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GOD' S WORD Winning Others with them onto the

"For God so love Zimbabwe,I took
a lamps The
the world that 1999, whenI worked in
to the light, and they comea
he roup of young people visitingo cac
gave his
one ana m Harare fishers use their nets to e the
only Son, that ook University in
soutn dif they also catch sh duringtm
o larg ne
pastrThe worker 1old us that they do, but not as
whoever belleves to the Kariba
rld. day. and said
in him shall not estnuman with their leader and much as during the night. He pountea
perish but have long people we
saw w e r e catcing
Pastor Song, had come to tel otne that some of the
eternal ife tish with hooks.
He iooked at us,
smied. ana
(John 3:16) e
is a large ishing community fish at any time of the day.
Pas- said. Though you can
near the dam, which is where we were going to fish, and Catch lots ot them. is at
the best time
some English. Most of the young
Song spoke night We thanked him and
walked away.
spoke any Engish, had said to the
peopie in the group hardiy
their enthusiasm for Song translated what the worker
but this did not dampen
rest or
inluencing others tor jesus, th E us witha group ot

We artived about 1000 p.m.As we approcnea

Soon tr pastor joined
big city down below. about
25 ids. toid us tat since wa
trom a hil,I sawa
safibathe the and we drove
the kids had volunteered to heip

Then road curved to right, to the peopie.

us distribute tracts and handbills
another hill to the guest house.I told Pastor ater on, after organizing ourselves, we dis
T had no idea there was such a big Caty
Song that tributed tracts door to door
and ofhce to office.

at the
Kariba dam
breakfast we walked out to see the city, was great to see young people
trom korea, who

could hardly speak English, and children trom

To our
surprise,a number of kids Kariba, who chose with their friends
not to play
canoes, anda o
emen mending hw
in the Kariba dam, work side by
side distributing
side distributing
playing he theres of the dam. Turningto acts
inviting people to come and learn
the house workers,asked aDout esus, 1hese young people
knew that God
est we
nium to
Son for us so that we could
where the city was that we had seen the nignt gave His
before. He smiled and told us that we had seen 1hey also realized that many people don t
He explained that the best time to fully this good news. And with such an
people fishing was just the right time to share
ch fish is at night, and lights are one of the ager
God's message
techniques the fishers use. They take bright

ACTIVITY listeners esus and close

in also helps some of your accept
When you preach to other people, it helps you grow Jesus.It set of letters from door to door until you
e doors many evil things. Below
on are four doors. Draw lines connecting a
and it has been connected for you.
have made the right word. There are three phrases.
One phrase is "Bad
i n d the other two

phrases. Here is a

clue: all the phrases

egin with the word
After vou DWO DTH RDS
bave con T

tnem, w
phtases on the

fourthd o o r .


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