3RD Quarter Math 7 Module

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Learner's Materia This instructional material was collaboratively developed and reviewed by educators from public and private schools, colleges, and/or universities. We encourage teachers and other education stakeholders to email their feedback, comments, and recommendations to the Department of Education at action@deped.gov.ph. We value your feedback and recommendations, Department of Education Republic of the Phillppines Lesson 30: Basic Concepts and Terms In Geometry About i itoseon focuses on plane figures, Included In the discusulon are tho basic torms used in geomotry such an points, linos and planos. Tho focup of this section Is the differant ways of dosoribing and reprosenting tha banig objects unod In the atudy of geomatry. Objectives: In this lesson, the participants are expected to: 1, dosctibe the undofined terms: 2. give oxamplos of objects that maybe used to reprosont the undofinad terms; 3. name the identified point(s), line(s) and plane(s) In a given figura; 4, formulate the definition of parallel lines, intersecting lines, concurrent lines, skew lines, segment, ray, and congruent segments; 5. Porform the sot operations on segments and rays, Lesson Propor A. Introduction to the Undofined Terms: In any mathamatical system, definitions are important. Elements and objects must be dofined procisoly, Howover, thore aro some terms or objects that aro the primitive bullding blocks of the system and hence cannot bo defined Indopandontly of othor objects. In gaometry, those are point, line, plane, and space. There are also relationships like betwoon that aro not formally dofined but are moraly described or illustrated. In Euclidean Geometry, the geometric terms point, line, and plane aro all undefinad terms and aro purely montal concepts or Ideas. However, wo can use concrete objects around us to represent these Ideas, Thus, those undefined terms can only be described. Term [Figure “Description a Notation ‘A point suiggeste an xa — oa space. point A Ithaa no dimension. We. A lino Ie a sot of points arran, Itlo oxtended endlessly In both line mor directions, ap It Is a one-dimensional figure. RE Two pointe determine a line, That Is, two distinct pointe are contained by exactly one line. We use a lower caao letter or any two. points on the line to name the Iino. 4 plane is a wet of points in an ondiess flat surface. The following detormina a plane: (a) plane PAR thrao non-collinoar pointe; (b) two or Intorsocting lines; nPAR (©) wo parallel lines; of (d) a tine anda point not on the line, We uso a lower cace lotter or three polnts on tho plana to name th I Activity 4 Objects Representing the Undefined Terms. 1. These are some of the objects around us that could represent a point or o or plane, Place each object in Its corresponding column in the tablo alow, Blackboard Corner of a Intersection of a sido tip of a needio table wall and calling Laser Electric wire surface of a table Intersection of the front wall, a side wall and celling Tip of aballpen Wall Edgo of a table Paper Objects that could Objects that could Objects that could Tepresent a point tepresent a line represent a plane Il. Questions to Ponder: 4. Consider the stars In the night sky. Do they represent points? 2. Consider the moon In Its fullest form. Would you consider a full moon as a representation of a point? 3. Addot represents a point. How big area dot that represents a point and a dot that reprasents a circular region? 4, Apoint has no dimension. A line has a dimension. How come that a line composed of dimensionless points has a dimension? 5, Apencil is an object that represents a line. Does a pencil extend infinitely in both directions? Is a pencil a line? lll, Exercises 1, List down 5 other objects that could represent a. a point. b. aline. c, aplane. 2, Use the figure below, identify what is being asked, a) Namo the Polnt(s) In the interior region of the circle. b) Name the polnt(s) In the interior Fegion of the triangle. c) Name the IIne(s) in the interior region of the triangle, d) Give other name(s) for line Pp. ©) Name the plane that can be formed by the three points in the Interior of the circle, 1) Name the plane formed by line p and point |. 9) Name the points outside the circular Feglon, h) Name the points outside the region bounded by the triangle. |) Name the points of plane M. J) Give other names for plane M, C. Recall: (a) Two points determine a line. (b) Three points not on the same line determine a plane. 3 (c) Two Intersecting lines determine a plane. (d) Two parallel lines determine a plane. (8) Aline and a point not on the line determine a plane. Given: The points A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H are corners of a box shown below: Answer the following: 1. How many lines are possible which can be formed by these points? (Hint: There are more than 20.) Refer to statement (a) above, 2, What are the lines that contain the point A? (Hint: There are more than 3 lines.) 3, Identify the different planes which can be formed by these points, (Hint: There are more than six. Refer to statement (d) above. 4, What are the planes that contain line DC? 5. What are the planes that Intersect at line BF? B, Other basic geometric terms on points and lines The three undefined terms In Plane Geometry are point, line and plane, Relationships between the above objects are defined and described in the activities that follow. Mustration same line. 4 Coplanar points/lines are pointsilines on the same plane. The following activity sheet will help us develop the definitions of the other relationships. s on Lines mene Other Geometric Term! nors of a box as shown: Rofor to the figura balow: Given: The points A, B, C, D. G, Hare Sal Intersecting Lines Lines DH and DC intersectat point D. They are intersecting lines. Lines GG and GF intersect at point G. They are also intersecting lines. 4. What other lines Intersect with Ine DH? 2. What othor lines Intersect with line CG? 3. What lines intersect with EF? Parallel Lines Lines AB and DC are parallel, Lines DH and CG are parallel, 4. What other IInes are parallel to line AB? 5. What other lines are parallel to line CG? 6. What lines are parallel to line AD? How would you deserlbe parallel IInes? Concurrent Lines Lines AD, AB, and AE are concurrent at point A. Lines GH, GF, and GC are concurrent at point G. 7. Name If possible, other IInes that are concurrent at point A. 8. Name If possible, other lines that are concurrent at point G- 9. Whatlines are concurrent at point F? What do you think are concurrent lines? How would you distinguish concurrent lines from intersecting lines? RB Skew Lines Lines DH and EF are two lines which are nalther Intersecting nor parallel. These two lines do not lie on a plane and are called skew lines. Lines AE and GF are also skew lines. The linas DH, CG, HE and GF are skew to AB, 40,What other lines are skew to DH? 141,What other lines are skew to EF? 12,What lines are skew to BF? C. Subsets of Lines The line segment and the ray are some of the subsets of a line. A segment has two endpoints while a ray has only one endpoint and Is extended endlessly In one direction. The worksheets below will help you formulate the definitions of segments and rays. Activity 3 Definition of a Lina Segment ABCD os Aol6 a lino segment. Tho points A, B, C, and Dare on line segment AD. In notation, we write AD or simply AD. We can also name It as DA or DA. Ee E OH 1 v FH Is a segment. The points F, G, and H are on line segment FH. The points E, |. and J are not on line segmentFH. In notation, we write Ff, We can also name It as 77F or HF. ABCDEFGHIJSJKLMNOPQRS TU v 22000000000 0-00-0000 0-00 The points &,F,G, and J are on line segment EQ or sagment QE. The points C,0,7, and U are not on line segment EQ. Answer the following: 4, Name other points which are on line segment EQ. 2, Name other points which are not on line segment EQ. Complate tho following 6tatemente: 3. Aline segment Is part of a lino that has 4, Line sagmentEQconalats of the points _ The line ment. A line segment |s part of a line that has two endpoints. We define a line soament AD as a subset of lino A/iconsisting of the points A and 8 and all the points between them. If the line to which a line segment belongs Is given a scale vo that it turns Into the real line, then the length of the segment can be determined by getting the distance between its endpoints. 6 Activity 4 Congruent Segments 4. Determine the length of the following: a) AB= e) AC= 5 DE 9) 88 ) DG= BD= = oF njc@= 2, The following segments are congruent; ABandDE; BD andDF; ACand DG, BEand CG. 3. The following pairs of segments are not congruent: AB and CF; BD and AE; AC and BF; BG and AD, 4. Using the figure below, which segments are congruent? J KL M N 0 PQ R o—0—-t—-0—0_0_ 0-0 0-900-908-0000 7654321012345 6789 10 Define congruent segments: Congruent segments are segments Remember: Segments are congruent If they have the same length. Activity 5 Definition of a Ray A B Cc This Is ray AB, We can also name it as. ray AC. In symbol, we writedc, The points A, B, C are on ray AC. MY This is ray ZY. We can also name It as ray 2x In symbol, we writeZX. We do NOT write It as. The points X, Y, Z are on ray ZY. This is ray DE. We can also name It as ray DF or ray DG. The points D, E, F, G are on ray DE. Q R s T +—__0___0—___e__0 This Is rayTS. We can also name It as ray TR or ray TQ. The points Q, R, S, Tare on ray TS. H / J K L M +——o—__e—__o—___0—_—___o—_—_-0 This is ray ML. 1. How else can you name this ray? 2. What are the points on ray ML? N ° P Q R s T U -——_*—_+—__+-—___—__»___-__,._, The points Q, R, S, T, Uareon ray QR. The points N, O, P are not on ray QR. 3. How else can you name ray QR? : A B Cc oD E F G H I 4. What are the points on ray DE? 5, What are the points not on ray DE? 5. How else can you name ray DE? __ MNOP Q2QR s truvywyry 7. What are the points on ray QT? 8. What are the points on ray PQ? 9, What are the points on ray XU? 10. What are the points on ray SP? In general, how do you describe the points on any ray AC? The ray.A ray Is also a part of a line but has only one endpoint, and extends endlessly in one direction. We name a ray by its endpoint and one of Its points, We always start on the endpoint. The figure Is ray AB or we can also name It as ray AC. It Is not correct to name It as ray BA or ray CA. In notation, we write aR or aC. The points A, B, C are on ray AC, However, referring to another ray BC, the point A Is not on ray BG. Remember: Ray AB Is a subset of the line AB, The points of AB are the points on segment AB and all the points X such that 8 Is between A and X. a We say: ABis parallel to CD ABis parallel to CD _— | ABis parallel to CD if the lines AB and CD are par ABis parallel to CD lel D. Set operations involving line and its subsets Since the lines, segments and rays are all sets of points, we can perform set operations on these sets. Activity 6 The Unlon/Intersection of Segments and Rays Use the figure below to determine the part of the line being describe by the union or intersection of two segments, rays Or segment and ray: A B Cc Py te ld Example: Dé u GFis the set of all points on the ray DE and segment CF. Thus, all these points determine ray CD. BE n Bis the set of all points common to ray BG and ray ED. The common points are the points on the segment BE. Answer the following: A B Cc Dee, F 10 Summary t the basic terms In geometry which i u learned abou are point Teese, seamen, and ray. You also learned how to perform soy operations on segments and rays. Lesson 31: Angles a Prerequisite Concepts: Basic tarms and set operation on rays About the Lesson: ‘This lesson Is about angles and angle palrs, when two lines are cut by & transversal. and the angles formeq Objectives: ted t In this lesson, you are expected to: 6. Define erole.angle pair, and the different types of angles 7. Classify anglesaccording to thelr measures 8. Solve problems Involving angles. Lesson Proper We focus the discussion on performing set operations on rays. The worksheet below will help us formulate a definition of an angle. A. Definition of Angle 1. Activity Activity 7 Definition of an Anglia The following are angles: NAN Lt > UD The following are not angles: bo NN, Which of these aro angles? ’ @W transversal & so that it forms a 50° angle se your protra clor to find the measures of the angles marked with letters. 2D=___ 4H= 26 = ZF = a= 4b=_ 4= “M=__ 2k =_ 2N=__ Compare the measures of all the: a) corresponding angles b) alternate Interior angles c) alternate exterior angles. What do you observe? Complete the statements below: When two parallel lines are cut by a transversal, then a) The corresponding angles are 5 b) The alternate interlor angles are : ¢) The alternate exterlor angles are A Ill, — Questions to ponder: Use the figure below to answer the following questions: 4. Iflines x and yare parallel and z Is a transversal, what can you say about a) any palr of angles that are boxed? b) oneboxed and one unboxed angle? 2. If 24 = (20 —2m)°and 2D = (m — 130)°, what is the value of m? z a 2B A aC /\2D ZE\/ ZF 46/l2H ac Remember; When two parallel lines are cut by a transversal as shown, the boxed angles are congruent. Also, corresponding angles are congruent, alternate interior angles are congruent and alternate exterior angles are congruent. Moreover, linear pairs are supplementary, Interior anglés on the same side of the transversal are supplementary, and exterjor angles on the same side of the transversal are supplementary, 18 Te angles marked wi 1{ Determine the measures of the ul | Exercise roads ara parallel. (Note: Figures are not drawn to scala," {hg with arrowh 3. q 112 1 J ‘ 6, , ; 83 70° 125 s . 4 8, 109 92° x 8. 10, 130 . 33 a c Summary: In this les a given measure, 2207 YOu learned about angles, constructing angles wl" ring a given angle; types of angles and angle Pal Lesson 32: Basic Constructions About the Lesson: This lesson Is about geometric constructions using only a compass and stralghtedge. Objectives: In this lesson, you are expected to: 9, Perform basic constructions In geometry involving segments, midpoints, angles and angle blsectors 10.Sketch an equilateral triangle accurately. Lesson Proper Using only the compass and straightedge, we can perform the basic constructions In geometry. We use a straightedge to construct a line, ray, or segment when two points are given. The marks indicated In the ruler may not be used for measurement. We use a compass to construct an arc (part of a circle) or a circle, given a center point and a radius length. Construction 1.To construct a segment congruent to a given segment Given; Line segment AB; Construct: Line segment. BR to AB. Use the straightedge =p, compass si a tine and opening to match Mark on the line the point Y i cote a point X on the length of 4B, with distance AB from X, Construction 2,To construct an angle congruent to a given angle, Given: 2A A 20 Construct: ZW congruent to ZA Draw a circular arc (part q z circle) with center at 4 ang cutting the sides of 24 at points Band C, Fespectively, Draw a ray with Draw a similar arc using centerW and radius AB, Set the compass opening to length BC intersecting the ray at X, Using X as center and BC as Draw ray WY to complete 2W radius, draw an arc congruent to 2A. intersecting the first arc at Construction 3.To construct the bisector of a given angle. The bisectorof an angle Is the ray through the vertex and Interlor ¢ the angle which divides the angle Into two angles of equal measure Locate points 8 and C one on each elde of 2A g0 that AB = B= AC. This can be done by drawing an are of a circle with canter at A. A Construct: Ras Cone AX such that X Is in the interior of 2BAC 21 and 2BAX * Then using B as c center and an} enter, Le aa _ construct an arc of the Ray AX Is the es ae PrEChaan ei with the same bisector of 2BAC. thal : radius rand cle In the arc ofa ah intersecting the arc in inter! 7 the preceding step at point X. the midpointof a line segment Is the point on the line segment that divides it into two equal parts, This means that the midpoint of the segment AB Is the point C on AB such that AC = CB. The perpendicular bisector of a line segment Is the line perpendicular to the line segment at Its midpoint. You will learn and prove In your later geometry lessons that the perpendicular bisector of a segment is exactly the set of all points equidistant (with the same distance) from the two endpoints of the segment. This property Is the principle behind the construction we are about to do. Construction 5.To construct the midpoint and perpendicular bisector of a segment. Given: Segment AB AB Construct: The midpoint C of ABand the perpendicular bisector of AB. ‘As stated above, the Idea in the construction of the perpendicular bisector is to locate two points which are equidistant from A and B. Since there Is only one line passing through any two given points, the perpendicular blsector can be drawn from these two equidistant points. Ui , ae ene ind Using centerB and radius Line PQis the wie fa are r,draw arcs crossing the perpendicular bisector of Ma two previously drawn AB and the Intersection draw two arcs arcs at points Pand Q. of PQ with AB is the on both sides of AB, midpoint of AB, 99 endicular to a given jj Construction 6.To constructs the perp g ne troup, given point on the line. Given: Line @ and point Pon ¢ — Construct: Line through P perpendicular to ¢ The perpendicular bisector of XY is the perpendicular to ? that passes through P, Using centerP and any Can you see why? radlus, locate two points, Xand Y, on the circle which are on ¢. Construction 7. To construct the perpendicular to a given line through a given point not on the line Given; Line and point P which Is not on £. Construct: Line through P perpendicular to 2. The technique used in Construction 6 will be utilized, Using Pas center draw arcs of circle with blg enough radius to cross the The perpendicular bzeeo’ line €. Mark on 2 the two points (x aesea rode one ee and Vicrossed by the circle, been! 23 Construction 8 To Construct a line parallel to a given line and though a point not on thegiven line Given: line £ and point P not on 2, Constru¢: Line through P parallel to 2, From P, draw theperpendicularmto Through P, draw the perpendicular t. i tom (Construction 6), Why isn parallel to 2? Il. Exercises ‘ Draw AABC such that AB = 6 cm, BC = 8 cm and AC=7 cm long. Use a rulerfor this. Do thefollowing constructions using AABC, + Bisectthe side BC, . Bisectthe interior 2B, , Constrict the‘altitude from vertex C, (The perpendicular from Cto 7B.) - Construct a line through B which is parallel to side AC. . Construct an equilateral triangle PQR so that PR and the altitude from vertex C have equal lengths, (PO ty * 6, Congruent angle construction can be used to do the parallel line * + construction:(Construction 8) Instead of Perpendicular construction, “1, How can this be done? What result are we applying In the parallel line construction?. V.Summary In this lesson, basic geometric constructlons were discussed, ASSESSMENT: - Inaone whole white sheet of paper answer the following, DRECTION: MULTIPLE CHOICE: Read each problem carefully, Write the letter ' correct answer on the space provided before each Item. >. A branch of Mathematics that treats of space and Its relations, especially showr the Properties and measurement of points, lines, angles, surfaces and solids, A. Algebra B, Geometry ©, Statistics D. Probability —~ Which of the following is considered as the undefined terms in geometry? A. points, angles, line B. line, plane, side Plane, angles, line D. polnt, line, plane aa ASSESSMENT: naone whole white sheet of paper answer the following, DIRECTION: MULTIPLE CHOICE: Read each problem carefully. Write the letter the correct answer on the space provided before each Item. —!.Abranch of Mathematics that treats of space and its relations, especially showr ‘he properties and measurement of points, lines, angles, surfaces and solids, - Algebra B. Geometry C, Statistics D. Probability —~ Which of the following is considered as the undefined terms in geometry? A. points, angles, line B. line, plane, side - Plane, angles, line D. point, line, plane ica, It has no size and No Gimension, C. plane D. anglas 4. It suggests an exact focation In spat B. It Is extended endlessly In both rections tl A. point } line A It isa sot of points arranged In a row. is a one-dimensional figure. C, plane D. anglas A. point B. line 6 flat surface. 5. i‘ e re of points a fee oe ae — ict and have a common point, : Heats ao! parallel lines C. intersecting lines. D, concurrent lines 7. What Is the unit of measurement used In angles? A. centimeter B, degree C, meter D. gram 8. The device used to measure angles. A. ruler B. welghing scale C. protractor D. thermometer 8. The symbol denotes an angle. A i . Cw Dut 10. Which of the following Is a degree measurement of an acute angle? AAS . a . 11, Angle measures more than 90° but less than 180°. A. acute B. right C, obtuse D. reflex ——12. An angle whose measure is between 180° and 360°, A. acute B, right C, obtusa D. reflex 13, Two angles with the sum of thelr measures Is 90°, ‘A adjacent B, complementary —_C, supplementary D. vertical 14, Two angles with the sum of thelr measures is 180°, A. adjacent B. complementary —_C, supplementary D. vertical Given the lines x and y In the figure below. The line z is a transversal of the two lines, ea ¥ Determine the kinds of angles of the following: 18. 2A,2B,26,2H A. interior angles B. exterior angle C. alternate interior angles eee se, 2Sitternat ng D. alternate oxterior anglos A. interior angles B. extorior ar Nc C. alternate interior angio fr a7, caSpalamate interior ang D. alternate oxterior anglos A. Interior angles B. oxterio ; Fa C. alternate Interior anglos D. alternate eater angle 48, 2D and 2E,2C and oF —_ A. Interior angles 8. C, alternate interior anglos Di alternate onteror angh 18. 2A and 2E,2C and 4G,2D and ¢H,2B and 2H eek [aire pepe angles B. oxtorlor angles . Intorior angles: D. altornat 20. WRITE DOWN YOUR SECTION AND NAME, OF YOUR Mtitemarics 7 TEACHER 25 aera pownnx ze ow reine sagen uve ro ann raves pone, wd Pett node Scat, rotate h. 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Fepresents point, line and lane using concrete and petals! models, MTGE Aasrates aubsats of tne, MTGtAle? ‘lanes the ditterant Hinds of angle, MMTGta Derives relationships of Geometric figures using rmaniaremants ad by ‘Inductive reasoning; -wopplementary angles, complementary angles, tongruant angles, vertical angles aacnt ng, lina eae arcane arahighschoot.com GUEVARA HIGH SCHOOL From tha Laaring Materials in Mathematics? Review (On your ACTIVITY/LECTURE NOTEBOOK IN MATHEMATICS Wb Deine Geometry. 2 Lesson Proper ‘On your ACTIVITY/LECTURE NOTEBOOK. ‘Copy Latin Proper: Introduction to Undefined Ter 9g. Copy Other Basle Geometve Terms en pelats and iat pf 4-8 Copy Subnet of ines pp. 6 I. ‘> hoswarina WHITE PAD PAPE th [Atty tp.) (Act 2p.) (Achy 87-8) lactam 1: ALES 1. Preguueument ‘On your ACTIVITY/LECTURE NOTEBOOK Pudge, eb ety ean pal ag 2. LesspaProoee ‘Onyour ACTWETY/LECTURE NOTEBOOK Copy gle 4.12 Copy Dlwwons pg. 1418 ‘Copy Discussion pg, 16-17 > painters Anuwa la WHITE PAO PAPER the (Activity & py 3) (Exercise 10 p18) (Exercs 1 p17 Personal submiasion by the parent to the teacherin school/astigne inthe barangay covered court, rept pet ow and thane ung coer and pir edt crete masyatessubute of ie, rotted Canes te ter nds of ange. Mote Darwen elation of fromet fires ng rmeniurementu and by Induct rensonng: supplementary ange, complementary angie, eongrvent ange, vertical angi, adacent anges, near pi, perpendice oe and paral ines, IGE Decvs relationships among ale formed by panlalfneseut by ranevera ung memeenest rte sera compass and ens perpendicular and paras wrt o on smrihtege te bier Bow segments and aries and From the Laurning Materials a Matheratin 7 Sunctt=Lentnn 20: BAN CONCEPTS AND TERME IN GLOMETRY i. Review ‘On your ACTIVITY[ECTURE NOTEBOOK IN MATHEMATICS 1m Defi Geometry. (On your ACTIVITY/LECTURE NOTEBOOK ‘Copy Leton Proper: Itroducton ta Undefined Terms pt. 4 Copy Other Bl Georetic Terra en plots ard ines pg. 8 Copy Sube i. = arawear ina WHITE PAD PAPER the (Athy 3 pg. 34) (Acthty 2 pa 8) (Aethy 8.7.8) i. ‘On your ACTIVTYPLECTURE NOTEBOOK: mb Define Angles, > Identity the atarent types of angles 2. ‘bemoa Proper (nye ACTVTYAECTUNE NOTEBOOKT Cop Arlee. 12. Copy Ocuon pg. 1418 Sk cenvoteven utes? > patent Anger nn WHITE PAD PAPER the (Activty pe. 13) (Ceacv 0 pg. 1) (xara 44 pe 17-19) jn your ACTIVITY LECTURE NOTEBOOK Define he folowing ice ofan Ane, bdooint Perendiua Buector, Laudtant sea thue defiders on page 21-22, gators Answer na WHITE PAD PAPER the Exercises Il pg. 24 and by laduetvreeonig. | oN AWHITE SHEET PAD OF PAPER DON'T FORGET TO ANSWER THE ASSESSMENT FQUNDIN PAGE 24=26, onsnaeeis {ACCOUNT Madelyn Deon ante Que ny76r9T8 FRACCOUNT: Edo Baten Personal submission b the parent to the teacher t sthool/aign dinthe baranany covered cour Persona! swhmisiendy the carantzet! taacher in school asiene: Inthe barons covered cour.

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