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ELA 6 Date: ______________

Name: _________________________ Mod: ________

Homework Menu

On the back of this page is a menu of choices to be used in conjunction with your reading book. Each night that Homework Menu work is assigned, you are to choose one item from the chart and complete it based on the book you are reading. YOU MAY NOT USE THE SAME NUMBER TWICE!

#1. You may complete ANY item on your wiki page including basic questions that need to be answered. If you chose to answer questions on the wiki, PLEASE date the response AND turn in the worksheet indicating that your response is on your wiki.

#2. You DO NOT HAVE to do the work directly on the wiki--especially if you have difficulty obtaining internet access. If you do not use the wikispace, simply complete your homework in pen or pencil on the Homework Menu worksheet.

Find and list at least six words or phrases from your book that you would like to add to your personal vocabulary. Write a definition for each word.

What were the surprises in the chapter? Tell about two or three instances where you could not have predicted what happened.

If you were the author, would change anything in the story? What would you change and why?

What do you think was the most important part of the story so far? What happened, and why was it important?

Collect 6 sesquipedalian words. List them, look them up, and then tell which one you like best and why.

1 6
1 1 1 6 2

Some books have more than one problem. Write about a problem that is mentioned in your book.

How important was the title? Would you change it? What title would you give it? Why?

2 1 7
1 2 1 7 2

Draw a picture of the most interesting part of your book. Caption the picture with 2 or 3 sentences explaining the scene youve pictured.

3 1 8
1 3 1 8 2

4 9
1 4 1 9 2

1 0 1 5 2 0 2

What was the main problem of the story? How was it solved?

Create 10 test questions about your book. Type the questions into http://classtools. net/educationgamesphp/quiz/. Embed the quiz
Create a traitr of the main character in the book. Below it include 6 character traits to describe his or her personality.

Write a prediction about the events that may take place next in your story. Use information in the text + background knowledge!!

Use http://www.toondo to create a three panel between cartoon of dialogue characters in your book. Place on wiki. Voicethread 4 symbols representing a section in the chapter you read. Embed it into your wiki. http://voicethread .com/

Create an imaginary Voki for the author telling WHY he wrote the book. Embed the voki into your wikisite.

Create a character map using it.php Include: Feelings, Description, Behavior, Personality traits Make a wordle or imagechef mosaic. Use the title, author, characters, setting and other important words about your book. Design a survey at poll daddy and embed the widget onto your wikispace. http://www.polldad

www.toondoo.c om/
Create flashcards on and provide a link to the set on your wiki.

Respond to the following question on your teachers blog: I am most like <characters name> in the book because..

At this point in the story, what three questions would you ask the author if he or she were here?

What was the setting of this section of your book? How did the author tell you about the setting?

How did the cover art prepare you for the story? Describe it. Was the illustration accurate?

If you were able to meet one of the characters, whom would you choose and what would you talk about?

Find a total of at least 6 examples of: personification, alliteration, metaphors, smiles, onomatopoeia, or idioms.

ELA 6 Date: ___________

Name: ____________________ Mod: ______

Homework Menu Assignment

Title of Book: Author:

_____________________________________ ______________________

Chapter(s) Read: ______________ Menu choice item #: _______ I put mine on the Wiki _______ (check)

Response: ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________

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