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Dear Editor,

Please excuse me for taking some of your time.

Since we submitted our manuscript (COAM-D-21-00434) to your journal, more than 1 months
have passed. However, the situation of our manuscript is still in “Editor Assigned”.

Since Dr. Fengzeng Zhu will graduate this year. Whether this paper publication or not means a lot
to him. He wonder whether he can receive the reviewer’s comments as soon as possible. If so, he
can do some further work regarding the paper before graduation. Based on these reasons, we have
to withdraw our manucript at present although we really desire for possible publication in your

We are really sorry for our decision but we think it is imperative.

We are really thank you for what you have done for us and apologized for the inconvenience we
brought to you.

Kind regards,

Prof. Li Peng

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