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AIS cli UW fp aw D) COLLESE oF UNIVERSAL Wisbom ‘YUCCAVALLEY, CALIFORNIA A BRANCH OF THE MINISTRY OF UNIVERSAL WISDOM, INC. A Non-sectarian and Non-profit Organization for Religious and Scientific Research. VOLUME 11 JANUARY-FEBRUARY-MARCH - 1978 NUMBER 8 PROCEEDINGS OF THE COLLEGE OF. UNIVERSAL WISDOM Yucca Valley, California A branch of the Ministry of Universal Wisdom, Inc. Volume 11 January-February-March - 1978 Number 8 CONTENTS: THE SECOND COMING sesssseeeeeeeeeeeereee page 3 PROPHECY ~ 1978 - 1979 - 1980 ........ . 6 U.F.0. PHOTOS ...- eee eeee secret eee eens " 8 THE TWO CREATIONS peace oceleleiaiercite _ 10 THE SHENSI PYRAMID ............05 " 12 NEW BOOK = CLOSE ENCOUNTERS .. _ 13 INTERVIEW ~- FRONT PAGE - BOOK . 14 NEW BOARD - NOTE - INTEGRATRON - 15 ee The "Proceedings" is mailed free to those people who request it and financially support its printing by contributions. There is no subscription rate. All donations, checks, money-orders, contributions, and bequests Should be made to the Ministry of Universal Wisdom, Incorporated. "PROCEEDINGS" is published by the Ministry of Universal Wisdom, Inc., at Yucca Valley, California. Printed in U.S.A. Business and Editorial offices: College Office Building. George W. Van Tassel - Director; Darlene J. Wing - Secretary-Treasurer; George W. Van Tassel - Editor. All rights, includ- ing translation, reserved. Manuscripts and photo- graphs from our members or friends must be accompan- ied by a self-addressed, stamped envelope. As we do not employ solicitors or representatives, please address all correspondence concerning "Proceedings", contributions, donations, bequests, etc., directly to: THE MINISTRY OF UNIVERSAL WISDOM, INC. P.O. Box 458, Yucca Valley, California 92284 U.S.A. our 24th year of publication. to THE SECOND COMING "For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night." Thessalonians ~ 5:2. A "thief in the night" operates without anyone know- ing about it - until later. In paragraph number 3, it indicates an approximate time when it says, "For when they shall say, peace and safety; then sudden destruc— tion cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape." Certainly at no time in history has the word peace been heard more than it has in the last 20 years- And the use of the word peace is increasing daily. "Sudden destruction" has never been more possible than itis now with missiles and atomic warheads. When Jesus returns, according to the Bible in Acts - 1:11, he will return as an adult, not through birth; because it says, "Which also said, Ye men of Galilee, why stand ye gazing up into heaven? this same Jesus which is taken up from you into heaven, shall so come in like manner as ye have seen him go into heaven. In Acts - 1:9 it says, "And when he had spoken these things, while they beheld, he was taken up; and a cloud received him out of their sight." U.F.0's ionize clouds around them, as pictured in this issue, by the electrostatic field generated around them. The space people have demonstrated their gravity nullifying beam in a number of incidents in our time, by picking up cars and people, off the surface. This is the same principle by which they took Jesus up, before a miltitude, into a craft inside of a ionized cloud. This verifies that the people in the U.F.0.'s are affiliated with Jesus. Now if Jesus is going to return, as many believe because the Bible says so, where has he been for nearly 2000 years? Is he still living in the same body that he went up into the cloud in? Time as a reference has a relative factor where 2000 years here, might be 10 years somewhere else. The Bible says Methuselah lived 969 years in one body. In space, ina craft, inside its own gravity field, there are no years such as we call one orbit of our Earth around the Sun. ‘There is no yesterday, today, or tomorrow, No sunrise or sunset, in space. So the measurement of years does not apply. In space, where all is now, one could live in the same body indefinitely, Inside an electrostatic field where all detrimental outside forces are excluded, time does not exist as a medium of years, Would this work on the Earth inside a Faraday Cage with no refer- ence to daylight, darkness, clocks, or calendars? Nobody has tried’ it! In our "Integratron", a person will be inside of the electrostatic field and pass through a "time zone", where time does not exist. The body cells which are regenerated, do not have a time reference in days, years, or forever. This principle was given to your Editor by the space people, many of whom could be 10,000 years old in our time measurements based on motion. God knows, if anyone is going to straighten out our atomic, social, political, economic, military, geo- physical mess on Earth, it will have to be someone from outside the Earth. Could Jesus be checking up on conditions here as reported in the Desert Sun Newspaper, Paim Springs, California? This letter to the editor was printed around the lst of November, 1977. Editor, Desert Sun: My wife and I are from out of town. Yesterday we went hiking above Snow Creek and saw something that has left both of us baffled and scared. Whether you choose to believe this or not would be your prerogative, but we are not fools and both wit- nessed it with our own eyes. ‘A man wearing a robe like an ancient Roman prelate was standing on a huge rock overlooking the stream in this canyon. He was embodied in a beam of light that was blinding. As my wife and T approached, he was physically elevated so that his feet were perhaps six inches above the ground. From what could be recog- nized about him he was perhaps 6' 2" in height, thin, dark skin, beard and mustache. We are not aware that he observed us as we left. He seemed transfixed. We could not move fast enough away from that place, yet today my wife felt compelled to go back there. My wife and I are not religious people, but we are good people. I will not try to analyze this. We are going home. Stay away from that canyon. Ed Fitzgerald Ontario, Ca. Jesus said many times in the Bible, "I am not of this world." He could have been suspended in a gravity nullifying beam from a craft above him when he walked upon the water. Revelation - 1:7 says, "Behold he cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see him, and they also which pierced him: and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him, Even so. Amen." Today we have “peace and safety” being used many times daily. We have ionized "clouds" ascending and descending from above, and we have worldwide television where "every eye shall see him." PROPHECY - 1978 - 1979 - 1980 "And when ye shall see Jerusalem compassed with armies, then know that the desolation thereof is nigh.” St. Luke ~ 21:20, Jerusalem is "compassed with armies” of the Arabian countries. "Men's hearts failing them for fear, and for look- ing after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken." St. Luke ~ 21:26. Heart failure is one of the major causes of death now, and the heavens are shaken with unexplained explosions, and the past high altitude atomic tests. "And then shall they see the Son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory." St. Luke - 21:27. Clouds, ionized by the electrostatic fields around the craft, are being seen and photographed all over the world. Clouds do not travel in a clear sky, then stop, hovering for a while, then resume their movement forward again. "Having your conversation honest among the Gentiles: that, whereas they speak against you as evildoers, they may by your good works, which they shall behold, glorify God in the day of visitation." First Peter = 2:12. This is the day of visitation with signs in the skies, the curse of cancer sweeping the earth as a result of man-made radioactive fallout. "And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman, and every free man, hid them- selves in the dens and the rocks of the mountains." Revelations - 6:15. It is known that there are underground dens (fallout shelters) already built for the high and the mighty, stocked with provisions and the best whiskey, in the rocks and the mountains. Can one imagine these great egos living with each other for a year? What a massacre! "And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name." Revelations — 13: 16 and 17. This already exists, for you either have to show your social security aumber in your hand, or remember it in your head when you buy, or sell, borrow money, or move. The prophecy of the fall of Babylon (the money system) is eminent. "For all nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication, and kings of the earth have committed fornication with her, and the merchants of the earth are waxed rich through the abundance of her delicacies." Revelations - 18 World trade, the failing dollar, trade deficits, national debt, and inflation are all the result of greed, interest, and dog-eat-dog philosophy. “And the merchants of the earth shall weep and mourn over her; for no man buyeth their merchandise any more." ‘Revelations - 18:11. Credit has run its course when we're almost a trillion dollars in the "red". The national debt is at the trillion dollar mark, and the President re- quests a budget of 500 billion dollars to run the United States for one year, This year, 1978, will see no peace agreements. The greed for oil, and billions of dollars more for power will break the last straw. The Panama Canal hegotiations, which never should have been started, will bring conflict. People with bank loans will be unable to make their payments. The statements that savings and loan Companies make, that they are so many billions of dollars strong, will reveal that they are the same number of billions of dollars weak when they can't col- fect their payments, or sell their foreclosures. Back of the scenes, shenanigans will be revealed in government, as the rejects in office "spill the beans". Economic chaos will result as inflation goes up and the dollar value goes down. "Be prepared" is the only chance for security as 1979 and 1980 will make the world situation worse, not better. U.F.0 PHOTOS ‘The photographs reproduced here were taken by Robert Reed, a prominent attorney practicing in Las Vegas, Nevada. The sequence covers a period of 45 minutes. The first picture shows the craft ionizing the atmosphere, forming a cloud, moving from right to left over buildings and leaving a trail behind it. Twenty- six minutes later it stopped and hovered in the same position relative to the mountains beneath it, for Aine minutes. The third picture shows it still hovering for an additional ten minutes, The fourth picture shows it again starting to move. All pictures were taken on November 3, 1977, We thank Robert Reed for permission to print them, #1 at 4:10 PM. #3 at 4:45 P.M. #2 at 4:36 P.M. #4 at 4:55 P.M. THE TWO CREATIONS It becomes more and more obvious, as the world be- comes a military satellite, and a pawn to the animal instinct to kill, that there are two types of humans on the Earth: those who create and those who destroy. In the Bible, the book of Genesis tells of two creations; one created by God and one created by man. God provides and man divides. Thus we have those who feel they were created by God, and the ones who believe in evolution, who are descendants of the man creation. Those who were born here from higher levels of creation feel they do not belong here, that this is a strange planet. The power hungry, greedy, money- mad people, who build weapons and atomic bombs, and connive behind the scene to run the world, evolved from the animal cross with the man creation. ‘Their sole desire is to mix and mash-up the true creations of God from black, white, and yellow, into a homogeneous blend of anthropoid animals. In Genesis, all of Chapter One tells of the God creation. Genesis-1:26 says, "Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them." This means that all of the race of man, in space, and on the earth, were created and all of Gods creations have been living on one planet, or another, ever since. Eternal life goes back as well as ahead from now. In Genesis-1:26 it says, "And God said, let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and Tet them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth." Creation in the image does not mean the Creator looks like a human, because it does not say God cre- ated humans, it says God created man, It also says 10 God in the plural, "Let us, in our image, after our Tikeness", meaning God ned man from the dua’ contrast of opposites of male and female, wet and dry, up and down, and all of the duality of Father-Mother God. Genesis-1:27 says, "So God created man in his own image, (imagination) in the image of him; male and female created he them.” Ther plural again, male and female as separate sexes of the species of man, Beginning in Genesis-2:4, the second creation is related after God finished the first creation of man. The Lord God starts the creation of humans from the crossing of man and the upright animals which are described in Genesis-6:2, as "the daughters of men." When the Adamic man came from space (the hosts of heaven God created) and landed on the earth, these "Sons of God" mated with the upright animals and cross- ed the species of Man and the animals, and brought about the hu-man races. The two creations in Genesis tell us why there are two types of people on the earth. Those who have a consciousness of right and wrong; who create and help others; who are spiritual man eternally: and those who destroy, kill, grab for themselves, and follow their animal beginnings from the Lord God who was Lucifer. The Bible also says the devil rules the world - so this is hell. Make the best of it, you creations of God, until we can get the hell out of here. Then only, will there be a heaven on earth, when the destroyers destroy each other. nn ‘THE SHENSI PYRAMID Two and one-half days travel west of Sian-fu, China, lies the worlds largest pyramid. Twice as large as the pyramid of Gizeh, it rises 1000 feet high and is {500 feet across the bottom of each of the four faces. It is oriented with the four faces to the compass points, the same as the Gizeh pyramid in Egypt. Differing from the Gizeh pyramid, which was once covered all over with white limestone, the Shensi pyramid was cased with ordinary cut field stone about Three feet square. The flat top is covered with yellow clay hardened like brick. | The pyramid itself Appears to be made of pounded earth. The Shensi pyramid lies north of the great cara~ van road that runs from Peking to the Mediterranean Sea. The photo below was taken by the United States army, in 1947, from a plane flying at 1000 feet altitude. 12 NEW BOOK For those of our readers of the "Proceedings" who are interested in gravity nullification (anti-gravity) , we recommend a new book written by one of our associ- ates. The book is titled "Ether-Technology", by Rho Sigma, which is a pen name for the author. This book presents a "rational approach to gravity control." It can be purchased, by mail, from C.S.A. Press, Lakemont, Georgia, 30552. The price is $5.75. Be sure to include 50¢ for postage. CLOSE ENCOUNTERS OF THE THIRD KIND We recommend that all of our readers see this motion picture. Your Editor had the honor of being invited to address the audience at the Premier showing at the Parkway Theater in Las Vegas, Nevada. This premier was a benefit for Children's Village, U.S.A. Symbol of the cross between animal and man. is INTERVIEW A new psychic news magazine called "The Hefley Report", is now available. It is published every othor month, and is a 36 page paper, the same size as the "National Enquirer" The first issue is called the Preview - 1978 edition. A full page picture of the "Integratron” is on the front page, “Starting on page 4, is an intere view writeup with George W. Van Tassel. You can subscribe to it for $3.99 a year in the United States. Add $1.00 for foreign subscriptions. Address your request to ~ The Hefley Report, P.O. Box 7242, Burbank, Ca, 91510. Be sure to ask for the first Preview edition. FRONT PAG PICTURE ihis photograph was taken by Tahalita Wiese, in September of 1969. She, and a friend, were standing on a hill taking photographs of her property downhill drom where they were, near the Interstate 5. Merlin, Oregon interchange. ' We reprint the picture here with the permission of Mrs. Wiese. NEW BOOK jgain we ask our readers not to order "When Stars Look Down", from our office. Mr. Van Tassel's personal mail box is P.O. Box 3867, Landers, Ca. 92284, plese® send oun order, with $7.60 per copy to his mailing address. Make checks out to G.W.Van Tassel. 4 NEW BOARD OF DIRECTORS The following people were elected to the Board of Directors of the Ministry of Universal Wisdom, Incorpo~ rated, at the Annual Meeting on October 1, 1977. George W. Van Tassel, Chairman; Dorris Van Tassel; Sandra Boone; Elbert Claypool; Dr. Davis Evans; Loretta Evans; John Eversoll; John Paul Jones; Catherine Phillips; Darlene Wing; Edwin Wrenchey and Robert Benson. NOTE To those who convert the Sears electronic air cleaner to a negative ion emitter; we understand that in late model machines, the voltage has been reversed on the plates. Get a local electrical appliance repairman to check the polarity, and reverse the wires if necessary, so the negative wire goes to the plates and the positive wire is disconnected. THE INTEGRATRON Work progresses slowly on the "Integratron", the control instrument panels, the ion chamber and’related apparatus. We have had the longest period of rain in thirty years here. We need to be financially able to put our people who have been "layed off" back to work. We want to thank those of our readers who have helped to keep progress going. Pius Rta el Riu weston) P.0. Box 458 YUCCA VALLEY, CALIFORNIA USA 92284 7 VicTORVILLE, Sengonno} O fees eae BERS, Acosta RECHES ROAD osneLt Gas STATION. . VICTORVILLE HWY Om ‘OLD WOMAN SPRINGS Ro” Yucca VALLEY. 29 Pams Hwy 2iMives To INTERSTATE 10

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