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Extemporaneous Speech:
 The word extemporaneous means
“without planning” and is considered a
synonym for the word impromptu.
 An extemporaneous speech is actually a
well-prepared speech that relies on
research, clear organization, and
practiced delivery. It is neither read nor
memorized, so it is never delivered
exactly the same way.
How to make an
Extemporaneous Speech
Identify your topic and start brainstorming on topic details. If possible, choose a topic with
which you are familiar. If you have thirty minutes, spend the first ten minutes brainstorming
to think of everything you can about the subject in that time. For example, if you want to
persuade your audience to recycle, write down as many reasons as you can think of to
recycle. Jot down quick notes like "reduce pollution", "setting example for future generations",
"conserve resources", "conserve land", and "create new jobs". Write everything that comes to
mind; you may later decide to delete some ideas.

Outline your speech. Start with the title, then list a few sentences for the introduction. For
example, write "This morning I had a soda, and I almost threw away the can. But then I
thought I should recycle". Then write what you will be talking about, specifically "Everyone
should recycle and today I'm going to tell you why". Use a highlighter to stress your main
point, "everyone should recycle".
Create the body of your speech. Limit yourself to the most important points you want
to make and be sure they all relate directly to your subject as you do not have time to go
off topic. Choose a few notes from your initial list and further clarify them. For example,
write a paragraph about conserving land, another about reducing pollution and a third
about creating new jobs.

Expand your main points. Take your three or four main topics and list a few examples,
quotes or statistics for each section. Provide three pieces of supportive information for each
of the three sections that are legitimate and backed by source. For example, "recycling
reduces air pollution because the production of glass releases harmful gasses into the

Write your conclusion. Use only about two or thee minutes of your preparation time to
do this; conclusions don't need to be long. Restate your main arguments. End with an
anecdote, quote or call to action. For example, "I encourage you all to go home tonight
and gather up your old bottles to take to the recycling center tomorrow".
How to deliver an
Extemporaneous Speech
 Deliver it with confidence and clarity.
 You must maintain your composure to
avoid getting antsy or nervous in front of
the audience.
 Practice more until you get the hang of it.
Advantages and Disadvantages of
Extemporaneous Speech
 Extemporaneous delivery gives the  Because extemporaneous speeches
speech freshness, for it doesn’t sound are not read or memorized, the
canned and over-rehearsed. extemporaneous speaker needs to
 This flexible form of delivery allows a stay in the moment and be able to
speaker to make adjustments to “think on their feet” the process
their speech in response to non- which can be stressful, but can also
verbal signals from the audience— allow for a high level of spontaneity,
signs of confusion, displeasure, leading to a natural, conversational
curiosity, or excitement. style.
 It promotes the likelihood that the  It requires a great deal of
speaker will be perceived as preparation for both the verbal and
knowledgeable and credible. In the nonverbal components of the
addition, the audience is likely to speech. Adequate preparation
pay better attention to the message cannot be achieved the day before
because it is engaging both verbally you’re scheduled to speak.
and nonverbally.

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