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I believe that strategic planning is the support of each of the things we do in life. For example I am
reviewing the results of audits in my work and when I see that something does not add up is in
that moment that I create a strategic plan to avoid repeating those mistakes, usually are trainings
to auditors explaining how an audit should be done, but for this I need the plan, organization and
direction. From planning our week, which is essential for me since I know what time I have to do
such and such a thing, how much time I will dedicate to it, in order to have quality time and to
have my time correctly distributed. Strategic planning is involved from the moment an idea is born
until it is implemented and in the feedback. Planning helps us to build the mission and vision, the
objective of our goals and of a company. I have read about ADKAR which stands for; awareness,
desire, knowledge, knowledge, application and reinforcement, I think planning can be built with
change management to create a solid pillar.

Having clear concepts of mission, vision, objective and purpose contributes to the organization and
direction of the company.

We must also be clear about the environment where the planning will be applied since it is the
place where the planning will be developed.

Another essential point is culture and I believe that it is one of the most complex steps to achieve,
since we are human beings who grew up in different environments, so each one brings different
habits and ideas, and it is complicated to unlearn, however, with proper strategic planning and
applying change management, the expected objectives are achieved.

I currently work and daily go to meetings that last no more than 30 minutes but in which we
mainly talk about production planning and without which we cannot start production, because
planning includes coverage, critical, important and urgent, and I have noticed that the planning
department is the one that takes the longest time to make its plans known.

I am also in a Total Productive Maintenance project in which the first thing that was done was the
strategic planning and every time I see that Master Plan it gives me a headache because it is very
extensive because it covers each of the areas of the organization, and every week we have a
meeting to review it and see how it has been progressing. The first thing that was done in this
project was to make the collaborators aware of where we are, then the desire to change was
created, the knowledge was given through trainings that are still being given, and then it was taken
to the application in the machines, creating routines to generate habits in the operator, the
knowledge is constantly reinforced to avoid going backwards and each of these steps involves
strategic planning.

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