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Alamat : Jl.Sunan Ampel No. 7 Nronggo Kediri 64127

Tahun Ajaran : 2022/2023 Matkul: Bahasa Inggris

Semester :1
Dosen pengampu : Titik Setiasih,M.Pd Sifat : Opened Book

A. Write a, b, c, or d for the correct answer

1. He didn’t . . . . . the answer for that 6. Tompy : Where ....... you go last holiday,
question Rani?
a. Knew Rani : I ……. to Bandung with my
b. Knows mother.
c. Know a. are ; go       
d. Knowing b. do ; went     
c. did ; went        
2. I . . . . . my Job Training last month. d. did ; go
a. Finish
b. Had finish 7. We didn’t . . . . . with his idea.
c. Finishing a. To agree
d. Finished b. Agreeing
c. Agreed
3. I . . . . . a very interesting short story d. Agree
a. To read 8.Lina : Did the boys study after class?
b. Reads    Rury : No.
c. Read   Lina : What did they do?
d. Reading    Rury : They…..footsall.
a. Play
4. Nanda . . . . . pass the test of University b. Played
Enrolment last year. c. Plays
a. Didn’t d. playing
b. Does
c. Doesn’t 9. Pio : Where did you go this morning?
d. Don’t     Jessy : …………………………….
      a.  I do not go anywhere. I stay at home.
5. . . . . . they do their homework last night?       b. I will not go anywhere. I’ll stay at
a. Do home.
b. Are       c. I did not go anywhere. I stayed at
c. Did home.
d. Were d. I’m not going anywhere. I’m staying
at home.
a. Spent
10. Ethes : Where ....... you go yesterday? b. Spending
Mirah : I went to the beach with my c. Spend
friends. d. Spends
a. did
b. do 16. Our English teacher . . . . . sick last
c. does week.
d. was a. Is
b. Were
11. Did he . . . . . English last night? c. Was
a. Studies d. Are
b. Studied
c. Study 17. Miss Yunet . . . me to her party two days
d. Studying ago
a. Invited
12. They . . . . . a soccer player before the b. Invites
accident happened. c. Inviting
a. Am d. Invite
b. Are
c. Was 18. Avri : Did father ..... the beggar?
d. Were Bram : Yes, he also ..... him money.
a. Helped ; gave
13. Lyodra : What did you buy last night on b. Help ; gave
a big c. Heps ; gives
sale? d. Helping ; giving
       Joey : ……………….
a. I buy a hoody.      19. . . . . . you sleep early last night?
b. I will buy a hoody.    a. Do
c. I bought a hoody.      b. Did
d. I am buying a hoody. c. Does
d. Don’t
14. Mr. Noto . . . . . the Headmaster of our
school in 2010. 20. Ten years ago, a holiday trip to Australia
a. Is . . . . . cheap.
b. Was a. Was not
c. Were b. Did not
d. Are c. Were not
d. Is not
15. She didn’t . . . . . her holiday anywhere

B. Complete the following sentences with the correct form of verbs in bracket!

1. I _____ Sue in town yesterday, but she

_____ me. (see, not see)

2. Aunty : “Was Carol at the party last

Momy : “Yes, she _____ a really nice dress.” (wear)

3. George _____ off the ladder while he was painting the ceiling. (fall)

4. The house _____£ 150,000 in 2003. (cost)

5. Their brother _______ ill last week. (be)

C. Reading

Do Teachers Vs Students at Primary Islamic Studies Learn Second Language Differently?

Some teachers of Islamic studies are doubtful on their ability in mastering second language, particularly
English as the support for their academic professionalism and career in globalization. They mostly speculate
that age is the biggest obstacle to become fluent in English communication, Moreover, they are less confident
to produce English words in the classroom due to their perception that young learners can learn second
language faster than them as experienced by the adult learners. They think that their students are better than
them in foreign language production. However, this is just a social myth that needs tracing its truth or reality.
Although every child seems to be sponges that can learn quickly, adult can be better learner too in
second language learning. There is an argument that every person has the different phase of Critical Period
Hypothesis (CPH), a fixed period of time in which everybody can really learn a language and learn it well.
Nonetheless, David Singleton, a professor of linguistics at Trinity College Dublin on his paper entitled The
Critical Period Hypothesis: Some Problems published by Interlinguistica Journal in 2007 criticizes those
who side the CHP and reviews the relevant literature on the biology of the brain only to conclude that there is
nothing solid with the science of a critical period. This argument is also based on perception that children
learn new things about language by using the same part of their brain for motor control. On the other hand,
adult make use of the part of their brain in charge of higher cognitive function that develops later.
Additionally, adult can learn second language faster than children. Though children may overtake the
older age group in which they are exposed to the foreign language enough, adult and adolescents can
outperform very young children in the short term. However, they can read and comprehend anything dealing
with complex thought. The critical period in no way is experienced by adults, children need more practices to
explain and analyze something more comprehensive. It must need a strategic way to teach second language
learners to be critical. Candace Harper and Easter de Jong in their article Misconceptions about Teaching
English-Language Learners published at International Reading Association in 2004 state that a lecture or
assigned reading with activities that highlight key language can be helpful in supporting learners. Such
activities may include discussions aimed at eliciting and linking students’ related background, knowledge,
hands-on experiences that invite key questions, and the highlighting of key vocabulary.
For further reason that that children are not always second language superstar is that they tend to speak
in simple sentences and mostly select very basic vocabulary only. It, of course, sounds perfect for a child that
does not yet have a need for complex language. Different from this condition, adult can selectively choose
which dictions are appropriate with a certain situation and condition to which they are communicating and to
what purpose they say they interest to others. Candace Harper and Ester de Jong in their article
Misconceptions about teaching English-Language Learners published at International Reading Association
in 2004 declare that teachers need to understand that older learners have more advanced cognitive skills (e.g.,
memory and analytic reasoning) and can therefore draw upon a more sophisticated linguistic and conceptual
base than young children. Thus, teachers of Islamic Studies can build their belief in English learning success.
These are just a sight of the most obvious reasons to not pay attention to age. With so many great
possibilities available through learning a foreign language, why should teachers of Islamic Studies let a social
myth about age and language learning hold them back?

Comprehension Exercise

Complete the sentences below. Choose NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS from the passage for each

1. Teachers of Islamic studies get unsure in their English skill that can encourage their ……………… and
profession in rapidly changing era.
2. Adults consider that ……………. is the main issue to be prompt and talkative in English.
3. Children are better than adults in foreign language production is a ………
4. The hypothesis of …………………… argues that everybody can really learn a language and learn it well
in a fixed period of time.
5. Adults employ the part of their brain in charge of higher ………. That then they evolve.
6. Explaining and analyzing ………………. content makes children need more practices.
7. Most of kids do not produce complex …………….. and mostly select very basic vocabulary only.
8. Discussion are aimed at eliciting and connecting students’ related background, knowledge, hands-on
experiences that …………. key questions, and the highlighting of key vocabulary.
9. Contrary to children, adults can use which appropriate …………….. for a certain context.
10. Teachers need to realize that older learners have more advanced cognitive skills in ………...


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