Week 9

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C l a r e t S c h ool of Z a m b o a n ga C it y


Ruste Drive, San Jose Cawa-Cawa, Zamboanga City
Junior High School
S.Y. 2022 – 2023

Activity No: 9 (Second Trimester)

Activity Title: The Prophets Call to Salvation
Learning Target/s: At the end of the lesson the students CAN:
1. recognize the saving act of the Prophets;
2. name ways on how to follow the ways of the prophets; and
3. praise and worship God through the words, songs, and poetry of the prophets.
Reference/s: Bautista, R.V., Carpio, B.B., Ligaray, S.Ma., Virginia, M.& Pendon, R.G.,(2010). Enjoying
Our Journey of Faith-I (second edition). Quezon city, Philippines: Vibal Publishing
House. pages 143-151

Value/s: Courageous & Empowerment

Activating Prior Knowledge: Action song “Praise Him”
I. Essential Ideas
The prophets were able to surmount even the severest difficulty in their mission of leading God’s people back to
Him- they were so fired up by their love for God and for His people. The flame of God’s love that burns in our
hearts will be the force that will move us to be the prophets also-messengers of God’s love in our world today.
Sacred Scripture Church Teaching
Say to those whose hearts are frightened:
Be strong, fear not!
Here is your God, He comes with vindication. We often confuse “prophet” with a fortune teller who
With divine recompense He comes to save you. predicts what the future holds in store for us. But the Old
Isaiah 35:4 Testament is not like that. They were called by God to
And the Lord, their God, shall save them on that speak His word to the people, interpreting their situation
day, His people, like a flock.For they are the in the sight of God, and telling them what he would do
jewels in a crown raised aloft over His land with them. Most of all, the prophets called the people
Zechariah 9:16 back to the Covenant. For, despite God’s constant
I will save you from all your impurities; fidelity, Israel’s history is a series of infidelities. After the
I will order the grain to be abundant, and first stage of God’s saving act in liberating His people
I will not send famine against you. from their slavery in Egypt, a second stage concerns their
Ezekiel 36:29 deliverance proclaimed by the prophets, both before and
after the Exile, if only they would turn back to the Lord.
“…In the Lord, our God, alone is the salvation of
CFC 428
Jeremiah 3:23

II. Learning Experiences

A. Clarifying Understanding
Directions: Read and understand the essential ideas. Fill in the Graphic organizer with the needed
Message Characteristics

Name of
Realization the Actions to be taken
B. Lifelong Learning
Directions: Answer the questions below.

1. The flame of God’s love that burns in our hearts will be the force that will move us to be the
prophets also-messengers of God’s love in our world today. How will you respond to the call of
being a prophet in the following contexts?
 at home
 in your school
 in your parish

 in the community
2. Write a short prayer in the light of your reflection on the book of the prophet Isaiah 49:8-16.

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