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HumSS Specialized Subject

Class No.: _____ Date: _________________________

Name: __________________________________ Module 4 – 1st Quarter – SY2021-2022
Grade and Section: _________________________ Teacher: ______________________

I. Title: The Social Science Disciplines (Part III)

II. Objectives:
After accomplishing this module, you must be able to:
1. identify the different disciplines in the social sciences;
2. distinguish uniqueness among the disciplines based on the field, main area of
inquiry and method; and
3. practice data interpretation as an important skill in the study of Social Sciences.

III. Material/s:
You may visit our LMS for the powerpoint presentation/s.

IV. Time Frame:

Week 2 – Day 5 and 6

V. Concept:
I would like to ask you to pause for a while and try to look back at how you
conduct your life back in year 2019. What are the things you need right now but did not
need them back then? Which places in the Philippines, or abroad, were you able to visit
before everything changed? Think of how much life has changed in just one snap.
Defining academic disciplines can prove to be a difficult activity since all of them
would have multiple definitions and explanations. More detailed aspects are left to
specialists but paying more attention to key terms in each discipline.
In this module, we appreciate the value of different social science disciplines as a
potent tool of both understanding and transforming human condition in this world.

VI. Activity: Buhay SocSci!

Activity 1 : COVID- 19 Tracker

This activity is designed to test your skills in data interpretation. It is also an

opportunity to go beyond the numbers and statistics, presented to us on a daily basis.
This is your chance to be acquainted with the world of Social Scientists in the field of
Interpret the COVID- 19 data presented in the infographic and complete the tasks that
See attachment A for a copy of the infographic.

1. Name all city/ ies and municipality/ ies in Metro Manila?

City: ______ Municipality: ______

2. Enumerate the city/ ies and municipality/ ies according to the total number of
confirmed cases in a DESCENDING (from highest to lowest) order.

3. Enumerate the TOP 5 cities/ municipalities with the HIGHEST number of

RECOVERED patients.

“… Social science is interested in telling us what it means to be human.”

Disciplines & Ideas in the Soc.Sci. – Module 4 Page 1 of 4

4. Enumerate the TOP 5 cities/ municipalities with the HIGHEST number of DEATHS.

Topic no. 1: Demography

Demography comes from the Greek words demos (people) and graphia (writing). It
deals with population as the unit of analysis. John Graunt, as the Father of
Demography, started to use the scientific method to study the composition and
structure of population in a given area/ territory. Looking closely to the composition,
distribution and progression of confirmed cases, the national government, together
with the Metro Manila Council (group of Metro Manila Mayors), worked hand in hand in
implementing strict community quarantine guidelines from March 14 up to June 30
(time of writing this module). Metro Manila, as the local epicenter of the pandemic
then, was placed under a series of community quarantines based on the data provided
by authorities.
It is noteworthy that numbers and statistics play an important role in public
governance. It contributes in helping the government in making grounded and
research- based decisions. These decisions are tuned into policies implemented for
the betterment of the society.

Activity no. 2: My Lingo

This activity is designed to establish connections among words you typically use/
encounter every day. It is your opportunity to get to know the meaning behind your
daily social interactions with a focus on the language you use. This is your chance to
be acquainted with the world of Social Scientists in the field of Linguistics.
Categorize the words according to their relationship with one another. Think carefully
and write the commonality of the words you grouped together.
ECQ Biko Jubis Tanders
GCQ Chaka Kanin Tutong
Alcohol Champorado Lockdown Warla
Awra Charot Lugaw Wit
Bahaw Facemask Posotive Quarantine Pass
Bigas Goto Sinangag State of National

Lingo # 1 Lingo # 2 Lingo # 3

Basis: ______________ Basis: ______________ Basis: ______________

Topic no. 2: Linguistics


Linguistics comes from the Greek word lingua (tongue). It deals with the study of
the nature, structure and variation of language. Going back to your activity, you can
establish more than three (3) connections and form multiple groups of word. Examples
of which are based on COVID 19 pandemic, Rice and gay lingo. As a result of the
activity, linguists like Noam Chomsky (Father of Linguistics), are interested to
discover the soul of a culture by studying the language they create and use.
Language, as a product of human race’s biological and cultural heritage, is an
invention by people and yet they, themselves are shaped by it.

Activity no. 3: My Psyche

This activity is designed to focus your attention into your own thought processes
as a human. It is your opportunity to examine your career, relationship, health, etc.
status using a validated tool. This is your chance to be acquainted with the world of
Social Scientists in the field of Psychology.

“… Social science is interested in telling us what it means to be human.”

Disciplines & Ideas in the Soc.Sci. – Module 4 Page 2 of 4

Below is a link containing a set of different Psychological Tests (tests with (/) mark is
free). You are tasked to take as many free psychological tests as you can within the
given time frame and take time to read the interpretation provided after completion.
Link :

Topic no. 3: Psychology


Psychology comes from the Greek words psyche (mind) and logos (study of). It deals
with the study of the person’s cognition, human growth and change over time. Wilhelm
Wundt, considered as the Father of Psychology, is the first to establish a formal
laboratory exclusive for psychological study. Going back to your activity, you can
establish more than three (3) connections and form multiple groups of word.
Psychology, as a discipline pushes the discussion further by asserting that what
is going on within the individual mind shapes the way one views society.

VII. Evaluation

Compare and contrast the Social Science Disciplines by completing the matrix. Use the
group of words inside the box to supply the missing information.
Demos Language Population Human mind John Graunt
Graphia Lingua Psyche Franz Boas Wilhelm Wundt

1- 2.________& 5. 8.
________ ________________ ________________
6. 9.
Linguistics 3. ________________
________________ ________________
7. 10.
Psychology 4.________& logos
________________ ________________

VIII. Reflection: 1 Word – Fits All

Choose one among the three social science disciplines presented in this module
and explain the cartoon below using the perspective of your chosen discipline.

Halakhak: Defining the “National” in the Humor of Philippine Popular Culture


Attachment A.
“… Social science is interested in telling us what it means to be human.”

Disciplines & Ideas in the Soc.Sci. – Module 4 Page 3 of 4

“COVID 19 Update as of June 30, 2020”
(Image Source:

“… Social science is interested in telling us what it means to be human.”

Disciplines & Ideas in the Soc.Sci. – Module 4 Page 4 of 4

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