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The special features of

alpha-monolaurin to support
poultry performance
by Wiebe van der Sluis, alpha-monolaurin is that the expected that the active ingredients FRA C12 to broilers hit by very viru-
FRAmelco, The Netherlands. molecule is not only active in the of the additive would partially be lent Newcastle disease, in Malaysia,
entire gastrointestinal tract, but also transported to the systemic resulted in a mortality drop from 10

n the fight against increasing num- in the blood stream. Based on all circulation via the intestinal to 8%. Afterwards these birds
bers of antibiotic resistant bacte- these properties, FRAmelco believes lymphatic transport system. looked healthier than before,
ria many countries have banned alpha-monolaurin is a useful tool to In this way, alpha-monolaurin is according to the local veterinarians.
the systematic use of antibiotics in overcome the negative effects of the not being transported via the Alpha-monolaurin also suppressed
feed for production animals. There- ban on systematic use of antibiotics hepatic portal vein to the liver, but clinical signs and mortality caused by
fore producers are looking for alter- in food producing animals. enters the blood stream via the Marek’s disease as well as secondary
natives. It is known that medium- An additional and big advantage of lymphatic system without losing its infections, such as CRD and necrotic
chain fatty acids (MCFAs) can stimu- alpha-monolaurin compared to characteristics. Hence, it is able to enteritis. In addition they discovered
late animal health and performance. antibiotics, is the fact that pathogens do its antibacterial and antiviral job that the performance figures went
The alpha-monoglycerides of these do not develop resistance against before it is broken down by the back to normal.
MCFAs, especially alpha-monolau- 1-monoglycerides of MCFAs. liver. Positive results with alpha-mono-
rin, prove to be even better in laurin (FRA C12) have also been
managing bacterial and even viral obtained in Taiwan, where many
health issues and thus animal health. New development Managing health poultry farms suffered from an out-
The ban on antimicrobial growth break of high pathogenic AI.
enhancers stimulated nutritionists to Confronted with the demand for During their life, animals are Waterfowl commonly do not suffer
increasingly include medium-chain alternative growth enhancers frequently subject to stress factors from AI but this time the problems
fatty acids (MCFAs) in their feed FRAmelco’s researchers looked into resulting from stocking density, were huge. Especially breeder farms
formulations. Due to their molecular the properties of MCFAs, and even climate conditions, type of housing suffered from the devastating
size MCFAs can permeate cell more into those of lauric acid and its or changes in feed formulation or disease. Since it is not allowed to
membranes without difficulty. monoester. ingredients. This makes them highly implement a vaccination program,
MCFAs are easily digested by The result of their study was the susceptible to (metabolic) disorders Taiwanese producers had to go for
putting naturally less strain on development of a feed additive and infectious diseases caused by alternatives. An afflicted goose
digestive systems, which make them which seem to have the potential to Gram positive pathogenic bacteria farmer culled his first flock, but the
a good energy source in animal inhibit the pathogenic pressure (like Streptococci or Staphylococci) disease reoccurred, which made him
nutrition. Unlike long chain fatty exerted by pathogenic Gram posi- and viral infections (like IB or ND). include FRA C12 at a low level
acids, which have larger molecules, tive bacteria (Streptococcus sp.) and These infections may lead to a (1kg/ton of feed) into the diet.
MCFAs do not require special fat enveloped viruses (Marek’s dis- decreased reproduction and growth At the end of the rearing period
enzymes to utilise them efficiently. ease, Newcastle disease (ND), performance, high mortality rates there was no sign of AI left in the
Back in 1972 it was already infectious bronchitis (IB), avian and a lower profitability. In the past, flock. Trials with layers, provided a
discovered that monoglycerides of influenza (AI)). producers tried to prevent these high dose of the additive (3kg/ton of
MCFAs are even more active against The main ingredient of this addi- losses by systematic use of antibi- feed) during a short period, were
pathogens than their free fatty acids. tive (FRA C12) is alpha-monolaurin, otics and implementing vaccination less pronounced although a slight
Especially monolaurin, a monoester which is a fat-like, heat stable mole- programs. Due to economic and/or reduction of the infection rate was
formed from lauric acid, showed to cule (up to 160°C) produced by practical reasons not all bacteria and seen. This led to the assumption
possess strong antibacterial and esterification of lauric acid and glyc- viruses could be controlled. among FRAmelco researchers that
antiviral properties. The exact mode erol. Thanks to the chemical charac- continuous feeding of the additive
of action is quite complicated, but teristics of alpha-monolaurin, the would be better than feeding it dur-
alpha-monolaurin seems to inhibit molecule is pH independent and will Livestock trials ing a short period at high dose level.
Gram positive pathogenic bacteria not dissociate in the intestinal tract A case study at a broiler breeder
and deactivates fat enveloped (pH around 6-6.5). The product is FRAmelco believes that feeding farm in Taiwan underlines this. After
viruses by breaking down their outer non-corrosive and has no negative poultry an additive, containing an outbreak of AI the new flock
cell wall. Another special feature of effect on smell and taste. It is medium chain 1-monoglycerides and received 2kg/ton of feed until it
carefully selected micro-ingredients, reached peak production, at which
can have beneficial effects, may time the amount of the additive was
Table 1. Performance of broilers suffering from the runting stunting reduce health problems and helps to reduced to 1.0-1.5kg/ton. The
syndrome fed with FRA C12. avoid performance drops. There- result was a peak production of
fore, FRAmelco conducted livestock 82%, which was even higher than
Control trials in a number of countries in the peak before the AI outbreak.
FRA C12 1 2 3 4 5 different parts of the world. These results lead to the
Farm A Broiler farms suffering from the conclusion that alpha-monolaurin
Final weight 2.00 1.78 1.92 1.86 – – runting stunting syndrome showed supports poultry health and
FCR 1.68 1.85 1.86 1.86 – – that supplementation of FRA C12 at performance. It paves the way for its
Farm B a high dose (5kg/ton of feed) during use as a new generation of non-
the starter period, and 3kg/ton in antibiotic health and performance
Final weight 2.16 1.75 2.08 1.99 2.00 2.14
the grower feed improved final enhancers, but also as a potential
FCR 1.74 1.84 1.75 1.91 1.79 1.82 weigh and FCR (Table 1). Feeding antiviral product. n

International Poultry Production — Volume 23 Number 8 41

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