MELCs For Grade 4 - Grade 6 (Science)

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Week of Most Essential Learning Competencies Lesson Exemplar/ LR Link (if available Assessment
the Learning developer online) (provide a
Quarter/ resources link if online)
Grading available
4- 5 everyday life
Q4/ Week
Relate the importance of surroundings to people and other living things
Q4/ Week
Describe the changes in the weather over a period of time
Q4/ Week 5 Enumerate and practice safety and precautionary measures in dealing
with different types of weather
Q4/ Week 6 Describe the natural objects that are found in the sky during daytime
and nighttime

Grade Level: Grade 4

Subject: Science

Week of Most Essential Learning Competencies Lesson Exemplar/ LR Link (if available Assessment
the Learning developer online) (provide a
Quarter/ resources link if online)
Grading available
Q1/ Week 1 Classify materials based on the ability to absorb water, float, sink,
undergo decay;
Q1/ Week 2 Describe changes in solid materials when they are bent, pressed,
-3 hammered, or cut;
Q1/ Week 4 Describe changes in properties of materials when exposed to certain
-5 conditions such as temperature or when mixed with other materials
Q1/ Week Identify changes in materials whether useful or harmful to one’s
6- 7 environment.
Q2/ Week 1 Describe the main function of the major organs
Q2/ Week 1 Communicate that the major organs work together to make the body
function properly

Week of Most Essential Learning Competencies Lesson Exemplar/ LR Link (if available Assessment
the Learning developer online) (provide a
Quarter/ resources link if online)
Grading available
Q2/ Week 2 Infer that body structures help animals adapt and survive in their
particular habitat
Q2/ Week 3 Identify the specialized structures of terrestrial and aquatic plants
Q2/ Week 4 Compare the stages in the life cycle of organisms
Q2/ Week 5 Describe the effect of the environment on the life cycle of organisms
Q2/ Week 6 Describe some types of beneficial and harmful interactions among
living things
Q2/ Week 7 Describe the effects of interactions among organism in their

Q3/ Week
Explain the effects of force when applied to an object
Q3/ Week 3 Characterize magnetic force
Q3/ Week
Describe how light, sound and heat travel
Q3/ Week
Investigate properties and characteristics of light and sound
Q4/ Week 1 Compare and contrast the characteristics of different types of soil
Q4/ Week 2 Explain the use of water from different sources in the context of daily
Q4/ Week 3 Trace and describe the importance of the water cycle
Q4/ Week 4 Use weather instruments and describe the different weather
components in a weather chart
Q4/ Week 5 Identify safety precautions during different weather conditions
Q4/ Week 6 Describe the changes in the position and length of shadows in the
surroundings as the position of the Sun changes
Q4/ Week 6 Describe the effects of the Sun to human activities

Grade Level: Grade 5

Subject: Science

Week of Most Essential Learning Competencies Lesson Exemplar/ LR Link (if available Assessment
the Learning developer online) (provide a
Quarter/ resources link if online)
Grading available
Week 1- Use the properties of materials whether they are useful or harmful
Q1/ Investigate changes that happen in materials under the following
Week 3- conditions:
4 1 presence or lack of oxygen
2 application of heat
Design a product out of local, recyclable solid and/ or liquid materials in
Week 5-
making useful products.
Describe the parts of the reproductive system and their functions
Week 1
Explain the menstrual cycle
Week 2
Q2/ Describe the different modes of reproduction in animals such as
Week 3 butterflies, mosquitoes, frogs, cats and dogs
Describe the reproductive parts in plants and their functions
Week 4
Q2/ Describe the different modes of reproduction in flowering and non-
Week 5 flowering plants such as moss, fern, mongo and others
Q2/ Discuss the interactions among living things and non-living things in
Week 6 estuaries and intertidal zones
Explain the need to protect and conserve estuaries and intertidal zones
Week 7
Q3/ Describe the motion of an object by tracing and measuring its change in
Week 1 position (distance travelled) over a period of time

Week of Most Essential Learning Competencies Lesson Exemplar/ LR Link (if available Assessment
the Learning developer online) (provide a
Quarter/ resources link if online)
Grading available
Discuss why some materials are good conductors of heat and electricity
Week 2
Relate the ability of the material to block, absorb or transmit light to its use
Week 3
Infer the conditions necessary to make a bulb light up
Week 4
Q3/ Determine the effects of changing the number or type of components in a
Week 5 circuit
Q3/ Design an experiment to determine the factors that affect the strength of the
Week 6 electromagnet
Describe how rocks turn into soil
Week 1
Q4/ Investigate extent of soil erosion in the community and its effects on living
Week 2 things and the environment
Q4/ Characterize weather disturbances in the Philippines and describe their
Week 3 effects to daily life
Infer the pattern in the changes in the appearance of the Moon
Week 4
Identify star patterns that can be seen at particular times of the year
Week 5

Grade Level: Grade 6

Subject: Science

Week of Most Essential Learning Competencies Lesson Exemplar/ LR Link (if available Assessment
the Learning developer online) (provide a
Quarter/ resources link if online)
Grading available
Describe the appearance and uses of homogeneous and heterogenous
Week 1-
Describe techniques in separating mixtures such as decantation,
Week 4-
evaporation, filtering, sieving and using magnet
Week 1- Explain how the organs of each organ system work together
Explain how the different organ systems work together
Week 3
Determine the distinguishing characteristics of vertebrates and
Week 4-
Q2/ Discuss the interactions among living things and non-living things in
Week 6 tropical rainforests, coral reefs and mangrove swamps
Q2/ Explain the need to protect and conserve tropical rainforests, coral reefs
Week 7 and mangrove swamps
Week 1- Infer how friction and gravity affect movements of different objects
Week 3- Demonstrate how sound, heat, light and electricity can be transformed
Manipulate simple machines to describe their characteristics and uses
Week 6-

Week of Most Essential Learning Competencies Lesson Exemplar/ LR Link (if available Assessment
the Learning developer online) (provide a
Quarter/ resources link if online)
Grading available
Q4/ Describe the changes on the Earth’s surface as a result of earthquakes and
Week 1 volcanic eruptions
Q4/ Enumerate what to do before, during and after earthquake and volcanic
Week 2 eruptions
Describe the different seasons in the Philippines
Week 3
Differentiate between rotation and revolution and describe the effects of
Week 5-
the Earth’s motions
Week 7- Compare the planets of the solar system
Q4/ Construct a model of the solar system showing the relative sizes of the
Week 8 planets and their relative distances from the Sun

Grade Level: Grade 7

Subject: Science

Week of Most Essential Learning Competencies Lesson Exemplar/ LR Link (if available Assessment
the Learning developer online) (provide a
Quarter/ resources link if online)
Grading available
Describe the components of a scientific investigation
Week 1
Week 2- Recognize that substances are classified into elements and compounds

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