Earthquake and Medical Emergency Drill Report - Office 1 (December 14, 2022)

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Emergency Drill No.: 2022 - 009 Type of Emergency Drill:

Facility Location: Office - 1 󠄈 Typhoon / Severe 󠄈 Fire
Date: December 14, 2022 󠄈 Earthquake 󠄈 Flood / Tsunami
Time Start: 3:24 PM 󠄈 Pandemic 󠄈 Bomb Threat
Time End: 3:31 PM Others: Medical 󠄈 Evacuation
Emergency Classification: II Activation and Escalation Level: 1
Primary Incident Commander: Evacuation Marshall
Persons / Agencies involve: Equipment or Materials Required:
 Crisis Management Team  First aid kit
 Evacuation Marshall  Ambulance / Standby Vehicle
 Emergency Response Team  Bump cap
 First Aider
 Medical Team
Assumption Scenario:
On a normal working day, personnel perform their individual task when suddenly an earthquake hit the
area. One of the personnel was injured and need medical attention.
Objective of the drill:
1. Evaluate effectiveness of the occupant’s abilities to evacuate the facility
2. Evaluate the effectiveness and adequateness of the emergency response and life safety evacuation
3. Evaluate occupant’s ability to recognize the earthquake/evacuation alarm
4. Determine whether the occupant takes appropriate actions upon hearing/seeing the evacuation alarm
5. Determine that the occupant begins the evacuation process in an acceptable manner and/or per plan
6. Evaluate the occupant’s ability to provide assistance to visitors or individuals who are experiencing
7. Evaluate the occupant’s ability to recognize and take appropriate actions when a means of egress is
unsafe and/or not passable
8. Evaluate command skill of the Evacuation Marshall
9. To simulate “dock, cover and hold-on”
10. Ensure occupants report in at designated meeting places
11. Simulate notification protocol to the Crisis Management Team through SMS/text message
12. Determine deficiency of the response and areas for improvement

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Emergency drill was activated when the Evacuation Marshall shouted the word “Linog”
3:24 PM
Personnel simulated dock, cover and hold on to their tables and chairs

3:24 PM

3:25 PM After 15 seconds, evacuation was activated by shouting the word “evacuate”
Upon hearing the evacuation, personnel stood up and started to walking towards the
evacuation area located on the ground parking area

3:25 PM

3:26 PM A personnel calling for help and shouted “Tabang”

Activated the Emergency Responder since First Aider are not available during the drill

3:26 PM

Emergency Responder responded and helped carry the injured personnel. Injured person
3:27 PM
was brought to the evacuation area for further assessment and medical treatment

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Emergency Marshall conducted floor search to ensure no one is left behind
Conducted the head count at the evacuation area

3:30 PM

3:31 PM Declared all clear. Emergency Drill concluded

Conducted debriefing with all personnel participating the emergency drill. Observations and
3:35 PM
comments were discussed by the evaluator present

Emergency Team responded? Yes No. of members responded 3

Is there any accident during the emergency drill? None
Overall assessment Satisfactory Fair Needs improvement
1. Quick response:
a. All Personnel participated the drill and simulated the dock, cover as soon as they hear the

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b. Evacuation Marshall took the lead in managing the scenario and provide guidance to the
emergency responders
c. All personnel evacuated the work area quickly and in an orderly manner
d. Emergency Responder able to respond quickly to the person requesting assistance
e. Emergency Drill was completed within 7 minutes

2. Full cooperation:
a. All personnel in the facility participated the drill
b. Assigned emergency responder participated the drill and perform as per their duties and
c. Evacuation Marshalls from other facility participated as Evaluator
d. Evaluators provide their insights, observations and recommendation on how to protect
ourselves in case of earthquake
Feedback / Problems encountered:
1. No buzzer or any means of audible alarm to signify distress or emergency in the area
2. Visitor seating at the waiting area did not participated on the drill
3. Injured personnel who needs assistance was not properly assessed regarding his condition
4. Emergency Responder directly helped the injured person walk to the evacuation area
5. Security guard assisted in carrying the injured person, instead of controlling the crowd and be at the
evacuation area

Recommendations for improvement / mitigation:

1. Provide the office with audible alarm instrument such as siren or buzzer
2. Conduct another round of emergency drill to enhance awareness and responsiveness
3. Improve command skills of the Evacuation Marshall
4. Enhancement personnel awareness and give emphasize to the importance of the emergency drills
conducted through safety and health meetings
5. Establish an avenue so that employees can receive continual awareness for emergency
preparedness and other safety related matter
6. Provide crash course for emergency response so that in the absence of designated responder,
anybody can perform basic rescue
7. Conduct refresher course training for all the first aider emphasizing the identification of injury for
accurate reporting, treatment and administration
8. Buddy system is mandatory in search and rescue operation and it must be followed at all times

Harvey Bernal Shop – 2 Airah Singson Shop – 1
Cynthia Dayan-dayan DCV Nurse Neil John Pabilan Shop – 1

Prepared by:

Erwin S. Perez
Emergency Coordinator/HS Advisor
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