies

of adult learners and their strategy use as professional engagement as well as

recommendations for future research.

Fifth, Ridha (2017) did a research students strategies in learning

vocabulary of the x year students. Students will find difficulties in learning

English if they do not know strategies in learning vocabulary. The research

purposes were: 1) To find out the students’ strategies in learning vocabulary in

various boarding schools, and 2) To find out the dominant strategies used by

senior high school of the X year students in various boarding schools. In this

study the writer used descriptive qualitative design. The population of this

study was the students of Mas Oemardiyan, Mas Al-Manar. Mas Riab

consisting of 74 students. In collecting the data, the writer used open

questionnaire as instrument. The result of the data showed that many students

employed more than one strategies in learning vocabulary.

Based on the previous researches, the researcher concluded that the things

that make this research being different with the previous research are this

research will take the participant in English language education department

students in university of muhammadiyah sorong. The research takes the

participant from students’ language education department semester three. In

addition, the researcher will divide participant y students’ level score in the

research. So that, this research will see the way students perceive the language

learning strategies.

Some Pertinent Ideas

1. Definition of Learning Strategy

To understand the meaning of language learning strategies is

important in learning and teaching English.this can help to have a better

understanding of language learning strategies better. The word strategy

comes from Greek which means a high-level plan to achieve one or more

goals. According to Brown (2016) strategy is a special method of

approaching a problem or manipulating information to achieve the goals.

In education, grad ually, the concept of strategy had a big influence on


Oxford (1990: 7-8) explained that the words ‘strategy’ comes

from strategies. It is an ancient Greek term which means general of the

art of war used for war. Then she tried to compare with the word tactics.

For her, both of those words contain similarities, such as competation,

Concious manupulsti, planning, and movement towards a goal.

Learning Strategies are the behaviors thoughts that a learner

engages in during learning that are intended to influence the learner’s

encoding’ process. (Weinstein and Mayer 1986)

According to Jones et al. (1987), both less proficient and more

proficient students are able to develop effective learning strategies. This

theory tells us that in making en effective learning process, not only

stemming from proficient understanding, language learning can lead to

better.. Understanding language learning can lead to learning progres.

That makes leasing essential in today’s learning environment.

Based on the description above, it can be seen that learning

strategies take by students in order to complete a learning task and enable

effective leaders.

2. Kinds of Learning Strategies

Performers (direct strategies) are the main actors that directly

involved to the target language while the directors (indirect strategies) are

indirectly involved to the target language Husain (2011:43), but they are

important for general management in learning target language. Direct

learning strategies consist of memory strategy, cognitive strategy and

compensation strategy. Meanwhile, the indirect learning strategies consist

of metacognitive strategy, affective strategy and social strategy.

a. Direct Strategy

1) Memory - Related Strategy

Memory-related strategies is the strategies of entering

information into the brain according to the way the brain works

(brain based technique). Because the methods used are in line

with the way the brain works, this will improvecreativity and

efficiency of the brain in absorbing and storing information.

According to Arellano (2017) said Memory strategies involve

the mental processes for storing new information in the memory

and for retrieving them when needed. These strategies entail four

sets: creating mental linkages, applying images and sounds,

reviewing well and employing action.Strategies can be used by

teachers, parents, or by students themselves. Teachers using

strategies will be able to vary their presentations so that they use

a variety of teaching styles.

Based on some explanations of the experts above, it can be

conclude that the memory strategies involves the mental process

for storing new information in the memory and for retrieving

them when needed.

2) Cognitive Strategies

Cognitive strategies enable the learner to manipulate the

language material in direct ways, for example: through

reasoning, analysis, note taking, summarizing, synthesizing,

outlining, reorganizing information to develop stronger schema

(knowledge structures), practicing in naturalistic settings, and

practicing structures and sounds formally. According to

Weinstein et al (Cited by A Simsek, 2010), in their review of

research on the teaching of learning strategies, conceptualized

two main categories of strategies, 1) teaching strategies, such as

the teacher presenting material in a certain way, and 2) learning

strategies, such as the learner summarizing material in a certain

way. They further differentiated eight categories of learning

strategies, including basic and complex rehearsal strategies, basic

and complex elaboration strategies, basic and complex

organizational strategies, comprehension monitoring strategies

and affective and motivational strategies.

Based on some explanation by the experts above, it can be

summarized that the cognitive strategies is a conscious way in

processing the target language. It involves four categories as

well; practicing, receiving and sending messages, analyzing and

reasoning, and creating structure for input and output.

3) Compensation Strategies

Compensation learning strategies are used by learners who

are have a fairly high skill. This learning strategy usually used to

overcome some limitations in conversation. Lessons in trouble

explaining something in the language learned, for example, can

use the resolution or translation in the utterance to be saved to

keep the process running. In fact, Body Movements can be used

to cover the limitations he faces. Including learn this strategy

determine or choose yourself topics to be discussed. In fact,

trying to avoid topics which also a difficult strategy in this

group. According to Cohen (Cited by Hamidin, 2015) asserted

that compensatory strategies that are used for speaking and

writing (often known as a form of communication strategies) are

intended only for language use and must not be considered to be

language learning strategies.

Based on some explanation by the experts above, it can

be summarized that the compensatory strategies is in this

strategy consists of guessing intelligently, and overcoming

limitations in speaking and writing.

b. Indirect Strategies

1) Metacognitive Strategies

A metacognitive strategy is any learner's behavior related

to tactics or ways of learners to face and managing teaching

and learning materials. In this study, strategy metacognitive

manifested various types of activities that can be put in the

following three categories: focus attention, plan and arrange

teaching and learning activities, and evaluating teaching and

learning. Can be stressed that all this must come from and is

done by the learner. According to Moore (Cited by Pharm,

2017), said the metacognitive refers to a person’s

understanding of his knowledge, and thus a deep understanding

of his knowledge would reflect his affective use or a clear

description of pertinent knowledge.

Based on some explanation by the experts above, it can be

summarized that the metacognitive strategies. This strategy

consists of centering your learning, arranging, and planning

your learning, and evaluating your learning.

2) Affective Strategies

According to Mulyasa (Cited by Arini, 2013) learning can be

improved by developing aspects of affective (emotional

intelligence), because through the development of intelligence

alone is not able to produce a whole human being, as expected

by national education. Because basically learning is different

from teaching which in principle describes the activities of

teachers, while learning describes the activities of students. So

that through learning there will be a process of developing

religious morals, activities, and creativity of students through

various interactions and learning experiences.

Meanwhile, in the Big Indonesian Dictionary, the word

'affective' is identified with the term emotion and is interpreted

in three kinds, namely: 1) with regard to feelings (fear, love), 2)

influencing circumstances, feelings, and emotions, 3) having a

style and meanings that indicate feelings (style of language or

meaning).So that affective learning strategies can be interpreted

as strategies designed by the teacher in learning activities that

are not only centered on students' cognitive, but how the

learning can also make changes in behavior in students through

intentional planting of value.

Based on some explanation by the experts above, it can be

summarized that the affective strategy. Affective strategy

assists learners to manage their emotions, motivation, and

attitudes toward learning process.

3) Social Strategies

Social strategy is all student behaviors related to the

work of students with their peers in achieving learning goals.

This strategy is manifested in activities: talking to friends about

lessons, helping friends in accordance with teaching and

learning activities, asking friends for help, complimenting

friends, harassing or cheering friends, and disturbing friends.

According to Lestari (2015) this strategy facilities

language learning trough interaction with others. It consist of

asking questions, cooperative with others, and empathizing

with others. Asking questions can be described as 1) asking

clarification or verification, or 2) asking for correction.

Meanwhile, cooperating with others can be applied by 1)

cooperating with peers, or 2) cooperating with proficient user

or native speaker of the language. And last is empathizing with

other involves 1) developing cultural understanding, and 2)

becoming aware of others’ thoughts and feelings.

Based on some explanation by the experts above, it can

be summarized that the social strategies. This strategy

facilitates language learning through interaction with others. It

consists of asking questions, cooperating with others, and

empathizing with others.

3. The Importance of Learning Strategies

Knowing the importance of language learning strategies is a

significant thing for the learner. Many people are not aware that

learning strategies are important aspects in learning foreign

language. Those learners just follow the teacher’s instruction. Only

a few learners are aware the importance of language learning

strategies that can make an effective way in learning the language.

As many researchers like Oxford, Cohen, et al in Shmais’s journal

have emphasized that effective learners used many different

strategies in order to solve the problem that they face or producing

the language. Moreover, many earlier researcher also confirm that

good learners employ language learning strategies in learning the


Using language learning strategies appropriately can make

improvement in learner’s language skills. According to

Hismanoglu(2000) stated that language learning strategies help

language teachers about how their student asses their situation in

learning process, plan, choose skills so they can understand, learn,

or remember information in the language classroom. It can be seen

that thelanguage learning strategy is an important aspect in

learning foreign language because it is a basic aspect of learning

language that can make learners increase their language


4. Definition of Academic Vocabulary

Academic vocabulary can be difficult to define. One broad

definition is the vocabulary which can be used in academic

context. The here though is what do we mean spoken context (e.g.

lectures, seminars, presentations), written contexts (e.g. essays,

articles, reports), or both? Writers on academic vocabulary tend to

focus on the letter, and often overlook the former. It also depends

on what subject we are talking about. The academic vocabulary

necessary for writing a science laboratory report (e.g. apparatus,

procedure, errors) has some differences from the academic

vocabulary which might be used in social science research (e.g.

survey, population, sample). Though of course they would also

have much in common.

Academic vocabulary is difficult to define, because it

depends very much on what kind of context we are talking about.

For example, spoken academic language different from written

academic language (though they also have much in common); the

language for biology differs from the technical language they use

(though again, they have much in common). The main issue for

EAP students is to raise your awareness of which general words

are formal enough to use in academic writing, build your

knowledge of common academic words, and study and learn the

technical vocabulary which is used in the discipline you are

studying (or plan to study).

Academic vocabulary helps students to convey arguments

and facilitate the presentation of ideas in a sophisticated manner. It

prepares students for academic success by helping them preview,

learn and practice vocabulary from Academic Words List

(Cummins, 2002, as cited in Zwwiers, 2008)

5. Types of Academic Vocabulary

a. General words academic

The General Service List (GSL) is a useful starting place

to identify general English words. Many of the words in the

GSL can be used in academic context. Consider these

example, all of which contain only words from the GSL, but

all of which are acceptable in academic speech or writing,

6. Academic words and words list

Academic Words List. This can be a useful resource for

building general academic vocabulary, though it should be

remembered that this list is derived from written academic texts, so

is most useful for written contexts. It is also important to use the

list appropriately: do not just try to learn all the words. A useful

tool is the Academic Words List highlighter, which will help you

study the words in context, as well as giving definitions,

pronunciation and examples sentences.

There are two other commonly used lists for academic English.

One is called the Academic Collocation List, or ACL for short.

This lists commonly used collocations in written academic texts

(e.g. vast array, great accuracy). The other is called the Academic

Formulas List, or AFL for short. This lists commonly used

formulaic sequences in academic English (e.g. in terms of, at the

same time). As with the AWL, both of these lists were produced

following extensive research.

7. The Problem of Vocabulary

There are several strong reason for which the vocabulary

components of language course needs to be carefully planned.

Firstly because different vocabulary gives greatly different return

for learning. It is important to make sure that learner have a good

control of high frequency words of the language before moving on

the less frequent vocabulary. Secondly, most language teaching

course make vocabulary learning more difficult that it should be as

a result of the way vocabulary in the course is sequenced.

Grouping, opposites, synonyms, and items in a lexical set together

courses. Interference that result in confusion for the learners. It is

simple matter to avoid this problem. Thirdly, vocabulary learning

opportunities and the quality of vocabulary learning can be geatly

increased through the careful design of both vocabulary and others

skill activities.

Many problem faced when Indonesian students learn a target

language such as English in vocabulary is they cannot understand

what the connection between the new vocabulary they have

learned with the function of the vocabulary word, then they cannot

apply their new vocabulary in their mind for communication.

Term used to classify word based on their functional categories

are called part of speech. The classification of the words of a

language in this way is dependent on their function in

communication. Noun can occur in certain places in sentence and

serve certain function. Verb, adjective, and adverb also occur in

certain laces in sentences and serve special function. In English,

the functional categories include pronouns and interjections.

Noun is a member of a class of words that can function at the

subject or object in a construction, refer to places, animals, things,

states, or qualities. Verb is a member of a class of words that can

function as the main elements of predicates, typically express

action, state, or a relation between two things. Adjective is word

used to quality a noun or pronoun. Adverb is a word which

modifies a verb, adjective or another adver

B. Conceptual framework
As mentioned above, the students should master vocabulary.

Vocabulary is one basic elements in mastering English, because if students

cannot master in vocabulary the students automatically will not obtain the

four of skill of English, such as listening, reading, speaking, and writing.






FIGURE 2.1 Conceptual Framework


This chapter present the Methodology use in conducting this research.

It present the research method and design, setting of the research, participant

of the research, instrument of the research, technique of data collection, and

data analysis.

A. Research Method and Design

1. Method

The method will used by the researcher in this research is qualitative

research. According to Criswell (in Klenke: 20008) qualitative is inquiry

process of understanding based or distinct methodological traditions of

inquiry that explore a social human and human problems. As the research

questions above, this research has main problem that would be answered

in this research. And the problem is knowing what language learning

strategies that students of three semester used.

2. Design

The design in this research is descriptive qualitative research. Burns

and Grove (2003: 19) describe a qualitative approach as “as systematic

subjective approach used to describe life experiences and situations to

givethem meaning”. In this research, the researcher try to find what

language learning strategies that students of three semester used in learn

Academic Vocabulary.

B. Setting of the Research

Place : This research will be conducted at University of Muhammadiyah

Sorong, located on Jln. Pendidikan No.27 Remu Utara, Malaingkedi, Sorong

Utara, Kota Sorong. When students use learning strategies help them to

measure their level of success in learning English. To overcome this problem,

the students need to find out what learning strategies are useful for them. In

addition, this university has several semester in English Education

Department, namely first semester, third semester, fifth semester, seventh

semester and ninth semester. The researcher took students’ semester three as

participant. In addition, the researcher divides the participant by students’

level score in the research. Therefore, the researcher chose University of

Muhammadiyah Sorong as the place

Time : the researcher require a design time that is right so the research, the

researcher can run well and accordance with what expected, namely getting

the result maximum. The following is a research planed by research.

And it consists of sereral aktivities:
10- 10- 15- 15- 25- 1- 10- 20- 23- 15- 20- 30- 5-Dec
Mei Jun Jun Jul Aug Sep 0ct Oct 0ct Nov Nov Dec
of the title
of the
a. Research
b. Collecting
of data
c. Analysis
the data
Final thesis
and guidance
of chapter IV
and V
b. Thesis
Figure 3.1 Planing activities

C. Participant of the Research

The participants of this research will take semester three in English

Teaching Department, then the participant consisted of 10 students. The

researcher took participant from semester three because students from this

semester were students who were specifically chose because of their high

level score or they were score A in the subject of Academic Vocabulary.

That’s why researcher are interested in making research in semester three. For

fill the questionnaire the researcher took 10 students as main instrument in

this research. And then the researcher took 5 students for doing interview as

supporting instrument in this research. Therefore, the researcher will be taking

the students as the participants on this research.

D. Instrument of the Research

The instruments of this research are questionnaire and interview.

Questionnaire as main instrument and interview as supporting instrument. The

researcher will use questionnaire and interview to know the learning strategies

used by students of third semester in mastering English vocabulary at

University of Muhammadiyah Sorong.

1. Questionnaire

The researcher use Open-Ended Questionnaire. Sugiyono (2008:142)

explained that questionnaire is a technique of collecting data that is done

by giving some question some question or statement to respondent.

Questionnaire is a list of questions given to others with intention that get

their responses, according to the way of giving responses, there are open-

ended and close-ended questionnaire (Arikunto, 2016:102-103).

Questionnaire is distribute to the students as the respondent from this

research. The researcher give the time to the respondent to fill the

questionnaire and after the respondents fill the questionnaire the

researcher collect that and analyzed the data. We can see the

blueprint/Indicator of the queationnaire in appendix 1: (Research


2. Interview

One of the technique for obtaining information is interview by asking

the students or respondent.The researcher applied semi-structure

interview where in the process of collecting the data, the researcher just

listen the guidance questions and the further questions developed in the

process of interview.Sugiyono (2012: 233) Semi-Structured interview is a

type of interview in the in-dept interview category. Where in the

implementation freer when compared with structured interviews.And then

Creswell (2008:226) also classify the interview into four types, those

types are 1) one-on-one interview 2) focus group interview 3) telephone

interview 4) electronic e-mail interview. We can see the

Blueprint/Indicator in appendix 1 (Reseacrh Instrument).

E. Technique of Data Collection

According to Puta (2014:37) data collection technique is the

researcher’s ways in collecting data from samples, informants, as well as of

the object. In this research, the researcher applied interview and questionnaire

as instrument. First of all, the Interview is conducted after teaching class but

the researcher selects two classes for the research. The researcher stays in the

classroom to observe the participants. And also to support all of the

instrument the researcher will take a photo to support the instrument.

However, the researcher will give an Interview after class to make the

participants having a free space in responding the questions give by

researcher. Researchers give interviews to students who choose as a sample.

The sample consisted of 5 students. However, to determine the level of

participants, researchers will draw from student documents or transcripts from

students' English grades. Interview guidelines consist of 5 semistructured

questions. However, researchers transcribe the data in the recording and

translate it in English to analyze it to get the data.

Second, a questionnaire will be given to the participants in third

semester. It will be used to support interviews to obtain data. Participants will

check the list by following the following criteria: (5) strongly agree, (4) agree,

(3) disagree, and (2) disagree, (1) strongly disagree. Then, the questionnaire

guidelines consisted of 12 statements from the six parts of the learning

strategy. However, each strategy has 2 statements. However, researchers will

provide questionnaires before conducting interviews.

Table 3.2 description of the questionnaire

No Category Number of item Item

1 Social strategies 1,2 2
2 Metacognitive strategies 3,4 2
3 Effective strategies 5,6 2
4 Memory strategies 7,8 2
5 Cognitive strategies 9,10 2
6 Compensation strategies 11.12 2

F. Data Analysis

In analyzing the data the researcher become the center in analyzing

data collecting in the field. Questionnaire and interview are use to obtain the

data. First Questionnaire, the researcher would get the data from the

questionnaire to support the data from interview to know the strategy use by

students. Then, the researcher would use formula from (sugiono, 2011: 199)

as follow:

T x Pn

T  = The total number of respondentds who voted

Pn = Choice of Lingkert numbers

Second, interview the researcher would get the data to analysis the

data from the students. Miles & Huberman (1994: 10-11) state that there were

three steps in qualitative data analysis, they are: data reduction, data display,

and drawing conclusion/verification. Each step was explained further as


1. Data Reduction

Data reduction refers to the process of selecting, focusing, simplifying,

abstracting, and transforming data that appear in written-up field notes or

transcriptions. The data reduction process continued after fieldwork until a

final report was completed.

The researcher would hear and transcribe the students’ answer from

the interview. The researcher would translate and reduce the data from the

interview in order to get the important information from interview.

2. Data Display

A display was an organized, compressed, assembly of information that

permits conclusions drawing and action. Data display help the researcher

to understand what is happening and to do something-either analyze

further or take action-based on that understanding. To obtain the data will

display descriptively.

3. Drawing Conclusion & Verification

This is the last step in data analysis. In this step the researcher

concluded and verified all the data that have been select and compressed

based on the research needs.

The researcher would conclude the data in order to answer of the reason.



This chapter consists of finding and discussion that will show the result of the

data found in field and discussion.

A. Findings

This chapter present data found related to students learning strategies about

mastering English academic vocabulary for students semester three in University

of Muhammadiyah Sorong. Learning strategies very important for support

students learning. So this section, the researcher will present the findings on

based related to the strategies used by students in learning in third semester at

University of Muhammadiyah Sorong. Data obtained from semi-structured

interviews and open questionnaires as instruments to collect data and to identify

students needing research questions. The research were drawn from students who

they has scored in academic vocabulary.

Interview data obtained in the research process shows that students have

different ways of learning by implementing their learning strategies. That will be

mentioned as follows:

1. Social Strategy

Table 4.1 Result of Social Strategies

Semester SA A N D SD Mean

1 7 2 2,90

3 2 1 4 3 3,20

From the table above, it can be seen from the percentage of Mean on

both statetment in social strategies, it show that srudents of the third semester

on the firt statmet with 2.90. It show that students are not frecuently use social

strategies in their language learning. And on the second statement with 3.20. It

show that students frequently use social strategies in their language learing.

And from this participant, the researcher choose 5 students to be interviewed.

The result of the interview process will be listed as followed.

Extract 4

“Iya, saya suka belajar bahasa inggris bersama teman-teman yang

lebih pintar karena mereka bisa sharing-sharing ilmu yang seperti
kata-kata bahasa inggris yang belum saya ketahui gitu”. (Student 4,
Vovember 7th 2020)
“Yes, I like to learn English with friends who smart, because they can
sharing the knowledge like words of English who I don’t know”.
(Student 4, Vovember 7th 2020)
“Iya, sangat membantu karna eeeeeeee,, separti yang tadi saya
bilang, mereka bisa membantu memberitahu kayak kosa-kata atau
pelajaran-pelajaran yang belum saya ketahui gitu”. (Student 4,
Vovember 7th 2020)
“Yes, it’s helpful because like just now I am saying, they can help

From the interview above student 4, choose to use social strategies for

learning because learning with friends who are more knowledgeable will add

to their insights. By inviting communication using English, and inviting to

collaborate with other friends in the learning process. This was also done by 4

other students namely controlling themselves when dealing with the audience

when explaining the subject matter. Because the language-based explanation

is a form of social behavior. This can be used as a communication tool and

can also be used to facilitate interaction by asking questions and cooperating

with others in the learning process. Learning with others and the right social

strategy is very important in this process. This causes students to get used to

making communication.

2. Metacognitive Strategies

Table 4.2 Result of Cognitive Strategies

Semester SA A N D SD Mean

2 2 4 2 3,20

3 2 3 1 2 3,20

From the table above, it can be seen from the percentage of Mean on

both statetment in cognitive strategies, it show that students’ of third semester

on the firt statmet with 3.20, it show that students frecuently use social

strategies in their language learning. And on the second statement with 3.20. it

show that students frequently use social strategies in their language learing.

And from this participant, the researcher choose 5 students to be interviewed.

The result of the interview process will be listed as followed.

Extract 2

“Iya, saya sering menulis catatan kecil dan meteri yang menurut saya
perlu di tulis, karena ini dpat mempermudah saya untuk mengingat
dan memahami materi yang telah di berikan dosen di kelas”. (Student
2, November 7th 2020)
“Yes, I often write small notes and materials that I think needs to write
it, because this can make it easier for me to remember and understand
the material that the lecturer has given in class”. (Student 2,
November 7th 2020)
“Sebagian besar dari tulisan-tulisan itu cukup membantu”. (Student 2,
November 7th 2020)
“Most of those writings are quite helpful”. (Student 2, November 7 th
From the above interview student 2, choose to use metacognitive

strategies for learning because according to them taking notes that have never

been known is very important. Because according to students, what is

explained by the lecturer is can help them. And that makes students often

record lessons that students think are important. This was also done by 4 other

students who were taking notes which they thought were important to be

learned back at home. Because based on the explanation metacognitive

strategies are actions that go beyond pure cognitive devices, and that provides

ways for students to coordinate their own learning processes. This strategy is

used to organize, plan, focus, and plan one's learning.

3. Affective Strategies

Table 4.3 Result of Compensatory Strategies

Semester SA A N D SD Mean

1 3 3 1 2 3,00

3 3 1 3 1 2 3,20

From the table above, it can be seen from the percentage of Mean on

both statetment in affective strategies, it show that students’ of third semester

on the firt statmet with 3.00, it show that students frecuently use social

strategies in their language learning. And on the second statement with 3.20. It

show that students frequently use social strategies in their language learing.

And from this participant, the researcher choose 5 students to be interviewed.

The result of the interview process will be listed as followed.

Extract 2

““Ada sih,, waktu pertama baru maju ke depan, karena kan kayak
macam masih muka-muka baru gitu, Jadi, gugup masih ada sih, tapi
setelah lama-kelamaan gitu sudah tidak terlalu sih, dan kalo misalnya
aku gugup juga itu, dengan melihat ke tembok, kadang melihat kepala
teman-teman gitu”.(Student 5, Vovember 7th 2020)
“There is, at first, I just came forward, because it seems like they are
still new faces, so there is still nervousness, nut after a while, it’s not
really that bad, and if for example, I’m nervous too, looking at the
wall, sometimes looking at my friends’ head”.. (Student 5, Vovember
7th 2020)

“Intinya engga lihat muka-muka mereka gitu sih, misalkan kalo
melihat muka mereka pasti mereka tertawa”. (Student 5, November 7th
“The point is that they don't see their faces, for example, if they see their
faces, they laugh”. ”. (Student 5, November 7th 2020)

From the interview above, student 2 chose to use a compensatory

strategy for learning because student 2 tried to combine English and

Indonesian to explain the material or while speaking. It was also done by the

other 5 students to talk with friends or explain the material. They used to draw

English and Indonesian to practice their speaking. That shows that student 1

often applies the compensatory strategy. Because based on the explanation the

compensatory strategy is a strategy that allows students to use the new

language for understanding or production despite limitations in knowledge.

4. Memory Strategies

Table 4.4 Result of Metacognitive Strategies

Semester SA A N D SD Mean

5 1 2 2 3,90

3 4 3 1 2 3,70

From the table above, it can be seen from the percentage of Mean on

both statetment in memory strategies, it show that students’ of third semester

on the firt statmet with 3.90, it show that students frecuently use social

strategies in their language learning. And on the second statement with 3.70. It

show that students frequently use social strategies in their language learing.

And from this participant, the researcher choose 5 students to be interviewed.

The result of the interview process will be listed as followed.

Extract 1

“Iya, karena biasanya saya menyanyikan lagunya sambil melhat

liriknya, dan jika ada kilir yang saya tidak mngerti biasanya saya cari
di kamus”. (Students 3, November 7th 2020)

“Yes, because I usually sing the song while looking at the lyrics, and if
there are lyrics that I don't understand, I usually look it up in the
dictionary”. (Students 3, November 7th 2020)

From the interview above, student 3 chose to use a memory strategy

because student 1 often learned new vocabulary by listening to songs and she

can practice his pronunciation also. So you can remember vocabulary and the

pronunciation. From the statement above shows that student 1 applies strategy

memory. Because based on the explanation of the memory strategy is a

strategy used to remember a thing that has been read correctly and as is. And

from the results of the interviews of the 5 participants, all students chose to

answer the same statement. So the researchers chose one statement that was

almost close to the application of memory strategies.

5. Cognitive strategies

Table 4.5 Result of Affective Strategies

Semester SA A N D SD Mean

2 1 5 2 3,30

3 1 5 2 2 2,50

From the table above, it can be seen from the percentage of Mean on

both statetment in cognitive strategies, it show that students’ of third semester

on the firt statmet with 3.30, it show that students frecuently use social

strategies in their language learning. And on the second statement with 2.50. It

show that students are not frequently use social strategies in their language

learing. And from this participant, the researcher choose 5 students to be

interviewed. The result of the interview process will be listed as followed.

Extract 5

“Menghafal?? Palingan kayak membaca ulang lagi gitu sih, kalau

sudah sampai di rumah gitu, atau misalkan ada tugas gitu, yah baru
buka kembali materinya”. (Student 5, November 7th 2020)

“Memorize? Most like reading it again, when I back at home, or

suppose there is a task like that. Well, just reopen the material”.
(Student 5, November 7th 2020)

“Hmmp, Iya gitu”. (Student 5, November 7th 2020)

“Hmmp, that’s it”. (Student 5, November 7th 2020)

From the interview above, student 4 chooses to use cognitive

strategies for learning because student 2 tries to relearn lessons that have been

taught by the lecture and prefers to understand the material rather than

memorize the material. So that he is easier to answer the test or task. That was

also answered by the other 4 students who preferred to understand the

material rather than memorize it. Because of the explanation cognitive

strategies are capabilities that are internally organized that allow students to

use it to regulate the way she learns, remembers, and thinks.

6. Compensation strategies

Table 4.6 Result of Social Strategies

Semester SA A N D SD Mean

2 3 1 1 3 3,00

3 2 2 3 1 2 3,10

From the table above, it can be seen from the percentage of Mean on

both statetment in cognitive strategies, it show that students’ of third semester

on the firt statmet with 3.00, it show that students frecuently use social

strategies in their language learning. And on the second statement with 3.10. It

show that students frequently use social strategies in their language learing.

And from this participant, the researcher choose 5 students to be interviewed.

The result of the interview process will be listed as followed:

Extract 4

“Iya, saya suka belajar bahasa inggris bersama teman-teman yang

lebih pintar karena mereka bisa sharing-sharing ilmu yang seperti
kata-kata bahasa inggris yang belum saya ketahui gitu”. (Student 4,
Vovember 7th 2020)
“Yes, I like to learn English with friends who smart, because they can
sharing the knowledge like words of English who I don’t know”.
(Student 4, Vovember 7th 2020)
“Iya, sangat membantu karna eeeeeeee,, separti yang tadi saya
bilang, mereka bisa membantu memberitahu kayak kosa-kata atau
pelajaran-pelajaran yang belum saya ketahui gitu”. (Student 4,
Vovember 7th 2020)
“Yes, it’s helpful because like just now I am saying, they can help
From the interview above student 4, choose to use social strategies for

learning because learning with friends who are more knowledgeable will add

to their insights. By inviting communication using English, and inviting to

collaborate with other friends in the learning process. This was also done by 4

other students namely controlling themselves when dealing with the audience

when explaining the subject matter. Because the language-based explanation

is a form of social behavior. This can be used as a communication tool and

can also be used to facilitate interaction by asking questions and cooperating

with others in the learning process. Learning with others and the right social

strategy is very important in this process. This causes students to get used to

making communication.

Table 4.7 Classification of questionnaire result

Indirect Strategies Direct Strategies

Social Metacognitive Affective Memory Cognitive Compensation
Strategies Strategies Strategies Strategies Strategies Strategies
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
S1 2 2 3 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 2
S2 3 5 5 5 3 3 5 5 3 3 5 5
S3 3 5 1 1 5 1 5 5 3 1 5 5
S4 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 4 5 3 4 3
S5 4 2 3 2 1 2 2 1 3 2 1 1
S6 3 2 3 4 4 5 4 3 2 3 4 4
S7 2 3 1 3 3 3 5 4 4 3 4 3
S8 3 4 5 5 2 5 5 5 5 1 1 1
S9 3 3 4 4 4 4 3 5 3 4 2 4
S10 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 3 3 3 3
29 32 32 32 30 32 37 39 33 25 30 31
Total Score 61 64 62 76 58 61
Precentage   7,32% 7,68% 7,44% 9,12% 6,96% 7,32%

Based on the table above, it could be concluded that all of the students were

used 6 strategies have their dominant strategies. It could be seen from the rank

with total score from each strategy and also with percentage. Therefore, the

researcher found the dominant strategies used by students was memory strategies

as the first rank with 76 as frequency and percentage as 9,12%, as followed by

metacognitive strategies as the second rank with 64 as the frequency and

percentage as 7,68%, the third rank was effective strategies with 62 as the

frequency and percentage 7,44%, fourth strategies as follow by social strategies

with 61 as the frequency and percentage as 7,32%, fifth rank was compensatory

strategies with 61 and percentage as 7,32%, sixth rank strategies as follow by

cognitive strategies with 58 as the frequency and percentage as 6.96%.

B. Discussion

Based on the shows above, the discussion contains ofthe Learning Strategies

used by the students Universitas of Muhammadiyah Sorong in learning Academic

Vocabulary. The researcher try to reflect with the relevant reference from

(Husain, 2011: 43) said that learning strategies in two main parts, they are: direct

strategies and indirect strategies. Direct strategies consist of memory strategies,

cognitive strategies, compensation strategies, and indirect strategies consist of

Metacognitive strategies, affective strategies, and social strategies.

The researcher will discuss from the highest until the lowest frequency. As


1. Affective Strategies

According to Darmasyah (2010:20-21) learning strategy is all about

perspective, thought, patterns, and direction that taken for gaining effective

learning. It can be seen from the statements of students. She said that “there

is, at first, I just come forward, because it seems like they are still new feces”.

(Student 5). This means that students often think that what they will explain

later will be wrong or not in accordance with the material presented.

Based on the research shown above the discussion about affective

strategies found that students tend to be nervous when explaining the material.

In this strategy applied students can control their own anxiety in explaining

the subject matter.Same as Hardan (2013) said, language learning strategies

encourage self-direction to learn. And it can be seen from the statements of

students. She said that "so, there is still nervousness, but after a while it’s

gone, and if I still nervous, by looking at the wall, sometimes I see the heads

of my freans”. (Student 5).

From the above data, it can be seen that student 1 tends to use active

strategies when explaining subject matter Mulyasa (Cited by Arini, 2013)

learning can be improved by developing aspects of affective (emotional

intelligence), because through the development of intelligence alone is not

able to produce a whole human being, as expected by national education. This

means that in learning students must increase their emotional intelligence in

order to produce the expected intelligence. Based on a needs analysis, which

aims to specify as closely as possible what exactly it is that students have to

do through the medium of English.

Meanwhile, in the Big Indonesian Dictionary, the word 'affective' is

identified with the term emotion and is interpreted in three kinds, namely: 1)

with regard to feelings (fear, love), 2) influencing circumstances, feelings, and

emotions, 3) having a style and meanings that indicate feelings (style of

language or meaning). Therefore students, this strategy is a strategy that is

often used by students. This can be supported by a questionnaire with a

frequency of 62 and a percentage of 7,44%.

2. Compensation Strategies

Hamidin (2015) asserted that compensatory strategies that are used for

speaking and writing (often known as a form of communication strategies) are

intended only for language use and must not be considered to be language

learning strategies. This means Compensatory learning strategies are used by

learners who are have a fairly high skill. This learning strategy usually used to

overcome some limitations in conversation. Lessons in trouble explaining

something in the language learned, for example, can use the resolution or

translation in the utterance to be saved to keep the process running. In fact,

Body Movements can be used to cover the limitations he faces. This is also

supported by the theory from Cohen (2010) stated that language learning

strategies constituted the steps or actions consciously that selected by the


This strategy is applied by students when explaining the subject

matter.It can be seen from the statements of students. She said that “yes, I

often combine (Mix) Indonesian and English, because I am not very fluent in

speaking English”. (Student 2). This research has different with previous

study of research from Rachmawati (2012) entitled language learning

strategies used by learners in learning speaking. She found that compensation

strategies are the most frequently used strategies employed by all learners. In

addition, it can be supported by data from questionnaires from student 2 with

this strategy ranked second with 61 as a frequency and can be a percentage of


3. Metacognitive Strategies

Third strategies is metacognitive strategies the students use this

strategies by evaluating learning, and preparation the material. A

metacognitive strategy is any learner's behavior related to tactics or ways of

learners to face and managing teaching and learning materials. This statement

is the same as what Hismanoglu (2010) stated that language learning

strategies help language teachers about how their student asses their situation

in learning process, plan, select skills so as to understand, learn, or remember

information in the language classroom. This is support by the interview “yes,

because of those points, sometimes the lecturer talks quickly, if we write the

important points, so sometimes if there is something we don’t understand what

we write down the point, so we do it, so we can find it by ourselves, oh,, it

turns out that this is what the lecture meant”. (Student 4)

In this study, strategy metacognitive manifested various types of

activities that can be put in the following three categories: focus attention,

plan and arrange teaching and learning activities, and evaluating teaching and

learning. Can be stressed that all this must come from and is done by the


Based on the data above, it can be shows that the students 5 use this

strategies to help her by preparation the material and then evaluating learning.

This strategies are used for organizing, planning, focusing, and planning one’s

learning, Moore (Cited by Pharm, 2017), said the metacognitive refers to a

person’s understanding of his knowledge, and thus a deep understanding of

his knowledge would reflect his affective use or a clear description of

pertinent knowledge. Then, which can be supported by data from

questionnaires from the third rank. The strategy used by students is

metacognitive strategy with 64 as a frequency, and get a 7,68% presentation.

4. Memory Strategies

Memory-related strategies is the strategies of entering information into

the brain according to the way the brain works (brain based technique).

Because the methods used are in line with the way the brain works, this will

improve creativity and efficiency of the brain in absorbing and storing

information. Oxford (Cited by Shafei, 2010) stated that language learning

strategies are the tools to make students more active and self- directed in

developing communicative competence. This relates to the fourth strategy

which is strategy memory students tend to used this strategies when learn to

speak. The students use this strategies by writing new vocabulary, watching

western movie or listening western songs, and reading. And this strategy also

means the key to success in learning English, according to Joe Speak (2017)

says there are 10 tips to help you reach the level needed in learning English

including watching movies with subtitles and listen to English.It can be seen

from the data from interview, she said “always, and not just song, watch

movie and talk to friend who can speak English. Yes, because usually I sing

the song while looking at the lyrics, and if there are the lyrics that’s I don’t

understand, I usuallly look it up in the dictionary”. (Student 3).

This research has same with previous study of research from Astrit

Tania (2014) Learning Strategies used by the student of Acceleration Class in

speaking English at MAN 3 Tulungagung. In this strategy the students can

memorize the lessons which help them store and retrieve information.

Based on the data above, it can be shows that the students 2 use this

strategies to remind his about what he have been remind and also to get new

vocabulary.Arellano (2017) said Memory strategies involve the mental

processes for storing new information in the memory and for retrieving

themwhen needed. These strategies entail four sets: creating mental linkages,

applying images and sounds, reviewing well and employing action. Strategies

can be used by teachers, parents, or by students themselves.The probable

reason for this is that memory strategies are often used for memorizing

vocabulary and structures in initial stages of language learning, but that

learners need such strategies much less when their arsenal of vocabulary and

structures has become larger.Moreover, this strategies is the fourth strategies

are used by students it can be seen by the questionnaire with 76 as frequency

and the percentage as 9,12%.

5. Cognitive Strategies

Nawawi in Fachrurrozi et al (2011: 5) suggests that methods in

language teaching refer to what teachers actually do and practice in order to

help learners achieve expected language skills. This refers to the fifth strategy,

the cognitive strategy. Strategies that students tend to use to repeat the lesson

or understand the material. This is also related to what Joe Speak (2010) said

about 10 tips to help you reach the required level including tips 4 which is

read as much as you can. You can start reading things for your level – if what

you read is too difficult, you‘ll get discouraged. Try children’s books or

comics – it might feel silly but the pictures and simple structures will help you

understand words you have not yet studied and they will help you with

everyday language in a context that is easier for you to understand. It can be

seen from the data from interview, she said “Memorize? Most like reading it

again, when I back at home, or suppose there is a task like that. Well, just

reopen the material”. (Student 5”. It can be conclude that students 2 tries to

prepare herself with used repeating, and practice naturalistically. This is a

strategy that students often use to practice their memory about learning.

According to Weinstein and Mayer (Cited by A Simsek, 2010), in their

review of research on the teaching of learning strategies, conceptualized two

main categories of strategies, 1) teaching strategies, such as the teacher

presenting material in a certain way, and 2) learning strategies, such as the

learner summarizing material in a certain way.

They further differentiated eight categories of learning strategies,

including basic and complex rehearsal strategies, basic and complex

elaboration strategies, basic and complex organizational strategies,

comprehension monitoring strategies and affective and motivational

strategies.Moreover, this strategy is fifth range because it can be seen front

questionnaire with 58 as the frequency and the percentage with 6,96%.

6. Social Strategies

The last strategy is social strategy. Students use strategies when

studying and apply these techniques when communicating in class while

studying with peers.According to Reigeluth and Degeng (2015), there are

three kinds of learning strategies including, Management Strategy: it is how to

organize the interaction between learners and learning strategy variables,

which are organizational strategy and delivery strategy. It refers in scheduling

and allocation of teaching that organized.

Can be seen from the extract 4 of students, she said that Yes, there are even

quite a lot of smart people who are good at learning English “Yes, there are even

quite a lot of smart people who are good at learning English ". (Student 2)

Chaer (Cited by Lavasani, 2011) suggests the term target language

which is a language that is being studied and wants to be mastered. It can be

seen from the data from interview, she said "In my opinion, it is very helpful,

because if there is a material that I don't understand, I will immediately ask

those who are smarter or superior in learning English.”. (Student 2). From

the data above, it can be seen that student 4 needs another to help him learn,

share knowledge. That proves that 4th students tend to use social strategies.

Lestari (2015) state that this strategy facilities language learning

through interaction with others. It consist of asking questions, cooperative

with others, and empathizing with others. Asking questions can be described

as 1) asking clarification or verification, or 2) asking for correction.

Meanwhile, cooperating with others can be applied by 1) cooperating with

peers, or 2) cooperating with professional users or native speakers of the

language. And last is empathizing with other involves 1) developing cultural

understanding, and 2) becoming aware of others' thoughts and feelings. In

addition, it can be supported by data from a questionnaire of 12 students. This

strategy is ranked second with 61 as a frequency and can be a percentage of




This chapter presents the conclusions and the suggestions of the research. The

conclusions part presents the conclusions from the research finding and discussion.

The suggestion part presents some suggestions from the researcher to all students in

English language deparment at University of Muhammadiyah Sorong.

A. Conclusion

After the end of the process of the research, some conclusions were described

based on the result of data analysis. Based on the previous chapter, it can be

conclude that Language Learning Strategies used by university students in

mastering English academic vocabulary used by the students were compensation

strategies, social strategies, metacognitive strategies, memory strategies, affective

strategies, and cognitive strategies.

The first rank is memory strategies with a total of 76 with a percentage

of 9,12%, this shows that students often listen to western songs to look for new

vocabulary. The second rank is the metacognitive strategies with a total 64 with a

percentage of 7,68%, this shows that students write small notes when the lecturer

explains to be studied again. The third rank is effective strategies with a total 62

with a percentage of 7,44%, this shows that students control themselves when

they feel nervous in front of the class. The fourth rank is social strategies and

compensation strategies with the same number 61 with a percentage of 07,32%,

this show that studnets study with peers, ask for help while studying, and practice

speaking and combine English and Indonesian when talking with peers. And the

last rank is cognitive strategies with a total 58 with a percentage 6,96%, this show

that students memorize them then practice when talking to peers.

Based on the conclusion students are more dominant using memory strategies

because to involve the mental processes for stroring new information in the

memory and for retrieving them when needed. These strategies entail four sets

creating mental linkages, applying images and sounds, reviewing well, and

employing action in the language learning process.

B. Suggestion

The researcher has some suggestions for the students, the lecturer and the other

researcher. The suggestions as follow:

1. Students

Students must improve their abilities and skills in learning English by

practicing using several learning strategies. This can help students in making

students successful in their English skills.

2. Lecturer

Important for lecturer to prepare interesting material because

interesting material can increase student motivation. So students can obtain

their learning strategies to help students when students are active in learning


3. For the Further Researcher

This research study aboutLanguage Learning Strategies Used by

University Students in Mastering English Academic Vocabulary. The

researcher expected to the further researcher that this research show the result

of this research can be used for additional reference the next research about

learning strategies.


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Blue Print/Indicator of Questionnaire

Part of Strategy Related to Items of

SILL Types the
A Social Learning with 1,2
Strategies others
B Metacognitive Organizing 3,4
Strategies and

your learning
C Affective Managing 5,6
Strategies your emotions
D Memory Remembering 7,8
Strategies more
E Cognitive Using all 9.10
Strategies mental
F Compensation Compensating 11,12
strategies for missing
Total 12


Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb….

Sebelumnya terimakasih sudah menjadi partisipan dipenelitian ini. Penelitian
ini saya lakukan untuk mendapatkan Sarjana Strata Satu (S1) di Universitas
Muhammadiyah Sorong jurusa Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris. Dan saya memerlukan
data-data dari partisipan daripada anda dari pertanyaan yang saya ajukan. Adapun

dari kalian ada yang tidak paham tentang pernyataan yang saya ajukan tolong di
beritahukan agar saya dapat menjelaskan kepada anda kembali. Sekian dari saya
selamat menjawab pernyataan yang saya ajukan.

A. Penunjuk Pengisian
1. Tulislah data identitas Anda secara lengkap.
2. Bacalah semua pernyataan dan pilih salah satu jawaban sesuai dengan
penilaian Anda sendiri.
3. Berilah skor pada butir-butir pernyataan dengan cara member tanda
check list (√). pada kolom skor sesuai dengan criteria sebagai berikut.
sangat setuju, setuju, kurang setuju, tidak setuju, sangat tidak setuju.
4. Sebelum Anda kembalikan kepada peneliti, periksalah kembali
kuesioner Anda apakah semua pertanyaan telah dijawab.
5. Tidak ada jawaban yang benar atau salah, jawaban yang jujur sangat

B. Data Responden
1. Nama :
2. Kelas :
3. Jenis Kelamin : ( ) Laki-laki ( ) Perempuan
C. Daftar Pernyataan

Pernytaan T ST
o SS
Saya selalu membantu teman saya
untuk belajar bahasa inggris
2 Saya selalu memperbanyak kosa
kata saya dengan latihan bersama
teman yang lebih pandai
3 Sebelum guru memberikan
pertanyaan, saya sudah
menyiapkan konsep yang berkaitan
tentang materi yang telah diberikan
oleh guru agar saya mudah untuk
Saya selalu menulis point-point
penting diselembar kertas agar

saya selalu mengingat
5 Saya selalu melihat tembok atau
kearah lain agar saya mengingat
materi yang saya pelajari
6 Ketika menjelaskan sesuatu
didepan kelas saya selalu melihat
tembok agar rasa gugup saya
7 Saya selalu menulis kosa kata baru
8 Saya selalu mendengarkan lagu
barat untuk menambah kosa kata
9 Saya menghafal materi dengan
cara duduk diam di tempat
10 Ketika saya diberikan tugas bahasa
inggris, saya akan mengerjakan
tugas tanpa persiapan
11 Saya selalu menggunakan gesture
tubuh saya ketika gugup atau
membantu saya membaca dengan
12 Agar tidak bingung saat membaca
didepan kelas ketika saya
melupakan satu atau dua kata, saya
selalu mengkombinasikan bahasa
Inggris dengan bahasa Indonesia

Adapted fromSugiono (2014)

Indicator of students Learning Strategies

Learning Strategies No Sub Strategies
DIRECT a Memory Strategies 4 Remembering more affectivelly
STRATEGIES b Cognitive Strategies 5 using all mental processee
c Compensation Strategies 6 Compensating for missing knowladge
d Sosial Strategies 1 Learning with others
STRATEGIES e Metacognitove Strategies 2 Organizing and evaluating your learning
f Affective Strategies 3 managing your emotions

Yth. Responden,

Pertanyaan ini dibuat untuk mengumpulkan informasi terkait kebutuhan anda

dalam mempelajari materi Bahasa inggris. Ada 6 Pertanyaan yang akan ditanyakan
dan akan dijawab oleh anda. karena itu, anda diminta dengan hormat untuk
memberikan jawaban yang jujur. (jawaban anda akan direkam dalam bentuk rekaman
suara menggunakan HP)

Terimakasih atas kerja samanya.

1. Jelaskan apakah belajar bersama teman yang lebih pandai dalam belajar bahasa
inggris dapat membantu anda dalam meningkatkan cara belajar anda?
2. Jelaskan menurut anda. Pada saat mencatat point-point penting yang dijelaskan
oleh guru dapat membantu dalam proses belajar?
3. Jelaskan cara apa yang anda gunakan ketika anda gugup saat presentasi atau
menjelaskan materi didepan kelas?
4. Jelaskan menurut anda apakah menghafal materi dapat membantu anda dalam
mengingat materi saat presentasi atau menjelaskan materi didepan kelas?
5. Jelaskan menurut anda mendenggarkan lagu dapat menambah kosa kata baru
yang belum anda ketahui?
6. Jelaskan menurut anda apakah anda pernah mengkombnasi bahasa inggris dan
bahasa Indonesia saat menjelaskan materi?


The analyzing of the Result of Questionnaire

No Pernytaan

Saya selalu meminta bantuan kepada
teman saya untuk belajar bahasa inggris 1 7 2
2 Saya selalu memperbanyak kosa kata saya
dengan latihan bersama teman yang lebih
pandai 2 1 4 3
3 Sebelum guru memberikan pertanyaan,
saya sudah menyiapkan konsep yang
berkaitan tentang materi yang telah
diberikan oleh guru agar saya mudah
untuk mengingat 2 2 4 2
4 Saya selalu menulis point-point penting
diselembar kertas agar saya selalu
mengingat 2 3 2 1 2
5 Saya selalu melihat tembok atau kearah
lain agar saya mengingat materi yang saya
pelajari 1 3 3 1 2
6 Ketika menjelaskan sesuatu didepan kelas
saya selalu melihat tembok agar rasa
gugup saya hilang 3 1 3 1 2
7 Saya selalu menulis kosa kata baru 5 1 2 2
8 Saya selalu mendengarkan lagu barat
untuk menambah kosa kata 4 3 1 2
9 Saya menghafal materi dengan duduk
diam di kursi 2 1 5 2
10 Ketika saya diberikan tugas bahasa
inggris, saya akan mengerjakan tugas
tanpa persiapan 1 5 2 2
Saya selalu menggunakan gesture tubuh
saya ketika gugup atau membantu saya
membaca dengan keras. 2 3 1 1 3
Agar tidak bingung saat membaca didepan
kelas ketika saya melupakan satu atau dua
kata, saya selalu mengkombinasikan
bahasa Inggris dengan bahasa Indonesia 2 2 3 1 2


Students 1
Researcher : Assalamu’alaikum

Students 1 : Wa’alaikumsalam

Researcher : Boleh tau namanya siapa yah?

Students 1 : Nama saya Rindiyani Tuhuteru, biasa dipanggil Rindi

Researcher : Oke Rindi… apakah di antara temanmu ada yang pintar dalam

pembelajaran bahasa inngri?

Students 1 : Iya ada

Researcher : Apakah menurut kamu apakah belajar dengan mereka dapat

membantu kamu dlam belajar bahasa inggris?

Students 1 : Iya, karena terkadang apa yang di berikan dosen pada saat di kelas,

sebagian saya kuran paham sehingga dengan adanya teman saya,

saya dapat menanyakan kepada teman saya tentang apa yang belum

saya paham

Researcher : Oke oke, kalau saat dosen mengajar di depan, apakah kamu menulis

catatan-catatan kecil atau materi yang menurut kamu pentiing?

Students 1 : Iya, saya sering menulis catatan kecil dan meteri yang menurut saya

perlu di tulis, karena ini dpat mempermudah saya untuk mengingat

dan memahami materi yang telah di berikan dosen di kelas

Researcher : Apakah itu dapat membantu kamu ssaat mengerjakan tugas yang di

berikan oleh dosen?

Students 1 : Sebagian besar dari tulisan-tulisan itu cukup membantu

Researcher : Oh iya, apakah kamu seirng gugup pada saat menjelaskan di depan,

dan apakah kamu sering melihat tembok atau jendela argar rasa

gugup itu hilang?

Students 1 : Iya, saya sering melihat tembok atau mengalihkan pandangan saya

dari teman-teman saya agar saya tidak merasa gugup dan itu sangat

efektif untuk saya

Researcher : Oke, hmmmm,, apakah kamu sering mendengar lagu barat?

Students 1 : Iya, saya sering mendengrkan lagu barat

Researcher : Menurut kamu, apakah itu dapat membuat kosa kata anda


Students 1 : Iya, itu sangat membantu saya untuk menambah kosa kata, tidak

hanya itu, saya juga dapat melatih pengucapan saya dalam bahasa


Researcher : Oke Rindi, apakah kamu sering menghafal materi dari dosen?

Students 1 : Iya saya sering menghafal materi dari dosen

Researcher : Menurut kamu apakah dengan menghafal materi dapat membantu

kamu dalam mengerjakan tugas yang di berikan oleh dosen?

Students 1 : Iya kucup membantu, tapi harus di pelajari juga tentang materi yang

di hafal tersebut

Researcher : Apakah kamu sering mengkombinasikan bahasa inggris dan bahasa


Students 1 : Iya saya sering melakukan itu jika saya tidak tau bahasa inggris dari

materi yang akan saya presentasikan, dan sebelum itu saya akan

menanyakan kepada dosen bersangkutan apakah bisa menggunakan

bahasa Indonesia dan bahasa inggris pada saat saya prentasi

Researcher : Oh iya,, terima kasih

Students 1 ; Oke, sama-sama

Students 2
Researcher : Selamat Sore

Students 2 : Iya, selamat sore juga

Researcher : Kalo boleh tau namanya siapa?

Students 2 : Evelin

Researcher : Ok Evelin, apakah di antara temanmu ada yang pintar dalam

pembelajaran bahasa inggris?

Students 2 : Ada, Bahkan lumayan banyak yang pintar yang pintar dalam

pembelajaran bahasa inggris

Researcher : Oke. Menurut kamu apakah dengan belajar bahasa inggris dengan

mereka yang pintar dalam bahasa inggris dapat membantu kamu

dlam belajar bahasa inggris?

Students 2 : Kalo menurut saya, sangat membantu sekali, soalnya kalau ada

materi yang saya kurang pahami, pasti saya langsung bertanya pada

mereka yang lebih pintar atau unggul dalam paembelajaran bahasa


Researcher : Oke oke.. kalau saat dosen mengajar di depan, apakah kamu sering

menulis catatan-catatan kecil atau matari yang menurut kamu


Students 2 : Iya, saya seirng sekali mencatat catatan-catatan kecil atau yang

sya anggap penting, agar nanti saya bisa belajar lagi

Researcher : Apakah itu dapat membantu kamu dalam mengerjakan tugas yang di

berikan oleh dosen?

Students 2 : Kalau menurut saya, iya, itu juga membantu saya ketika nanti

mengerjakan tugas dari dosen

Researcher : Oke, apakah kamu sering gugup pada saat menjelaskan didepan, dan

apakah kamu sering melihat tembok atau jelndela begitu agar rasa

gugupmu hilang?

Students 2 : Iya , sering sekali terjadi, apalagi kalau presentasinya individu. Iya

kbiasanya lihat ke arah tembok dan jendela adalah cara terbaik biar

tidak gugup lagi

Researcher : Apakah dengan melakukan hal itu dapat membantu gugup kamu


Students 2 : Iya benar sekali, itu dapt membantu menghilangkan rasa gugup

Researcher : Oke. Mmmm,,,, apakah kamu sering mendengarkan lagu bahasa


Students 2 : Iya sering

Researcher : Menurut kamu setiap mendengarkan lagu bahasa inggris itu dapat

membuat kosa kata anda bertambah?

Students 2 : Iya, dengan mendengarkan lagu bahasa inggris, itu membuat saya

mendapatkan banyak kosa baru

Researcher : Oke. Hmmmmm ,,, apakah anda sering menghafal materi dari


Students 2 : Tidak juga sih, saya biasanya membaca materinya secara ulang dan

memahami materi tersebut ketimbang harus menghafal

Researcher : Oke oke. Apakah kamu sering memgkombinasikan bahasa inggris

dan bahasa Indonesia saat menjelaskan atau presentasi di depan


Students 2 : Iya, saya sering sekali mengkombinasikan (mix) antara bahasa

Indonesia dan bahasa inggris, soalnya saya belum terlalu fasih

berbicara bahasa inggris. Extract 2: Compensatory Strategies

Researcher : Oh iya, Terima kasih!!

Students 2 : Iya, sama-sama

Students 3
Researcher : Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarokatuh

Students 3 : Wa’alaikumsalam

Researcher : Sebelumnya mohon maaf, namanya siapa?

Students 3 : Nama saya Abdul Hafidh

Researcher : Oke Hafidh, apakah di kelas ada teman yang pintar dlam

pembelajaran bahasa inggris?

Students 3 : Ada,,,,

Researcher : Oke menurut kamu apakah belajar bersama merekan dapat

membantu kamu?

Students 3 : Sangat membantu

Researcher : Alasannya?

Students 3 : Karena saat kita melakukan kesalahan disaat mengerjakan tugas,

orang itu bisa mengoreksi kesalahan kita

Researcher : Oke, apakah saat dosen mengajar di depan, apakah kamu menulis

catatan-catatan kecil atau materi yang menurut kamu penting?

Students 3 Iya, tapi dengan cara di foto

Researcher : Apakah itu dapat membantu kamu dalam mengerjakan tugas yang

diberikan oleh dosen?

Students 3 : Iya, sangat membantu

Researcher : Oke, apakah kamu sering gugup pada saat menjlaskan di depan


Students 3 : Ya, saya selalu gugup, jadi saya selalu melihat ke atas kepala

meraka (teman-teman)

Researcher : Apakah dengan melakukan hal itu, itu dapat membuat gugup kamu


Students 3 : Iya, dan dibantu banyak bergerak saat di depan

Researcher : Oke, hmmmm,, apakah kamu sering mendengarkan lagu bahasa


Students 3 : Selalu, dan bukan lagu saja, nonton film dan berbicara dengan

teman yang bisa berbahasa inggris

Researcher : Menurut kamu, setiap mendengarkan lagu bahasa inggris itu dpat

membuat kosa kata anda bertambah?

Students 3 : Iya, karena biasanya saya menyanyikan lagunya sambil melhat

liriknya, dan jika ada kilir yang saya tidak mngerti biasanya saya

cari di kamus

Researcher : Oke Hafidh, apakah anda sering menghafal materi?

Students 3 : Tergantung seberapa banyaknya materi yang harus di hafalkan, saya

tidak terlalu handal dalam menghafal materi

Researcher : Apakah dengan menghafal matri itu dapat membantu anda dalam

mengerjakan tugas?

Students 3 : Iyaa, dapat membantu

Researcher : Apakah kamu sering mengkombinasikan basaha inggris dan bahasa

Indonesia saat menjelaskan atau presentasi di depan kelas?

Students 3 : Iya, sering

Researcher : Oke, terima kasih

Students 3 : Iy, sama-sama

Students 4
Researcher : Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarokatuh

Students 4 : Wa’alaikumsalam warohmatullahi wabarokaruh

Researcher : Boleh perkenalkan namanya siapa?

Students 4 : Nama saya Silvina Irna Dwiyanti

Researcher : Hmmm. Irna,,, apakah kamu suka belajar bersama teman yang lebih

pintar dalam bahasa inggris di kelas?

Students 4 : Iya, saya suka belajar bahasa inggris bersama teman-teman yang

lebih pintar karena mereka bisa sharing-sharing ilmu yang seperti

kata-kata bahasa inggris yang belum saya ketahui gitu

Researcher : Hmmm. Pada saat kamu belajar bahasa inggris temanmu yang lebih

pintar, dapat membantu kamu dalam belajar bahasa inggris?

Students 4 : Iya, sanat membantu karna eeeeeeee,, separti yang tadi saya bilang,

mereka bisa membantu memberitahu kaya kosaa-kata atau pelajaran-

pelajaran yang belum saya ketahui gitu

Researcher ; Oke, kalau misalnya dosen sedang menjelaskan di depan, apakah

kamu sering menulis catatan-catatan kecil atau poin-poin penting ?

Students 4 : Sering

Researcher : Jadi dapat membantu kamu?

Students 4 : Iya, karena tadi poin-poin gitu tu, kadang kan dosen ngomomg

cepat gitu, kalau kita tulis poin-poin peenting gitu tu, jadi kita tu

kadang kalau seandainya ada yang nggak kita ngerti kita tulis poin-

poinnya, jadi kita itu bisa carisendri gitu, oh ternyata ini yah yang

di di maksud dari dosen itu.

Researcher : Hmmmm, terus,, misalnya kamu sedanggugup di depan kelas,

apakah kamu sering lihat tembok tau jendela?

Students 4 : Nggak, cuman Tarik nafas sajah dalam-dalam, terus yakini ayo bisa,

ayo bisa gitu,

Researcher : Hmmmp, dengan menarik nafas semua aka ter handle atau

terselesaikan begitu, tidak harus dengan melihat tembok atau


Students 4 : Hmmm, kadang kalau melihat tembok tau jendela, kadang ada orang

yang lewat itu jadi konsennya hilang, fokusnya itu seperti hilang gitu

Researcher : Oke, apakah sering mendengarkan lagu barat atau lagu bahasa


Students 4 : Sering

Researcher : Apakah menurut kamu pada saat kamu mendengarkan lagu barat,

apakah kosa kata anda bertambah?

Students 4 : Bertambah, karnah banyak kosa kata dari lagu-lagu barat itu yang

kayak kita ngga ketahui terus kita penasaran apa sih artinya, ahirnya

kita dapt kosa-kata baru

Researcher : Oh,,, oke selanjutnya, apakah kamu sering menghafal materi?

Students 4 : Kadang-kadang,

Researcher : Berrarti kadang hafal kadang tidak?

Students 4 : Iya, tergantung mood sih, kalau pengen hafal yah hafal, kalau tidak

yah tidak

Researcher : Oke, yang terakhir, pada saat kamu menjelaskan materi di depan

kelas, apakah kamu sering mengkombinasikan bahasa inggris dan

bahasa Indonesia?

Students 4 : Kadang-kadang juga, kadang gini kalo kita mau pakai bahasa inggris

semua gitu, kan masih ada kosa kata yang ngga di ketahui gitu

Researcher : Hmmm..

Students 4 : Jadi kadang kalo ada kosa kata yang ngga di ketahui itu kita

pakainya bahasa Indonesia

Researcher : Berarti pada saat mengkombinasikan bahasa Inggris dengan bahasa

Indonesia itu dapat memudahkan anda menjelaskan materi di depan


Students 4 : Iya, seperti itu,

Researcher : Oke, thank you!

Students 4 : Iya. Sama-sama

Students 5
Researcher : Asslamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarokatuh

Students 5 : Wa’alaikumsalam warahmatullahi wabarokatuh

Researcher : Kalo boleh tau namanya siapa?

Students 5 : Nama saya Ana Faadila

Researcher : Oh,, Ana,,,hmmmm, kalo boleh tau di kelas teman-teman ada yang

pintar bahasa inggris tidak?

Students 5 : Hmm, banyak sih, banyak bangat

Researcher : Banyak, hmmmm, apakah menurut anda belajar bersama teman-

teman yang lebih pintar itu dapat membantu anda dlam

meningkatkan cara belajar anda?

Students 5 : Bisa dong.

Researcher : Bisa? Alasannya?

Students 5 : Hmm, karena apa yah? Dengan mendengarkan cara mereka

biscara,dan cara mereka mengerjakan soal,

Researcher : Hmmmp, kalau saat dosen menjelaskan depan kelas, apakah anda

sering menulis catatan-catatan kecil atau materi yang menurut anda


Students 5 : Iya, seirng, apalagi kalau misalnya ada kosa kata baru di dengar gitu,

sering di tulis di buku kecel, kayal di buku vocabulary gitu,

Researcher : Ohhh, buku vocabulary, terus, dengan adanya catatan poin-poin

penting begitu, itu dapt membantu anda dlam mengerjakan tugas

yang di berikan oleh dosen?

Students 5 : Iiiiyaaa. Iyaaa,

Researcher : Hmmmp, terus,, apakah sering merasa gugup saat menjelaskan di

depan kelas, terus saat gugup lihat ke tembok atau jendela agar rasa

gugup itu hilang? Sering tidak sih?

Students 5 : Ada sih,, waktu pertama baru maju ke depan, karena kan kayak

macam masih muka-muka baru gitu

Researcher : Hmmmm..

Students 5 : Jadi, gugup masih ada sih, tapi setelah lama-kelamaan gitu sudah

tidak terlalu sih, dan kalo misalnya aku gugup juga itu, dengan

melihat ke tembok, kadang melihat kepala teman-teman gitu

Researcher : Hmmmm.. teruss..

Students 5 : Intinya engga lihat muka-muka mereka gitu sih,, misalkan kalo

melihat muka mereka pasti mereka tertawa

Researcher : Hmmmp, terus selanjutnya, apakah sering mendengarkan lagu

bahasa inggris?

Students 5 : Paling sering, hampir setiap hari

Researcher : Hampir setiap hari,,, menuru anda setiap mendengarkan lagu bahasa

inggris itu dapat membantu atau membuat kosa kata anda


Students 5 : Eeeee, iya sih , sangat membantu sekali,

Researcher : Hmmmp, terus, apakah anda sering menghafal materi yang di

berikan oleh dosen?

Students 5 : Menghafal?? Palingan kayak membaca ulang lagi gitu sih, kalau

sudah sampai di rumah gitu, atau misalkan ada tugas gitu, yah baru

buka kembali materinya

Researcher : Berarti tidak menghafal tetapi cuman membaca ulang pelajaran yang

sudah dapatkan begitu?

Students 5 : Hmmm, iyaa gitu

Researcher : Selanjutnya apakah seirng mengkombinasikan anatara bahasa

inggris dengan bahasa Indonesia saat presentasi di depan kelas?

Students 5 : Sering bangat.

Researcher : Hehehe, sering bangat yah, oke terima kasih

Students 5 : Iya, sama-sama

Data of Interview
Students 1
Researcher : Assalamu’alaikum

Students 1 : Wa’alaikumsalam

Researcher : May I know who’s your name? yeah?

Stedents 1 : My name in Rindiyani Tuhuteru, usually called Rindi

Researcher : Okay Rindi… are there any of your friends who are good at learning


Students 1 : Yes, there is

Researcher : Do you think that studying with them can help in learning English?

Students 1 : Yes, because sometimes what the lecturer gave me in class, partly I

did not

understand so that with my friend, I could ask my friend what I did

not understand

Researcher : Okay, okay, when the lecturer teaches in front, do you write small

notes or material that you think is important?

Students 1 : Yes, I often write small notes and materials that I think need to be

written because this can make it easier for me to remember and

understand the material that the lecturer has given in class

Researcher : Can it help you while doing the assignments given by the lecturer?

Students 1 : Most of these writings are quite helpful

Researcher : Oh yeah, do you often get nervous when you explain upfront and do

you often look at walls or windows to get rid of that nervousness?

Students 1 : Yes, I often look at walls or take my eyes off my friends so I don't

feel nervous and it really works for me

Researcher : Okay, hmmmm, do you often hear western songs?

Studnets 1 : Yes, I often listen to western songs

Researcher : Do you think that can increase your vocabulary?

Students 1 : Yes, it really helps me to increase my vocabulary, not only that, I

can also practice my pronunciation in English

Researcher : Okay Rindi, do you often memorize material from the lecturer?

Students 1 : Yes, I often memorize material from the lecturers.

Researcher : Do you think memorizing material can help you in doing the

assignments given by the lecturer?

Students 1 : Yes, it is quite helpful, but have to learn about the memorized


Researcher : Do you often combine English and Indonesian?

Students 1 : Yes, I often do that if I don't know the English language of the

material I'm going to present, and before that, I will ask the lecturer

if I can use Indonesian and English when I present.

Researcher : Oh yes, thank you

Students 1 : Okay, you are welcome

Students 2
Researcher : Good afternoon

Students 2 : Yes, good afternoon too

Researcher : May I know who's your name

Students 2 : Evelin

Researcher : Ok Evelin, are there any of your friends who are good at learning


Students 2 : Yes, there are even quite a lot of smart people who are good at

learning English

Researcher : Okay. Do you think that learning English with those who are good at

English can help you in learning English?

Students 2 : In my opinion, it is very helpful, because if there is a material that I

don't understand, I will immediately ask those who are smarter or

superior in learning English.

Researcher : Okay, okay, when the lecturer teaches in front, do you often write

little notes or mats that you think are important?

Students 2 : Yes, I would like to write down small notes or what I think is

important, so that later I can study again

Researcher : Can it help you in doing the assignment given by the lecturer?

Students 2 : In my opinion, yes, that also helps me when I do assignments from

the lecturers

Researcher : OK, do you often get nervous when explaining upfront, and do you

often look at walls or windows so that your nervousness goes away?

Students 2 : Yes, it happens a lot, especially if the presentation is individual. Yes,

usually looking at the walls and windows is the best way so you

don't get nervous anymore

Researcher : Can doing that help your nervousness disappear?

Students 2 : Yes, that's right, it can help relieve nervousness

Researcher : Okay. Mmmm, do you often listen to English songs?

Students 2 : Yes, often

Researcher : Do you think that listening to English songs can increase your


Students 2 : Yes, listening to English songs allows me to get a lot of new


Researchr : Okay. Hmmm, do you often memorize material from the lecturer?

Students 2 : Not really, I usually read the material over and over again and

understand the material instead of having to memorize it

Researcher : Okay, okay. Do you often combine English and Indonesian when

explaining or presenting to class?

Students 2 : Yes, I often mix (mix) Indonesian and English, because I am not

very fluent in English. Extract 2: Compensatory Strategies

Researcher : Oh yes, thank you !!

Students 2 : Yes, you’r welcome

Students 3
Researcher : Assalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarokatuh

Students 3 : Wa’alaikumsalam

Researcher : Previously sorry, what's his name?

Students 3 : My name is Abdul Hafidh

Researcher : Okay Hafidh, are there any friends in class who are good at learning


Students 3 : Yes,

Researcher : Okay, do you think studying with them can help you?

Students 3 : Very helpful

Researcher : The reason?

Students 3 : Because when we make mistakes while doing assignments, that

person can correct our mistakes

Researcher : OK, when the lecturer taught at the front, did you write small notes

or material that you thought was important?

Students 3 : Yes, but way of the photo

Researcher : Can it help you in doing the tasks given by the lecturer?

Students 3 : Yes, very helpful

Researcher : Okay, do you often get nervous when explaining in front of class?

Students 3 : Yes, I'm always nervous, so I always look over their heads (friends)

Researcher : Would doing that make you feel less nervous?

Students 3 : Yes, and they were helped a lot when moving forward

Researcher : Okay, hmm,,,, Do you often listen to English songs?

Students 3 : Always, and not just songs, watch movies and talk to friends who

speak English

Researcher : Do you think that listening to English songs can increase your


Students 3 : Yes, because I usually sing the song while looking at the lyrics, and

if there are lyrics that I don't understand, I usually look it up in the


Researcher : Okay Hafidh, do you often memorize material?

Students 3 : It depends on how much material I have to memorize, I am not very

good at memorizing the material

Researcher : Can memorizing the material help you in doing assignments?

Students 3 : Yes, it can help

Researcher : Do you often combine English and Indonesian when explaining or

presenting to class?

Students 3 : Yes, often

Researcher : Okay, thanks

Students 3 : Okay, you’re welcome

Students 4
Researcher : Assalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarokatuh

Students 4 : Wa'alaikumsalam warohmatullahi wabarokaruh

Researcher : Whose name can I introduce?

Students 4 : My name is Silvina Irna Dwiyanti

Researcher : Hmmm. Irna, do you like studying with friends who are smarter in

English in class?

Students 4 : Yes, I like learning English with friends who are smarter because

they can share knowledge which is like English words that I don't

know yet.

Researcher : Hmmm. When you learn English, your smarter friend can help you

with learning English?

Students 4 : Yes, very helpful because e, as I said earlier, they can help tell rich

vocabulary or lessons that I don't know yet.

Researcher : Okay, for example, if the lecturer is explaining in front, do you often

write small notes or important points

Students 4 : Often

Researcher : So, that can help yu?

Students 4 : Yes, because of the points before, sometimes the lecturer says that

quickly, if we write the important points, so sometimes if there is

something we don't understand, we write down the points, so we do

it. You can find yourself, oh it turns out that this is what the lecturer


Researcher : Hmmmm, continue ... for example, if you are nervous in front of the

class, do you often see walls or windows?

Students 4 : No, I just take a deep breath, continue to believe, let's do it, let's do


Researcher : Hmmmp, by taking a breath, everything will be handled or resolved,

don't have to look at the wall or the window?

Students 4 : Hmmm, sometimes when you look at a wall or a window,

sometimes there are people who pass by, so the concentration

disappears, the focus seems to disappear

Researcher : Okay, do you often listen to western songs or English songs?

Students 4 : Often

Researcher : Do you think that when you listen to western songs, do you increase

your vocabulary?

Students 4 : Increasingly, because there are a lot of vocabulary from western

songs that we don't know, we continue to wonder what they mean,

finally we get new vocabulary

Researcher : Oh, okay next time, do you often memorize material?

Students 4 : Sometimes

Researcher : Meaning that sometimes you memorize it sometimes you don't

remember it?

Students 4 : Yes, it depends on the mood, if you want to memorize it, memorize

it, if not

Researcher : Okay, lastly, when you explain the material in front of the class, do

you often combine English and Indonesian?

Students 4 : Sometimes too, sometimes it's like this if we want to use all English,

right? There's still vocabulary that we don't know

Researcher : Hmmm...

Students 4 : So sometimes if there is a vocabulary that we don't know, we use


Researcher : So when you combine English with Indonesian it can make it easier

for you to explain the material in front of the class?

Students 4 : Yes, like that,

Researcher : Okay, thank you

Students 4 : Pkay, you’re welcome

Students 5
Researcher : Asslamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarokatuh

Students 5 : Wa'alaikumsalam warahmatullahi wabarokatuh

Researcher : If you may know whose name?

Students 5 : My mane id Anna Fadila

Researcher : Oh , Ana ... hmmm, if you may know in class, are there any good

English speakers?

Students 5 : Hmm, a lot, a lot

Researcher : Many, hmm, do you think studying with smarter friends can help

you improve your learning?

Students 5 : Yes, can

Researcher : Yes? The reason?

Students 5 : Hmm, because of what? By listening to the way they talk, and the

way they do the problems,

Researcher : Hmmmp, when the lecturer explains to the class, do you often write

small notes or material that you think is important?

Students 5 : Yes, it's true, especially if you hear new vocabulary words like that,

often write them in small books, like in vocabulary books,

Researcher : Ohhh, the vocabulary book, continues, with the notes on the

important points, can it help you in doing the assignment given by

the lecturer?

Students 5 : Yes. Yes,

Researcher : Hmmmp, continue, do you often feel nervous when explaining in

front of the class, then when you are nervous looking at the wall or

window so that your nervousness is gone? Often not?

Students 5 : There is, at first, I just came forward, because it seems like they

are still new faces,

Researcher : Hmmm

Students 5 : So, there is still nervousness, but after a while, it's not really that

bad, and if for example, I'm nervous too, looking at the wall,

sometimes looking at my friends' heads.

Researcher : Hmmmm,,, continiu

Students 5 : so, there is still nervousness, but after a while it’s gone, and if I still

nervous, by looking at the wall, sometimes I see the heads of my


Researcher : Hmmmp, then next time, do you often listen to English songs?

Students 5 : Most often, almost every day

Researcher : Almost every day,,, do you think listening to English songs can help

or increase your vocabulary?

Students 5 : Eeeee, yeah, very helpful,

Researcher : Hmmmp, continue, do you often memorize the material provided by

the lecturer?

Students 5 : Memorize? Most like reading it again, when I back at home, or

suppose there is a task like that. Well, just reopen the material

Researcher : That means you don't memorize but you just reread the lessons you


Studnets 5 : Hmmm, I see

Researcher : Next, do you often combine English and Indonesian when

presenting to class?

Studnets 5 : Often extited

Researcher : Hehehe, often get excited, okay, thank you

Students 5 : Yes, you’ra welcome


(Examination Latter)


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