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This is a very difficult scripture and according to Saint Andrew of Caesarea and the

Church Fathers, the devil is only bound for the true baptized and practicing Christians.
The devil is very loose, active and well for the rest of the world. Only during the time of
the antichrist the devil will be loose. However, since most of the Christian world at this
point is beginning to invent a different gospel, a different gospel from the one that the
Holy Apostles taught, the devil is becoming loosen and he is beginning to act all his
maliciousness on Christians who do not take the Gospel seriously and also for all the
people of the world that have not come close to Christ.
That’s why it is very important nowadays to test the spirits. John told us over and
over again in his first epistle, John 4,1: “Test the spirits! Test the spirits! Dear friends, do
not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God because
many false prophets have gone out into the world. This is how you can recognize the
spirit of God. Every spirit that acknowledges that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is
from God. But every spirit that does not acknowledge Jesus is not from God and this is
the spirit of the antichrist. Anyone who runs ahead and does not continue in the teachings
of Christ, does not have God!
My friends this is loud and clear! It is very simple yet most of our so called orthodox
Christians today are sleepy. We hear time after time again: “What about the Muslims?
What about the Jews? What about the Buddhists? What about the Chinese, the Hindus,
the Swahilis and the yanamamos?”
My friends, we don’t know, those people are under God’s jurisdiction, however the
Bible is loud and clear and the Bible has been translated into 1700 languages. For us,
Bible believing Christians, the answer is simple. Anyone who does not follow in the
teachings of Christ, does not have God! The Jews are godless! The Muslims are godless!
The Buddhists are godless! Anybody who does not believe in Christ has no God. It is the
bitter truth.
Question: “The Jehovah witnesses believe that Christ is a creation and not God.”
They are antichrists. The Mormons believe almost the same thing. They are antichrists.
The Muslims believe that Christ was a prophet and not God. They have the spirit of the
antichrist. The Jews, not all of them thank God, rejected and killed Christ. They have the
spirit of the antichrist. The Buddhists accept Jesus as a guru, or a master, but not as the
Messiah or Son of God so they have the spirit of the antichrist. The Rosicrucians, the hare
krishnas and all non Christian religions have the spirit of the antichrist. All atheists and
people that are agnostic have the spirit of the antichrist.
Again, every spirit that does not acknowledge that Jesus Christ came in the flesh is
not from God. This is the spirit of the antichrist.
So now, we can easily recognize all the occults, this is the formula! I’m attempting to
alarm you somewhat because we know that the New World Order is conspiring to serve
to us one religion. We know that a universal religion, one centralized government, a
universal credit card, a mark, they are unavoidable, the Bible tells us so.
The spirit of antichrist has found a great ally in ecumenism, a great falsehood! Let’s
all religions join hands for the sake of peace! Peace? With the spirit of antichrist? And I
read you a poem from a Masonic author Jasiem Ward:
Wow! In modern America today this organization believes in the Babylonian
mysteries. America today is joining hands with pagan gods because last year $1 billion
was spent on books in occultic New Age shops. America and the world today is once
again joining hands with idolatry because we gave up our spiritual weapons. The New
Age movement is nothing new, it is as old as Lucifer because he is their god. It is the old
Gnosticism that St. Paul talks to Timothy about. It takes bits and pieces from every
religion and it keeps snowballing. It accepts philosophies from old pagan Babylonian
religions, it does not reject Christianity altogether, it chooses some truths and rejects
some others and that’s what makes it so dangerous.

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