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The social campaign, "Love Yourself with Ginyaki and Imperium

Fitness Studio," was a partnership between the Chinese food brand
Ginyaki and the fitness studio Imperium Fitness Studio. The goal of
the campaign was to encourage individuals to adopt a healthier
lifestyle through exercise and proper nutrition. Ginyaki introduced a
product which consists of healthy ingredients (an ideal diet for the
fitness freaks).

Phase 1 of the campaign involved a two-week challenge in which 12

lucky winners were selected to participate. The winners were chosen
through a contest in which individuals filled in a blank on Ginyaki's
social media pages. The top six performers were then chosen to move
on to Phase 2.

In Phase 2, the top six individuals had a one-month period to

showcase their abilities and progress. The winner of this phase was
awarded a three-month free membership to Imperium Fitness Studio.
This phase of the campaign was heavily promoted on social media,
featuring the progress and achievements of the participants.

The campaign was met with positive feedback from participants, who
reported increased energy levels, weight loss, and improved overall
fitness. The partnership between Ginyaki and Imperium Fitness Studio
was seen as a success, with many participants continuing to use the
fitness studio long after the campaign ended. The campaign also
helped in creating brand awareness for Ginyaki and Imperium Fitness
Studio and helped in gaining new customers.

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