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2019 International Seminar on Intelligent Technology and Its Applications (ISITIA)

Authentication of Printed Document

Using Quick Response (QR) Code
Yoyon Kusnendar Suprapto
Ahmad Tasyrif Arief Wirawan
Department of Computer Engineering,
Department of Electrical Engineering, Department of Electrical Engineering,
Faculty of Electrical Technology
Faculty of Electrical Technology Faculty of Electrical Technology
Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember
Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember
Surabaya, East Java
Surabaya, East Java Surabaya, East Java

Abstract—Implementation of information systems in the public advantage of the use of these documents. Some parties try to
service has an impact on increasing the use of digital documents. manipulate permit documents by changing the information
Digital documents replace function of printed documents because recorded in the document. This fraud can cause substantial
they are legally recognised. In reality, printed documents are still material and non-material losses for the country.
considered relevant because it is still considered necessary as
legitimate evidence; one example is the permit document. Permit There is much vulnerability to forgery documents
documents are essential because they are needed as because permit documents in the form of printed documents
administrative requirements. The importance of permit are straightforward to duplicate and change. Therefore
documents has resulted in many falsifications of these special techniques are needed to guarantee the authenticity of
documents. Therefore guaranteeing the authenticity of these a printed document so that it is not easy to fake. To
documents is needed. The use of Quick Response (QR) Code is overcome the threat of forgery and information changes in a
present as a guarantor of authenticity document because it is printed document, we can use the QR Code technique that
considered capable of being an effortless way to validate the can show that the document content is authentic.
authenticity of printed documents. Authentication of QR codes is
difficult to determine by using the human senses because they Many studies discuss related to the use of QR Code
cannot know the original and fake codes. This inability causes related to securing printed documents. In the study conducted
QR Code to be vulnerable to counterfeiting. To guarantee [1] where they made a scheme for reading the QR Code with
authenticity, a unique QR code that is easily validated is needed. the results of decoding so that the existing information is
This study creates a unique QR Code by utilising AES and SHA- challenging to know using an ordinary scanner. Another
256 that are difficult to produce by other people so that the case, [2] modified the QR Code using the code Two Level
authenticity of information about document content can be Quick Response (2LQR) to overcome the lack of a standard
guaranteed and easily validated. QR Code for coding capacity that is resistant to the printing
and scanning process. This QR Code consists of two, which
Keywords— authentication, printed document, validation, QR at the first level maintains the characteristics of a standard
code QR code so that a regular QR code scanner can still identify
it; and the second level increases the capacity and
I. INTRODUCTION characteristics of QR codes by replacing black modules with
Today, the use and ease of technology change our texture patterns. This texture can survive from degradation
paradigm for storing data in digital form other than in printed due to the printing and scanning process.
documents. In an era of fast internet connection and Cryptographic applications are also widely used in
increasingly sophisticated data storage technology, the improvisation of the manufacture of QR Code such as [3]
exchange of data or digital information has become which utilises Advance Enforcement Standard (AES)
increasingly fast and easy. This convenience causes the use encryption on digital legality systems and [4] uses a modified
of printed documents to be abandoned. SHA-1 algorithm in the manufacture of the QR Code. Print
In Indonesia, it has implemented an electronic-based document protection can use a combination of QR Code and
government system. The application is also increasingly invisible digital signature [5]. Whereas in other techniques
widespread, starting from internal needs and then developing by combining watermark and QR Code techniques [6] [7] by
towards public services. At present, the regions have inserting an image into the image QR Code.
implemented information systems to improve the quality of The vulnerability of a QR Code is duplication; this is
services to the public. One example is a one-stop integrated because the human sense of sight cannot distinguish between
service system. One-stop integrated services serve the people original and fake code. In general, scanning a QR Code
regarding the issuance of permit documents. Permission produces text that leads to the URL address of the database
documents include Building Construction Permit, Business to verify a document. This vulnerability can be used by other
Place Permit, Doctor's Practice License, Construction parties to direct to another URL address by creating a fake
Service Business License and Company Registration QR Code attached to the document so that it can easily
Certificate and other permit documents. The need for printed manipulate a document. To guarantee a QR Code from its
documents is still needed as valid evidence and is a condition authenticity, quickly validation of a unique QR code is
for completeness in administrative matters. needed.
The need for permit documents is considered very This study consists of several parts, i.e: Part 2 explains
important, so fraud often occurs by parties who want to take the theories with research. Part 3 describes the methods used

978-1-7281-3749-0/19/$31.00 ©2019 IEEE 228

in the research conducted. Part 4 describes the test results 1085, where 224 is the error correction codewords and 861
and experiments and Part 5 concludes research and future codewords are ignored). 224 password codes error correction
works for the development of this research. can fix 7% of the capacity symbol, e.g. 7% x 1085 or 76
code errors or replacement errors.
II. FUNDAMENTAL THEORY B. Advanced Encryption Standart (AES)
A. Quick Response Code (QR Code) The AES algorithm is an encryption algorithm with
symmetric keys and block cyphers. The Rijndael algorithm
QR Code is evolution of a barcode; First introduced by proposed by Vincent Rijment and Joan Daemen is the AES
the 1994 Denso Wave, The QR Code is a two-dimensional standardisation algorithm from the National Technology
matrix code [8]. This code can encode all data types for 1817 Standardization Institute (NIST) [3]. Because this algorithm
characters for Japanese Kanji and Cana data, 2953 bytes for uses symmetric keys, the key used to encrypt is the same as
binary data, 4296 characters for alphanumeric data, and 7089 decrypting the ciphertext. This algorithm uses fixed block
characters for numeric data. Structure of the QR Code is a sizes and key lengths of 128, 192, and 256 bits, so commonly
nominal square module array, all of which are arranged in a referred to as AES-128, AES-192, and AES-256. In general,
square pattern, where the black module represents the value the encryption process in AES is divided into two. Namely,
of 1 binary and the white module represents the value of 0 the encryption process itself (Encryption Process) and key
binary. The QR Code consists of two parts, i.e: 1. The coding generate (Key Expansion / Key Schedule) or round key). In
section; and 2. The function section. For the coding, section general, the AES algorithm operates as follows (outside the
consists of format information, version information, data process of making a round key):
password, error correction code (ECC). Whereas for the
function part consists of position detection patterns, quiet 1. Add Round Key. Plain Text in XOR with a
zones, time patterns, and alignment patterns. password lock.
2. Turn as many as NR-1 times. The process of each
The QR Code standard has 40 different versions when round is:
viewed from the structure of data storage density. The QR a. Sub Bytes: byte substitution using a
Code version is shown in Table 1. For the QR Code version substitution table (S-box).
for every 1 version increase, the module increases by 4 b. Rows Shift: Extend array state lines by
modules at each length and width. The first version consists wrapping.
of 21 × 21 modules while the giant version of the QR Code c. Mix Columns: Randomizing data in each
consists of 177 × 177 modules. With fault tolerance column array state.
capabilities, the QR Code can still be translated even if parts d. Add Round Key: performs XOR between
of the QR code are destroyed or damaged. There are four the current state and the round button.
fault tolerance levels in the QR Code, i.e: 3. Final Round. The process for the last stage:
1. Level L has ECC capability of 7%% a. Sub Bytes
2. Level M has ECC capability of 15% b. Shift Rows
3. Level Q has ECC capability of 25% c. Add Round Key
4. Level H has ECC capability of 30%
Where a codeword is a unit in a QR tag that is equal to C. Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA-256)
eight modules. [1]. In cryptology, SHA-256 is the most widely used
Table 1. Capacity of different versions of QR Code cryptographic hash function of existing SHA hash functions
Recovery Number of and is used in several widely used security applications and
Error Number of protocols [9]. The SHA-256 algorithm functions in 32-bit
Capacity Error
Versions Correction Data
% Correction
words, so that each 512-bit block M(i) from the stage padding
(approx) Codewords is considered as 16 blocks 32-bit denoted by Mt(i), 0 ≤ t ≤
L 7% 7 19 15. Expander messages (message scheduler) take each M(i)
M 15% 10 16 and expand it to 64 blocks 32-bit Wt, can be seen in the
1 equation (1), (2), (3):
Q 25% 13 13
σ0(x) = ROT7(x) ⊕ ROT18(x) ⊕ SHF3(x) (1)
H 30% 17 9
σ1(x) = ROT17(x) ⊕ ROT19(x) ⊕ SHF10(x) (2)
L 7% 224 861
M 15% 416 669
Q 25% 600 485 Where the ROTn (x) function shows the circular rotation of x
H 30% 700 385
from position n to the right, while the function SHFn (x)
shows a rightward shift of x from position n. All summations
L 7% 750 2956 of the SHA-256 algorithm are modulo 232.
M 15% 1372 2334
Q 25% 2040 1666
H 30% 2430 1276
This study uses prototype models as a method of
developing an Android-based application to produce a QR
Code that can provide information about the contents of
Table 1 shows the recovery capacity and error correction printed documents and is not easy to fake and can be
capabilities of the QR code version. In the table showing the validated authenticity. The document authentication process
QR code in the 20-L version, the number of codewords is can be seen in Figure 1. This research has two stages; the

first stage is the authentication of documents in the form of Scheme Production of Image QR Code can be seen in Figure
doc or pdf files as input documents, which are then affixed 3.
with a QR Code. The second stage is the validation of the
authenticity of the document. The QR code attached to the Data Input :
Document Name, Owner  Hashing QR Code 
printed document is then scanned to get the results in the Name, Time Stamp, and
 page number of document.
(SHA 256) Generator

form of text that matches the data entered in the first stage. Image 
QR Code
Encryption Unique Teks  
Key Validation 
Document Athentication  (AES)
Authentication  Document with 
Start Document Document Using QR Code
QR Code Figure 3. Scheme Production of Image QR Code

B. Validation of Document Authentication

In the second stage is the reverse of the first stage
Authentic  Scanning
Yes Validation
Document QR Code Image
End process. The scheme of the validation process from
Fake  No
document authentication can be illustrated in Figure 4.
Validity Document Athentication 

Figure 1. Process of document authentication

Check Digital  Verification  Get Signature 
Explanation of the document authentication process and
Upload Document Yes using public 
Signature Hash Value Info

document authentication validation can be seen as figure 2: No

Change to JSON 
A. Document Authentication End Authentic Yes Validation Signature 

Not  No

Figure 4. Schema of validation of Document Authentication

Document Pdf 
Input Document 
Start Attachment with QR Code End

The QR Code image on the printed document is scanned

QR Code
using the scanner/camera. After the QR Code is detected, so
the results obtained are text. If it is not detected, the QR
Code is illegible or invalid. The results obtained cannot be
Figure 2. Process of document authentication read directly because these results are the result of encryption
Figure 2 shows the scheme of document authentication. at the time of manufacture and are still in base64 format.
From the scheme above, the steps taken are straightforward. Therefore the results are then decrypted, and the hashing
First, upload the document to be affixed with the QR Code value is checked. After the hash function is given, it gets a
with the file format in pdf or doc. Then the document is script notation. From this script displayed information that
affixed with an image QR Code produced from a QR Code has been entered in making the QR code, and also gets the
Generator. The results obtained are in the form of PDF files same unique text in the QR Code image.
that have added to the image QR Code. For validation, the information and unique texts that have
Data input QR Code Generator is the result of encryption been obtained are matched with printed documents; if the
from previously entered data. The data entered consists of six results obtained are different, it means that the QR Code is
data in the form of text consisting of valuable information considered invalid. Moreover, if the results obtained are the
from the document. This data includes the name of the same, then the QR Code can be said to be genuine. The next
document, the name of the agency that issued the document, validation is by entering a valid password. The validation
records in the form of important information contained in the password is decrypted using the AES algorithm whose key
document, and validation passwords. The validation has been installed in the application. If the condition is
password is a keyword, where the keyword is encrypted prosperous, the QR Code is declared to be genuine.
using the AES algorithm and converted to hexadecimal form.
While other data is in the form of a time stamp and the IV. RESULT AND EXPERIMENT
number of pages of the document entered.
This study uses an Android version 4.2 based application
After obtaining all the data, the data is changed in to form using java scripts for implementation. The scanning device
script notation. This script stores all input data and then uses a camera from a mobile phone that has been installed on
encrypts it with a hash function using SHA-256. Then the the device. The device used is a mobile phone with a model
results are encoded to base64 form. The result of the number SM-G953FD (Samsung S7 Edge) with an Android
encryption that changed to becomes an array of bits. These 8.0 version that has a 12-megapixel camera resolution.
bits then transformed into a bitmap-shaped image QR Code. The stages of this research consist of document
This image is formed from black pixels with a value of 1 and authentication and document validation. In the stage of
white pixels worth 0. The QR Code generator is made document authentication is a unique QR code production
flexible with several versions; this is to anticipate the number process using encryption techniques with the AES algorithm
of input characters that affect the number of pixels produced and the SHA-256 Hash function. Whereas at the stage of
for making a QR Code image. Encryption results also used to document validation, the author detects the authenticity of
create a unique text inserted into the QR Code image. This the QR Code by matching between information and unique
unique text takes several characters from the results of the text as a result of scanning the image of the QR code and
encryption where we can arrange the sequencing process. printed documents.

A. Document Authentication Implementation  Notes : dr. ABDUL SYUKUR KUDDUS, Sp.B
The implementation of the scheme in Figure 2 can be seen in 7311101214057474
Figure 5. Dokter Spesialis Bedah
10-7-2019 (79 characters)
 Code of Validation: 12345678 (8 characters)
 Barcode Placement on the Last Page Lower Right
The validation password encrypted using the AES
algorithm encoded in hexadecimal format. The value
obtained from encoding is "BDB06C937F52942849CC2
84220A857F4". After the data is complete, all data is
combined, including the time stamp and the number of pages
of the document. The number of characters entered is 163
Upload File Input Data Doc with QR Code characters.
The combined data is entered into the JavaScript Object
Figure 5. Results of document authentication implementation Notation (JSON) format. The JSON value encrypted with
The application display is made simple to determine SHA-256 and saves with base64 format. The string length of
which file is attached to the QR Code image, by pressing the the encoding is 334 strings with string values, i.e.
"upload file" button and then selecting the file on the screen. “NtaRpfbAwIVqCmdIU8FkaFtE/wecb+6tiAVgGPDyBq4A3n
After that, storage of documents come into sight on the 1/h8ADJ4BysUIar1+SV16idOSIcSeFCNUnbeVtc1kCWqaoB
screen. Then the selected document opens. In this study, VcLS4rWzzjOqertJjG1I6IO+/AqHV8mujOSjdG00NWKJKyV
using a licensing document that is a Doctor's Practice iYgOMmiDbun/lyWNv4jm3ohiVG2hSTQoqOMfVDBDZN7g
License (SIPD) as seen in Figure 6. This document is a 5lcLsrIR2HOLjsTNcyaFEF+2wbRmg1KzfaUc/sHrUACLYu
requirement that must be owned by a doctor in opening a 0hXRrz4w11kZAVI1sTpaUjbOULsg2ELpq2hlWdxiEn/XH4w
practice site. Information contained in this document 4wf2PX/jJX9YrLrjBIsiYq/D0YYvfhKuouqhcsU6pnzVFKCOi
includes: BzPMSD0GKypgnV0g==”. This value is converted into bits
1. Name of the doctor; which are then generated to form a QR code.
2. Place of birth date;
3. Address of residence; The unique text produced is "KYBAQOM". This text is
4. Registration Certificate Number (STR); composed of 7 characters from the string above, with the
5. Period of validity of STR; following character arrangements:
6. Number of Professional Organization  Characters 1 and 2 are taken from the 10th and 9th
Recommendations (OP); strings in the back;
7. Location of Practice;  Characters 3 and 4 are taken from the 7th and 8th
8. Specialisation Practices carried out; and strings in the front;
9. Period of validity of practice permits.  Characters 5, 6 and 7 are taken from the 3 middle
This text and the QR code image is combined. Images
from QR codes have a depth of pixels per inch of 500 dpi,
the size of the image attached to the document is 150 x 150
pixels equivalent to the size of 1.65 x 165 inches. The results
of documents with image QR Code save in the form of pdf

B. Implementation of Document Validation

The results of the document validation implementation
can be seen in Figure 7. Investigating the authenticity of
printed documents can be done by scanning directly on the
Figure 6. Permit Document image from the QR Code or uploading the QR Code image
file. In this study scan directly with the smartphone camera
For the data that is input, there are four; the first data is that has installed the application. If scanning uses a standard
the name of the document in the form of a letter number, the application, for example, the barcode scanner app, the results
following data is the name of the agency that issued the obtained are in the form of strings as seen in Figure 7.
letter. The third data in the form of records that are
considered critical, the information includes the name of the The results obtained with general scanning only read
doctor, Registration Certificate number (STR), type of strings. The string length obtained is 334. The reading of the
practice, and validity period of practice permit. The data QR code with the error correction level is level H (30%)
entered combines into the form of a script notation with the
data arrangement as follows:
 Document Name: SIPD No.8/SIPD/01.03/DPMPTSP
/I/2019 (35 characters)
 Name of Agency: DPMPTSP Kota Palopo
(17 characters)

the QR Code using encryption techniques is robust against
The next experiment was measuring coding capacity
contained in QR code images with a varying number of text
entries. Measuring the QR Code capacity is done by making
four QR codes with different amounts of data input. The
results can be seen in table 2.
Table 2. Comparison of QR codes based on data input

Figure 7. Result of scanned with general application

Whereas by using the application for validation, it
immediately read the data display by the input data, as shown
in Figure 8. To check the similarity of the data is done
manually by comparing the results obtained with the printed

Image QR Code Scanning Result of Scanning

Figure 8. Results of validation implementation
For further validation, we can enter an existing password.
If correct, successful notifications appear on the screen with
"Success" notifications. If the password key entered is
incorrect, then the notification on the screen displays
C. Experiments
After the implementation of the authentication process
and implementation of validation, several experiments were
conducted; the first, a falsification trial was conducted of QR From the table above we can see the number of
Code on the document. By changing the QR Code but still characters that affect the length of the string. The more
using the original unique text, the results obtained are shown characters on a string cause the QR code image to be more
in figure 8. challenging to detect by the scanner. The scanner is difficult
to detect because the distance between pixels is getting tight.
The scanner can still detect QR Code with a string length
smaller than 334, while above this value the QR code is
challenging to detect and even undetectable.

Conclusions that can be drawn from this study include:
1. This security application utilises cryptographic
Fake QR Code Results of Scanning functions in the form of AES / CBC / 7 No padding
and SHA-256 hashing functions and uses a time
Figure 8. Scanning Results stamp for authentication of the data.
From the results of scanning the QR Code that has been 2. Methods Security of printed documents utilises
changed, we can find differences in the unique text on the cryptographic, authentication, and integrity aspects.
QR Code so that it can be stated that the document and QR
Code is fake. To be more convincing, you can validate the 3. The QR Code used is good enough in authenticating
Password Key; if the key used is different, it is inevitable a printed document but is limited to the information
that the document is not authentic. This method proves that provided.

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