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r/IGCSE Resources

Formula Sheet for Cambridge IGCSE™

Physics (0625/0972)

by Zhan Xuan Chong

1st edition, for examination until 2025

Version 1
Note from the author
*This formula list consists of all the necessary formula that you must remember for
the IGCSE Physics exam. Slowly remember these every day. (CBA = Can be also)
I hope you guys can remember all the formula for IGCSE Physics, and good luck in
your exams!


Chapter 1: Motion, forces, and energy

Formula What it means Unit (can vary)

v = velocity
v=d÷t s = speed
m/s (can vary)
t = time
D=sxt D = distance s = speed Distance-Speed Time

Average speed = total Average speed

distance ÷ total time N/A
a=v÷t a = acceleration
a = (v-u) ÷ t v = starting/initial velocity
v = u + at t = initial time
g=W÷m g = gravitational field strength
Gravitational F. Strgth
W = weight
*2023: Free Fall = 9.8 m/s^2 m = mass
N/m (Newton)
p = density
p=m÷V m = mass
V = volume
s = displacement
s = ut + ½ at^2
u = initial velocity Displacement
s = ½ t(v+u)
a = acceleration m
v^2 = u^2 + 2as
t = time
F = force
F = kx Hooke’s Law
k = spring constant
CBA: ( k = F ÷ x) Nm
x = extension
m = moments
m = fd Moments & Principle
f1d1 = f2d2 f = force
d = perpendicular distance
p = momentum
p = mv m = mass
kg m/s
v = velocity
Impulse = f x t f = force Impulse
Equal to (mv-mu) t = time Ns
F = resultant force
Resultant Force
F=p÷t p = momentum
t = time

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F = force
Newton Second Law
F = ma m = mass
a = acceleration
K.E = ½ mv^2 m = mass Kinetic Energy
K.E = GPE = Efficiency x Input v = velocity J (joules)
m = mass Gravitational P. Energy
GPE = mgh
g = gravity (10) h = height J
W = work done
Work Done
W=Fxd F = force
d = distance
(useful energy output ÷ total Efficiency (1)
energy input) x 100% %
(useful power output ÷ total Efficiency (2)
power input) x 100% %
P = power
P=W÷t W = work done Power (In Energy)
P=E÷t E = energy transferred Watts (W)
t = time
p = pressure
p=F÷A F = force
N/m^2 or Pa (Pascals)
A = area
p = pressure
p = density Pressure in Liquids
p = pgh
g = gravity N/m^2 or Pa
h = height
m (1) or (2) = mass obj. Elastic Collision (COM)
m1u1 +m2u2 = m1v1 +m2v2
v (1) or (2) = initial velocity kg m/s
m (1) or (2) = mass obj. Inelastic Collision (COM)
m1v1i + m2v2i = (m1 + m2) VF
v (1) or (2)/VF = Final vlcy kg m/s

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Chapter 2: Thermal Physics

Formula What it means Unit (can vary)

T = temperature Temperature (Kelvin)

T (in K) = θ (in °C) + 273
Θ = theta K
pV = constant p = pressure of gas Boyle Law
p1v1 = p2v2 v = volume of gas N/A
c=E÷mθ c = specific heat capacity
E = mc θ (Thermal Energy) E = change in thermal eg. Specific Heat Capacity
(Can be referred as Q in terms m = mass (kg) J/kg°C
of heat energy) θ = change in temperature

Chapter 3: Waves

Formula What it means Unit (can vary)

v = Wave speed
Wave Speed
v=fλ f = frequency
λ = Wavelength (lambda)
T = wave period Wave Period (Frequency)
f = frequency s
i = angle of incidence r = Law of Reflection
angle of reflection ° (degree)

Chapter 4: Electricity and Magnetism

Formula What it means Unit (can vary)

I = current (A)
I=Q÷t Q = coulombs (charge)
A (Amperes)
t = time (seconds)
E = electromotive force
Electromotive Force
E=W÷Q W = work done
V (volts)
Q = coulombs (charge)
V = potential difference
Potential Difference
V=W÷Q W = work done
V (volts)
Q = coulombs (charge)
R = resistance
R=V÷I V = voltage
Ω (ohms)
I = current
P = power
P=IxV I = current
W (watts)
V = voltage

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E = energy Energy in Power
E = IVt
I = current J (joules)
Also can be in E = P x t V= Voltage
t = time (Energy is related to Power)
Series Circuit I = current Current, Resistance and
I (total) = I(1) = I(2) = I(3)
V = voltage Voltage in a Series Circuit
V (total) = V(1) + V(2) + V(3)
R (total) = R(1) + R(2) + R(3) R = resistance (A, V or Ω)
Parallel Circuit I = current Current, Resistance and
I (total) = I(1) + I(2) + I(3)
V = voltage Voltage in a Parallel Circuit
V (total) = V(1) = V(2) = V(3)
1/R(total) = 1/R(1) + 1/R(2) …. R = resistance (A, V or Ω)
R = resistance Two Resistors in P.Divider
R1 ÷ R2 = V1 ÷ V2
V = voltage N/A
V = coil
N = no. of coil Step Up-Step Down
V(p) ÷ V(s) = N(p) ÷ N(s)
Where (p and s) means Transformer
Primary & Secondary.
IpVp = IsVs
I = current For a 100% Efficient
(P = Primary)
(S = Secondary)
V = voltage Transformer
P = power Electric Power
P = I ^2 x R
I = current R = resistance W (watts)

Chapter 5: Nuclear Physics (No Formulas are present)

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Chapter 6: Space Physics

Formula What it means Unit (can vary)

V = velocity
Orbital Speed (Average)
V = 2πr ÷ T r = radius
T = orbital period
H(0) = Hubble constant Hubble Constant
H(0) = v ÷ d v = recessional velocity s^-1
d = distance to galaxy Estimate: 2.2 × 10^-18
d = distance
Age of the Universe
d ÷ v = 1 ÷ H(0) v = velocity
H(0) = Hubble constant

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Acknowledgements and Information:

© UCLES 2018 as the publisher of the Cambridge IGCSE™ Physics (0625/0972) syllabus
© r/IGCSE Resources 2023, authored by Zhan Xuan Chong
The information on this booklet was generously prepared by alumni who have taken the subject, and
the author(s) have been acknowledged where possible. The website links which may be in this
document should not be understood to be an endorsement of that website or the site/folder’s owners
(or their products/services).
This booklet is meant to be for educational purposes only, and is to remain free of cost for the benefit
of all students.
The moderators of r/IGCSE will be pleased to make amendments at the earliest possible opportunity if
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0
International License.

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