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CS Hroceedings COLLESE oF UntveRsAL Wispom ‘YUCCAVALLEY, CALIFORNIA A BRANCH OF THE MINISTRY OF UNIVERSAL WISDOM, INC. A Non-sectarian and Non-profit Organization for Religious and Scientific Research. VOLUME 9 JULY ~ AUGUST - SEPTEMBER 1971 NUMBER 7 CHINESE COSMIC PROCEEDINGS OF THE COLLEGE OF UNIVERSAL WISDOM Yucca Valley, California A branch of the Ministry of Universal Wisdom, Inc. Volume 9 July ~ August - September 1971 Number 7 CONTENTS 4 COINCIDENCE, OR COSMIC ........... page 3 MULTIPLE WAVE OSCILLATOR 213272211 "10 PRICES, PRODUCERS AND PLUTOCRATS - ete LECTURE TOUR ..... "14 SPACE CONVENTION: > areH AS i WHAT'S GOING ON ..- sees "is ; MAP 5 feist "16 | The "Proceedings" is mailed free to those people who request it and financially support its printing by contributions. There is no subscription rate. All donations, checks, money orders, contributions and be- quests should be made to the Ministry of Universal Wisdom, Incorporated, "PROCEEDINGS" are published by the Ministry of Univer- sal Wisdom, Inc., at Yucca Valley, California. Printed an U.S.A. Business and Editorial offices: College Utility Building. George W. Van Tassel, Director; Darlene J. Wing, Secretary-Treasurer; G.W.Van Taasel, Editor. All rights, including translation, reserved: Manuscripts and photographs from our members or friends must be accompanied by a self-addressed, stamped envelope. Ags we do not employ solicitors nor representa- tives, please address all correspondence concerning i Toceedings", contributions, donations, bequests, etc., directly to: THE MINISTRY OF UNIVERSAL WISDOM, INC. P.O. Box 458, Yucca Valley, California, 92284 U.S.A. Eighteen Years In Publication ieee eh COINCIDENCE, OR COSMIC When something happens twice, or more times, we often attribute it to coincidence. When it occurs three times over a period of time, and occurs in nature, one would believe the pattern relates to natural laws and is cosmic. One incident happened in 1919. Another was revealed in 1952 and again in 1971, and ail of these three patterns are alike so we rule out coincidence, The first, in 1919, was revealed in Seattle, Washington. U.S.A. The second, in 1952, was published in German in Innsbruck, Austria, in Europe, The third in 197] was published in Portland, Oregon. U.S.A. If we go back still further in ancient records, the Chinese had the same pattern of circles thousands of years ago. They called this circle pattern "The Cosmic Flower" and attributed to it the source of all energy. We are reprinting, on page 9 , the diagram drawn by Joseph Cator and published in the "Portland Flying Saucer Club" bulletin of March, 1971, The Director of this club is Edward M. Palmer, and their address is: 1646 S.E, Elliott Street, Portland, Oregon, 97214. Write to this address for any further information on Joseph Cator's work. Here is what Joe Cator says: - The kinetic energy of a moving charge is complete- ly manifested in the magnetic field that is formed a- round it. (This is true of all moving bodies whether charged or uncharged!) The reasons for this will not be given here, As anyone who has worked with coils wrapped around an iron core has noticed, the instant it is connected to a source of electricity there is a momentary surge of current that greatly exceeds the original current. As soon as electricity is applied to such a coil, magnetism is induced in the iron core. This of course, produces a change of magnetic flux, which in turn induces an EMF in the coil which tends to increase the flow of current which induces a greater magnetism in the iron, etc. This condition quickly reaches a maximum. When there is no more change in the magnetic flux, the Gurrent instantly drops back to normal. As goon as the parrent is cut off the magnetic field collapses and we have an instant surge of current in the opposite direction for the same reasons. During these extremely short intervals of time we had'a current output that greatly exceeded the input! THIS ALONE SHOWS THAT OUR COIL IS A PERFECTLY FEASIBLE PROJECT, it has always been assumed that amperage alone in @ coil surrounding an iron core determines the extent weeenigh the iron is magnetized. THIS IS FALSE, Tt is earlier. Since wattage is a measure of energy, the energy or intensity of the magnetic field around a wire carrying a current is directly proportional to the wattage of the current. We already know that it takes ase Snetic field to magnetize iron so we will make good use of this principle, — “FIRST: From where does the inexhaustible source of electricity pouring out of a typical generator or the secondary coil of a transformer come? Here we have insulated wires, the ends from which emanate electrons indefinitely, yet there are not enough free electrons in the wire to maintain an appreciable current for more than a very short time. How do we get the other electrons? They are not supposed to get through the insulation on the wire. SECOND: The second of these puzzles is the fact that a@ coil carrying a very modest current with an almost imperceptible magnetic field will in- duce considerable magnetism in an iron core, yet the same core placed inside a powerful cylindrical permanent magnet with the same magnetic configuration as the coil, but hundreds and even thousands of timés the in- tensity, fails to magnetize it to the extent the coil does! wuy? Taking an overall look at our problom of generat~ ing a current of high voltage from a small initial gurrent, it stands to reason that coils of wire must be exposed to rapidly changing magnetic fields, and also that these coils must be wound on iron’cores (This is making use of the principle described above involving momentary surges of current). If we can get a magnetic field of high enough intensity and one that is changing at a desired frequency from our initial DC current our problem is solved. Obviously then, our DC current must first be transformed into an AC current. Since we want as rapidly a changing magnetic field as ossible, the normal 60 cycle current is insufficient. Remember - for a given magnetic intensity, the in- duced EMF is directly proportional to the rate of change or frequency)» Something on the order of 10,000 cycles per second or more is desirable. High frequency currents and high voltages from DC currents are accomplished in battery operated TV sets, so we have no great problem here. At this stage one might ask, "Why can't we use a transformer directly to get our increase in current? It must be kept in mind that the wattage of the secondary can never exceed the input wattage. By Newton's law of action and reaction, the primary coil induces a current in the opposite direction in the secondary coil. This tends to produce a cancelation of magnetic effects in the iron core such that in an ideal transformer there is no magnetism produced in the iron, We thus have only a transfer of energy from one coil to the other. However, transformers do play a vital role in reaching our objective. From our initial DC current, which now has been transformed into a very high frequency AC, we wish to produce as high a magnetism as possible into a sub- stantial iron core which has been laminated,or else consists of small iron bars or pins impregnated with iron dust (to prevent eddy currents). This means we must put a high number of turns on the core in a relatively small space, since the coil should not extend very far beyond the core for obvious reasons. For a given wattage, the higher the voltage the smaller the wire we can use. Therefore, our initial AC current should be stepp- ed up by a transformer to several thousand volts for the best results before passing through the coil. We are now faced with another problem, Such a coil will have a very high inductance or in other words will offer a very high impedance to an AC current; especially on such a high frequency, This will prevent much current from passing through the coil unless we do something about it. It is a well known fact that the impedance of a circuit containing an inductance and a resistance can be reduced by connecting it in series or paralell with a capacitor. If a capacitor of the right size is placed in the circuit, tne inductive resistance will be cancelled out completély and we have what is know as a resonant circuit. This happens when the following relation is satisfied ~ where, F, is the L frequency of our fs AC current, L, is ie 2 Y/LEO the inductance of our coil in henries and € is the capacity in farads. The inductance of the coil can be quickly determined by checking with an AC ohmmeter and then using the ' standard formula for inductive resistance which is: R= 277FL, where, R, is in AC ohms. From this formula, it is apparent that for a coil of high inductance we must use a very small capacitor at such high frequencies. We have now jumped our major hurdle by creating a high intensity and high frequency magnetic field. All we need to do now is surround this core or eleetro-magnet with a series of coils wound on iron cores. They should be brought as close to the pulsating magnetic field as possible. If our coils are connected in series we will again have a very high inductance, and it may be desirable to connect them to a capacitor for another resonant circuit. If the above instructions ‘ are carried out properly, we will end up with much higher voltages than we aeed so a step down trans- former is in order, and from there our current can be changed back into a DC current since such a high | frequency AC could not be used for most appliances, : Depending on the needs there can be many variations in the number of coils, their size, number of turns, gauge of wire, etc., surrounding the central core. ‘No doubt one question which may come to the minds of some is, why isn't such a device in violation of the law of conservation of energy. What we are actually doing as harnessing the energy of the magnetic field produced by orienting iron atoms, which fortunately requires only a small expenditure of energy. There are tremen- dous quantities of energy in a magnetic field of even moderate intensity. From the previously stated law, it is equal to the energy of a current necessary to pro- duce a magnetic field of this intensity. - pa “THE NEW SCIENCE" clearly shows that inertia is dependant on an objects ability to generate a magnetic field of a certain intensity for a given velocity. An ordinary atom has inertia only because it has a net positive charge effect, (small as it may be). Positive charges follow the right hand rule while negative charges follow the left hand rule. Hence, during an inerease in velocity the magnetic field of positive charges in an atom tend to cancel out the field due to the negative charges. Lack of space prohibits an elucidation of the reasons for the net positive charge of an atom in the normal state. It is sufficient to relate that a former Nobel Prize winner, Gabriel Lippmann, about 90 years ago, un— wittingly demonstrated the validity of the principle stated above, when he found that bodies in the charged state offered a greater resistance to acceleration than when they were uncharged. This experiment was quickly forgotten since it undermined the established "laws" invelving mass and inertia, We are now ready to under stand the behavior of a coil. When a wire is wound into @ coil the magnetic effects of a current are reinforced. This means that each segment of the wire experiences a more intense magnetic field than is the case when the wire is straight. This also means that for a given change in current there is a greater change in magne= tic intensity at each section of the wire. We also know a flow of electrons has inertia. The reason for induc— tance is now obvious from what has just been given. A current simply has a greater inertia when passing through a coil than through a straight wire. Since with the AC, a current is constantly changing in magnitude, we should, by now expect a coil to offer an impedance to AC. It is also interesting to note that an iron core does not change the impedance of a coil to any appreciable extent. This is because the iron atoms are readily aligned and their magnetic field is separate from that of the current. THIS FACT ALONG MAKES POSSIBLE THE SUCCESSFUL BUILDING OF OUR ELECTRICAL DEVICE. You now have the necessary basic insight to puild this device, may your efforts meet with success. Joseph H. Cator In 1952, in a paper entitled, "The World of The Secret Forces", a group of Austrian scientists dis- closed the segmented energy pattern of the surface of the Earth. Their research was carried on at the 481° North Latitude, The segmented checkerboard pattern of positive and negative squares on the surface of the Earth, at the magnetic equator, was ca. 32 meters on each side and becomes zero at both magnetic poles. At the 48%° North Latitude the squares were 15.9 meters. They also dis- covered that the Cheops pyramid, in Egypt, is about 30° North Latitude and the diagonal of the pyramid magnetic field was ca, 30 meters. It is amazing that they discovered each of the squares had positive and negative poles in their cen- ters, and that these poles conform to "Hubbards Energy Generator" in 1919, Cators Energy Generator in 1971, and the Chinese "Cosmic Flower" the source of all energy. The poles in these checkerboard squares are 2.45 meters diameter in the center pole and the eight surrounding poles are 60 cm. diameter at 48i° North Latitude. We are convinced that Hubbard tapped the energy from these earth surface poles in Seattle, Washington in 1919, Alfred M. Hubbard, was front page news on December 17, 1919, in the Seattle "Post Intelligencer” newspaper. Hubbard was only 19 years old when he powered an 18 foot boat around Portage Bay with a 35 horsepower electric motor hooked to his energy generator which was only 11 inches in diameter and 14 inches long. ‘There were no batteries in the boat and the boat ran for hours beyond the life of batteries. Hubbard's generator was a central coil wound on a tube, with eight coils around it, wound on iron cores. Here is real power without smog, or fumes and at no cost to operate. This explains why the "authorities" stepped in and stopped the experiments as in other cases through the years. A Finnish citizen, who worked with Hubbard, gave some’ additional data'to Art Aho and we have the original tubes that were part of Hubbard's equipment. ID of yoeq “28? He, pnp, AIAY 4olsdanuoz Ov As 2H anbadf Yb of 2G todd meet GopeceropsU elf Jef P e4s- Ley LOIS AIALOD MOF pO t05a4 \ Ny +f Vey) aedley M/O2112 eS Jag vopipe deg 20 SO a2IN0g N13 fog a6nljon fee 2bney Burt eh tit ea AILL AO, oy “te ob ole AY NALLEY Of YoRG LY fll2d HIP 7? fbf Se/42$ wl PHYPBUUOD S102 JOD /24fue 2402 Lod] previous highest price. This tip-off to the food Gistributors alone is going to cost the people plenty in the months ahead. Now what else did President Kennedy provide us with in the way of Executive Orders in a National Smergency? Executive Order No, 10995 gives the President the power to take over all communications media. Executive Order No. 11005 provides for the govern— ment to take control of all railroads, inland waterways and all public storage facilities. Executive Order No. 10997 provides for the take-over of all petroleum and gas, fuels and minerals. Executive Order No. 11004 provides for Federal Housing and Finance Authority, to build new housing with federal money; designates unsafe areas and esta- blishes new locations for citizens forced off their land, and out of their homes, with complete integration in all of the new areas. Executive Order No. 10998 provides for the federal take-over of food resources and farms, including all farming equipment. Executive Order No. 11003 provides for federal take~ over of all aircraft and airports. Executive Order No. 10999 provides for federal control of all modes of transportation, control of highways and seaports. Executive Order No. 11002 says the Postmaster General shall require the registration of all citizens in the fifty states at their local post office. Executive Order No. 11000 provides for mobilization of all civilians into work: forces under Federal super vision. Executive Order No.11001 provides for all health, education and welfare functions. 12 cece ease eee It should be evident that these Executive Orders could have only two purposes; either recovery after a massive war emergency during a war, or to create a socialistic society from within before a war, On page 12, of the "Proceedings" of October-November= December 1968, we printed "The devaluation of the dollar is ¢minent with financial chaos a possibility in 1969". Py priming the pump with additional billions of dollars in the National Debt, the wizards of federal finance managed to drag this out until 1971. Gn the same page in a paragraph on President Nixon we printed, "History will blame him for the results of those who used him.” Under the National Emergency, declared by President Nixon, he could institute all of the Kennedy-Johnson xecutive Orders and be a virtual dictator. The plutocrats, advisors, and appointees, are all so short-sighted that they cannot see that the present economic crisis is going to backfire. Producers, who are the working people who make all of our products, are going to foot the bill for this economic blunder. The surtax of 10% on foreign imports will be added to the price of foreign products and the American consumer will be paying the tax, not the foreign exporter. Big-money stockholders apparently were also tipped off before the price-wage freeze, as evidenced by the stock market increase. Now when’ the stock goes high enough these same big stockholders will sell, to get the capitol gain, and the market will drop lower than it was. If the small stockholders panic and sell at the same time, the drop will make the 1929 stock market failure look like a picnic. TI expect to see this happen before March of 1972. Don't blame President Nixon for this fiasco; he inherited it from prior administrations. His trip to China is rigged to create an international incident and it may cost him his life. The Governor of Texas announced on August 19, 1971, that Texas will not conform to the wage-price order. 3 Don't forget that Texas was the only state that re- served the right to secede from the United States when they joined the union of states, Why was this Executive Order by the President pro- claimed at a time when Congress was out of session, and the Pacific Coast was tied up with a shipping strike? I don't believe President Nixon is going to run for the Presidency again, and if he does he will lose the election. He is either being poorly advised, or he is being used to the bilt because he will not be President much longer. It is a sad thing for the American people to see the United States being torn apart from within and threaten- ed from without. What we see happening today is the accumulative reaction of one administration after another perpetuat- ing itself in power, hiding the wrongs each inherited, and draining the taxpayers to promote an expanding policy of one-worldism. The tax paying goose that lays the golden eggs of taxes has collapsed because of the expanding appetite of a plutocracy that thinks everyone has as much as they do. ‘The price-wage order will not solve the problem of inflation. LECTURE TOUR After six years of work that required me to be at home, we are considering going on a lecture tour. This tour would be scheduled to start around the middle of October and last about a month. We are considering going only to cities WEST of the Mississippi River. Any club, or individual, in this area who knows how to arrange a lecture should let us know now, so we can plan it. i = SPACE CONVENTION Many of our readers have written to ask about the date of the 1971 Convention at Giant Rock Airport. Since this has been a personal activity, and not onnected with the Ministry of Universal Wisdom, Inc. , Sn any way, we wish to inform you that there will not be a Convention this year. Since the law cannot maintain order at these events, and the people that do the work are tired after 17 years of them, it was decided to call the Convention off for 1971. Friends who attended these affairs, are welcome to vist us at any time. WHAT'S GOING ON Despite the fact that the Atomic Energy Commission has stated, that fallout will increase up until 1975 from past atmospheric bomb tests, the French continue atmospheric bomb tests. Since June 5, 1971, the French Defense Ministry has exploded four fission bombs and ‘one fusion Hydrogen bomb on August 14, 1971 on Mururoa Soe Tee ote South Pacific Oceans Watch for extreme weather reactions throughout the Winter, including massive snow falls. Several high energy physicists at Stanford Univer- sity have discovered a light called "Hadron" in the nucleus of an atom. The "Hadron" light is so heavy it has a mass of 765 million electron volts as compared with the mass of 500 thousand electron volts in an electron. We believe that at least one destructive earthquake will strike a major city, with massive damage, before February 1972. This will be caused by a stress tri- angulation in the ring of the Pacific Ocean fault. The city, or cities, affected will be North of the 30° North Latitude line. is BUC] sor cise Pantaleo —— RN cee tein) P.O. Box 458 YUCCA VALLEY, CALIFORNIA USA. 92284 7 VICTORVILLE Giant Rock AIRPORT College Sengonno} TO Sai ieee LANDERS. - RECHES ROAD lnsHeLt Gas STATION o VICTORVILLE HWY Om ‘Ow WoMAN SPRINGSRo” Yuen VALLE: ial + 29 Paums Hwy 2IMes To INTERSTATE IO GS Aroceedings COLLeS€ oF UntversAL Wispom YUCCAVALLIEY, CALIFORNIA A BRANCH OF THE MINISTRY OF UNIVERSAL WISDOM, INC. A Nonsectarian and Non-profit Organization for Religious and Scientific Research. VOLUME 9 OCTOBER - NOVEMBER - DECEMBER 1971 NUMBER 8 ] Senso Grats PROCEEDINGS OF THE COLLEGE OF UNIVERSAL WISDOM Yucea Valley, California A branch of the Ministry of Universal Wisdom, Inc. Volume 9 October ~ November - December 1971 Number 8 CONTENTS THE WISDOM OF TIME "PROCEEDINGS" THE "INTEGRATRON" ANOTHER YEAR LECTURE TOUR SURVIVAL . GIFT EXCHANGE . THE SECOND COMING OF CHRIST WHATS GOING ON PICTURE % 4 The "Proceedings" is mailed free to those people who request it and financially support its printing by contributions. There is no subscription rate. All donations, checks, money orders, contributions and be- quests should be made to the Ministry of Universal Wisdom, Incorporated. —— "PROCEEDINGS" are published by the Ministry of Univer- sal Wisdom, Inc., at Yucca Valley, California, Printed in U.S.A. ‘Business and Editorial offices: College Utility Building. George W. Van Tassel, Director; Darlene J. Wing, Secretary-Treasurer; G.W.Van Tassel, Editor. All rights, including translation, reserved. Manuscripts and photographs from our members or friends must be accompanied by a self-addressed, stamped envelope. As we do not employ solicitors nor representa- tives, please address all correspondance concortingee = roceedings", contributions, donations, bequ directly to: THE MINISTRY OF UNIVERSAL WISDOM, INC. P.O. Box 458, Yucca Valley, California, 92284 U.S.A. THE WISDOM OF TIME Time has no boundaries. Neither does it have dimensions such as length, breadth, or depth. Time is absolute in its cosmic immensity. It was, before galaxies were formed, before life existed in any of its multitudeness forms. Time spells the wisdom of its eternal essence as it encompasses and permeates all energy and matter. Motion, in orbits, cycles, and revolutions are manifestations of action in times endless stillness. Nowhere does time move. If time moved the universe would collapse. Wisdom, being the eternal intelligence, and im- pregnated within the essence of time, is the womb through which experience is born. Motion is the fluid drive between wisdom and time, which makes it possible for order to be manifested and comprehended through matter and energy. When one can grasp that they are part of time, being in it, and saturated by it, then understanding begins to leak in and verify that they are eternal creatures of matter and energy. That which is can never not be. Motion cannot be subject to time, but it can move in times stillness and be separated in measurements of motion, by the living creature composed of motion, time, and experience. Atoms exhibit motion, change, and order, which the wisdom of still time gave them in order to manifest energy in matter form. Matter exhibits itself as solids, fluids, and gases within each of their limits, so energy can manifest through difference environments. Nothing can be lost in time, but it must change inorder to conform to the environmental cycles of motion, which the wisdom of eternal time established in order to maintain order in its static infinity. | j i | i Life here, is the change expressed by the energy form coming through birth, to manifest in an environ- ment of matter requirements on a material planet. Death is the cycle change that allows the energy form to be free from the dense body of matter manifestation here. Here and there are the same place, when viewed from opposite sides of the same street. Life and death are the street with opposite sides. Here and there are the same place in static eternal time. They are only separated by living creatures inorder to have opposites to choose between to express their right of free choice. Reciprocation, is part of the law of wisdom in still time. Every action has an equal and opposite reaction. Energy gives matter motion. Motion is the mother of experience. If nothing moved, it would only experi- ence the boredom of the sameness of no change. Efforts to manipulate peace through legislation and man-made actions will resu!t in war as an equal and opposite effect. Peace was there all the time until creatures messed it up, by trying to make it come about as a contrast to war after the destruction. Wisdom does not advertise itself. Neither does it allow its eternal essence to be tampered with. This is demonstrated by the mouthings of peace by creatures while their actions are producing destructive weapons of war. Destiny fulfills the order of wisdom, in still time, through the change and interchange of motion in matter and energy. "PROCEEDINGS" This issue of the "Proceedings" starts the 19 year of its publication. This is a long time to write a paper that depends upon it's readers to keep it going by donations. All of our friends are to be complimented for their contributions over the years. Your Director and staff thank each one of you. 4 THE "INTEGRATRON" Slow, steady progress is being made on the "Integra— tron", ‘We are making a major engineering change on the electro-static armatures. When we designed the machine, in 1957, we incorporated the Wimshurst princi- ple for our high voltage requirement. A.D.. Moore came up with an improvement on the Wimshurst principle, ten years later, and has publish- ed a book on his experiments. The book is titled "Electrostatics", and sells for $1.45 through any technical bookstore. Moore's "Dirod" system reduces electrical losses, which are quite high, from the edges of the flat segments on the Wimshurst principle. His “dirods" increase the capacity about three times with the same spacing as the segments. On our spinner system, two opposite rotating actions were necessary. Under the Moore system, only one spinner is used, and this change was possible by rais- ing our ground plane up beneath the spinner as a counterpoise. The Moore system gives us much higher voltage with half the action, and we have a spare armature ring. Our "dirods" are six inches in diameter and 30 inches long, made from aluminum pipe. As soon as this improvement is completed, we will print a picture of it in the "Proceedings", There are 64 tube "dirods" replacing the 64 flat Wimshurst segments, Dialectric strength is increased as the center-line spacing is the same on both, so we have changed from 10 inch wide flat to six inch round and gained four inches between centers in insulation. This may not make much sense to some of our readers but to others it is very important information. ANOTHER YEAR We wish to extend to all of our readers a most spiritually uplifting Christmas, and a healthy pros- perous New Year. 5 q LECTURE TOUR In the last issue of the "Proceedings" we asked our readers to contact us if they could arrange a lecture "WEST of the Mississippi river". We had a response from seven cities, so we set a schedule and completed the tour in five weeks. Your editor lectured in Phoenix, Oklahoma City, Topeka, Chicago, Sioux City, Towa, Denver and San Francisco. Yes, we know Chicago is east of the Mississippi, but people from Chicago responded and it was close to our other route. We found out several things on this tour that show the state of the nation. One was that it is extremely expensive to travel. Because of this we noted major highways, between large cities, do not have anywhere near the traffic they did six years ago. Motel owners, and managers, admitted things are getting tough and we noted a number of closed motels along the highways. Motels that have restaurants, have closed them in many cases because the restaur- ants were not breaking even. The one thing that predominated beyond the economic stress was the apathetic way people are acting. We noticed the general attitude was that a large per- centage of the people don't care about what happens in the world, don't care who is elected in offices, don't care who runs what, or how it comes out. The general attitude was to keep getting a buck today, in anyway they could get it, and let tomorrow take care of itself. This is not the American initiative. that built this country. The overall attitude was "I don't want to get involved". What they didn't seem to notice was that they were involved in the credit system up to the hilt. Their insecurity was in their pocket wherever they went, After this tour I am inclined to shorten my predic- tions. Things are going to happen sooner than I forsaw. We want to thank all of the wonderful people who worked on arranging the lectures, and especially those who entertained and accommodated us. 6 oe SURVIVAL "Coming events cast their shadows before them". This adage is as old as time. Let's take a look at the situation from your view point and mine. Anytime you walk toward the light your shadow is behind you. When the shadow is cast before the event you can see it because you are walk- ing away from the light, and the further one goes the darker it gets. The world's leaders are walking away from the spiritual light of insight into the materialistic darkness of chaos. What do these shadows show? 1. Prominent political figures from all nations running to and fro, passing on the mouth to ear in- formation in a last ditch effort to save a collapsing world economy. 2. Meeting in Rome - the top 10 nations to plan the future of an economic system already beyond the point of no return. 3. Nations supplying both sides in conflict, with money and military goods. 4, Supplies and industrial needs, agricultural products, and metals, needed in war, being sold to “the other side". Perpetuating the economy, if it kills us. 5. Political heads of nations ignoring the social, and economic needs of their own people. 1972 - Twenty-one billion dollars for military purposes. This is twenty-one thousand million dollars for one year. 6. 1971 - just closing - about twentynine billion dollars in the red. 7. School systems short of public funds while radicals burn the buildings. This is loss of control. 8. Major city businesses, gas stations, and bus lines posting notices, "Credit cards only from 10 P.M. to? A.M." "Tokens only, no cash". 9. Bank robberies, and bank burnings and bombings. 10. Murders, rape, kidnappings, hijackings, and corruption on the increase. These are the 10 un-Commandments that are the result of no foresight, no spiritual foundation, no morals, and no natural law, The philosophy now is, that if we walk far enough away from the light, the shadow will disappear in the darkness. Your editor received a survival plan issued by the State for each separate County. As far as I can check, it appears it wasn't mailed to everyone. It is a sixteen page paper, like a newspaper in size. The front page says “Community Emergency Plan". "garthquakes, Floods, Fires, Nuclear Attack". "Save this plan it’may save your life", “It is approved by twelve mayors of the major cities in San Bernardino County, California. It is prepared by, Office of Emergency Services, State of California. The first four pages are devoted to natural dis— asters; earthquakes, floods and fires. The last ten pages are about survival in a nuclear attack. There are five public underground shelters shown on the map. These are at Oro Grande, Victorville, Lucerne Valley, Cedarpines Park Area, and Barstow. The public shelters are located in yellow areas on a red background of the County. Then it says "Public shelter is available only if you are in one of the yellow areas marked with a letter. If you are not in one of these yellow areas, you should have your own shelter." Then the real shaker comes out, as if they already know where the bombs will fall, because it says, "From the time the attack warning signal is sounded, you will have a total of one hour to get to your shelter, public or private". Further it states; 8 "Do Not use your car to go to your shelter. Walk To Your Shelter". Then a list of things you should take, and not take, with you into the shelter are listed. These are supposed to last for up to two weeks. The final warning in preparation is to do it Now. Anyone in California who didn't get one of these papers should write to get one for their county. We do not know if they are available in other states. Californians should write to the Office of Emergency Services, Sacramento, California. ‘The thing that struck me in examining this survival i plan is that everything seems to be so definite as to time, as if the officials already know it is going to happen. The Bible says: "Get out from among them". After staying in seven major cities, on our lecture tour, I know chaos will prevail in cities if we have an atomic attack. If I were a retired person, and lived iin any city, I would be getting out. Others must make | their own decisions. i GIFT EXCHANGE One of our dedicated readers, who has received the "proceedings" since it's inception, on October 15, 1953, | has come up with a real prize. : He has shipped all of his copies to us free, to be used to acquire money for the “Integratron". For the purpose he intended, we are going to mail these briginal copies on to the first person who donates a thousand dollars, or more, toward the "Integratron" research. This is a chance to get 18 years of the original printing of all copies, in four ring bound sets. We want to thank this 73 year young associate for his contribution. Postmark date on the letter will determine who is first. Any other gifts beyond the first dated will receive a letter of acknowledgement and thanks. These funds will also go into the research. 9 THE SECOND COMING OF CHRIST In these latter days, of a civilization that has engineered its own probiems with no solutions, we are all part of the problem. Individual problems increase annually, and these are only samples of the amplification of national and world problems. In the time of the Christ, called Jesus, the disciples asked him, "Tell us, when shall these things be? and what shali be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world?" Matthew 24:3. Jesus answered and said, “Take heed that no man deceive you". In otherwords, learn to discern between the true and the false. This is the most difficult thing to do because the false uses secrecy, unlimited money, and lies to confuse the issues. "Por nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places." St. Matthew, Chapter 24. This chapter should be read in its entirety. These things are here now. Pakistan versus India; Arabs versus Jews; Irish Protestants versus Catholics; Southeast Asia Catholics versus Buddists; North versus South and East versus West; and earthquakes all over the world. Unknown diseases, fallout, chemical and oil contamination. These should be signs enough. Christmas is supposed to be the reverent remembrance of the anniversary of the birth of Jesus. It has be~ come the biggest commercialized time of the year and the most hypocritical day of the year. Where is this Christ who is coming again? For centuries people have been professing his return. "Watch therefore, for ye know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of man cometh", it says in Matthew 25:13. 10 “Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels.” Matthew 25:41. SG it appears Jesus had separated people into rightists and leftest groups. The whole world is divided into one thing or anothor. What did Jesus say about this? In St. Mark 3:24,25 and 26, "And if a kingdom be divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand, And if a house be divided against itself, that house cannot stand. And if Satan rise up against himself, and be divided, he cannot stand, but hath an end." So we have Protestants and Catholics, who both pro- fess Christ, fighting each other in North and South Ireland. We have a Senate, and a House of Representa- tives, divided between Democrats and Republicans- Satans destructive weapons of war are divided between nations to maintain "a balance of power". St. Luke 17:29 and 30, says, "But the same day that Lot went out of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven, and destroyed them all." "Even thus shall it be in the day when the Son of man is revealed." Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed by atomic bombs in another time, so this indicates we will have atomic war under way when Christ returns. “and when ye shall see Jerusalem compassed with armies, then know that the desolation thereof is nigh." St. Luke 21:20. Jerusalem is encompassed and surrounded by armies in the Holy land, Jer-U.S.A.-lem, the mother of the next age, is also surrounded by enemies, armies, and missiles, Jesus said in St. John 7:7, “The world cannot hate you; but me it hateth, pecause I testify of it, that the works thereof are evil." In St. John 8:23, Jesus said, "Ye are from beneath; I am from above: ye are of this-world; I am not of this world.” a One can readily see why Christ hasn't returned before now, because he was crucified when he was here, and he has to wait until conditions engineered by the destructive forces reaches its climax. Many people question the fact that Christ will ever return, They cannot grasp how anyone can be alive for nearly 2000 years, in some other place, when the life span here is so short. Once one understands the spirit, and accepts eternal life, they will grasp the fact that time as we know it relative to measurements of motion, does not exist as years in the eternity of life. Today, was tomorrow yesterday, Eternity has no labels of today, yesterday, tomorrow, or years. Conditions of events, in cycles of repetition, are the things that bring about "The Second Coming of Christ" and "the second birth". The events which would occur before Christ returned, as listed in the Bible, are occurring now. St. Luke 17:24 says, "For as the lightning, that lighteneth out of the one part under heaven, shineth unto the other part under heaven; so shall’also the Son of man be in his day." This again sounds like the light of atomic flashes. In St. John 1:51 Jesus said, "Verily, verily, I say unto you, Hereafter ye shall See heaven open, and the angels of God ascending and descending upon the Son of man." This is evidenced in our time by the thousands of landings and millions of sightings of U.F.0.s, or "flying saucers" around the world. Concerning "Christs Second Coming", Chapter 5: 2 and 3, of First Thessalonians says, ‘For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night." "For when they shall say Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape." Now if Jesus returned, and walked among us "like a thief in the night", we would not know he was among 12 a us if he desired to analyse the situation without any- one knowing it. "When they shall say Peace and safety" is as obvious to anyone at this time. The word "Peace”™ has been used more in the last ten years than it has before in history. Revelations 1:7 says, "Behold, he cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see him, and they also which pierced him: and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him. ven So, Amen." The condition also exists today, where it didn't before, for “every eye to see him", because we have world-wide television by satellite. Whether one believes in Jesus, as the Christ, or whether they believe he will return, or not, is the choice of the individual. None can believe for another. Hebrews 13:2 says, "Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares." "What's Going On" "Shock Lung" will be a major health hazard in a few years as a result of plastic wrapped foods and plastic coated cartons for fluids, meat, etc. Plasticizers used to make plastics flexible can be absorbed from containers by fluids, wrapped meats, and absorbed in- ternally hindering the flow of blood in the lungs. What happened to all the birds, chipmunks, rabbits and gophers? Driving up highway 85, from highway 66 to Las Vegas and Reno, Nevada, its rare to see a bird or animal. This is the Yucca’ Flats Atomic Test Area. There is about one wild animal now for every one- hundred, 20 years ago. Between Las Vegas and Reno one gets kind of nauseous passing near the atomic test area. The Bible says "in the latter days "a third of the birds of the air shall die, and a third of the fish of the sea". So between fallout, pesticides, enzymes, oil slicks, and germicides ending up in the ocean,’ the fish are depleteing rapidly. About a third of the birds of the world live on fish, so they die from eat= ing the contaminated fish. 1s Secrecy to prevent anyone from finding out anything about the "White Line", near the equator in Ecuador, has been increased to the point where one would have to go to Quito, Ecuador and have the natives lead you to the area. The "White Line" is an area where earth gravity ceases to exist and information indicates that if one walks onto the line they fly off into the sky and out into space. The fact that this area is practically on the equator conforms to our research into the "time zone"; which also is the equator of the third plane of reference perpendicular to the electric flow and the magnetic pattern. One of the advanced research "saucers" built in secrecy by the government, was seen cruising up the Crosstown Expressway in Oklahoma City at 10:30 P.M. on April 2, 1971. It was about 300 feet above the ground and moving at about 60 miles per hour. The craft was observed by Morris Heflin, two motor— cycle officers who appeared to be following it, and possibly many other people. The identification number, in good old English numerals, IX-1478 was plainly visible on the craft. (This information taken from the "Kansas Oklahoma Newsletter.) We have said since the middle 1950's that Military Advanced Research copied the space saucers that were hauled back to Wright Patterson Field at Dayton, Ohio, and were flying experimental earth-made saucers since 1956. The "Red Tide" is killing fish by the millions on both coasts of the United States and on other continen- tal beaches. ‘Red Tide" is caused by the sudden increase of billions of one-celled animals called bymnodinium Breve. This sudden increase may be the result of atomic fallout from above, or atomic wastes dumped in the oceans. The Senator from Alaska admitted on television that the Eskimos are contaminated with radiation from atomic bomb tests, because the meat they eat is contaminated from fallout. 14 Stand this page up across the room from you and see Christ emerge. 15 Bp irece Perris sd Pon cers en P.O. Box 458 YUCCA VALLEY, CALIFORNIA USA. 92284 Te VICTORVILLE 4 W@GIANT Rock AIRPORT College SiGNBoARD lOSHELL Gas STATION’ a, VICTORVILLE HWY omy “OL> WomaN SPRINGSRo” Yucca VALLE: os 4 29 Paums Hwy 21MiLes To INTERSTATE IO.

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