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Infiltrative Cardiomyopathies

David Bejar, Paolo C. Colombo, Farhana Latif and Melana Yuzefpolskaya

Division of Cardiology, Columbia University Medical Center, New York, NY, USA.

Supplementary Issue: Heart Failure: An Exploration of Recent Advances in Research and Treatment (A)

Abstract: Infiltrative cardiomyopathies can result from a wide spectrum of both inherited and acquired conditions with varying systemic manifesta-
tions. They portend an adverse prognosis, with only a few exceptions (ie, glycogen storage disease), where early diagnosis can result in potentially curative
treatment. The extent of cardiac abnormalities varies based on the degree of infiltration and results in increased ventricular wall thickness, chamber dilata-
tion, and disruption of the conduction system. These changes often lead to the development of heart failure, atrioventricular (AV) block, and ventricular
arrhythmia. Because these diseases are relatively rare, a high degree of clinical suspicion is important for diagnosis. Electrocardiography and echocardiog-
raphy are helpful, but advanced techniques including cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR) and nuclear imaging are increasingly preferred. Treatment is
dependent on the etiology and extent of the disease and involves medications, device therapy, and, in some cases, organ transplantation. Cardiac amyloid is
the archetype of the infiltrative cardiomyopathies and is discussed in great detail in this review.

keywords: Infiltrative cardiomyopathy, amyloidosis, sarcoidosis, hemochromatosis

SUPpLEMENT: Heart Failure: An Exploration of Recent Advances in Research and Copyright: © the authors, publisher and licensee Libertas Academica Limited. This is
Treatment (A) an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons CC-BY-NC
3.0 License.
Citation: Bejar et al. Infiltrative Cardiomyopathies. Clinical Medicine Insights:
Cardiology 2015:9(S2) 29–38 doi: 10.4137/CMC.S19706.  aper subject to independent expert blind peer review by minimum of two reviewers. All
editorial decisions made by independent academic editor. Upon submission manuscript
Received: November 25, 2014. ReSubmitted: March 05, 2015. Accepted for was subject to anti-plagiarism scanning. Prior to publication all authors have given signed
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Funding: Authors disclose no funding sources. copyright requirements of third parties. This journal is a member of the Committee on
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Competing Interests: Authors disclose no potential conflicts of interest.
Published by Libertas Academica. Learn more about this journal.

Introduction oxidative stress, mechanical disruption, and tissue damage.1,2

The infiltrative cardiomyopathies are a diverse group of cardiac The most common types of amyloidosis, defined by their
diseases that are characterized by the deposition of abnormal precursor proteins, are primary Amyloid Light chain (AL),
substances within the heart tissue that causes the ventricular hereditary transthyretin-derived (ATTR), senile systemic
walls to develop either diastolic dysfunction or, less commonly (SSA), secondary (AA) amyloidosis. Cardiac involvement is
and more of a late presentation of the disease, systolic dys- common and is a major source of associated morbidity and
function. A high degree of clinical suspicion is key to making mortality with amyloidosis.3 In fact, numerous studies have
the diagnosis, and confirmatory evidence is often obtained via shown that patients with elevated cardiac biomarkers such as
endomyocardial biopsy, echocardiography, and cardiac mag- troponin and brain natriuretic peptide levels have decreased
netic resonance (CMR). survival as compared to patients without.4,5
Herein, we provide a systematic review of the pathogene- AL amyloidosis is the most aggressive form and is caused
sis, clinical presentation, diagnosis, evaluation, and treatment by the deposition of immunoglobulin light chains second-
of these diseases, focusing primarily on cardiac amyloidosis, ary to an underlying plasma cell dyscrasia. Cardiac involve-
sarcoidosis, and hemochromatosis. We then offer a brief over- ment occurs in about 50% of cases and has a major prognostic
view of less common, although still important, etiologies such implication: whereas patients without cardiac involvement
as Fabry disease, Dannon disease, and Friedreich’s ataxia. Key have a median survival upwards of 2 years, though with car-
clinical, epidemiologic, diagnostic, and therapeutic interven- diac involvement have a median survival as low as 4 months.4
tions are summarized in Table 1. ATTR amyloidosis, on the other hand, is an autosomal domi-
nant condition that classically manifests in the sixth decade
Cardiac Amyloidosis of life and is caused by more than 80 known pathogenic
Amyloidosis is a nonspecific term for a group of disorders char- mutations in the sequence encoding the protein transthyretin
acterized by the multisystem deposition of insoluble fibrillary (TTR).6 In its mutant, destabilized state, hepatically synthe-
proteins known as amyloid fibrils. Numerous forms exist, yet tized TTR deposits in the peripheral nervous system and myo-
they all share a common molecular pathophysiology: culprit cardium, causing neuropathy and cardiomyopathy. The most
proteins misfold into β-pleated sheets stacked antiparallel to common cause of ATTR is the mutation Val122Ile (valine
one another that are resistant to proteolysis and lead to local to isoleucine substitution at position 122). This mutation

Clinical Medicine Insights: Cardiology 2015:9(S2) 29

Table 1. Common types of infiltrative cardiomyopathies.

Condition Epidemiology Pathology ECG Echocardiogram CMR Treatment
Bejar et al

Cardiac amyloidosis 6th or 7th decade Extracellular Low-voltage QRS; LV and RV hypertrophy; Global LGE (Also AL: chemotherapy
acquired (AL, SSA) amyloid fibrils pseudoinfarction; granular speckled consider radionuclide (CyBordD); TTR:
or inherited (ATTR) AV block myocardium; restricted scanning) difflunisal/tafamidis; ±
basal longitudinal strain heart-liver transplant
Cardiac Sarcoidosis 3rd or 4th decade; Noncaseating High-grade AV Septal thinning/ Pathy LGE, Corticosteroids,
African Americans, granulomas block thickening; noncoronary predominantly LV free PPM/ICD; ± cardiac
northern Europeans, surrounded by segmental wall motion wall and basal septum transplant
Japanese; female.male fibrosis abnormalities (Also consider
Hemochromatosis/IOC 4th or 5th decade; Intracellular iron Nonspecific Diastolic disease Shortened T2* time Phlebotomy; chelation
inherited (primary, HFE repolarization global systolic
mutation) or acquired abnormalities dysfunction
Fabry Disease 2nd through 5th decade Perinuclear Increased voltage Concentric LV LGE of the basal Enzyme replacement
X1 linked error of vacuoles and QRS hypertrophy segments of the
glycosphingolipid myocardial fibrosis anterolateral and
metabolism inferolateral walls
Danon Disease 2nd or 3rd decade; Myocyte hypertrophy Increased voltage Massive LV hypertrophy Sunbendocardial LGE Supportive
inherited (LAMP2 with vacuolization QRS; short PR with with possible outflow tract sparing the septum
deficiency) delta wave obstruction
Friedreich’s Ataxia 2nd and 3rd decade; Nonspecific myocyte Nonspecific Increased septal Not used Supportive

Clinical Medicine Insights: Cardiology 2015:9(S2)

inherited (frataxin hypertrophy and repolarization thickness
mutation) fibrosis abnormalities

Abbreviations: CMR, cardiac magnetic resonance; ECG, electrocardiography; IOC, iron overload cardiomyopathy; LGE, late gadolinium enhancement; LV, left ventricle; RV, right ventricle.
Infiltrative cardiomyopathies

is present in 3–4% of African-Americans though its true localized sensory changes. Bowel and bladder dysfunction can
prevalence is underestimated given its frequent misdiagnosis be because of autonomic nervous system involvement. Occa-
as hypertensive cardiomyopathy.7 Conversely, SSA amyloi­ sionally, amyloid deposits in the brain can lead to dementia
dosis or wt-ATTR is mainly an age-related disorder, although with sporadic or familial Alzheimer disease as well as cere-
it can occur at a younger age, which results from the deposi- bral amyloid angiopathy resulting in cortical and subcortical
tion of the wild-type TTR protein that forms amyloid fibrils. intracranial bleeding.19
The pathogenesis is poorly understood and is thought to The principal manifestation of amyloid cardiomyopathy
involve posttranslational alterations in normally transcribed is clinical heart failure that may or may not be concomitant
TTR or its chaperone proteins.8 Similar to Val122Ile-ATTR, with other symptoms of systemic amyloidosis. While dyspnea
SSA manifests mainly beyond the sixth decade of life and has and exercise intolerance occur, pulmonary edema is rare and
a more indolent course than AL amyloidosis, with a median symptoms of right-sided heart failure predominate, including
survival of 4–6 years following diagnosis.2,9 Cardiac involve- lower extremity edema, hepatomegaly, and ascites.20 Patients
ment in secondary (or AA) amyloidosis, typically a result of may present with an acute coronary syndrome-like picture
chronic inflammatory conditions, is rare and occurs in less with angina and elevated troponin levels despite the absence
than 5% of cases.10 of obstructive coronary disease on coronary angiography.11,21,22
Pathogenesis. The extracellular deposition of amyloid Syncope and presyncope can also occur and are multifacto-
fibrils within the heart leads to abnormalities in three pro- rial in origin, arising from autonomic dysfunction, increased
cesses vital to normal cardiac function: contractility, conduc- sensitivity to intravascular fluid depletion in the setting of
tion, and coronary blood flow. Amyloid accumulation causes restrictive physiology, and rarely ventricular arrhythmias.23
the myocardial wall to thicken and become firm, rubbery, and Other possible advanced manifestations include high-grade
noncompliant.11 As a result, intracardiac pressures rise and conduction disease requiring pacemaker implantation, 24 car-
progressive biventricular diastolic dysfunction ensues.12,13 As diac tamponade from pericardial involvement, 25 and systemic
the disease progresses, cumulative myocyte damage and local thromboembolism from atrial thrombi both in the presence
fibrosis can give rise to systolic dysfunction, though this is typi­ or absence of atrial fibrillation (to which patients with cardiac
cally seen in very advanced disease. Involvement of the sino­ amyloidosis are predisposed).26
atrial node, atrioventricular (AV) node, and bundle branches Diagnosis and evaluation. The workup and diagnosis of
can manifest as various degrees of heart block and complex amyloid cardiomyopathy can be challenging and can involve
ventricular arrhythmias can also be seen.14 Involvement of the numerous healthcare professionals from different specialties.
distal coronary microvasculature can result in diffuse pockets Electrocardiography. The typical electrocardiographic
of myocardial ischemia that further contribute to myocardial findings in cardiac amyloidosis reflect displacement of myo-
dysfunction.15 While rare, obstructive intramural coronary cardium with amyloid deposits and direct involvement of
amyloidosis can even result in acute myocardial infarction.16 the electrical conduction system. Low-voltage QRS is seen
Clinical presentation. Amyloidosis has varied extra- in 50% of cases of AL amyloidosis, and the combination of
cardiac manifestations affecting multiple organ systems, includ- low-voltage QRS and left ventricular (LV) hypertrophy on
ing the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, liver, and neurological echocardiogram is suggestive of cardiac amyloid. 27 A pseudo-
system. infarct pattern (poor R-wave progression or QS waves) in the
Gastrointestinal disease in amyloidosis results from either precordial leads is also present in about 50% of cases.27 Less
mucosal infiltration or neuromuscular infiltration. In addi- common findings include first-degree AV block (21%), non-
tion, an extrinsic autonomic neuropathy may also affect gut specific intraventricular conduction delay (16%), second- or
function. The distribution of clinically apparent gastrointesti- third-degree AV block (3%), atrial fibrillation or flutter (20%),
nal involvement varies with the type of amyloidosis. Patients and ventricular tachycardia (5%).27
usually present with one of the four syndromes: malabsorp- Echocardiography. The classic two-dimensional echocar-
tion, gastrointestinal bleeding, chronic gastrointestinal dys- diographic findings of amyloid cardiomyopathy include
motility, and protein losing enteropathy.17 Renal involvement increased LV and right ventricular (RV) wall thickness, nor-
most often presents as nephrotic syndrome or asymptomatic mal or small LV cavity size with preserved ejection fraction,
proteinuria. However, primary deposition can be limited to and biatrial enlargement.28 The absence of ventricular wall
the blood vessels or tubules; such patients present with renal thickness does not exclude the disorder, however, as up to
failure with little or no proteinuria.18 End-stage renal disease one-third of cases can present with normal LV wall size.29
is the cause of death in a minority of patients. Neurologic Concomitant valvular and papillary muscle thickening and
involvements are quite common and may affect peripheral and small-to-moderate pericardial effusions are also common.
autonomic nervous system or central nervous system. Symp- While nonspecific, a granular, speckled appearance of the ven-
toms of numbness, paresthesia, and pain are often present- tricular myocardium in the presence of other typical findings
ing complaints. Compression of peripheral nerves, especially is suggestive of cardiac amyloidosis.30 Progressively worsening
the median nerve within the carpal tunnel, can cause more diastolic dysfunction toward a restrictive pattern as measured

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Bejar et al

by Doppler echocardiography is a hallmark of the disease an increased risk of toxicity.42,43 The role of implantable
and can be used to monitor disease progression.13 More novel cardioverter-defibrillators (ICDs) in the primary prevention
echocardiographic parameters that detect early signs of sys- of sudden cardiac death (SCD) remains unclear. While SCD
tolic dysfunction, such as regional strain and strain rate imag- in cardiac amyloid patients is typically attributed to electro-
ing, have been recently studied in patients with AL amyloid mechanical dissociation rather than sustained ventricular
and have been associated with outcomes. It has been shown arrhythmia,42 newer observational evidence points to a poten-
that restricted basal longitudinal strain using tissue Doppler tial beneficial role of ICDs for primary prevention of SCD in
analysis is a helpful diagnostic echocardiographic finding that, these patients.44
when present, is associated with poor suvival.31,32 Until recently, the treatment of AL amyloidosis result-
Cardiac magnetic resonance. CMR can prove useful in the ing from a clonal proliferation of plasma cells involved the use
evaluation of amyloid cardiomyopathy, particularly in the early of a melphalan-based cytotoxic chemotherapy regimen with
stages of the disease when myocardial thickening is absent or or without autologous stem cell transplantation.45 However,
when echocardiography cannot distinguish from hypertensive more recent studies have demonstrated high rates of near
cardiomyopathy. The classic finding on CMR is a unique pat- complete clonal responses with bortezomib-based regimens
tern of global transmural or subendocardial late gadolinium (ie, CyBorD) that are now considered to be the preferred
enhancement (LGE).33 treatment option.46 Cardiac transplantation is a rare but viable
Radionuclide imaging. Recent studies have shown that option in patients with AL amyloidosis with isolated cardiac
the radiotracer 99mTc-DPD very sensitively localizes to TTR disease that makes them poor candidates for neoadjuvant che-
cardiac amyloid deposits and can readily distinguish between motherapy. When cardiac transplantation is followed by adju-
the AL and TTR forms of the disease.34 While 99mTc-DPD vant chemotherapy and stem cell transplantation, these patients
is not currently available in the US, similar findings have can have sustained cardiac and hematologic responses.47
been reported using the FDA-approved radiotracer 99mTc- In ATTR amyloidosis, hepatically synthesized mutant
PYP using Single photon emission computed tomography TTR misfolds into pathogenic amyloid fibrils. Accordingly,
(SPECT) imaging.35 With further studies, nuclear scinti­ liver transplantation is potentially curative in this condition,
graphy may prove to be a vital part of the diagnostic algorithm though only if performed on patients without existing cardiac
for cardiac amyloidosis. involvement. This is because a proportion of patients with exist-
Tissue diagnosis. Endomyocardial biopsy remains the gold ing amyloid cardiomyopathy at the time of liver transplantation
standard for the diagnosis of cardiac amyloidosis with a sensi- will continue to show progressive restrictive cardiomyopathy
tivity of virtually 100%.36,37 If typical cardiac features are seen because of wild-type TTR deposition similar to that seen in
on noninvastive tests (ie, ECG, echocardiogram, and CMR), SSA amyloidosis.48 In selected patients, combined heart and
however, a noncardiac tissue sample staining positive for amy- liver transplantation is possible though is rarely performed.49,50
loid is sufficient to infer the diagnosis of amyloid cardiomyo- A number of pharmacotherapies designed to reduce, sta-
pathy.38 Fine-needle aspiration of the abdominal fat pad is the bilize, or silence TTR activity or production have been dis-
safest method for obtaining tissue diagnosis and is positive for covered or are under active investigation. The nonsteroidal
amyloid deposition in over 70% of patients with AL amyloi- anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) diflunisal and its non-
dosis.39 Less common sites include the rectum and kidney. If NSAID analog tafamidis have garnered the most attention.
AL amyloidosis is suspected, a bone marrow biopsy should be By tightening TTR tetramer associations, these agents inhibit
performed to evaluate the underlying plasma cell dyscrasia, as the monomeration of TTR that is necessary for amyloid for-
should tests for serum and urine protein electrophoresis with mation. Both agents have been shown in phase III trials of
immunofixation and serum free light chains. patients with ATTR amyloidosis to reduce the rate of pro-
Treatment. The treatment of cardiac amyloidosis involves gression of neurologic endpoints,51,52 though trials specifically
the management of heart failure that results from restric- assessing their efficacy in amyloid cardiomyopathy are still
tive cardiomyopathy and therapy that targets the underlying pending. Other novel agents, such as small interfering RNAs,53
protein disorder. Euvolemia is attained via the use of loop antisense oligonucleotides,54 and green tea extracts,55 aimed at
diuretics, with caution against overdiuresis as this can lead to reducing TTR production are also under active investigation.
hypotension and azotemia in the setting of increased preload
dependence. Unlike in systolic heart failure, beta-blockers Cardiac Sarcoidosis
and ACE inhibitors are typically avoided, the former because Sarcoidosis is an idiopathic disease characterized by the pres-
cardiac output tends to be more dependent on heart rate in ence of noncaseating granulomas that can affect any organ in
the setting of a fixed stroke volume, and the latter because the body. The majority of affected persons are of age 25–45
neurohormonal blockade can result in profound hypotension years and the highest incidence occurs in northern Northern
in the setting of the underlying autonomic neuropathy.40,41 European, Japanese, and in African-Americans.56 Pulmonary
Calcium channel blockers and digitalis may selectively bind disease is most common and occurs in 90% of cases, whereas
amyloid fibrils and are thus relatively contraindicated given the prevalence of cardiac involvement is estimated to be

32 Clinical Medicine Insights: Cardiology 2015:9(S2)

Infiltrative cardiomyopathies

25–30% based on postmortem studies performed in US.57 patchy nature of myocardial involvement and its tendency to
Despite this, cardiac involvement is often clinically silent involve the less accessible LV.66 As such, a noncardiac biopsy
and is recognized in only 5% of cases of systemic sarcoidosis. consistent with sarcoidosis coupled with typical cardiac clini-
When present, however, cardiac sarcoidosis can be severe and cal features is regarded as diagnostically sufficient.65
lead to progressive heart failure or SCD. Therefore, meticulous Electrocardiography. Electrocardiographic findings are
screening using modern cardiac imaging techniques should be common in patients with cardiac sarcoidosis and, as such, an
done in the appropriate cohort of patients. ECG should be performed in every patient with systemic sar-
Pathogenesis. The major pathologic feature of sarcoi­ coidosis in whom the presence of typical conduction abnor-
dosis is granulomatous infiltration that disrupts normal organ malities (see Clinical Presentation section), while nonspecific,
function. The disease is characterized by three successive may signify cardiac disease.
stages: edema, granuloma formation, and fibrosis leading to Echocardiography. Suspected cases, particularly in those
scar formation.58 Sarcoid can involve any part of the heart, with ECG abnormalities, should undergo echocardiographic
including the pericardium, myocardium, and endocardium, assessment. Echocardiography is relatively insensitive in early
though most typically involves the LV free wall and the basal disease, as focal myocardial involvement may be too small to
aspect of the interventricular septum.59 In the initial stages of result in detectable abnormalities.67 As the degree of involve-
the disease when more tissue edema is present, the myocar- ment increases, however, typical findings include septal thin-
dium thickens and diastolic dysfunction predominates. In the ning (or thickening), LV dilatation with systolic dysfunction,
later stages of the disease where granulomatous inflammation and segmental wall motion abnormalities in a noncoronary
gives way to fibrosis, the ventricles dilate, global or segmental distribution. Other abnormalities include ventricular aneu-
hypokinesia ensues, and systolic dysfunction predominates. rysms, papillary muscle thickening, valvular abnormalities,
The patchy nature of myocardial involvement can result in and pericardial effusions.67
uneven wall motion abnormalities that do not conform to any Cardiac magnetic resonance and fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG)-
particular coronary distribution.57 Given the predilection for positron emission tomography (PET). CMR is currently the
involvement of the basal interventricular septum, conduction technique of choice in the evaluation of suspected cases of
system disease is particularly common and can manifest as cardiac sarcoidosis at many centers. Findings on CMR vary
bundle branch block or high-grade AV block. Scar formation with the stage of the disease: in the early inflammatory stage,
can also result in reentrant ventricular arrhythmias.60 abnormalities include myocardial thickening and increased
Clinical presentation. The clinical manifestations of T2 signal, whereas in the later fibrotic stage, classic findings
cardiac sarcoidosis correlate with the location, and the extent include focal areas of myocardial thinning with LGE.68,69 The
of granulomatous infiltration and initial presentations include presence of LGE on CMR appears to be of prognostic value,
asymptomatic electrocardiographic findings, heart failure, as LGE is associated with an increased risk of adverse events,
and SCD. Conduction abnormalities are common and can be including death.70 The inflammatory nature of sarcoidosis
an incidental finding or discovered in the workup of syncope. also renders positron emission tomography (PET) useful in
Complete heart block (CHB) is the most frequently encoun- its diagnosis, as 18F-FDG accumulates in inflammatory cells
tered abnormality in patients with clinically active cardiac in the heart of involved patients. Unlike in CMR, there is no
sarcoidosis and can occur in 25–30% of cases.61 First- and second- distinct pattern of FDG uptake that is pathognomonic for
degree AV block and bundle branch block are also common. cardiac sarcoidosis, though focal or focal on diffuse uptake is
Nonsustained or sustained ventricular tachycardia can occur suggestive of the disorder.69 At present, FDG-PET appears
in as many as 23% of cases and manifest as palpitations, syn- to be more sensitive but less specific than CMR,71 and its use
cope, or SCD. In fact, SCD because of ventricular tachyar- seems most appropriate in patients who have contraindica-
rhythmias or CHB may account for 25–65% of deaths and tions to CMR or where CMR is not available. Both tests can
may be the initial presentation in as many as 40% of patients be used to monitor response to therapy.
with previously undiagnosed cardiac sarcoidosis.62 Progressive Treatment. Glucocorticoids are the mainstay in medi-
left-sided heart failure, which can be either diastolic or systolic cal management of cardiac sarcoidosis and should be initiated
in etiology depending on the stage of the disease, is also fre- promptly after the diagnosis is made. Current strategies are
quently encountered and is a major cause of mortality in 25% based on small observational studies as there are no random-
of patients with cardiac sarcoid, second only to SCD.58,63 ized controlled trials confirming their efficacy.72,73 A typical
Diagnosis and evaluation. There are no current inter- regimen consists of high-dose prednisone for 8–12 weeks fol-
nationally accepted guidelines for the diagnosis of cardiac lowed by gradual tapering over the next year. Prior studies in
sarcoidosis, yet two have been proposed.64,65 Moreover, in which patients were stratified by the degree of LV dysfunction
patients with known systemic sarcoidosis, there is no estab- (on the basis of LV ejection fraction) indicate that greater bene­
lished screening protocol to assess the development of cardiac fit is seen when steroids are started early in the disease course
involvement. While endomyocardial biopsy remains the gold before LV systolic function declines.73,74 The ultimate length
standard for diagnosis, it has relatively low sensitivity given the of treatment is based on clinical response and can be guided

Clinical Medicine Insights: Cardiology 2015:9(S2) 33

Bejar et al

by monitoring the improvement in LGE on CMR.75 While significant cause of morbidity and mortality in thalassemia
steroids can be discontinued if disease becomes dormant, any patients, accounting for an estimated 71% of deaths.83 Yet
evidence of relapse should trigger the clinician to reinitiate sickle cell patients appear to be relatively protected from myo-
therapy at starting doses. In patients who are either steroid cardial iron deposition and cardiac dysfunction, perhaps as a
resistant or steroid intolerant, alternative immunosuppressive result of the intermittent nature of transfusions.84 IOC is the
agents have been used with reported success, including metho- term used to describe the cardiac dysfunction that results from
trexate, azathioprine, antimalarial agents, cyclophosphamide, the accumulation of iron in the heart whether from primary or
infliximab, and thalidomide.76 secondary hemochromatosis.85
The high incidence of SCD in cardiac sarcoidosis war- Pathogenesis. In IOC, deposition of excess iron begins
rants careful consideration of the use of pacemakers and in the epicardium and then progresses into the myocardium
ICDs, as these interventions are potentially acutely lifesaving. and endocardium.86 As the storage capacity of cardiac cells
The presence of CHB or high-grade AV block is an indica- is exceeded, excess iron becomes released intracellularly as
tion of permanent pacemaker implantation, even if the AV hemosiderin and free iron. This results in the formation of
block reverses transiently.60 ICD implantation at the time of reactive oxygen species, which in turn initiates the processes
pacemaker implantation for AV block is a relative indication of lipid peroxidation, membrane permeability alteration, and
according to expert consensus, even in the absence of sustained myocyte death.87 The association between HH and cardiac
ventricular tachycardia.60 Strict indications for ICD implan- abnormalities is well described. Early in the disease process,
tation include sustained ventricular arrhythmia and/or Left excess iron is preferentially deposited in the ventricles. This
ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) 35% despite optimal manifests as progressive diastolic dysfunction consistent with
medical management (including immunosuppression); rela- restrictive physiology.88 As the disease progresses and mal-
tive indications include unexplained syncope or presyncope adaptive remodeling occurs, the LV dilates and systolic dys-
and inducible ventricular arrhythmias during EP study with function develops.
LVEF 50% despite optimal medical therapy. Clinical presentation. Systemic involvement of multi-
Cardiac transplantation remains an option for young system iron deposition typically results in classic symptoms of
patients with end-stage, New York Heart Association (NYHA) skin hyperpigmentation, diabetes mellitus, and liver disease.
Class IV heart failure despite optimal medical therapy and for Clinically, the manifestations of cardiac iron deposition can be
those with intractable ventricular arrhythmias. While sarcoid varied. Biventricular failure may lead to classic symptoms of
can recur in the transplanted allograft, 1-year posttransplant heart failure, while involvement of the conduction system can
survival is equal to if not better in sarcoid patients as com- precipitate supraventricular arrhythmias or AV block. As in
pared to non-sarcoid patients,77 and the results of the long- other infiltrative cardiomyopathies, the extent of cardiac dys-
term studies are also promising.78 function, as well as the severity of symptoms, is determined
primarily by the quantity of myocardial iron deposition.89
Hemochromatosis and Iron Overload Diagnosis and evaluation. Electrocardiography. ECG is
Cardiomyopathy (IOC) often nondiagnostic in early disease, but may allow for the
Hemochromatosis is a syndrome characterized by the excess detection of conduction system abnormalities.90 Advanced
deposition of iron. Primary or hereditary hemochromatosis disease is associated with low-voltage QRS and repolarization
(HH) is an autosomal recessive disorder associated with a abnormalities, such as nonspecific ST- and T-wave changes.91
mutation of the HFE gene located on chromosome 6. An esti- Echocardiography. Echocardiography is one of the most
mated 10% of Caucasians in the United States are heterozy- widely used tools in the screening of patients with IOC. Early
gous for this trait, but it is the 0.3–1% that are homozygous findings typically include impaired diastolic LV function with
that comprise the population at risk for developing end-organ a restrictive filling pattern.86,92 Disease progression is char-
damage because of the disease.79,80 The exact mechanism acterized by either development of a dilated cardiomyopathy
by which HFE is involved in iron homeostasis is unknown, (with decreased LV ventricular ejection fraction) or continua-
although it appears to play a role in sensing the signals that tion of the restrictive phenotype. While it does not allow for
stimulate intestinal cells to increase iron absorption.81 Patients accurate quantification of myocardial iron content, echocar-
with HH are often asymptomatic through middle age, at diography is useful in screening at-risk patients and in moni-
which point, iron levels finally exceed the storage capacity of toring disease progression or response to treatment.85
cells and tissue damage occurs, primarily in the liver, joints, Cardiac magnetic resonance. The benefit of CMR is that it
thyroid, pancreas, and heart.82 Secondary hemochromatosis, allows for the qualitative assessment of myocardial iron load.
on the other hand, occurs secondary to iron overload because And as such is the preferred imaging technique for the assess-
of another condition, such as certain types of anemia, repeated ment of IOC. Iron exerts a nonhomogenous paramagnetic
blood transfusions, long-term hemodialysis, or chronic liver effect that shortens the MR relaxation parameter T2*; as tissue
disease. The degree of cardiac involvement varies depend- iron increases, T2* decreases.93–95 Myocardial T2* is inversely
ing on the specific etiology. For example, heart disease is a correlated with LV ejection fraction and directly associated

34 Clinical Medicine Insights: Cardiology 2015:9(S2)

Infiltrative cardiomyopathies

with the development of heart failure, arrhythmias, and the characteristically seen as a pattern of delayed enhancement
need for treatment.96 in the basal inferolateral LV wall.109 Enzyme replacement is
Tissue diagnosis. Because the hepatic uptake of iron occurs the mainstay of treatment and should be initiated before the
significantly faster than myocardial iron deposition, cardiac development of tissue injury and fibrosis.110
involvement typically develops later in the disease process.97 Danon disease. Danon disease is a rare X-linked disorder
Accordingly, liver biopsy frequently precedes and precludes characterized by a deficiency in lysosome-associated mem-
the necessity for endomyocardial biopsy in patients with sus- brane protein 2 (LAMP2).111 Disease typically manifests in
pected IOC. Myocardial biopsy may be indicated if patients the teenage years as skeletal myopathy, mental retardation,
primarily present with cardiac symptoms or if findings on liver and heart failure.111 Cardiomyopathy is nearly universal and
biopsy are equivocal.37,98 is the leading cause of mortality in patients with the disorder.
Treatment. Early diagnosis and treatment of iron Pathologic examination reveals massive cardiac hypertrophy
overload is critical in preventing or even reversing cardiac with myocyte disarray, enlargement, and vacuolization.112
dysfunction. For non-anemic patients with IOC, phle- A preexcitation pattern with short PR interval and
botomy is the first-line treatment. Phlebotomy mobilizes delta wave is commonly seen on ECG, which explains the
the excess iron stored in cells, decreasing myocardial iron predisposition to ventricular tachycardia with this disor-
content and improving LV function.99 For patients with der. Echocardiographic abnormalities include marked LV
IOC with anemia, malignancy, or hemodynamic instabil- hypertrophy, which can be accompanied by outflow tract
ity, iron chelation therapy is the treatment of choice.100 obstruction.112 Subendocardial LGE with septal sparing is
Chelating agents, including deferoxamine, deferasirox, the most typical pattern on CMR, though experience with
and deferiprone, bind to excess iron and facilitate iron this modality is limited in this dis­order.113 While cardiac
excretion in the bile or urine. Research shows that defer- transplantation has been performed,114 most patients die of
oxamine reduces the amount of iron in myocardial cells the disease early in life.
and can improve LV ejection fraction.101 Finally, cardiac Friedreich’s ataxia. Friedreich’s ataxia is an autosomal
transplantation is a potential treatment option for patients recessive neurodegenerative disorder with an estimated prev-
with severe congestive heart failure that’s resistant to con- alence of one in 50,000 in the Caucasian population.115 The
ventional medical management. One case series reported disease is caused by a mutation of the frataxin gene, located
a 10-year survival of 41% in patients with IOC who had on chromosome 9. Symptoms generally present by age 25 and
undergone cardiac transplantation.102 Combined heart–liver include ataxia in all four limbs, cardiomyopathy, and diabetes
transplantation may be offered to patients with both IOC mellitus.116 Almost all patients with Friedreich’s ataxia
and cirrhosis, though experience is limited.49,103 For all develop cardiac abnormalities, with phenotypes that include
patients, transplantation must be done in conjunction with both LV hypertrophy and LV outflow obstruction.116,117
aggressive phlebotomy or chelation therapy in order to pre- Microscopic examination reveals myocyte hypertrophy and
vent hemochromatosis of the transplanted heart.100 increased fibrosis.118 The primary clinical manifestations are
heart failure and arrhythmias that may lead to SCD. Elec-
Other Infiltrative Cardiomyopathies trocardiogram is generally abnormal and may feature T-wave
Fabry disease. Fabry disease is a lysosomal storage dis- inversion, left axis deviation, and repolarization abnormali-
ease caused by a deficiency of the enzyme alpha-galactosidase ties.116 About 65% of patients with Friedreich’s ataxia have
A, which leads to the accumulation of glycosphingolipid in increased interventricular septal thickness on echocardiog-
various tissues.104 Although it is an X-linked condition, female raphy, but as the disease progresses, cardiac wall thickness
carriers can also be affected.105 Commonly involved organs decreases and dilated cardiomyopathy can develop.119,120
include the kidneys, heart, peripheral nerves, and skin.105 Cardiac MRI is not routinely used in the assessment of Frie-
About 60% of patients with Fabry disease develop cardiac dreich’s ataxia but can help determine the extent of cardiac
manifestations as the disease progresses, including dyspnea, involvement.121 Treatment is largely supportive and limited to
angina, palpitations, or syncope.106 These complications result conventional heart failure medications, antiarrhythmics, and
from conduction disturbances, valvular abnormalities, or device implantation.121
restrictive cardiomyopathy because of glycosphingolipid infil-
tration into the myocardium.105,107 There is also a variant of Conclusion
the disease that affects cardiac tissue exclusively, typically pre- Despite varied genetic or acquired etiologies, the infiltration of
senting as unexplained LV hypertrophy in middle-aged adults. the heart by abnormal substances is the hallmark pathophysio­
One of the earliest signs of Fabry disease on electrocardio­ logic process of the infiltrative cardiomyopathies. Disease
graphy is a significantly shortened PR interval,108 which can occurs in a wide variety of age groups, and extra-cardiac
be followed by signs of LV hypertrophy. Echocardiography manifestations are common given the systemic nature of the
shows concentric LV hypertrophy with a preserved ejection underlying disease. Conduction abnormalities and diastolic
fraction. CMR can be used to identify myocardial fibrosis, heart failure with restrictive physiology predominate in the

Clinical Medicine Insights: Cardiology 2015:9(S2) 35

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