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Bengali music is one of the richest music forms in the world. The variety, colorfulness, vibrancy
and aura that it offers are impossible to be found in any other kind of music. The Baul are a
group of mystic minstrels of mixed elements of Sufism and neighboring Indian states of West
Bengal. Baul also the name given to folk music which is developed by the creative culture. The
Baul movement, at its peak in the nineteenth and early twentieth century’s, has now regained
popularity among the rural population of Bengal. It is developed by a group of mystics minstrels
from Bengal who consider music their blood. Their music and way of life have influenced a large
segment of Bengali culture. Lalan fakir, who is the oldest recorded writer of these songs,
developed the majority of the baul song. Their contribution to the musical field of Bengal
culture is immense and big hand, it’s immeasurable. The bauls of Bengal belong to a tradition,
which has been spread and influenced by the Hinduism, Buddhism, and Islam. Even though it is
different from all three. The majority of the Hindu bauls they are the resident in the state of
west Bengal laying the north part of India, and most of the Muslim balus live in Bangladesh.
Monks, ascetics, homeless, and the married man compose the society of bauls. Bauls go from
village to village, singing with theirs ektaras, which is a simple instrument and drums called
dubkis. The bauls earns most of the money of his living from his songs which he singing traveling
from door to door. Poetry, music, song and dance are all essential to baul. Baul sangit is a type
of folk song but in recent time this became rich in the Bengal culture seems. Baul sangit became
famous; represent particular types of Bengal tradition, and folk song, carrying the influence of
the religion Hindu bhakti, as well as according to Muslims that’s Sufi song. But types of different
that was so many in the infrastructure.

Origin and History.

Baul exactly appeared during the 15th century in Bengali texts as old. Baul are a part of the
rural cultural Bengal. Baul music it’s not just unique in Bengal. But it took a part, a special place
in the history of world music. The origin of baul, its etymological origin in the Sanskrit words
‘vatula'. It at 18th century noted as s major identifiable tradition. The baul word appeared as a
Bengali in 15th century. Before all, the baul themselves attribute their lack of historical records
in the historic tradition. But unit the end of the 19th century, when it was first spread out side
observes. The 1248 year, maladhara basu book ‘Sri Krishna Vijay', on it’s believe that bauls word
found in that book. It’s firstly appeared in Iran and middle Asia. After that spread in the eastern
countries. The promoter of baul sangit was awal chand and madhab bibi. It’s believed that, to
find god in heart its baul organized when they 23 sing baul song they found god in their hearts.
That they believed on their own religion. The intention of baul is that, a beautiful god live in our
heart, to see and to feel that organized. It is different from other songs. Because the far sadness
present in the heart, then song represent will be much humane. Anyway lalon sah the best baul
lyrist in the 19th century composed more than two thousand songs. The famous proponents of
baul were lalan sah, panju sah, siraj sah and dudhu sah was the leader of them. Their song

bhavgan, most famous in rural areas. Some of them called that’s song as word song, wash song
etc. From that’s song created, anger miserable, and induce anger.

From baul song we can understand, the intensity of love. It’s much like hand, gazal naat. Most
of fakirs they singing with instrument in the lalon sah akhra. This song is sung in a high tune,
with the different types of instrument, Ektara, Dugdugi, Khamak, Dholak, Sari da, Dotara. The
artists they singing with dance. If in any village and rural areas, outbreak the disease, then they
praying for healing through the baul song. The bowlers they are performed sometimes single or
sometimes with together. There is a main singer and others and holding the Dhus or poch Dora.
Its tune came by viahnava tune in the west Bengal. But in the Bangladesh theirs Sufi tune. Main
characteristics we can observe that, a painful tune mixed in that. Definitely, a baul song written
in the region. But though the baul musicians it’s affect in different region.

Baul song established though the baul emperor lalon Abdul karim to the general public. Once
more anti propaganda lalon sai created Nemours baul song, in his long musical life. Now, in the
present generation the baul song got popularity as symbol to them. Lalon songs were
uncountable in the pro polarity but unfortunately all songs can't collect lack of some evidences.
Also in baul song there are contributions of Rabindranath Tagore in the national songs of lalon
fakir. During that time Rabindranath Tagore published 20 songs of lalon in 4 parts in branch of
haramani. Therefore he introduced himself as Rabindra sangit baul. Though lalon baul appeared
in the subcontinent. Lalon has a big contribution or hand to lead the baul song became most
popular in the most special places.

Baul song gradually populated in the city, town and village l. All audiences impressed, and
enjoyed that song. The secret of this song is universality, deep humanity that’s the also reasons
of popularity. More people they are interested in the lalon sai songs. After some years, Hindi
obscene songs backward the baul for long times. But in 21th century, once again baul song
released, like hit song, it cannot be compared to any previous time. In 2005 among the world’s
oral and visual traditions, declared as one of the best song.

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