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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education



NAME: ______________________________ DATE: _______________________________

GRADE & SECTION: _________________ SCORE: _____________________________

INSTRUCTION: Read the following questions carefully and choose the letter that best describes the answer.
Write your answer in the space before the number. Use CAPITAL letters.

_____1. Freedom can only be genuine when you eventually take responsibility for it and understands that by
doing so, you authentically reveal yourself to the world. The opposite is also true: when we refuse to make
choices, we are afraid to show ourselves to the world. What do you think will be the result if you choose to
commit to a genuine and responsible exercise of your freedom?
A. We gain personal recognition and praise from others.
B. We strengthen our network of contacts, especially those that we can benefit from personally.
C. We become an integrated and authentic self.
D. We can live a more carefree life, without any restrictions.

_____2. Millions of poor people and persons with disabilities (PWD) in the country have been living lives that
can be described as far below the threshold of human dignity. Pope Francis described this form of living as a
“crime against humanity”, and encourages the faithful to fight for the dignity of man and the sacredness of life.
Martin Buber also called this crime the “I-It Relationship”. Which of the sentences below agree with Buber’s
A. The person sees the other as an object rather than as a subject.
B. The person sees himself as part of the faceless crowd.
C. The person sees society as a collective whole.
D. The person sees death as an end in itself.

_____3. Princess is feeling hungry and has no money. At that time, she found a P100 bill on the floor beside the
teacher’s table. She wanted to use the money for herself to buy some food at the canteen, yet her conscience is
telling her that it is not right to get something that doesn’t belong to her. Which of the following sentences
reflects her realization that all actions have consequences?
A. She will surrender the money to her teacher despite being hungry.
B. She will immediately get the money. She is hungry, so she needs to eat.
C. She will get the money to buy food and will return the change to her teacher.
D. She will not do anything with the money on the teacher’s table.

_____4. Tribal and feudal civilizations of the past had social institutions that dictate how an individual should
live, even the way he or she thinks. These social institutions are so influential that early culture, language, and
individual members’ self-understanding are established around them. If you are a member or part of these tribal
and feudal societies, which of the following might be difficult to understand?
A. Tribal leaders and feudal lords have control over all aspects of a member’s day-to-day life.
B. Democracy and freedom are observed.
C. There’s a gradual movement towards individuality and creative expression, but it is immediately
D. Follows enforced silence.

_____5. Not every act performed by a human person is uniquely human. Animals execute some actions that
humans do, such as vegetative acts, and sexual and emotional acts. How will you differentiate acts of man from
human actions?

Barangay Bulihan, Silang, Cavite

(046) 890-0133
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
A. Acts of man may be involuntary, while human acts result from choices.
B. Acts of man do not have consequences.
C. Human acts are only for those that appreciate their freedom.
D. Acts of man are activities shared by humans and other animals, whereas human acts are unique only
to individuals.

_____6. Pre-industrial cultures were divided into two social systems namely tribal societies and feudal societies.
Historically, these societies emerged as a result of their progressive integration into an individual's personal life.
How would you describe these societies to how they look at and treat their members?
A. There is no clear sense of individuality among their members.
B. Everyone is given due process and treated fairly.
C. Members can choose to live wherever and however they want.
D. Tribal and feudal leaders have complete control over their politics and economy.

_____7. A person does not just live in a society, but it can be said that society also lives in the person. The
things he uses in daily life presuppose that he also uses these talents for the benefit of his/her fellowmen.
A. The social nature of the person.
B. A person’s closeness to nature.
C. The physical nature of the person.
D. The introspective nature of the person.

_____8. Daniel Bell, an American sociologist, invented the phrase "post-industrial society" in his 1973 book
"The Coming of Post-Industrial Civilization: A Venture in Social Forecasting”. According to Bell, many of the
post-industrial countries have now shifted their attention from being a manufacturing-based system to service-
based ones. How do you think such a shift from being a manufacture-based system to a service-oriented one,
will affect the way members of these societies view themselves and their relationships?
A. There is a renewed sense of camaraderie among members of society now that we are no longer
concerned about production.
B. There’s no significant change. People’s attitudes toward each other remain fixed throughout history.
C. Individuals who formerly worked in the industrial industry ultimately discover that they have no
clear purpose in life.
D. People are more excited about the possibilities that technology offers.

_____9. After a bit of rough playing with his friends inside the classroom, Ruben unintentionally broke the cell
phone that he borrowed from his classmate. He was afraid of telling the owner that it accidentally slipped from
his hand and fell on the floor. Which of the following statement shows how he will act if he believes that
freedom is coupled with accountability to obligations?
A. He will not tell his classmate the complete details because he does not want his friend to be angry at
B. He will admit it was his responsibility and will do the necessary repairs or replacements for the
broken phone.
C. He will apologize for what happened, but will not pay for the damages since he believes it's his
friends that broke the phone.
D. He will blame a bullied classmate and will tell everyone that he’s the one who did it.

_____10. Marilyn is at the crossroads of making a very difficult decision. She understands very well that her
choice of vocation may not sit well with her family members – her parents are professionals and have high
expectations for her to become a lawyer. But at the same time, Marilyn feels that pursuing her aspirations to
become a religious missionary is her God-given calling. If you were Marilyn, how will you weigh your
decision? What steps will you take? Arrange the steps that you will take leading to your decision.
P – Pray and ask for spiritual guidance

Barangay Bulihan, Silang, Cavite

(046) 890-0133
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
T – Think, reflect and analyze the facts
O – Consider how it will affect Others
S – Search out the facts of your situation



_____11. Authenticity is a term commonly used in existentialism to refer to having a real and meaningful
existence. Philosopher Soren Kierkegaard believes that we must escape the herd - the mass of society that we
believe should be the pattern of our existence. Considering the brevity of our time here on earth, how would you
ensure that you’re living your life authentically?
A. We must freely choose our actions.
B. Go with the flow, considering that the majority is most likely correct than me.
C. I don’t care about other people’s opinions and feelings. I will do whatever I want.
D. I don’t want to think about the possibilities. The uncertainty of the future is too scary for me.

_____12. A month from now, Carlo will graduate from Senior High. Admittedly, he has not given too much
thought to what he will do after graduation. He is still unsure if he is capable of pursuing a college degree, or if
he will look for a job instead. In a way, it makes him feel that he may not be truly free in making decisions that
will make him ultimately happy. He feels that his decisions are so far, products of his external circumstances,
and he finds himself asking some difficult questions. “If living in a society means that I am not free, does this
mean that I will only be free when I live alone? But what good would that do? If I live to do what I truly want,
will that lead to a happy life?” He just finds himself asking more and more questions and ends up having this
uneasy feeling of dread and anxiety. Is Carlo already engaging in a philosophical reflection based on the above
A. No, because he is just ranting about how difficult it is to find a job after graduating from senior high
B. Yes, because he begins to have a kind of metaphysical unease.
C. Yes, because he is already examining his thoughts, feelings, and possible future actions and
reflecting on what it means to be truly happy.
D. No, because even if Carlo might be experiencing metaphysical unease, he is still not thinking

_____13. Existentialist philosopher Martin Heidegger discovered that reflecting on death is crucial since it is the
most fundamental question that a human being must learn to face. What do you think Martin Heidegger means
when he says that it is important to reflect on our impending death?
A. We must prevent death by all means necessary.
B. I don’t want to bother myself with such thoughts.
C. If we do not reflect on our eventual deaths, chances are, we’re not fully living an authentic life.
D. There’s no need since it’s better to live a carefree life than to think of such sad things.

_____14. Today's virtual society and digital devices are beginning to transform individuals, as well as our
interactions and relationships. More and more encounters are taking place in the virtual realm rather than the
physical world, leading to a sense of disembodiment as a subject. What do mean by being a disembodied subject
in a technological society?
A. We are now capable of astral, out-of-the-body travel.
B. We’re slowly putting aside our bodies in relating with others.
C. We’re replacing physical interactions with others in favor of a more convenient, virtual one.
D. People nowadays spend more time on the internet.

_____15. What does the saying “Buntot mo, hila mo!” means in relation to freedom and obligation?
A. It means that we are free to do the things that we want. – 1

Barangay Bulihan, Silang, Cavite

(046) 890-0133
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
B. This Filipino saying means that having freedom in making choices also means taking full
responsibility for the consequences of your actions. – 3
C. This means that we need to pursue the things that we want for our life. – 0
D. The saying means that freedom and obligation are inseparable. – 2

_____16. According to him, the people have the right and moral obligation to overthrow a corrupt government.
A. John Locke C. Jean-Jacques Rousseau
B. John Rawls D. Thomas Hobbes

_____17. Which form of society relies on the cultivation of plants, fruits, and vegetables?
A. horticultural C. industrial
B. agricultural D. pastoral

_____18. This philosophical concept refers to an agreement between the individuals and the state by which the
individuals in the community must sacrifice an amount of their freedom in exchange for social order.
A. social contract C. social covenant
B. social agreement D. social fabric

_____19. How does the “self” treat the “other’ in an I-IT relationship?
A. animal C. person
B. subject D. object

_____20. When the awareness of the one who loves another person is at the level of persons and not of things,
then the relationship is categorized as what?
A. "I-We" Relationship C. "I-It" Relationship
B. "I-Thou" Relationship D. "I-I" Relationship

_____21. This society is based on the ownership of land.

A. horticultural C. Feudal society
B. Industrial society D. pastoral

22. How are we going to defeat seeming?

A. You’re going to hide who you truly are.
B. You’re going to show your good side only.
C. You will only say what you think people want to hear.
D. Accepting others in a way that you also accept who you really are.

23. This society uses machinery in producing goods and services.

A. horticultural C. Feudal society
B. Industrial society D. pastoral

24. This refers to the ability of a person to act out of his or her own free will and self-determination.
A. voluntary action C. compulsion
B. involuntary action D. prudence

25. He made the concept of "I-It" & "I-Thou".

A. Martin Buber C. Jean Paul Sartre
B. Edmund Husserl D. Rene Descartes

26. Who among the discussed philosophers focuses on the concept of human-heartedness in his philosophy of

Barangay Bulihan, Silang, Cavite

(046) 890-0133
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
A. Martin Buber C. Jean Paul Sartre
B. Edmund Husserl D. Confucius

27. It is the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint.
A. Freedom C. Responsibility
B. Intersubjectivity D. Obligation

28. According to Martin Heidegger (1889-1976) in his book Being and Time, death comprises all of the following
A. certain C. one’s property
B. indefinite D. to be outstripped

29. According to ______, we have to avoid the crowd – the majority of society which we think should be the
pattern of our lives. 
A. Martin Buber C. Jean Paul Sartre
B. Soren Kierkegaard D. Martin Heidegger

30. Which statement is incorrect about intersubjectivity?

A. Love is an important aspect of intersubjective relationships
B. I can disregard others as much as I want
C. We can put ourselves in the shoes of others
D. We cannot help but be sensitive to the existence of the other

Prepared by: Checked by: Noted by:

G12 Introduction to the Fermin C. Bravo Jr. Miriam P. Loyola

Philosophy of the Human Master Teacher II / Asst. SHS Head Teacher VI
Person Teachers Coordinator

Barangay Bulihan, Silang, Cavite

(046) 890-0133

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