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Learning Outcomes:
Importance of Religious
Discuss the different Pluralism in knowing
meanings of spirituality one's Spiritual Self

Identify and appreciate Apply the concept of

the importance of the Legotheraphy
rituals and ceremonies
Importance of Religious
practiced by different
Pluralism in knowing one's
groups of the
Spiritual Self
-Deborah King
Have you ever feel wondered
why people pray?
Do you believe in god?
how about ghost and
do you believe in life after
a broad concept with room for many
perspectives. In general, it includes a
sense of connection to something
bigger than ourselves, and it typically
a search for meaning in life.

It is a universal human experience -

something that touches us all. People
may describe a spiritual experience
as sacred or transdcent or simply a
deep sense of aliveness.
It involves exploring certain
universal themes - love,
compassion, altruism, life after
death, wisdom and truth, with the
knowledge that some people
such as saints or enlightened
individuals have achieved
manifested higher levels of
development than the ordinary
The first evidence of an
infused physical and
supernatural reality came
from paleo archeologists who
excavated with grave goods
from burials aged 120 million
years ago (Petzinger, 2016)
Most anthropologists believe that organized religions
began when people start burial practices.
Development of Filipino Spirituality
Filipino spiritutality is about
loob and kapwa. In order for us
to Filipinos attain spirituality,
religion is a common vehicle
since it is in the religion that
cultural activities and traditions
are embedded .
-Philippines is the largest
Christian Nation in Asia
Development of Filipino Spirituality
In The SOUL BOOK: Introduction of
Philippine Pagan Religion ( Demetrio et
al., 1991), one of the exciting concepts of
the soul is Dungan. Cebuano term for
"together" it is an old concept of the soul,
according to Visayan Panay Island

-Dungan only exist when a person is

Development of Filipino Spirituality
When a person dies, the Dungan
that goes out of the body is now
called "kalag".

-Dungan also means "willpower" . You

can think of the similar to the Tagalog
term "lakas ng loob" (confidence or
courage of the spirit)
Dungan in graphics
Different Tribes in the Philippines
- people of the province of Antique believe the soul or
Dungan goes out of the body during sleep, and it appears
like small creatures- lizard, insects, or even birds (
Margos, 1986)
Tau-Buhid Mangyans
-Mindoro believe that the soul of their ancestors remain
after death and they got offended if outsiders tresspass
their lands (Rosales, 2019)
Different Tribes in the Philippines
- Davao region, Buyag and Usog are diety couples (
Nabarya, 2014)
The Tagalog word for soul, kaluluwa, came from the
word "duha" , which is mean two.
Leny Strobel criticizes calling prehistoric practices as
" primitive" or "supervisions" in her Babaylan :
Filipinos and the Call of the Indigenous ( 2010)
Viktor Frankl
He believed that we, humans, are
motivated by a concept referred to
as “will to meaning”, which implies a
stimulus to look for meaning in life.
Moreover, this impression suggests
that life is with meaning despite the
most difficult circumstances, and
the drive for living is rooted in
finding this meaning.
Viktor Frankl
He wrote his experiences in his life-
defining work, Man's Search for Meaning
(2006), a famous book wherein his
reflections and insights were products of
his thoughts when he was incarcerated in
Nazi concentration camps during WWII
This concept is guided by a psychoanalytic
method called Logotherapy. From the word
“Logos” means "meaning".
Logotherapy – the journey of finding meaning
-Focusses on a will to
-Considers man as a being
whose main concern consists
of fulfilling a meaning and in
actualizing values, rather than
in the mere gratification and
satisfaction of drives and
Logotherapy – the journey of finding meaning

Frankl cites a quote from a philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche,

“He who has a why to live for can bear almost any how” which
he says that man’s search for meaning to the primary
motivation in his life and not the secondary rationalization of
instinctual drives.
Logotherapy – the journey of finding meaning

Existentialism Vacuum- a loss of life

interests and a lack of initiative and
proactiveness, which can lead to
deep feelings of meaninglessness.
This can result a frustration in their
will to meaning which may lead to
depression, aggression or addiction.
Logotherapy – the journey of finding meaning

According to Frankl, “Logotheraphy regards its assignment as that

of assisting the patient to find the meaning in his life in as much as
logotheraphy makes him aware of the hidden logos of his
In logotherapy, we can discover this meaning in life
in three different ways:
.1. Work
-doing something significant
-creating a work or doing a deed
2. Love
-caring for another person
-encountering significant people in our
3. Courage
-during difficult times
-attitude or approach we take towards
the unavoidable suffering
Logotherapy – the journey of finding meaning
1. Life has meaning even in the most difficult
- Your life purpose consists of the central
motivating aims of your life—the reasons you get
up in the morning.
2. The main motivation for living is the will to find
meaning in life.
- the need to find a suitable meaning and
purpose for one’s life. Will to meaning is the
basis and fundamental motivation of
3. There is freedom in finding meaning in what
we do and what we experience.
Logotherapy – the journey of finding meaning

Frankl refers in this face of

suffering as tragic optimism, “life
puts before as a tragic triad
made up of:
1. Pain
2. Guilt
3. Death
Logotherapy – the journey of finding meaning

1. If successful, the result will be for one pain turning

suffering into human achievement and accomplishment.
2. Deriving from guilt the opportunity to change oneself for
the better
3. Deriving death from transitoriness and incentive to take
responsible action.
Logotherapy – the journey of finding meaning

Meaning is discovered.
Logotherapy – the journey of finding meaning

“I am convinced that in the final analysis,

there is no situation that does not contain
within it the seed of meaning”.
-Viktor Frankl
Refers to the belief in two or
more religious worldviews as
being equally valid or
The state of being where
individual in a religiously diverse
society has the rights, freedoms,
and safety to worship, or not,
according to their conscience.
Remember to
appreciate religions
the way they are
instead of judging
them based on your
own standards.

Carl Jung William James Abraham Maslow

His works that Calls religious Spiritual acts are
spiritual experience a the "peak
experiences are "sixth sense" of experiences" of
"essentially humans in his humans.
rooted in the The Varieties of
human psyche". Religious
Roberto Assagioli Andrew Newberg
Seeking spiritual Prayer improves the
nourishment is a human brain as shown
journey towards in many religious
"transpersonal people's scanned
self". brains - Buddhist
monks, Christian
nuns, Muslim Imams,
and Jewish Rabbis
and Yoga masters.
Spirituality, therefore, could be part of the inner wirings of
every human being.


Refers to how much you Refers more to the

aided by your beliefs. individual practice for
finding peace and purpose.
Be careful about
oversimplifying religious
pluralism. There are several
pitfalls if you cannot
comprehend this properly.
For example, you might
think, "Religion doesn't
matter because spirituality
is more important." Another
example, "Religion is all the
Paul Knitter

He emphasizes in his book No Other

Name (1985) we should not contain
the ideals of religions under one box.
Instead, we should honor those
Gregory Baum
He warns us against the extrinsic
views on religion, which sounds like
"what the Bible says" or "what the
Pope declares". Instead of asking,
"Do I belong to the true religion?"
ask, "How can my religion or spiritual
beliefs make me a better person?".
"I came to the conclusion long ago that all religions were true and that also that all
had some error in them, and while I hold by my own religion, I should hold other
religions as dear as Hinduism. So we can only pray, if we were Hindus, not that a
Christian should become a Hindu; but our innermost prayer should be that a Hindu
should become a better Hindu, a Muslim a better Muslim, and a Christian a better
- Mahatma Gandhi
In this lesson, you have read a very comprehensive discussion towards
understanding your Spiritual Self from the prehistoric roots of the Filipino
spirituality that lingers until today, finding meaning in a difficult moment, and
embracing the diversity of beliefs in a kaleidoscopic world. Hopefully, in this
lesson, you begin to discover your position in the Spiritual Spectrum and maintain
a loving attitude of respecting others' beliefs through tolerant well-done interfaith
dialogues. Lastly, pray and enjoy silent moments of talking to yourself.

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