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roceedings or nan€ or Universal WisbDom YUCCAVALLEY, CALIFORNIA A BRANCH OF THE MINISTRY OF UNIVERSAL WISDOM, INC. A Non-sectarian and Non-profit Organization for Religious and Scientific Research. VOLUME 9 JANUARY - FEBRUARY - MARCH 1971 NUMBER 5 WORLD'S FIRST INTEGRATRON. PROCEEDINGS OF THE COLLEGE OF UNIVERSAL WISDOM Yucca Valley, California A branch of the Ministry of Universal Wisdom, Inc. Volume 9 January - February - March 1971 Number 5 CONTENTS, NOW AND THEN ..... page 3 PARADOX PERILOUS «0.4. wos EARTHQUAKE .... . "6 THE "INTSGRATRON" mee, EARTHQUAKE WARNING «+... "412 NEW BOOK - NEW DIRECTORS .. "13 “ON THE NAIL AGAIN" .. "4 PICTURE ..e+eeeee "15 —————— The “Proceedings” is mailed free to those people who request it and financially support its printing by contributions. There is no subscription rate. AlI donations, checks, money orders, contributions and be~ quests should be made to the Ministry of Universal Wisdom, Incorporated. —_—————— "PROCEEDINGS" are published by the Ministry of Univer- sal Wisdom, Inc., at Yucca Valley, California. Printed in U.S.A. Business and Editorial offices: College Utility Building. George W, Van Tassel, Director; Darlene J. Wing, Secretary-Treasurer; G.W.Van Tassel, Editor. All rights, including translation, reser Manuscripts and photographs from our members or friends must be accompanied by a self-addressed, stamped envelope. As we do not employ solicitors nor represente- tives, please address a: correspondence concerning Proceedings", contributions, donations, bequests, etc., directly to: THE MINISTRY OF UNIVERSAL WISDOM, INC. P.O. Box 458, Yucca Valley, California, 92284 U.S.A. NOW AND TREN On page eleven of the "Proceedings" of October- November-December, 1970, we gave you some predictions for 1971. With three months now gone of this year, 1971, we have been right again, in part, and have nine months left to go. New high temperature records were set for two weeks in the Los Angeles area in January. January 17 went to a record 95° in the middle of winter. In the North and Eastern United States, record cold was registered for the same month. Earthquakes are still shaking the Pacific Coast and have been for the past 30 days. Snow fell in countries that never saw snowfall before. As of March 11% this year, record depths of 128" of snow have fallen in the New England States. Watch the rest of 1971 react. If any unusual things occur in our readers areas around the world, send us the newspapers clippings. Polluted air is finally forcing things out into the open that were not obtainable before. Ionization of air has long been known to be beneficial. Now you city smog breathers can individually live in clean air in your homes, and feel better, Sears and Roebuek, in their Spring and Summer Catalog, on page 1253, advertises an air conditioner that employs ionization. The price is listed at $189.95. I have a persistant feeling that President Nixon will not run again for President, and another feeling, that the Republican Convention will put Governor Ronald Reagan up against the Democratic nominee in 1972. Where does this feeling originate? Now that the economy is running wild again, I foresee a stock market drop from over 900 to below 700, Now that the over 9,000,000 people that are unemployed can't pay City, County, State or Federal taxes, the cities are going broke, the counties and PARADOX PERILOUS Around the economic world: the stock market is again over 900, while Ford loses $5,000,000.00 a day in their strike-bound factory in England. Rolls Royce goes bank— rupt in England and Lockheed rides the road to bankruptcy over here as a result. The British people operated for months with their postoffice delivery service out on strike and over here the postal rates are being raised without a voice of objection. In the undeveloped nations, rebellion and local wars have practically ceased, while Secretary Rodgers tells us the Arab-Israel stalemate can lead to World War III. Cell communication is apparently being used by bacteria which scientists say are transmitting to one another the ability to resist drugs that were once effective against them. Nine different drugs are now ineffective and doctors say the antibiotics which kill weak bacteria, allow the strong bacteria to multiply and resist drugs. A type of disease similar to malaria is being brought home by servicemen, returning from Vietnam, against which no known corrective medication is known. We told you about the 80% cancerous chickens being marketed in the last "Proceedings", now the Department of Agriculture reveals that poultry also contain up to 25% residues of arsenic, which was put in the feed to make them grow faster. Federal laws allow the legal use of organic arsenic up to one-half per million in poultry feeds. One of the nations largest railroads went bankrupt last year and sought government money as a subsidy for survival. This is being followed by airline and air- craft companies now, as what looks like a policy of blackmail of the taxpayers money for private corpora tion use. Canada had 8.4 percent of it's workers unemployed as of three months ago. The people in the United States, on welfare, increased 94 % over what it was 10 years ago. Welfare is now costing 12.8 billion annually to care for 13,100,000 people. The Strategic Arms Limitations Talks (S.A.L.T.), being held in Europe, between the major world powers, appears to be, not to disarm the world, but to reach an agreement on what we will and won't use against each other in any future world conflict. Like Vietnam, we can't bomb Hanoi, or Hiaphong, and the North Vietnamese won't use anything bigger than "Sam 3" missiles. We won't cross the D.M.Z. line with ground forces and the Viet Cong fight the war for North Vietnam in South Vietnam. The bankrupt world economy is now forcing the leaders of the nations of the world into a larger scale war, while the brains that could correct the situation are rotting at home on old age pensions. The paradox is that when we get "Big Brothers" in power, running the world with computers, and everyone has a number, the people in top positions of authority will be subject to the whims of the computer programmers who can slip their numbers into the list of the people to be eliminated, Some world! Until we can run a church for it's purpose instead of for it's front, and we can run a city without going broke, you can imagine the massive mess that will re~ sult. A computer doesn't know a world-wide sanitation system from a two-holer in the farm yard. Thank God someone up there cares. EARTHQUAKE, The earthquake that did so much damage in the Los Angeles area, was only a ripple up here in the High Desert. We are located 150 air miles East of Los Angeles and 65 miles East of the San Andreas fault. Gur elevation is 3000 feet. The West side of the San Andreas fault is where the action takes place. The “Integratron" is six times stronger than the required commercial building code. We have been unable to find any damage from the earthquake, in our area, THE INTEGRATRON Since a aumber of our readers, and friends, have expressed a desire to know how the "Integratron" operates I am writing this article to try to explain it's purpose and function. The purpose of the "Integratron” is to recharge energy into living cell structure, to bring about longer life with youthful energy. This has been the goal of many people, since Ponce De Leon started looking for the "fountain of youth". Our effort here, in this giant machine, is not the first idea of it's kind. It is the first time that other research efforts have been brought together and applied simultaneously. The work of Georges Lakhovsky, Dr. George Crile, Barnothy, Oneil, Tesla, Smith, and many others, is being combined, by us, in a basic research to make the princi- ples work. The only new thing we have added to their research is to make the application of three principles occur instantly and simultaneously. Lakhovsky's Multiple Wave Oscillator (U.S. Patent Number 1,962,565) was used by him, in association with many doctors, to correct cellular malfunctions, and accumulations, in many patients. His principle is opposite to control of radiation of radio and television transmission. He spread his radiations over a multiple wave, while television, and radio confine it to channels and kilocycies to prevent overlap. Lakhovsky used a field in which every tissue, organ, cell, and nerve responded in resonance between 10 cms. and 400 meters. This corresponds to frequencies of 3 to 750,000 millards per second. The harmonics extended from 1 to 300 trillion vibrations per second. No harmful side effects or aftereffects were ever noted. In his book “The Secret of Life", first printed in 1959, Lakhovsky de- tailed the many cases, functions, and results. His Multiple Wave Oscillator took from one application to three weeks of daily applications to achieve its out- standing effects, Our frequency control makes these periods instant in a one shot application. Our basic research is Lakhovskys side effect of rejuvenation. a Lakhovsky established that "every living cell is essentially dependent on it's nucleus which is the center of oscillations and gives off radiations". By the same token the sun is the center of our solar system, and life could not exist without it giving off radiations that set up oscillations in living matter. Everything on the earth has been proven to react to sun spots and solar prominences. 4 Energy principles work on the same basic universal | laws; be they atoms, cells, or solar systems. The wet battery in your car operates on an acid electrolite. The dry battery in your flashlight operates on an alkaline electrolite. The separators in your car battery are a semi-~permeable matrix, The D,N.A~ structure is a caduceus winding coiled in opposite directions. The filaments in the nucleus of a cell exhibit coil and plate configura- tion. These are microscopic electric circuits that work with the cell electric capacity as oscillators. Cilia in the lungs and respiratory tract are antenna that extract radiations from the air and transmit this energy to the cells in the blood to be conveyed throughout the body. We are electrical creatures using a bio-chemical body to exist in a electro-chemical environment. We kmow that in highly diluted solutions certain chemical compounds are disassociated with the result that electrical charges appear, equal, but of opposite polarities. Sodium chloride for an example is disassociated as sodium with a positive charge and chlorine with a negative charge. The body fluids are a saline electrolite with cells in sus- pension. Every microscopic part of a cell emits radiations according to the atomic structure of its makeup. + Like batteries, cells run down, bodies run down, and the energy loss is manifested as ageing. The Bible says Adam lived 930 years; Seth, 912; { Enos 905; Cainan, 910; Mahalaleel, 890; Jared, 962; \ and Methuselah, $69 years, Then after these people of the race of Man mated with "the daughters of men" the life span fell off to 120 years according to Genesis 5:5 to 6:3. After years of Pyramid Generator energy research, there is no question in my mind that V.I.P.s were brought back from death in the sarcophagus of the Kings Chamber. The sarcophagus and the Kings Chamber were contructed of granite. Granite, because of it's matrix of feldspar, mica, and quartz ¢rystals, exhibits a radiation caused by the pressure of the matrix on the quartz crystals known as the piezo-electric effect. Granite was called “spiritual rock" by the Egyptians because of this auric radiation. The energy generated by a pyramid in a vortex is neither electrical, or magnetic as such. It is composed of "this other energy" which radiates life property effects. This energy is everywhere in a static State, and serves in this respect as an insulator and separator while it remains static. When it is activated by thought, as in a prayer, or by resonance in electro- magnetic fields, it reverses it's insulating qualities and becomes an infinite conductor. It is this energy that will respond to our control in the "Integratron” and integrate energy into the cell structure of the body. There is no reason why people today cannot live as long as Methuselah. I am convinced that he used the Great Pyramid to live so long without ageing. The D.N.A. configuration, the caduceus coils, the Emerald Tablet principles, and the pyramid vortices all exhibit a method of life energy activity. We have put in 18 years of endless effort to prolong life without further ageing. We are anchored here on dedicated property. We are not going to go anywhere. It is our intention to be able to regenerate our world jeaders, our world humanity and defeat "the last enemy to be overcome - death". It is a thousand times simpler in research than the effort it took to put men on the moon, but we need an ingredient we cannot make and that depends on other humanitarians. We are approximately 82% finished, with new methods already being apparent from the associated researches being conducted by others verifying our earlier efforts. Jeno M. and Madeleine F. Barnothy, of the Biomagnetic Research Foundation, in Evanston, Illinois, have contributed outstanding results in magnetic research with everything from enzymes to rabbits. They showed retardation of ageing and 30% increased activity in research conducted on mice, whose cell structure is like humans. Nikola Tesla, and others, showed that high voltage static electricity caused ionization. This causes dis- association of structure and charging of particles in positive and negative polarity effects. Dr. George Crile, in a fabulous research that he devoted his life to, established that every living cell was a battery, a transducer, and a condenser. In his book "The Phenomena of Life", printed in 1936, he states, "Electricity is the energy that drives the organism". He further states, "It is clear that in the second half of life the electrical potential of the elderly patient as a whole cr of this oF that organ, has been very much reduced and that by so much, the margin of safety has been dangerously diminished". Hugo Fricke, working with Dr. Crile in his labora- tory, found that the film which surrounds red blood cells is on the order of 3/10,000,000 of a centimeter in thickness and that this lipoid’structure has an electric capacity of high order, viz., 0.8 microfarad per square centimeter. Dr. Crile further stated, "The unit of structure and of function of the living organism is the cell. Plants and animals are disperse systems of cell suspension. The nucleus of the cell is comparatively acid. The cytoplasm of the cell is comparatively alkaline. The nucleus and the cytoplasm are separated by a semi~permeable membrane. Therefore the cell is a bipolar mechanism or an electric battery, the nucleus being the positive element, the cytoplasm the negative element". These cell batteries of the body are what we are planning to charge with the “Integratron". Each cell has a capacity like the battery in your car. The human body is composed of over 100 trillion of these eells. Our principle of operation is as simple as applying Lakhovskys multiple wave oscillation to Barnothys mag netic fields saturated with Teslas ionization to charge 10 Dr. George Criles cell batteries. Our method of control is through a time function of frequency from zero time to infinity, This is our contribution. The schematic circuitry is a hundred times simpler than in a television set. Its a strange thing that George is involved in so many firsts. Maybe this is where the expression evolved of “let George do it". Here we have George Crile's research tied in with George Lakhovsky's principles, being extended by George Van Tassel. After all George Washington was our first President, and Nikola Tesla was financed by George Westinghouse. Nikola Tesla's dis coveries made Westinghouse what it is today. Then there is the contrast of opposites because Ge-or-ge is ge twice with an "or" in between, and Westinghouse's largest competator is General Electric or G.E-, and fur- ther in the letter expression of meanings, G.E.. means generate energy. Who is the now George Westinghouse among our readers who is going to finance the George Van Tassel principle, and make the "Integratron" go for a discharged humanity. We have been shut down now, for 6 months. We want to thank those of you who have made it possible to carry on our maintenance and overhead expenses. Every day we get closer to the door of death. The Bible says, "death will be the last enemy to be overcome". Lets overcome it. 1 Corinthians 15:26. Please do not write to us for any of the books mentioned in this article, as we do not have them for sale. You may write to Borderland Sciences Research Founda~ tion, P.O. Box 548, Vista, Ca. 92083, for a copy of "The Lakhovsky Multiple Wave Oscillator". Price is $2.00. oy EARTHQUAKE WARNING Since the Los Angeles area earthquake, where the damage was much greater than was shown on television, there have been many comments, on television, about the future possibility of earthquake warning devices being developed. This looks like another "come on" to get public money to finance an earthquake warning system research. Back in 1964 I attended the Wescon Electronics Con- gress held in the Cow Palace in San Francisco. Among the 2600 exhibits, there were several hundred opera- tional equipment performances. Watching some of these work, I was impressed especially by a Rubidium Magnet- ometer made by the Vafian Associates of 611 Hansen Way, Palo Alto, California. Observing the high sensitivity of the V-4938 model in operation, with the sensor high in the rafters of the Cow Palace, a tiny magnet could be picked up by any~ one and moved and the oscillograph on the magnetometer would register. I remarked to the scientist who was operating the equipment that this instrument was sensitive enough to detect earthquakes. He was startled by what I said and seemed very pleased. Then he told me that that was what he had been doing for three years. He said the magnetic stresses in an earthquake fault build up before an earthquake occurs. I asked him how accurate he could predict an earthquake before it occurred. He said, "I can tell three days before it happens; if it doesn't happen by the third day, it will always come before the seventh day". Now here was a piece of equipment in 1964, that could give warning of an earthquake from three to seven days before it happened. Why has it not been in use since then? If the Los Angeles quake had occurred 3 hours later than it did, about 10 to 20 thousand people could have been killed. If the dam at the reservoir had gone out another 60 to 80 thousand people would ‘have died. In a paper, #12, by the Varian Associates, the graph was printed on the atom-bomb exploded over 200 miles 12 up, over Johnston Island on July 9, 1962, At 100,09 G.M.T.. the earths magnetic field was disrupted and two Yarian Magnetometers, located at Palo Alto, and Stanford University, Site 501, recorded it. These were model X-4936 Varian instruments. The Gamma intensity ran the stylus off the paper on the oscillograph from a bomb exploded thousands of miles away. With this equipment operational in 1964, why are seismologists hoping "something can be developed in the future", when they are speaking seven years after science could detect earthquakes? Is this equipment, that could save many lives, hidden by "security"? NEW BOOK Many of our readers have written enquiring about our new book "The Stars Look Down". This book is the compil- ed "meat" of 17 years of the "Proceedings". Misfortune struck the man who was finencing and printing this book. It is now stalled, ready to go to press. If anyone of our readers feels the inspired urge to get this book printed, we would welcome a letter from you. We would also print in the book, the name of anyone who makes it possible to roll the presses, as a dedication to them for their inspired help. NEW DIRECTORS At the December, 1970, Board of Directors Elections, Olive Kelley was voted in as a new Director. We are grateful to acquire this dedicated lady on our Board. Paul Wilson was also elected as a Consultant Director and his background and ability are an inspiration to us. 13 LATE "PROCEEDINGS" We are sorry this issue of the "Proceedings" is late in arriving in your hands. Due to a variety of reasons it was not possible to get it out sooner. “ON THE NAIL" AGAIN On page 14 in the Proceedings of July-August-Sep- tember 1969, we stated "Price and wage controls are on the way as sure as we are presenting this". Now President Nixon has announced government controls in March, 1971. In the last issue of "Proceedings", on page 10, we questioned, “is the arsenic preservative for grains, to preserve them, commutable to humans?" On page 5 of this issue we print the latest findings of the Department of Agriculture, which shows that chickens accumulate the arsenic, so if it is accumulative in chickens, it is accumulative in humans who eat the chickens. Arsenic is an inorganic poison. It looks like the F.D.A. and other agencies of the government, are getting on the ball now that we have reached an ecological and drug crisis. FRONT PAGE PICTURE The picture on the front page of this issue of the "Proceedings" was published for the first time in the February-March issue in 1961. We are reprinting it now as some of our later readers have asked so many questions about the "Integratron", We have tried to explain, in the article on page 7, what it is for in a laymans language. We hope people can grasp it. 14 G.W. Van Tassel - Director 15 #Mroceedings ewe aM xd AN tees ci) P.0. Box 458 ‘YUCCA VALLEY, CALIFORNIA USA 92284 7S VicTORVILLE GIANT Rock AIRPORT SignBoaRD ‘) LANDERS. IDSHELL Gas STATION oe VICTORVILLE HWY om OLD WOMAN SPRINGS Ro”! Voces Vance ® cA VA ns f— 29 PALMS Hwy 21 Mies To INTERSTATE IO

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