Eapp Q2 Reviewer

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5. Appeal to Force - occurs when a threat, instead of

Manifesto - a document publicly declaring the position
reasoning is used to argue.
or program of its issuer. It advances a set of ideas,
opinions, or views but it can also lay out a plan of action. - If you do not admit that evolution is not real, we will
isolate you from the group.
Arguments - reasons or the reasoning given for or
against a matter under discussion — compare evidence, 6. Appeal to Pity - occurs when the element of pity is
proof used instead of logical reasoning
MAJOR CATEGORIES OF MANIFESTO - Please do not fire me for being absent all month; I have
a sick mother and a special child to support.
1. Goal – what one intends to have happened.
7. Appeal to Consequences - occurs when unpleasant
2. List and Rules - items to be achieved or tasks to be
consequences of believing something are pointed out to
show that the belief is false
3. World - aims to create a new world. It’s not about
- You can’t believe that colonialism is bad, because if it
simple rules, instead, it presents a vision for the future.
were, then we would not be civilized.

8. Bandwagon - occurs when an argument is

considered to be valid because it is what the majority

- Most Filipinas want to have fair skin because they think

they look beautiful. Therefore, having fair skin must be
the real standard of beauty.

9. Attacking the Person - occurs when someone tries

Logical fallacies - errors in reasoning that invalidate an
to refute an argument by attacking the character of a
person instead of attacking the ideas of the argument

- I cannot accept your argument because, unlike me, you

TYPES OF FALLACY were not educated at Harvard University.

1. False Dilemma - occurs when an arguer presents 10. Appeal to Authority - occurs when the argument
his/her argument as one of only two options despite the quotes an expert who’s not qualified in the particular
presence of multiple possibilities. subject matter

- Either you fully devote yourself to company or you quit. - Bill Gates, the co-founder of Microsoft, recommends
the effective fabric softening properties of Downy fabric
2. Appeal to Ignorance - occurs when something is softener.
instantly concluded to be true just because it is not
proven to be false, and vice versa. 11. Anonymous Authority - the authority in question is
not mentioned or named
- The writer does not talk about the connection between
the victim’s killer and his sister, so there must be none. - Experts claim that eating peanuts causes pimples.

3. Slippery Slope - occurs when a series of increasingly 12. Hasty Generalization - occurs when a sample is not
superficial and unacceptable consequences is drawn. significant enough to support a generalization about a
- If we ban computer shops, then students will not be
able to do research. And if they do not have tools for - Martha, the foreigner from France is very impolite.
research, these students will fail their subjects. French people are mean and rude.

4. Complex Question - occurs when two or more points 13. False Analogy - occurs when a writer assumes that
are rolled into one and the reader is expected to accept two concepts that are similar in some ways are also
or reject both at the same time, when one point may be
similar in other ways
satisfactory while the other is not
- Drugs are like massages: they make you feel good.
- “Have you stopped cheating on exams?”
14. Accident- occurs when a general rule is applied to a
situation, even when it should be an exception
- Jaywalking is not allowed, so you should not have done Position paper - presents the writer’s stand or viewpoint
that even when you were being chased by terrorists. on a particular issue.

15. Post Hoc - it is an informal fallacy that states: “Since

event A followed event B, event A must have been
caused by event B.”

- Dina saw cat when they went home. Along the way,
they crashed into a tree. The black cat must be the
reason why they met an accident.

16. Wrong Direction - occurs when the direction

between cause and effect is reversed

- Liver damage leads to alcoholism.

17. Complex Cause - occurs when the explanation for

an event is reduced to one thing when there are other
factors which also contributed to the event

- We were not able to solve the problem because of

limited time, even if all the other groups were able to do Diction - refers to the choice of words for the expression
so. of ideas; the construction, disposition, and application of
18. Irrelevant Conclusion - occurs when an argument words in your essay, with regard to clearness, accuracy,
variety, etc.; mode of expression; and language.
which is supposed to prove something concludes
something else instead Paragraph - is a means of developing and framing an
idea or impression.
- We must support the fight for gender equality between
men and women. Women have suffered enough Transitions - provide the reader with directions for how
violence at home. Violence against women must be to piece together your ideas into a logically coherent
stopped. argument. They are words with particular meanings that
tell the reader to think and react in a particular way to
19. Straw Man - occurs when the position of the
your ideas.
opposition is twisted so that it is easier to refute
Plagiarism - is a form of stealing; as with other offenses
- Opponent: We should relax the law governing the
against the law, ignorance is no excuse.
allowed smoking areas in the city.
Reports - communicate information which has been
Fallacy: We should not do so, because the number of
compiled as a result of research and analysis of data
smokers might increase.
and of issues.
20. Affirming the Consequent – any argument of the
form: If A is true then B is true; If B is true therefore A is
- If you are drinking wine, you have a problem. 1. Technical and business - disciplines with an applied
Therefore, if you have a problem, you are drinking wine. focus such as Engineering, Information Technology,
Commerce, Accounting and Finance, will set report
21. Denying the Antecedent - any argument of the
writing assignments that simulate the process of report
form: If A is true then B id true; If A is not true then B is
writing in industry.
not true
Technical writing is form of writing technical
- If you are drinking wine, you have a problem.
communication or documentation in science and
Therefore, if you are not drinking wine, you do not have
technology or applied science that helps people
a problem.
understand a product or service.
22. Inconsistency - occurs when arguments contradict
2. Field reports - are common in disciplines such as
one another
Law, Industrial Relations, Psychology, Nursing, History
- Frank is older than Jake, Jake is older than Noli and and Education.These types of reports require the
Noli is older than Frank. student to analyze his or her observations of phenomena
or events in the real world in light of theories studied in
the course.
2. Avoid leading questions.

3. Scientific reports - are another kind of report. They 3. Appropriately Open-Ended and Closed-Ended
are common in all the Sciences and Social Sciences. Questions.
These reports use a standard scientific report format
describing methods, results and conclusions to report Use open-ended questions when responses need to be
upon an empirical investigation. elaborated by the respondents for exhaustive and
comprehensive data gathering.

Closed-Ended questions are popular because they

DATA GATHERING METHODS provide greater uniformity or responses and are easily
processed compared to open-ended questions.
1. Note taking - the most common and easiest method
of recording your observations. 4. Questions must be non-threatening and attempt to
evoke the truth
2. Photographs - can help capture an important
moment in time as well as document details about the 5. Question Clarity
space where your observation takes place.
6. Don’t use double-barrelled questions
3. Video or audio recording your observations has the
positive effect of giving you an unfiltered record of the 7. Clearly define the response scale dimension or
observation event. continuum.

4. Illustrations - refers to the possible need, for 8. Minimize presuppositions

example, to draw a map of the observation setting or
illustrating objects in relation to people's behavior.

The different parts of the research report include the 1. Open-Ended

Best Used for:
1. Introductory Phase
- Breaking the ice in an interview
2. Review of Literature
- When respondent’s own words are important
3. Research Methodology
- When the researcher does not know all the possible
4. Body of the Report answers

5. Conclusion 2. Closed-Ended

6. Recommendation Best Used for:

- Collecting rank ordered data

- When all response choices are known

- When quantitative statistical tool results are desired

Other forms closed-ended questions:

a. Likert-Scale

Best Used for:

- Assessing a person’s opinion and feelings about


b. Multiple Choice

Best Used for:

- When there are finite number of options


1. Write short and simple questions

c. Rating Scales

Best Used for:

- Rate things in relation to other things

d. Ranking Questions

Best Used for:

- Ordering answer choices by way of preference.


1. Adapt a general organizational pattern that

complements a survey’s research objectives. Two
general patterns:

Funnel pattern – begins with broad questions followed

by progressively narrower or more specific ones

Inverted pattern – narrowly focused questions are

followed by more general ones.

2. Topically related questions should be grouped

together. A researcher should group together questions
pertinent to a single topic then move to another topic. It
is easier for the answer questions this way.

3. Easy-to-answer questions should be placed first. Easy

questions serve as motivation.

4. Questions should be ordered to avoid establishing a

response bias.

Response Bias – a tendency of a respondent to answer

all closed-questions the same way regardless of content.



1. Find 5 to 10 people from your target group

2. Ask them to complete the survey while thinking out


3. Observe how they complete the survey.

4. Make improvements based on the results.

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