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there i i ere ina trench, met a glorious death grasping the flag of Spain and whispering the name of his : ‘ beloved Laura. On the other hand, Laura says that her friend was eagerly waiting for news from her lover. When she got none, she left the house. She went to the beach, the beach where her beloved had risked his life. She wrote his name on the sand and sat down upon a rock to let Waves consume her. 2. Bring out the feelings of Laura and Gonzalo as they leave the park. Is it different from what they feel about each other in the beginning of the play? A: The play ‘A Sunny Morning” by Serafine and Joaquin Alvarez Quinter is about Don Gonzalo and Dona Laura estranged lovers, who accidently meet in a park. At the end of the play both Laura and Gonzalo promise to meet each other again at the park on the next sunny morning. They let each other know, through their actions, that they have recognizes each other. In the beginning of the play, however, their feelings for each other seem to be totally different from the way the play ends. Dona Laura enjoys her morning at the park, sitting on her usual bench and feeding the pigeons her breadcrumbs. As pleasant as she i she gets annoyed with Don Gonzalo who drives away the birds that were feeding on her breadcrumbs. Her annoyance is only multiplied when he tells her that he doesn’t care about the birds and that in a public park he is not obliged to take care of the bird! . Having overheard his previous conversation with Juanito, his servant, Laura points out that he cannot call the bench he usual sits on as ‘his’ bench as it is a public park. Therefore, his complaint about the three priests occupying that bench is baseless. To this Gonzalo rudely tell her that she shouldn’t be addr ssing a stranger. With this note the conversation between Laura and Gonzalo turns to bickering (arguing) for almost half the pl When they finally start speaking to each other in a civil manner, they realize that they know each other from their youth. In fact, they were lovers who got separated due to circumstances. After listening to each other’s fictitious version of their own death and reliving their memories of each other in their youth, a change seems to come over both of them in their attitude towards one another. Towards the end the audience is left with the impression that both Laura and Gonzalo would like to rekindle their love for each other in their old age and so they promise to meet again FORTHE He He Hee ee eee ee ee eee ee a eee eee ade sede dese seas ae eke ——— ‘A Sunny Morning’ by Serafine and Joaquin Pee ee oui ay have her usual seat Alvarez Quinter, we see that Dona Laura is very pleased to : “ in the park. She enjoys the sunny weather and watching the pigeons feeding on her breadcrumbs. Gonzalo’s entry comes with him grumbling about the three priests occupying his usual bench. He makes mean comments about them wasting time, not wanting to share a bench and the authorities needing put up more benches and so on, Laura hears him rambling on but does not comment until Gonzalo walks into the birds feeding on her breadcrumbs. When she cautions him he replies that he doesn’t care about the birds and when she cross questions him about what he referred to as ‘his bench’ he tells her that she must not address him as they are strangers. As he walks off in search of an empty bench, Dona Laura concludes that he is an ill-natured man. IIL 6 marks answers 1, Why do Dona Laura and Don Gonzalo spin fictitious stories about themselves? A: The play ‘A Sunny Morning’ by Serafine and Joaquin Alvarez Quinter is about Don Gonzalo and Dona Laura, estranged lovers, who accidently meet in a park. They create stories about themselves so that the other person does not recognize them. They do not want to disclose their identities since they have lost changed a lot as compared to their early youth. Another reason they conceal their identities is because both of them moved on from their broken relationship. They did not want to hurt the other person’s feelings initially and later when Gonzalo creates .a story about his death after heartbreak, Laura competes with him to make her death sound more glorious. Dona Laura identifies herself as the friend of the Silver Maiden while Don Gonzalo identifies himself as the cousin of Gonzalo. Don Gonzalo narrates the story about his cousin who loved ‘The Silver Maiden’. His cousin would pass on horseback every morning tossing up a bouquet of flowers to her balcony, Later in the afternoon he would return by the same path and catch the bouquet of flowers she would toss him. However, Laura’s parents wanted to get her married to a merchant. One night, there was a duel between the cousin and the merchant. When the merchant was badly wounded, Gonzalo fled Valencia. From there he went to Seville and then came to Madrid, Here on Don Gonzalo says that his cousin tried to contact Laura through letters which were intercepted by her parents. As there was no reply, he believed his love was lost to him forever. In despair, he joined the army, went to Africa and A SUNNY MORNE I. 4 marks answers 1. What were the circumstances that led Gonzalo to flee A: Inthe play ‘A Sunny Morning’ by the Serafine and Joaquin Laura Llorente, the Silver Maiden, and young, Gonzalo, the Valencia? Alvarez Quinter, allant horseman, were in love with each other. Every morning when he passed by on horseback. under her window, down the rose path, he would toss up a bouquet of flowers t0 gallant horseman Later in the afternoon the bouquet of flowers she would toss her balcony, which she would catch would return by the same path and catch the ‘ory was short-lived when Gonzalo was waiting wnted himself unexpectedly as Laura’s parents wanted her to under Laura’s him, However, their love st and marry a merchant. One night, window to hear her sing, the merchant prese insulted him. This led to a quarrel and duel ng the merchant badly. Now, a person highly regarded in that loca at the beach side where Gonzalc Gonzalo was afraid of lity. So he f ended up woundir consequences of a duel with Valencia and went to Seville and then to Madrid. 2. Did Laura and Gonzalo pine circumstances? How do they react to » by the Serafine and Joaquin Alva cognize each other as lovers in their each other now? ez Qui A: In the play ‘A Sunny Morning’ cters, Laura and Gonzalo, re ically due to a duel between Gonzalo and lity. As per their fictitious stories, both the main chara outh, They were separated trag ehly regarded merchant in their loc ach other to the extent of sacrificing their lives for y h Laura and Gonzalo pine for e2 Jowever, in reality, they move on in life. Laura gets the sake of their love married after two years of the incident and Gonzalo runs off to Paris with a ballet dancer in just three months. When they meet each other in the current day, they do not recognize each other in the beginning. They even quarrel because they are annoyed by each other. Finally, they manage to put aside their difference and begin talking in a civil manner. This is when they recognize each try to hide their identities, towards the end of the play, we other, Although they see that they are glad to have re- acquainted themselves. They even promise to see each other the next sunny morning 3. What makes Dona Laura assume that Don Gonzalo is an ill-natured man?

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