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HumSS Specialized Subject

Class No.: _____ Date: _________________________

Name: __________________________________ Module 1 – 1st Quarter – SY2021-2022
Grade and Section: _________________________ Teacher: ______________________

I. Title: Social Sciences as the Study of Social Reality

II. Objectives:
After accomplishing this module, you must be able to:
1. define social sciences as the study of society;
2. distinguish social from natural sciences; and
3. demonstrate ability in using matrix and Venn diagram as mind- mapping skills.

III. Material/s:
You may visit our LMS for the powerpoint presentation/s.

IV. Time Frame:

Week 1 – Day 1

V. Concept:
Have you ever paused for a while and did nothing except to look around, observe
other people, and secretly come up with your own explanation of what they are doing,
based on what you saw? Just like a child slowly learning more about himself and the
world around him/ her, we begin to ask questions pertinent to our own realities and
experiences. Such questions are framed as social commentaries and observations that
force us to rethink the way we conduct our lives in dealing with other people in the
In this module, you will discover the inner social scientist in you through a closer
look at your everyday social interactions.

VI. Activity: Buhay SocSci!

Time Frame: 20 minutes

Activity 1: The Philippine Flood

This activity is designed to gauge your understanding and awareness towards
your everyday life. It is also a chance to look deeper into the meanings behind the
everyday social interactions in the Philippine society.
Observe the cartoon showing what typically happens to a Philippine urban setting
during flooding caused by typhoons. Complete the matrix based on your
Please see attachment A for the cartoon.
Aspect of Human
Focus of Life
Observation Description (determine aspect of human
(use a word/ phrase to (elaborate on the observable action/ reaction using the living concerns the focus of
describe the focus of your visible facial expressions, props, etc) observation- sample:
observation) Social, Cultural, Economic,
Political, etc.)
Example: A man holding a The man represents the resourcefulness and practicality of
placard with a 10 peso signage Filipinos that no calamity will stop us from earning for our Economic

“…a social scientist looks at a particular social reality using multiple lenses.”

Disciplines & Ideas in the Soc.Sci. – Module 1 Page 1 of 4


Topic no. 1: Aspects of Human Life in the Society


In our everyday life, routine, or regimen, seldom do we think about the “patterns”
of our usual behavior. Why do we do certain things the way we do, why we associate
with a particular group of people, why we follow a specific belief or conviction, why we
are prohibited to do certain acts, why we speak a particular language, why we
remember certain acts and forget others, etc. All these affect our everyday decisions.
These are not some random actions but are shaped by the “structures” of our living
conditions: geographic area, social status, historical experience, economic forces,
political institutions ethnic grouping, religious affiliation, power relations, etc.
Social science sees these structures either from the point of view of visible,
concrete and even empirical interactions of people such as traditions and rituals or
from the vantage point of the mind – how our ideas or images of the world themselves
structure or organize the world in which we live. We will discuss this further as you go
along this module.
p. 3_ Disciplines and Ideas in the Social Sciences, Carlos P. Tatel, 2016

Activity 2: Nature vs Society

This activity designed to further understand the study of Social Sciences by

comparing it to its counterpart – Natural Sciences.
Below are two photographs showing a Philippine forest (A) and the Makati business
district (B). Categorize the group of words inside the box to compare and contrast the
two contexts as shown in the photos.
(A) (B) random, unstructured, natural
organized, formalized, rule- bound
fixed and unchanging truth
dynamic and ever- changing truth
truth needs to be discovered
old truth must settle with the new one
scientific method
Image Sources:

“Comparison between Natural and Social Sciences”

Natural Sciences Social Sciences


“…a social scientist looks at a particular social reality using multiple lenses.”

Disciplines & Ideas in the Soc.Sci. – Module 1 Page 2 of 4

Topic no. 2: Natural Sciences vs Social Sciences


“Nature” conjures an image of random and unstructured forces that shape a

given area. These forces and events, while unrestrained, usually follow a general
pattern, law, or process ever since the world existed. Natural Science believes that the
“truth” has always been out there and it only needs to be discovered and revealed
through a well- defined system of understanding.
“Society,” on the other hand, is a contrast to the preceding imagery of nature.
Society is organized, deliberately structured and formalized, and bound by rules
drafted and implemented by the people who themselves, constitute society. Social
Science is the science of studying society and, over the past more than 100 years, it
has also developed various modes of engaging the notion of society.
Natural sciences and Social Sciences may differ in a number of ways but
use the same process in the search for truth in this world – Scientific Method.

VII. Evaluation
Below are some forms of expression and commentaries about the Philippine
society. Using the Social Science perspective, explain the deeper meaning behind
common Filipino expressions.
Look for your own example of an editorial cartoon, political rallies where effigies
are burned and one tv show in the Philippines that you would like to explain using the
social science perspective.
Social Science Perspective Meaning
Common Filipino Example: Economic perspective (from the chosen perspective,
Expressions how do you explain the chosen
social reality?)
1. Editorial cartoon found
in the Ph newspapers
2. Burning of political

3. Ph television shows

VIII. Reflection
Use the cartoon below to write a simple reflection on how a social scientist looks
and interprets a social reality.


“…a social scientist looks at a particular social reality using multiple lenses.”

Disciplines & Ideas in the Soc.Sci. – Module 1 Page 3 of 4

Attachment A.
“Philippine Urban Setting during Flooding”

“…a social scientist looks at a particular social reality using multiple lenses.”

Disciplines & Ideas in the Soc.Sci. – Module 1 Page 4 of 4

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