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9B/02 Andy Law:

Malin Kundang

           Once upon a time, there was a boy named Malin Kundang. He lived in a small village near the
city. Even though his village isn’t far from the city, the villagers are still using traditional tools for
farming and also do traditional rituals. Every villagers at the village are religious and very proud
when they are doing those rituals. Malin loves the rituals, he feels very happy everytime the villagers
do the rituals.

          One day, Malin’s mother told malin to go to the forest not far from the village to hunt for meat
and gather some mushrooms that grows on the trees inside to froests which are going to bes used
for the upcoming ritual tomorrow. Then, Malin went inside the forest with his pet dog to help him to
do the task her mother has given him. He walked slowly with a bow in his hand to hunt some deers.
Ussually there are a lot of deers around the forest, but for some reason, there are no sight of deers
after walking for an hour. So, malin decided to look for the mushrooms first instead, hoping that he
will find a deer on the way. After 2 hours of scavenging, he finally got a basket full of mushrooms and
some fruit that he found, but still no sight of any deer or even any animal.

          After another hour of walking, he got very tired. Malin and his dog decided to take a nap
beside a tree to fill up their energy to continue hunting. Malin and his dog was a sleep, but suddenly
Malin’s dog woke up and started barking while  shivering in fear at the same time. Malin woke up
and immediately to check around yo find out whate made his dog got very scared. After he checked,
Malin got chills to his bones, because they Saw something terrifying. A big tiger is coming right at
them, ready to hunt them both down. They started running as fast as they can while screaming in
fear. The tiger chased them down until Malin found a river. Malin and his dog jumped into the river
and swam away, leaving the Big tiger that can’t swim alone.

          After all what happened, they realised that it is getting dark. Malin still need the meat for his
mom. Suddenly, he found a rat. He chased down the rat until they got to the rat’s nest. There are
hundreds of rats inside the nest. Malin decided to hunt for rats instead of the deer. He got a bunch
of rats to bring back home. But, he decided to cut rats first, so the meats looked like ordinary meat
so his mom doesn’t know that this is rat meat.

          He got home with the meats and the mushrooms and gave them his mother. His mother felt
suspicious and immediatly asked “Malin, why are these meats so small?”. Malin answered ,“because
I chopped them to small pieces to make me easier to bring back home, considering that i found
these meats far inside the forest and it will be hard to bring a whole deer that far. “ Her mother then
smell the meat and it smells very disgusting. She brought the meat to her neighbours and asked
them if those meats smell weird. Her neighbours agree that the meats smelled weird. One of her
neighbours realised that the meats smelled like rats, then they realised that those are actually rat
meats. Malin’s mother was furious. She immediately expelled her own son from the village, because
giving rat means for a ritual means a big disgrace for the whole tribe of the village.

          Malin went to the city near the village in hope to find a new life. After 2 days in the city, he
can’t even find any food or water. He slept beside the road with a very bad condition. A man named
Samuel saw Malin and felt really sad. The man offered Malin to live in his appartment. Malin
immediately took the kind offering and has started to live a new live with his new step father.

          14 years has passed. Malin now is a college student at Gajah Mada University. He lived happily
with his new father, he even almost forgot about the village he used to live in.

          One day, a villager saw Malin in the city while selling some corns from the village. He
immediately go back to the village and tell Malin’s mom about her son. Malin’s mom immedi

Ately go to the city to look for Malin. She go around the whole city and ask the citizens about her
son, but no one seemed to know her son.

          After a week searching for her son, she gave up and decided to go back to the village.
Suddenly, she saw a very familiar face. She saw a face that looked like Malin. She felt weird when
she approach him, but she immediately put aside that and hugged him right away. He immediately
pushed her and said “who are you? I don’t know you, why are acting like you know me?”. Those
words really hurt her heart. Her heart suddenly broke at that moment. Her sadness and furious are
mixed together. She immediately chant a spell to cursed Malin, her own son because her heart
broken. A thunder stroke, meaning the curse worked. But, nothing happened to the man she
intended to curse. With  both embarased and confused, Malin’s mother immediately said sorry to
the man, because she thought the the man was her son and she ran right away back to her village.

          At the same time, the real Malin was studying in his room. Suddenly, a lighting strucked him .
His step father ran into Malin’s room after hearing the loud noice. He was shocked after seeing Malin
suddenly became a rock. He was scared to death, knowing Maling will not come back. The news
spread out to the whole country, about a boy suddenly turned into a rock. After hearing the news,
Malin’s mother had realised the sini she has commited. An irreveraible sin that she has done to her
son. A big mistake that can’t be paid by her own life. She cried so hard and can’t stop crying. After 3
days of crying and can’t even sleep, she tried to commit suicide. The whole village immediately
stopped her, because commiting suicide will not solve any problem, but instead just making her sins
even larger. Then, she has never lived like before. With such a sin she has done, she has never slept
well since that time.

The end.
Moral of the story: If you are not sure, or even if you are sure you are right, you  have to find the
evidence that you are right, or else you will

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