Song Analysis Sheet

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Matthews Voice Studio – Song Analysis Sheet



Song/Aria Title:

Larger Work:

Composer (name and dates):

Librettist/Poet (name and dates):

Work the piece is based on:

Date and place in which the work is set:

Text: Please transcribe a word-for-word (not poetic or “singable”) translation for foreign
language songs. You may copy and paste a translation as long as you cite the translator.

Character: Describe your character.

What is their background?
What are their occupations and interests?
What is their station or status?
What would their appearance and clothing look like?
What would they wear if it was set in the present?
What would a day in their life be like?

Scenario: Describe the character’s circumstance immediately prior to this moment. What
triggers the start of this song or aria? Who are they singing to? For non-character songs, create
a plausible or effective circumstance that would lead you to the song.

Objective: Describe the character’s intention during the song. What are they trying to
accomplish? What do they want? What is the primary obstacle standing in their way?

Attitude: What is the character’s state of mind before, during, and after the song or aria? Is
there any shift in attitude during the piece? If so, where and why?

Conclusion: Describe the character’s circumstance after the song. Have they accomplished their
objective? What happens next?

Music: What do you hear in the music that illustrates or relates to the words of the text or to
your character’s attitude in the piece? Is there anything in the text that informs the way you
interpret the music?

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