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Couese or UntversAL WisDoM. "YUCCANALLEY, CALIFORNIA, ome J A BRANCH OF THE MINISTRY OF UNIVERSAL WISDOM, INC. A Non-sectarian and Non-profit Organization for Religious and Scientific Research. VOLUME 9 APRIL - MAY - JUNE 1971 HUMBER 6 “INTEGRATRON" COUNTRY An air view taken from 7000 feet altitude of the desert area where the "Integratron" is being built. PROCEEDINGS OF THE COLLEGE OF UNIVERSAL WISDOM Yueca Valley, California A branch of the Ministry of Universal Wisdom, Inc. Volume 9 April - May - June 1971 Number 6 CONTENTS SAUCERS, CIRCLES, AND CYCLES . THE BRIGHT SIDE, THE DARK SIDE BACKFIRE .... sees MAKE IT YOURSELF ......., A HIGH POWER MULTI-WAVE OSC: THE "INTEGRATRON" THE ALCHEMY OF LIFE . TLLATOR' The "Proceedings" is mailed free to those people who request it and financially support its printing by contributions. There is no subscription rate. All donations, checks, money orders, contributions and be- quests should be made to the Ministry of Universal Wisdom, Incorporated. "PROCEEDINGS" are published by the Ministry of Univer~ sal Wisdom, Inc., at Yucca Valley, California. Printed in U.S.A. Business and Editorial offices: College Utility Building. George ". Van Tassel, Director; Darlene. J. Wing, Secretary-Treasurer; G.W.Van Tassel, Editor, All rights, including translation, reserved, Manuscripts and photographs from our members or friends must be accompanied by a self-addressed, stamped envelope. As we do not employ solicitors nor representa- tives, please address all correspondence conceraing Concerning "Proceedings", contributions, donations, bequests, etc., directly to: THE MINISTRY OF UNIVERSAL WISDOM, INC. P.O. Box 458, Yucca Valley, California, 92284 Le SAUCERS, CIRCLES AND CYCLES After the flurry of U.F.0. sightings in Michigan, Dr. Hynek, a spokesman for the Air Force, in the April 1, 1966 "Life” magazine and in a television interview, enlarged the Air Force's circle of explana~ tions by adding "swamp gas". Must we be content with this 2,000 year-old "swamp gas" explanation? Is our present government acting as did Herod -- hoping they can be explained away? ARCHOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL WRITINGS OF THE SAN- HEDRIN AND THE TALMIDS is a compilation of a report in the Vatican in Rome and in Constantanople, originally published in 1884, reprinted in 1923 by the DeLaurence Company. These letters have been mentioned by several ancient Roman Historians in some of their works, as a matter of record in Roman History. one of the letters refer to the events surrounding the birth of Jesus the Christ, and the beheading of the children of Judea by Herod. This one is of particular fnterest, in as much as it refers to the "swamp gas" explanation. Quoting from page 209, taken from a letter from Herod to Tiberus Caesar . « + ‘Now it is in my opinion that the scene that occurred at Bethlehem was nothing more than a meteor traveling through the air or the rising vapors from {he feet of the mountain out of the Low marehy ground as is often the case. And as to the Goise hoard by Melker and those shepherd boys, it was only the echo of the shepherds on the other side of the mountain calling the night watch, or scaring away the wolves from the flock. But although this was but a phenomena of nature and the whole thing a delusion, it did not better the condition I was in, A man will contend for a false faith stronger than he will for a true one for the truth defends itself but a falsehood must be de- fended by its adherents. First to prove it to them- selves and second that it may appear right in the estimation of their friends." The letter containing events referred to above are from Melker and Jonathan to the Sanhedrin, The following is quoted from pages 50-31... "Jonathan, son of Heziel, investigates the shep- herds and others at Bethlehem in regard to the strange circumstances reported to have occurred there, and reports to this court: ‘Jonathan, to the Masters of Israel, servants of the True God: In obedience to your order, I met with ‘ two men who said they were shepherds and were watching their flocks near Bethlehem. They told me that while attending to their sheep the night being cold and chilly, some of them had made fires to warm themselves, and some of them had laid down and were asleep; that they were awakened by those that were keeping watch, with the question, "what does all this mean? Behold how light it is." That when they were aroused it was as light as day. But they knew it was not daylight, for it was only the third watch. The light would seem to burst forth high up in the heavens, and then descend in softer rays and light up the hills and valleys, making everything more visible than the light of the Sun, though it was not so brilliant, but more clear, like the brightest moon. All at once the air seemed to be filled with human voices saying, "Glory, glory, glory to the Most High God" and "Happy art thou, Bethlehem, for God hath fulfilled His promise to the fathers; for in thy chambers is born the King that shall rule in righteousness." Their shoutings would rise up in the heavens, and would then sink down in mellow strains, and roll along at the foot of the mountains, and die away in the most soft and musical manner they had ever heard; then it would begin again high up in the heavens, in the very vaults of the sky, and descend in sweet and melodious strains, so that they could not re- frain from shouting and weeping at the same time. I asked them how they felt . . if they were not afraid; they said at first they were; but after awhile it seemed to calm their spirits, and so fill their hearts with love and tranquility that they felt more like giving thanks than anything else. They said it was a around the whole city, and some of the people were scared to death; until Melker, the priest came out shouting and clapping his hands, seeming to be frantic Be with joy. The people all came ¢rowding around him, and he told them that it was the sign that God was com ing to fulfill His promise made to their father Abraham." Do events effecting the Earth repeat themselves in cycles? Those that believe this, cite the approximate 2,000 year span between the births of Jesus, Buddha and kfishna, Could we be witnessing in the U.F.0. activity, a forerunner of that which is to happen? So. as the Earth continues to orbit around the Sun, we have Saucers, circles and cycles! Herod was first, Hynek second. THE BRIGHT SIDE After three to four days of treatment under florescent lights, babies with jaundice, in Scotland, are being cured with no other treatment necessary. ‘The economy, under inflationary increase, is now reaching a point where it is too costly to conduct wars, and governments engaged in war are having to call’it quits, or have an economic collapse. iInfla~ tion, has now made war the most costly folly in the world, instead of the world's most profitable business. Now that the "Pentagon papers" have exposed the lies in relation to the Vietnam war, possibly some patriotic C.I.A., or retired Air Force official will blow open the lies on U.F.0.'s. THE DARK SIDE There is a persistent feeling I get, that there is going to be a destructive earthquake further North than Los Angeles. This seems to be in the Fall, October- November, or later. In the same picture there seems to be massive damage to an island in the South Atlantic cean. I feel that some of the space equipment, in orbit, will come back through the atmosphere, and crash into a city, causing havoc. BACKFIRE! In an article in the Los Angeles Times, dated March 29, 1970, written by Charles Ifiliinger, the attempt was made to make your Director and this Ministry look ridiculous, After much sarcasm, the article ended with the last two paragraphs stating, "In his most recent issue of Proceedings, the official publication of the College of Universal Wisdom, Van Tassel outlined another plan:to construct a circle of seven pyramids equally spaced in the Los Angeles Basin, each crowned with 600 foot masts connected by guy wires.” "Smog will be eliminated once the pyramids are completed" Van Tassel said, This was not only printed in the Los Angeles Times, but in many newspapers throughout the United States. Now in the July, 1971, issue of "Science Digest", on page 15, a year and a half later, appears an article entitled "Drilling Holes In Smog". ‘It says, in part, "A newly-designed 600 foot wide tower that extracts the heat energy from water used in producing electricity may also help puncture the smog that hangs over cities", The principle of this General-Blectric research works by thermal reactions from moist air, It has been demonstrated to be feasible in an environmental chamber according to the article. They propose to move smog as a reaction of moisture which results from cooling towers that cool water heated in electrical generation. I proposed to create moisture, in a giant vortex, by ionization created by the pyramids. The big difference is that mine doesn't cost anything to oper-- ate and G.E!‘s will cost plenty. "Science Digest" is available on most magazine stands, and will keep one up on the latest scientific data. MAKE IT YOURSELF We are reprinting this article, on the next three pages, from "The Journal of Borderland Research". This article appeared in the May-June, 1971 issue. This bulletin is published by “Borderland Sciences Research Foundation, Inc.", P.0. Box 548, Vista, Ca. 92083. The Director is Riley H. Crabb. Since we have printed data in the "Proceedings" a number of times on Georges Lakhovsky's Multiple Wave Oscillator, we believe this is the simplest way we have seen it made. No data is given in the drawing on the size of the antennas. I would suggest that the auter ring be about 18 inches in diameter with a 3 inch gap. Alternate down through the rings separating them about 2 inches apart and held together with plastic electrical tape. Wire should be #10 bare. The secondary leads connect to the second ring from the largest diameter outside ring. an even more spectacular possibility is the Time- Machine effect in connection with rejuvenation. If, as Bob Beck suggested in his article, the MWO tends to take the body cell back down the time-track to a more youthful, more vital period, what would happen to a person who stayed in the field of the machine for four hours? Would his vibratory rate be speeded up to where he would disappear completely? Like the hero of H.G. Wells' "Time Machine"? Anybody want to try it? It seems, from hints George Van Tassel has been dropping over the years, that his Integratron at Giant Rock, California might do something like this -- if and when he gets it working! As I recall, both George and the Canadian Saucerian, the late W.B. Smith, spoke of the four dimensions of electricity: 1. is the electricity moving in one direction along a copper wire, 2. is the magnetic field around the wire, 5. is the static charge created by the first two effects, and 4. is Time -- or the "tempic field" as Smith called it. The Time Field equates with Space, where consciousness is everywhere present. Seems to me Lakhovsky's Multiple Wave Oscillator is a gadget which gives us the opportunity -- for the first time -- of approaching the Time Field with scientifically acceptable equip- ment, operating in known frequencies.” 7 A HIGH POWER MULTI-WAVE OSCILLATOR "Your brochure article stating that Georges Lakhovsky's original MWO had a separate Tesla coil driving each Antenna is most interesting. This is in line with my experience here in Manila. I find that when livening up both antennas to full voltage, to spark each antenna down to the Srd ring with an occa- sinnal slop-over to the 4th ring, it is much more effective than when keeping one antenna @r resonator) down to near ground potential; and it is least effective when actually grounding this antenna -- as Mr. Beck does -- through a 1/10 MF capacitor! "One five minute treatment a week is enough for me and the equivalent of two 15 minute treatments with only one antenna up to full voltage. However, I drive both antennas up to full voltage with only one Tesla coil. It has rather tightly coupled primary and secondary windings, wound as an autotransformer, on a 4%in, diameter glass jar, as per enclosed sketch. “The present spark gap is 1/8 inch, a fixed, constant gap, needs no tuning with variable distances between antennas, subject or no subject. The spark- ing is much the same and the gap is not at all critical, 1/32nd, plus or minus, works just as well. Gap electrodes are % inch tungsten. The present primary cireuit capacitor is .0015 Micro Farads, but this also is not at all critical, can be varied up to -0025 and still give much the same sparking and effect on subject. "gust plug it in and use it, no tuning manipulation of any kind required. The input of 115 VAC to the 10,000 volt oil burner ignition transformer is only 17 VA through the 75 watt lamp as a limiting resistor. Never use more than a 100 watt lamp, This is all I can take. More power becomes rapidly depressing. And the full 250 VA output of the transformer I once used, with a 5/8 inch spark gap, was nearly fatal. It took me months to get over the effects of it. Pass this info on to your Associates." J. Gilbert E. Wright aon A HIGH-POWER MULTI-WAVE OSCILLATOR Antenna Antenna 4% in. Dia. Glass Jar A seconaary coil, 70 turns #23 wire, Heavy Insulated Formvar Last 2 end turns spread out to ¥8 in. between turns. wy .O015 MF Capacitor (condenser) Secondary coil, A 70 turns #23 wire, Heavy Insulated Formvar Primary, 9 turns #18 wire, insulated. Single layer wound RFChoke to soak up steep wave front from condenser dis- charge across gap and Y keep it from possibly puncturing insulation of end turns of trans- former winding. 10 KV - 250 VA Transformer Je 75 watt Lamp 115 VAC house current "Associates can benefit from this dedicated border~ lander's experience, which confirms Lakhovsky's warn~ ing that healthy cells can be over-stimulated and killed by powerful high-frequency waves -- as well as by X-ray and radium waves. It may be easier to locate Neon Sign transformers of 5,000 to 7,500 volts output as power supplies for this MWO, at a cost of 315 to $20. In this case the wattage of the ‘limiting resistor! electric light could be increased to 150 or 200 watts, or eliminated altogether, if it is necessary to get enough power to cause random arcing down to the third and fourth rings on both antennas. The good doctor says nothing about shielding but care should be taken to prevent radio interference from this powerful spark." Riley Crabb, Editor. THE "INTEGRATRON" We want to inform our readers, that after a six month shutdown of work on the "integratron", we have resumed work thanks to several of our readers of the "Proceedings". One of our loyal people suggested we send letters to our top ten contributors. He accompanied his letter of suggestion with a check and followed it after we sent the letters, with another check. This is positive thinking and action. Several of the "top ten" responded with inspired gifts to keep us going for several months. Since then, the "Integratron" has been completely painted - $600.00; the Gardener-Denver air compressor has been checked over and put in top running condition - $400.00, this supplies air to run the armatures. Other work is continuing and we have faith that God will keep us supplied this time, until we are operating. Thanks to those of you who followed your inspiration with positive action instead of negative excuses. 10 THE ALCHEMY OF LIFE Alchemy, according to Websters dictionary, is "the chemistry of the Middle Ages, the chief aims of which Sere to change baser metals into gold and to discover the elixer of perpetual youth, A method, or power Gf transmutation; seemingly miraculous change of one thing into another™ We call this last sentence in Websters definition ~ Integration. We call our machine an "Integratron". The power principle employed by the "Integratron" is to integrate energy into matter. Life has always been the greatest of mysteries becquse physicians try to understand the multi-billions be Biochemical parts of the physical body and dis- regard the simple energy which makes it live. The Medical Profession is beginning to discover many effects by electrical and magnetic research on the human body. Electricity and magnetism cannot be poured out of a bottle or compressed into a pill. Blectricity and magnetism cannot be seen with the faked eye and special instruments must be used to know what they are doing. amps, Farads, Gauss, Gilbert, Volts, Ohms, Henrys, CoulombS, and other electrical and magnetic units, Soe not part of the training to become a doctor, and here is no study one can take to become qualified fhervectrical, magnetic, atomic, or life force energies in relation to the human body. ‘hose few who devote their lives to try to under- stand and manipulate this life force are not called Slehemists today, they are called "quacks". | There ore more “quacks” in the medical profession than there ore outside of it. These are the doctors who send you fume with some pills, or medicine, and say "try this ead if you don't feel better, come back and we! 11 try something else". Then you read on the bottle "For Experimental Use Only". coy Most of the great benefits and discoveries we enjoy were the results of an urge that drove people to find out about things and perfect their findings for the great benefit, or destruction of others. Electronics does not have a branch of it's science researching into the electrical functions of living things. Biochemistry doesn't know, or teach, the magnetic reactions that go on in the body. Anyone, by any means, who dedicates themselves to the purpose of finding the causes of human misery, should be assisted, not condemned by any other pro- fession. Nullifying a headache temporarily with a pill does not determine what caused it, or correct the causal condition permanently. A University of Maryland physicist, Joseph Weber, has registered "this other energy" with instruments and given it a new name called "gravitic waves". He was able to pick up this energy on the opposite side of the Earth from where he assumed it's source was in space. Einsteinian physics says "gravitational energy, unlike radio and light waves, should be able to pass through the densest celestial bodies". T. Galen Hieronymous proved this in recording the physical reactions of our astronauts when they were behind the moon. We have built the "Integratron" to make use of this "living energy" regardless of what it is called. We nave built a physical structure here to manifest an alchemical result. Max Heindel, the great author of "The Rosicrucian Cosmic Concept" once said, "There is an 'etheric structure' in Europe"and he believed this invisible building would be moved to the American Continent and used here. He said that those Initiates-who had used it were so advanced in the ‘science of life’ that ‘death had forgotten them'. Dr. Dubridge, the Presidents scientific advisor, once said, "if all 6f the knowledge about all things were crammed into one mans head, he would still be ignorant compared with what there is to know in the universe". 12 Atoms, molecules, cells, and all composites of living structure do not take courses, or get degrees, or certificates, to prove they are qualified to perform their professions in life. The worlds problems are not the results of the inspired people, they are the effects of a mis-use of powers by the educated people. In a Douglas Paper 1-782A, entitled "The Giant Discoveries of Future Science", printed by the McDonnell~ Douglas Corporation, and written by Robert M. Wood, Mr« Wood states: "I think everyone should have a few high payoff projects; by the same logic they should be low budget projects because the high payoff projects are the high risk projects, too. If you have a high pay- off project I would be inclined to suggest that you Select it on the basis of the following: First, get some non-eminent men; i.e., don't get eminent men, because they are not likely to find these discoveries. Second, make sure they have very high imaginations and that they have some good level of competence. Here you eliminate a lot of the crackpots, because most of the crackpots don't know how to use a differential equation. You Should get the people who read science fiction, who read the quackery, who look for anecdotal data, and who also read the ‘Physical Review’. Remember, 'A genius is a nut whose ideas were proved correct'"s The science of spirit is just as legitimate as any other science. It has been subverted and ignored over the centuries, by the priesthood, because to qualify in spiritual attainment required constant effort and it's attainment is not recognized by a materialist dogmatic world. Every atomic element has its own radiation level. very matrix of atoms in molecules has its radiation level. Atoms and molecules of energy make up living cells, Each organ, gland, and living body has its own radiation frequency and in people this is as individual and different as are fingerprints. The life essence, which powers all of these is not electrical, or magnetic. This living essence can be influenced by oscillating fields and magnetic actions created by artificial means, The radar spectrum has been shown to be detrimental as well as X-rays and other levels of radiation. On the other hand the following article in "Prevention Magazine" of September, 1970, 13 would indicate that natural electrical and magnetic currents contribute to longevity. "Earth Currents" and Longevity. "Here may be the answer investigators have been seeking, regarding the good health and long life of the people living in Nebraska. Years ago I was a technician for the Western Union ? Tel. Co., in San Francisco. Among others, the circuits between San Francisco and New York City were under my supervision. There were times when the "earth currents" in Nebraska were so strong we had to abandon the use of the S.F.-N.Y. circuit! It had to be re-routed through the south (N.M.-Ariz.) to maintain communication. We had to just let the Nebraska circuits "soak" unused, until the earth currents subsided. These would measure 160 volts or more in the Nebraska area! These intense earth currents (they run from north to south) may be the answer to the Nebraska longevity! I hope this will be of interest to you, and that you may wish to bring it to the attention of the investi- gators." M, E. Edwards Lander, Wyo. It has already been established in several researches that magnetic fields can eliminate cancer in mice. Mice and people are electromagnetic creatures in the atomic matrix of their makeup and the ultimate corree— tion of causes of malfunction of the physical body mst be corrected in the atomic structure which is electro- magnetic. ‘There are roughly nine-billion nerve cells in the cerebral cortex and about twelve-billion cells in one ; human brain. One medical specialist says that if we were to take all of the wiring circuits in telephones, radios, and television and cram them into a half-gallon : jar, it would be less complex than three pints of brain in one human head. 4 In brain surgery, metal probes carrying about four volts of current applied to the exposed brain surface, produces amazing reactions in the patient. A contact with the probes, of the top and front of the brain, causes the patient to talk continuously until the probes are removed; this with no voluntary desire to talk at all. Contact on the rear of the parietal portion would make it possible for the patient to count faster back ward than forward. Many of these reactions were called alchemical research in the records from the middle ages. Appol- lonius of Tyana was initiated in the Great Pyramid where he became unconscious and was then laid in the coffer for three days after which he arose from the coffer and became a priest. —— An old expression said that "the moon was made of cheese" and now British geologist, Prof. George Malcolm, after analysing some of the Moon rocks re- turned here by our astronauts, says, "The nearest thing on Earth to the Moon as far as transmission of seismic waves is concerned, is cheese". The alchemy of today is that government can spend more than it takes in. This beats making gold from lead. Once we go to the energy that maintains life in the physical body, we will have the answers to the miseries of humanity. BOOK The book "Religion and Science Merged" may be order- ed directly from the Ministry of Universal Wisdom, Inc. The address is on the back page of this issue of the "Proceedings". The donation is $3.50 postpaid. 1s BAT a] res cuss emda Rea oat P.O. Box 458 ‘YUCCA VALLEY, CALIFORNIA USA 92284 Te VicTORVILLE GIANT Rock AIRPORT College Signgoaro 7 ss LANDERS -~ losert. Gas SEATISN VICTORVILLE HWY om ‘Oo WOMAN SPRINGS RO” Yucca VALLEY, 29 PALMS Hwy 2imiLes To INTERSTATE IO

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