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ovulation uterus ready for implantation menstruation During the menstrual cycle the activities of the Ovaries and the uterus are synchronised. ‘“Qqy ww fr» LH released; Ovary Nd tant yellow body <> Relative concentration Follicle stimulating in the blood of hormone (FSH) hormones from the pituitary gland Progesterone Relative ~~ concentration in the blood of hormones from the ovary Lining shed : Oestrogen | Progesterone released by yellow —_| Lining breaks (menstruation) | released by | body; lining of uterus continues down if overay; lining of | to thicken pregnancy Lining of br uterus starts | does not uterus \ | to thicken | ‘Occur : | 4 | / days, Tdays, = days, Di days, «8 days 2, ; Time/days ; Changes in the ovary and uterus are coordinated by FSH and LH | | lI } » »l Ne eee The cycle starts with menstruation or the shedding of the uterus lining, which lasts for about 5 days (see figure 18.5). Alter a few days the uterus lining starts to build back up again — by day 14 of the cycle it has thickened considerably and has an increased blood supply. This is controlled by the hormone oestrogen and is called the follicular phase. The events are synchronised such that one ovum is now fully developed in a Graafian follicle in the ovary and ovulation, or release of an ovum, takes place (the ovulatory phase). The peak in oestrogen level causes ovulation. Alter ovulation, the Graafian follicle develops into the corpus luteum. The hormone progesterone is secreted by the corpus luteum and is responsible for maintaining the built-up uterus lining. This is the luteal phase of the cycle. If the ovum is not fertilised by a sperm, it passes through the uterus and vagina during menstruation. The corpus luteum degenerates and there is a decrease in level of the hormone progesterone, This causes the built-up uterus lining to start to disintegrate and peel away from the uterus wall. It also passes out of the vagina, together with blood, in menstruation or the monthly period. And so the cycle starts again. ble 18.1 Some methods of contraception, ther cflectiveness, advantages and disadvantages. _ vents implantation: B prevents sation. 1 these forms of contraceptive wet A oF raceptve pill IUD: sperrmecide, condom. Nn method; tubal bgabon, vasectomy. . Figure 18.10 The sites of action of different contraception methods. top end My»,,CF oviduct bottom end of Oviduct ovary uterus vagina rectum sperm duct ends cut and tied sperm duct testis vagina 5 Np; uterus applicator spermicide rectum e Spermicide Cc @ Cap fitted iaphragm or ca ¢ rectum ea ti a 4 Py “le ICE e dev rin b Intra-ute Mechanical | Condoms: male_| Forms barrier between penis and vagina and female and prevents transfer of spermatozoa urgical | Sterilisation RAL ENE 4 RRA es V Table 21.3 Methods of contraception and Different methods of contraception are described and their advantages ang their advantages and disadvantages disadvantages are listed in Table 21.3. Abstinence Refrain from sexual intercourse No spermatozoa in vagina, 100% safe, no transmission of STDs Coitus Male withdraws penis before ejaculation, interruptus preventing spermatozoa from being (withdrawal) deposited in vagina Only 80-90% effective, requires self-control and some semen is released before orgasm Rhythm method | Time of ovulation is predicted and Time of ovulation can vary, so not always reliable intercourse is avoided around this time (about 80%), sexual activity is restricted for some time each month Contraceptive A hormone pill is taken every day by the pills Must be taken every day, some side effects, woman to prevent ovulation especially in smokers, reliable, almost 100% effective Depo-Provera injection Woman gets four injections of progesterone-like substance each year to stop release of FSH and LH Tube of progestin inserted under skin, releases hormones directly into blood to prevent ovulation Spermatozooni- | Cream or foam inserted into vagina cides before intercourse to kill spermatozoa Must be given by a doctor or health professional, some women report side-effects and weight gain, almost 100% effective Skin implants Effective for up to five years, no known risks Needs an applicator, can be messy, not very effective used alone, only about 70% effective on its own Can be used by men and women, effective in stopping spread of most STDs, no side effects Women must be taught how to insert it correctly and it must be the correct fit, must remain in place for at least six }tcirs after intercourse, best used with a spermafozccrucide, if used correctly, around 90% effective Reliable, but must be fitted by a health professional, best used by women who have had a child, some women get an infection from IUD Usually permanent (irreversible), can be used by men and women, almost 100% effective Cervical cap or diaphragm Latex cap inserted in vagina to cover cervix Intra-uterine Fitted inside the uterus to prevent device (IUD) implantation Involves cutting and tying off sperm ducts in men and oviducts in women to prevent spermatozoa from reaching the ovum Disease AIDS Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome Gonorrhoea Genital herpes | Virus Causative agent Virus (HIV) Bacterium Bacterium Table 24.3 Symptoms Persistent cough, fever. Skin rashes, swollen lymph glands, diarrhoea, wasting away of body, weakness Secondary (opportunistic) infections — pneumonia, tuberculosis (TB), candidiasis (fungal), cancers. Yellowish discharge from urethra, pain when urinating. Often not noticed in females. If untreated causes inflammation of Fallopian tubes and sperm ducts leading to sterility. Arthritis, weakened heart, blindness. Primary symptoms: one or more painful ulcers (chancre), usually in genital region. Secondary symptoms: skin rash, sore throat. Tertiary symptoms: skin sore, scarred liver, blindness, insanity, paralysis, heart failure. which burst forming ulcers. These heal and can recur any time. Information on AIDS and other STDs. Blisters in genital region, Control Keep to one sexual partner Do not inject drugs Use condom during Sex Education about the disease A vaccine is being developed and tested Keep to one sexual partner Treatment by antibiotics, e.g. penicillin, streptomyan No known vaccine Keep to one sexual partner Only effective antibiotic is penicillin but this will not reverse the damage of later symptoms No known vaccine Avoid contact with blisters or ulcers of infected person No known cure A RR SS LS Ake AR AF ARS — A 1 * aK ee EO hF 7 Social and economic implications of STDs ° Cost of treating and caring for those afflicted by the virus is high especially in countries where a high percentage of the population is infected. ° Reduction in workforce — loss of valuable ‘working man hours’. ¢ The family of an infected person suffers emotionally and financially. e Millions of dollars are being spent worldwide in the search for a possible cure for HIV. e People with AIDS (including children) may be scorned and alienated from society. ¢ These diseases are easily spread in an activity which is a basic human drive — sexual intercourse. ¢ Millions of children worldwide suffer with AIDS, many are orphans. _ emects and Imphkcalions of Doth of these diseases th men and women. suena ep masa Foe a ST ae a ot ten abet re Syphilis : Gonorthoea wher Women Men Women SORES GODSST OR The Scratals | Sares appear on the genitals | Becomes painful to pass Many women “show no Weeks or even months aher | weeks or even months afer urine, yellow discharge from | symptoms at all, but there Seiiai EaeroouarSe sexual] unteroourse | the penis may be pain in passing urine and a yellow discharge from the vagina Swarptorms dhsappear | Semptoms disappear | Symptons disappear Symptoms disappear Sf ammircaied. leads tO | Same effects as in men, in _In the long-term, sperm ducts | Oviducts become blocked Rikdiness, heart frou addinon, babies can be hadlv | become blocked resulting resulting in sterility, Babies mame and evemiua he to affected in the uterus _ in stenlity, can also lead to affected in the uterus may be gearh : bladder problems born blind & Tadic 26.4 Some effects of syphilis and People who have contracted syphilis or gonorrhoea can be treated with poommes in men ord women antibiotic drugs like penicillin and streptomycin. These drugs cure the disease

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