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Posted on June 27, 2014 by hinduquiz

A cause is why an event happens. An effect is an event that happens because of a cause. Match the
cause and effect for the following events from the Ramayana

1. Lakshmana scorns at Shoorpanaka A. Hanuman fetches a mountain for a herb!

2. Lakshmana becomes unconscious B. Lord Hanuman meets with Sitadevi

3. Vishwamitra hermitage is hounded by Rakshasas C. The Golden Deer appears to bewitch Sita.

4. Jatayu fights with Ravana D. Rama wages a battle with the King of Lanka.

5. King Janaka hosts a Swayamvara E. Rama and Lakshmana accompany the sage to D

6. Sita is banished from Ayodhya F. Rama is banished from the kingdom.

7. Hanuman flies over the ocean G. Sri Rama kills Vali.

8. Ravana kidnaps Sita H. Lav and Kush are born in Valmiki’s ashram.

9. The Vanara brothers of Kishkinda have a bitter fight I. Rama breaks the Shiva Dhanush.

10. Dasharatha promises two boons to Kaikeyi J. The vulture is hurt.

Answers – {1.C, 2.A, 3.E, 4.J, 5.I, 6.H, 7.B, 8.D, 9.G, 10.F}


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