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April Nian S.

Gumanoy October 06, 2022

BSSED - English



My dream destination as of date is Switzerland, a small, rich country with very great scenery.
But I cannot go there realistically speaking. I still don’t have the resources, the money, and
even a passport. Yet, I have a plan. To go there using the miracle of my mind, to dream and
imagine. Read books, magazines, articles, and travel blogs about it. Immerse myself with the
pictures and letters pertaining to my dreamland – and this is where literature comes in. A
world full of letters that weigh much more than just letters. Small characters, signs, and
symbols that can bring me to the other side of the world while I’m just sitting and holding a
book, and I guess, drinking coffee too? Do you know what’s more magical? This is just one
magic that literature can give, many more to come as you continue reading.
The denotative definition of literature is a body of written works. Britannica Dictionary
described it as any imaginative story that is characterized by the author’s goals and the
reader’s perception of the author’s writing style. What’s the limit of literature? Nothing. Only
someone’s imagination I believe. For the writer, this is an essential medium to express,
explain, justify, reveal or even hide ideas and feelings. A vehicle for storytelling either fake,
real, literal, or metaphorical. And for the reader, this is a good tool to expand knowledge,
learn lessons, be entertained, and feel more “feelings” – be sad, happy, frightened, horrified,
excited and amazed. Literature is one of the greatest inventions of humankind that not only
strikes the mind but the heart as well.
The importance of literature leads to one great path – growth. It develops our skills
and competence in terms of reading and writing. This enhances our linguistic skills, how we
encode and decode messages, and know proper grammar structures. Aside from that, it
grows our creativity, and how our brain works, helps us to invent ideas, and enlarges our
visions and aspirations. Additionally, it also advances our critical thinking essential in living.
Make us rational thinkers, discover facts, and identify truths and ideologies. Some people
see literature as a money-making profession, some see it as a hobby, and I am part of the
latter. It helps me to appreciate life more, a comfort at night, and a guide for the day. To love
life is to love writing and reading. “Only the very weak-minded refuse to be influenced by
literature and poetry.” – Cassandra Clare, Clockwork Angel.

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