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ITE184 – Social, Legal, and Professional Issues in Computing

Atty. Eddie Bouy B. Palad, MSIT

Jhon Lloyd Y. Daque 2019-9121

1. Define the following terms: (3 points each)


General Ethics- focuses on the idea of values and is a subfield in philosophy. It connects the fields.

about morality and philosophy. It is focused with answering contentious questions.

that of human morality It explains the ideas right and wrong.

Computer Ethics

Computer ethics- are a set of moral standards that govern the use of computers. Its a concept in

ethics that addresses the ethical issues and constraints that arise from the use of computers, and how
they can be mitigated or prevented.


Law- is a collection of guidelines that a community establishes to keep things in order and prevent harm
to people and property. It is not constant it evolves over time in response to the social and political
principles of the prevailing culture.

2. Briefly explain the following legal maxims: (Give examples) (5 points


“Ignorantia legis neminem excusat”- is a Latin maxim meaning “ignorance of the law does not

excuse” or “ignorance of the law excuses no one.Awareness of law is a general legal requirement, a

person who is unaware of a law cannot escape liability merely because of the unawareness of that


“Nullum crimen nulla poena sine lege” - is a Latin phrase that means “no penalty without law.” This

legal concept, which has long been a fundamental idea of written law, forbids the penalization of

actions that are not governed by a statute or law. Or in other terms it means that a person cannot or

should not face criminal punishment except for an act that was criminalized by law before he/she
performed the act.

“Dura lex sed lex”- is a legal maxim in Latin that can be translated as "The law is harsh, but it is the

law." This means that laws might be difficult to obey but everyone must comply.

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3. Define (in 2 to 3 sentences) the following ethical theories: (3 points


Divine command theory- is the position that an action is good or bad is based on whether or not

it is commanded by GOD.

Cultural relativism- is the view that moral or ethical systems, which vary from culture to culture, are all
equally valid and no one system is really “better” than any other.

Virtue Ethics- Is a character-based approach to morality that assumes we acquire virtue through

practice. By practicing being honest, brave, just, generous, and so on, a person develops an honorable

and moral character. Contractarianism- Is a general ethical theory that individuals make the right choices
under a

hypothetical social contract. Utilitarianism- Is an ethical theory that determines right from wrong by
focusing on outcomes. It

is a form of consequentialism. Utilitarianism holds that the most ethical choice is the one that will

produce the greatest good for the greatest number. Deontological ethics- Is the normative ethical theory
that the morality of an action should be

based on whether that action itself is right or wrong under a series of rules, rather than based on the

consequences of the action. Kantianism- Kantian ethics are deontological, revolving entirely around duty
rather than emotions

or end goals. All actions are performed in accordance with some underlying maxim or principle, which

are vastly different from each other; it is according to this that the moral worth of any action is judged

Consequentialism- Is an ethical theory that judges whether or not something is right by what its

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consequences are.
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4. Applying ethical theories

A programmer, after returning from a holiday to an underdeveloped country, was deeply affected

by the level of poverty. When he returned to his job in a large international corporation, it occurred to

him that he could write a program that filtered off small amounts of money from the advertising

account and pay it in to a private account. His idea was to collect enough money to provide IT

equipment and training to the people in the town he had visited on holiday. However, he is not sure

about his decision. (3 points each)

What solution does a Kantian approach offer?

In Kantian approach even if the motive of the programmer is good it can justify its means. Because
obviously stealing is a crime. Stealing is not a factor that contributes to any Individual and is

considered as taboo where not everyone is practicing the action this means that this action isn't

fulfilling the duty's of a good individual then we can say that the programmers action is immoral. What
solution does a Consequentialist approach offer?

Well since Consequentialism judges something base of its consequence. I could say that

the programmer is doing something good. Because if he skims money from the company this would

greatly help the community that he wanted to support. Since his action will surely have a good impact

and will benefit a lot of individuals who are less fortunate. Then we can safely say that this action can

be deemed as moral. Are their conclusions the same?

No, Since Kantian approach is based on universal moral laws. Thing that contribute to

everyone. While Consequentialism justifies bad actions or means if the end result of the consequence

favors or benefit Individuals. Kantian approach doesnt tolerate the rationale of Consequentialism

since the means of an action is as important as its ends. What do you think he should do?

If I where in the programmers shoes, I would raise awareness and inform my higher ups to

ask for support and blessing for an outreach program in behalf of the company to show the world. How
my company is committed in solving problems around the world. Win-Win situation where my

company can increase its reputation and publicity while the poor people can get the support that they

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