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Inglés, 1er Trimestre

Nombre: __________________________________________________________

1. Realiza 4 oraciones en pasado simple. Dos con verbos regulares y dos con verbos
Las oraciones deben de llevar sujeto, verbo y complemento.
2. Contesta las preguntas, de acuerdo al texto
Eliza was born on February 27, 1999, she is a medical student and she likes Reading,
dancing and playing with her dog, which is called Spicy. Eliza is from Tabasco, although
much of her life has lived in Sinaloa.

a) Where is Eliza from? ___________________________________________

b) When is Eliza’s birthday? _______________________________________
c) What is the name of her dog? ___________________________________
d) what does Eliza like to do? ______________________________________
e) What does Eliza do? ___________________________________________
3. Escucha la canción y escribe los verbos en pasado que hacen falta

Return to sender
Return to sender
I _________ a letter to the postman
He ________ it his sack
Bright early next morning
He __________ my letter back
Return to sender, address unknown
No such number, no such zone
We _________ a quarrel, a lover's spat
I write I'm sorry but my letter keeps coming back
So then I __________ it in the mailbox
And ___________ it special D
Bright and early next morning
It ___________ right back to me
Return to sender, address unknown
No such person, no such zone
This time I'm gonna take it myself and put it right in her hand
And if it comes back the very next day then I'll understand
Return to sender, address unknown
No such number, no such zone
Return to sender, Return to sender
Return to sender, Return to sender...

(Punto extra)
*¿De qué trata la canción?

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