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Wiljun M. Manliguez
11 GAS B
Mrs. Loraine Ruado

Executive summary…………………………………………………….Page 1
Background and Objective………….………………………….…..Page 2
Methodology……………………………………………………………..Page 5
Results……………………………………………………………………….Page 6
Conclusion and Recommendation…………………………..….Page 7
Appendices……………………………………………………………..….Page 8
This study was conducted to assess and find out the good
benefits of on-line gaming to students in 11 GAS B in
España National High School.Furthermore, this study
sought answers on the importance of playing on-line games
and if it helps to students also.
The study revealed that Mobile Legend usually use of
students compared to other online games.It is also stated
that those who play online games are around 16-18years old
who are believed to be in the Grade 11 level. Playing online
games do not affect their grades badly for they know how to
limit themselves. They know that they need to control
themselves in order to function well in their class that is why
they only play games during vacation and weekends with a
lot of time compared when they have classes.
Even though they play online games; they know how to
socialize well and they can perform very well when it comes
to academic performance. However, it is inevitable not to
play even for half an hour especially when they are
accustomed to it. Therefore, it is just a matter of discipline.


Our daily lives have changed significantly as a result of the

increased usage of the internet. Online gaming has become
particularly popular as a result of this development. Any game
that can be played over a computer network or the internet is
referred to as a “online game.” Online gaming typically refers to
video games played over the internet with several participants
in various locations all over the world. Online games are
frequently freeware apps that can be downloaded and used
indefinitely for no charge. The majority of the web games now
available are written in Java, Shockwave, and Flash. As a result,
they offer more basic game play than downloadable games.

A high-speed internet connection is often needed for online

gaming. Whether it’s a PC or a gaming system like an Xbox or
Play Station that’s connected to the internet, the proper
hardware will also be needed. However, gaming technology has
advanced to an amazing degree in recent years. Some online
games no longer require a specific piece of controlling
hardware, such as a joystick or game controller.All of us can
become addicted to gaming thanks to things like streaming 3-D
animation images with excellent surround sound stereo. For a
variety of reasons, internet gaming is becoming more and more
popular in the world of video games. When playing head-to-
head games via the internet, players can simply identify
opponents with comparable skill levels. Additionally, players
have the option of engaging in intense competition.

Today, politics, television, popular music, and Hollywood may

all be seen as being impacted by computer and video games.
The lifestyle and behavior of wow power leveling gamers,
especially young children, are the subject of extensive
investigation. The most popular leisure activity among children
today is playing online games. Student’s futures are
significantly shaped by computers. Student now spend most of
their time playing video games online rather than engaging in
outside activities like running or playing. Certainly, student’s
minds are impacted by online games. When all is said and done,
it is unquestionably a fantastic mental activity that encourages
student to try many new things. and proactive thinking, higher
sociability, and enhanced interpretive abilities are all improved.
According to certain studies, kids who play online games are
more mentally and physically active than their peers. However,
since video games are frequently associated with problems like
mindless entertainment, increased social alienation, sexism,
and consumerism, computers and video games also get a lot
more unfavorable criticism.According to research, children who
play violent video games have greater emotional reactivity and
decreased activity in brain regions related to self-control,
attention, and dwelling.
Every person that plays video games has a particular motivation
for doing so, and playing the game has a varied impact on each
person. The parenting of children, peer pressure, academic
demands, and family obligations


1. Determine the positive effects of online games to

2. To know the impact of online game to students and;
3. To know the advantage of online game to students

The attainment of the objectives of the study was made
possible through the utilization of the descriptive method of
The type of questions used in survey is DICHOTOMOUS
(answerable by YES or NO) and the personal approach used in
conducting a survey report is Paper-and-pencil. The sampling
techniques were made through a purposive sampling, where
only those students who played on-line games were the only
respondents selected to meet the population size of the study.
With a total of 10 respondents coming from 11 GAS B in España
National High School, all of them returned the survey
questionnaire – the main instrument of data gathering.

The figure 1 shows the number of students who voted “yes”

and “no” with each statement. Based from the graph, it shows
that most of students voted “yes” in every statement
presented. In the question 1, 10 out of 10 respondents are
voted “yes” and no one voted “no” in the statement of “Are
you comfortable when playing your favorite online games?. In
item 2 statement “Do you feel addicted playing games?” online
shows that 5 of respondents voted “YES” and 5 of respondents
voted “NO”. In item 3 statement” Does online gamer gives you
happiness?”. Shows that all respondent voted “Yer” while no
one voted “no”. Next item statement “Does playing online
games help you to ease the boredom?” show that 9 of
respondent voted “YES” and only 1 respondent voted “no”. And
the last question shows that 9 of respondents voted YES while 1
respondent voted “no” in the statement of “Does playing online
games help you to forget your problem just for a while?
1. Online games are prevalent, and the students are not that
addicted to the popular online games.
2. Students are getting many advantages from online gaming like
they can solve their boredom through playing online games
3. The education of the students is not greatly affected by playing
online games; however online games are seen as good learning
tool because many think that they can teach students in many

After a careful and thorough evaluation of the
results of the research conducted, the following
recommendations are hereby given:
1. Student should know their limitation in playing online games.
2. Student should know the consequences that they might get
from too much playing of online games.
3. Student should know that online games are not just for fun but
it could also give them the learning that they may apply in their
4. Parents must guide them on choosing the most appropriate
online games that their children should play.
5. Parents must know how to limit their children in playing online

1. Are you comfortable when playing your favorite online 10 0
2. Do you feel addicted playing online games? 5 5
3. Does online games gives you happiness? 10 0
4. Does playing online games help you to ease the boredom? 9 1
5. Does playing online games help you to forget your 9 1
problem just for a while?

TABLE 1: Importance of online games to students


Importance of online games to students



Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5

Series 1 Series 2 Column1

FIGURE 1: Importance of online games to students.

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